Reading for Others

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Reading for Others

Post by renjer » Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:27 am

What (in your opinion) are the most important considerations when reading tarot for other people? I wanna actually start reading for others who are not physically present at my location. How do you manage to "connect" to those whom you are not familiar with and who are not present?

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:47 am

In my opinion shall you use the following thumb rule.

A reading is seen as a path, which in the end the seeker can fulfill.

We must therefore be very careful to predict thing that might cause harm to the seeker, which was not intended in the reading itself.

What spring to mind is to predict health problems, Unfaithfulness from partner and so on.

The last one plant a small seed in the brain of the seeker, and even if one can laugh it away and say not him/her...the brain have it stored...and bring it forward when it think it is right...and "might" destroy a relationship.

Always have in mind that our thoughts is very different....we know when we write what our meaning is....but when the seeker read ...he/she read it out from their own thoughts, and try to fit it into their lives.

So the more specific you are in your prediction, the harder it will be to give a good reading (even if you should have right in your prediction), the more "general" you are, but in a way that the seeker can find he/she belong, the more awe you get from them.

The more you can get a reading to flow like a story, the just give "clue words" is many times more confusing for the seeker, and they might feel rip off :)

Good luck, I am sure you will do fine :)

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Post by StormGirl Blue » Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:10 am

I actually find it easier to connect remotely than face to face. perhaps Im distracted face to face.

To start I take myself down a few notches, relax and focus of them. that my clients have come to be I take it as permission, other readers I know ask their clients to relax, direct the bathing of white light over them and tell their guardians that they are asking for communication through them. For me it was a conscious choice for the client to choose me and I dont start reading until the clients says they are ready, I take that as permission.

Il then draw one card to see if it relates to the client. I work with angel, or spirit guidance so I ask that they show me the client, the card I draw should then relate very much to that client. If not I dont continue reading.. If it doesnt relate IMO I have not got a clear connection and from experience its not going to happen so I explain to them that I am faulty. I need to be careful then so that the client understands that their guardians are with them, Im just not getting it. My greatest fear is that my poor client would be feeling alone because I missed the connection.

Its important not to ask questions apart from what helps you get the connection between the client. asking to many questions takes them "wow" moments away, and I like them.. Also keep in mind that message may not make sense to you, its the client that it has to make sense to.. whats going on is none of my business.
If the reading is truly sounding messy Ill stop and ask if there is any sense to what they have so far.. There are times we get side tracked, be honest with the client when that happens.

having the client tell you what they want to focus a reading on is also important unless you have all day, and typical they have a question they want answered. fail to answer that question and get a bad review.

be honest with the client up front. explain to them your service and what you can and cant do. I dont usually predict eg.. I am diligent in explaining this to a new client..( some still dont get it, and will push for predictions ).. sometimes I get predictions sometimes I dont. I tell clients "I can be wrong" often when I am trying to find a prediction for them.
%100 right is a tall order, if you claim that be that.

One of the worst things you can do to a client is give them false hope, the next worst thing you can do is leave them with no hope at all.

Very typical scenario:
Client comes after a breakup with their boyfriend, wants to know if they'll get back together.
me: Im sorry I cannot answer that question, ( explain my way of working again, because they dont read profiles) I can offer you a reading to help you deal with this difficult time.. or something or rather..I dont have a copy and paste line :))
*click*.. but if they stay.. yea..
If I do feel the reading is offering a clue that the chances of a reunion are not likely, I will tell them this is what it is feeling like to be BUT.. the end of a relationship is the closing of one door so that you will walk through the new open door.. There is a positive to a relationship ending and I take the time explaining new beginnings and the importance to moving on.

I will not leave a reading on a negative.. not ever ever. I dont care if I have to use an hour of unpaid time Its my mission to empower them. If I cant do that I failed by accepting a client that was beyond my ability. this is my responsibility to my client.

 You should never read on health issue, and never read for someone that is suicidal or clinical depressed, gauge a clients state of mind.. if it is unstable, you should not read for them.
Have a handy list of professional help lines they should call.. in particular suicide prevention.

I say this for your protection as much as the clients. An unstable or suicidal client is like an energy vampire, You'll end up an emotional wreck.

I hope this has helped some..
Im sure tarot readers will come along and be more specific to your preference and style.

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Post by cedars » Fri Jun 25, 2010 5:53 pm

I think Renjer has already been put off in doing readings for others.

There is connection and there is connection in my opinoin. In this forum before I do tarot readings, I first try and connect with the seeker remotely with their energies - some call that psychic energy - call it what you like. I get images in my mind - albeit symbolic at times. Sometimes I dont get anything, but that does not stop me from shuffling the cards and putting them in a spread. Sometimes the cards dont make sense in connection to the question asked. I ask again for clarification and do another shuffle and pick the cards. Or, sometimes I go for a different spread.

If Renjer has not got any psychic abilities..... yet, I might add, then the tarot cards dont usually tell a lie, unless we ask the questoin wrongly.  I think, for starters and in order to encourage Renjer to do remote readings, it is first best for her to start interpreting the cards with regard to the question asked. Then, gradually, she can explore the 'connection' aspect in a reading. Some people are born to read and interpret the cards fantasatically; some do it both psychically and along with the cards; some use the cards as a guideline and connect with their guides or whoever..

I dont think Renjer is going to charge for her readings and she can do them in this very forum with simple spreads..... start by picking three cards, or even one card. Do a past, present and future spreads....
No matter how often we say there is no predicting element to the tarot, I beg to differ. Once we do spreads which contain a Future card, or an Outcome card.... that invariably becomes a predictive element. If it is a negative card or - for want of a better word - bad prediction, then you can always pick one or three advice cards and there will always be a positive message for the seeker.

I agree with both Rhutobello and Stromgirl about the ethical aspect of giving a reading... health, pregnancy and so on... and so forth.

My penny's worth...

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Post by renjer » Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:03 am

Hi all

Actually I'm a male. Sorry for disappointing :smt003
cedars wrote:
If Renjer has not got any psychic abilities..... yet, I might add, then the tarot cards dont usually tell a lie, unless we ask the questoin wrongly.  I think, for starters and in order to encourage Renjer to do remote readings, it is first best for her to start interpreting the cards with regard to the question asked.

Yes, though only very rarely can I manage to interpret them confidently. See my thread on "My First Distance Reading", that was a challenging Celtic Cross spread but the message came through. Probably it might be because I was already advising my friend to do something about this in the first place.
cedars wrote: I dont think Renjer is going to charge for her readings and she can do them in this very forum with simple spreads..... start by picking three cards, or even one card. Do a past, present and future spreads....
I started with the Runes and the past, present, future spread as well, however, over time, I realised that not all questions need this kind of an answer. With tarot, I stopped using any spread positions; relying instead on card interaction. I don't know if I'm doing this right, but whenever reversed cards appear I am a bit "lost". Yet to me, if I don't use reversed cards then the reading doesn't feel complete...
StormGirl Blue wrote: I will not leave a reading on a negative.. not ever ever. I dont care if I have to use an hour of unpaid time Its my mission to empower them. If I cant do that I failed by accepting a client that was beyond my ability. this is my responsibility to my client.
I agree, ethics is an important thing. This also brings to mind memories of a friend who went to see a tarot reader some years ago. The reader predicted that she was going to get pregnant, and she ran away, afraid and scared. Of course, we knew that the reader was wrong because my friend is still a student in university.

Yet if we foresee bad consequences, shouldn't we inform the client in the first place so that they can avoid making bad decisions?
Rhutobello wrote: The more you can get a reading to flow like a story, the just give "clue words" is many times more confusing for the seeker, and they might feel rip off
Haha most of the time I struggle to find the correct words to use. I can manage to find (oft times contradictory) meanings on websites and books but cannot manage to connect the cards together coherently.

So, who wants me to try reading for them? Oh, and when starting a reading for a new person, do you need to collect birth dates, pictures, etc?

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Post by StormGirl Blue » Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:32 am

Cedars brings up a very good discussion topic, reading with or without psychic energy support. I do believe amazing readings can be delivered by someone who is completed focused on the cards and their relation.
Psychic energy can sometimes be confused with imagined intuitions that can result in a reading being delivered with a little poetic Whereas someone that reads the cards strictly is less likely to mangle the truth of in the cards.
 Whichever style is the readers it is essential to read with love in your heart, genuine compassion and basic human empathy ( not necessarily enhanced empathy, just the stuff everyone is born with )IMO

You mention that you stopped relying on spread positions. I know of many tarot readers that have developed their own spreads so to speak to confirm with time restraints and their own style of reading. Probably a tricky thing when you have a client that thinks they are masters themselves and question your ability if you deviate from the style they looked up on the

re informing when you see negative... Another thing that would be best answered in a full discussion. .. There are ways to present something negative without it being  a punch in the belly. Health for eg.. You could suggest that they should get a general check up, there may be an issue that will improve with a little attention even though they may not be feeling it just yet.. no point in letting something becoming a problem if you get it looked at now... You would probably be pressed for more information here.. but dont, just be firm that this is not something you will speculate on, a check up cant do any harm.
Death is another tricky one.. if you feel someone may experience something like this around them, dont go into it. You may prepare your client in small measures. But even the smallest measures are alarming.  You could mention that all is not ours to understand, that life is cycles and seasons and remind them that their faith and trust  is important at all times.
 Dont predict death..X 100 dont predict death, I cant say that enough, but if you strongly feel something prepare your client in subtle ways, live well and pay attention to loved ones.

Other taboo subject like divorce and job loss.. comes back to always ending on a positive.. difficult times shall pass, all things pass, changes are difficult, you can give them strength to get through it, without having to say exactly what it is.
This is what I mean by  "read with love in your heart, genuine compassion and basic human empathy" . You might mention that there may be some disappointed in an area expected or not, but sometimes lifes most positive changes come from the storm.
When I read Rhutobellos reply on leaning towards vague I was given real food for thought. My first instinct was to disagree with it to a point, but I know it is advice I will take on board also.. especially in that a lot of we get is symbolism, and its hard to know if something we get is a photo image or a representation that we relate to.
Many thanks Rhutobello for that.

What you use to connect is personal to you. I like the name of the person by what their friends call them if their name is Madiline and their friends or family call them Maddy, thats what I need. Birth dates mean nothing to me, I cant relate at all, though a general age helps, I usually pick up what 10 year cycle they are in but a given age Im able to connect with.. This also helps to let potential underage clients go, and also not saying things that should not be said to someone on the threshold. lol, also keeps me in check from calling my respected elders "hun".. ( never say dear... eek..I really shouldn't use hun either. ) these words are fine from someone older than me but I feel funny if a 20 year old started calling me them.
I like photos myself, but if you are reading though psychic energy they can be distracting unless your quite strong. You really dont want to accidental employ cold reading in place of real intuition.
What you use to connect is a very personal choice.
I light a candle and an incense stick and light meditate or reflect my heart is asking my guides to show me the seeker..

( I love that term Cedars!.. may I use this myself ?.. it is perfect.. the word sitter used to be popular but I hate that, and client sounds so cold. )

ahh Im all written out for now.. But I have enjoyed replying to your post.

If you would like to read for me you are welcome.
Im not sure if you want a point of focus or not, Im happy with accepting whatever message is there for me.. If needing a point of focus you may look at my career apathy, I need a kick in the pants there.. or my family financial matters.

Tammy.. may 3rd 1968

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Post by cedars » Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:00 am

No, No, No... there is no need for birth dates or pictures or star signs..... unless you feel compelled to have this info for some reason or another. You need a name; whether it is the person's real name or pseudo name or a profile ID. You need to identfiy that person with a name and request insight/assistance for that name. The gender would help too, but not imperative.

Correction: you would need the seeker's age if you are choosing a Significator. I dont use Significators.

If you feel 'lost' with reversed cards, then DONT do reversed cards; the message will still come through with upright cards. I dont encourage reversed cards, i.e. during my card shuffling I shuffle them all upright unlike some who make a mess of the whole deck on the floor or on a table in order to 'create' reversed cards. I dont. And yet, sometimes I do get reversed cards and on those occasions I accept them and do interprest them as reversed. There are readers who go as far as turning the reversed card upright whilst doing the reading.

Moreover, I see you are trying your hand at complex spreads such as the Celtric Cross. Unless you feel OK with it, then I suggest you go for simpler spreads. I do not like the Celtic Cross spread, but sometimes for a comprehensive reading, I find it does the job, although there are many other comprehensive spreads too.

Good luck to you.

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Post by cedars » Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:24 am


Your inputs are valid and they do make sense. In fact, it looks like we work in similar lines.

I find every reading to be a challenge; every seeker (or client) is a challenge and there is always that extra desire by the seeker to get to know more..... Will this or that happen? Their questions are always predictive and they ALL want to know the future despite what we call the tarot to be a guidance tool. It is human nature and we should be ready to accept it.

Once I was asked to do readings at a girls' party and the bride-to-be started asking questions beyond the realms of the cards that were laid out in front of us. She virtually ignored what was said throught he cards and asked me will that happen or will this happen? How about this and how about that? She started throwing different questions in the air at random as if I was some prophet and had the answers for everything. All I could do was try and connect with her energies psychically and check the images coming through (big risk) and warned her that nothing may come through or something may come through, but it may not be the answer of what she is looking for. Then I had to tell her that the cards showed whatever question(s) she had asked while shuffling them and to ask further questoins outside the realsm of what the cards had revealed, would take another fresh reading. She understood that bit and was pleased with the reading.

I agree with you StromGirl, birth dates dont mean much to me at all. Pictures are static and for me they may reveal personality traits rather than aid in a full reading.

I feel I am more eloquent and can deliver a lot more if I am doing the reading remotely in writing or via email. But all seekers like to be present in person which I do understand.
After the reading, I also like to bring them in to the cards and go through with them if they have a question and start looking at them in view of the question asked which I do not like to know in advance.

Anyhow, this has been quite enlightening and thank you for your inputs StormGirl .
Oh,yes, of course you can use the term 'seeker'; I have no copyright on the word :)


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Post by cedars » Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:32 am

By the way, StormGirl, welcome to the forum and your inputs are very much appreciated.

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Post by renjer » Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:13 am

StormGirl Blue wrote: Im not sure if you want a point of focus or not, Im happy with accepting whatever message is there for me.. If needing a point of focus you may look at my career apathy, I need a kick in the pants there.. or my family financial matters.

Tammy.. may 3rd 1968
Let me try this one...

Question: What should StormGirl do about her disillusionment with her career?

Using no spread positions and the Legacy deck I got:

10 of Swords reversed
5 of Wands reversed
The Empress

I was thinking of some internal struggles when I see the 5 of Wands or a competition of some sort. Perhaps your business is threatened by a competitor. You are perhaps, at your wits end to deal with this competitor. However good times will come soon enough, and the influence of this competitor would be reduced, though not completely vanquished.

Ok, here are some of my thoughts about this reading, I am also using Elemental Dignities here. According to Major Arcana rules, the Empress is Earth. So, since Air (10 of Swords) and Earth (Empress) are enemies, the card that stands out in this reading is the 5 of Wands. Or perhaps it could be a lack of passion for what you are doing now as well due to the problems you are facing (due to the lack of the Water element in this reading).

Do tell me how I went.

And for anyone else who has a 2nd/3rd etc opinion, feel free to chime in.

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Post by StormGirl Blue » Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:29 am

:) Hi Renjer,

Thankyou for reading this. My heart went out to you with the cards drawn, It would have been a tricky one .  The first two cards do indicate a challenging time. The appearance of the Empress at the end was a very good thing.

Work/career wise Ive been in a fog ( I read a little, write a little and design a little, yeap too little of many things and not enough of one ), a project that is in the very very early days is putting together a deck of intuition or reflection cards.
Ive toyed with the idea forever but am terribly lazy still foggy and easily side tracked. When I started getting serious about it the fog did start to, and I'm like.. ahh so this is what I was supposed to be doing.  I then found someone that was producing some amazing fractal designs based on number sequences. Im not sure if they are developing these into a set, but it looks like it. Here comes that fog again. The work this person is creating is stunning, no way could I compete with that. The number sequences they are basing the fractals on make for beautiful readings also.
My pieces are abstract color kind of things. Better suited to meditation, psychic intuition training.
Basically I was scared off getting too involved with this project knowing that there is better. Maybe my idea is bigger than my ability..I'm not typically so insecure but am pretty much a realist in that way. And wonder of I should pull back, get back to actively reading or promoting my design niche market again.

With the year long fog my heads in I pretty much let everything go and have not been productive at all.

But the showing of the Empress here is a good thing, she very much resembles  with me.. Im very earthy, barefoot and dirt on my blue jeans earthy. She could be here saying whatever i do nurture it and possibly see an improvement come spring.

I believe she is the advice on how to get out of the fog and just get something going on. I have to give nourishment to something if I expect a result from anything.

Quite a positive card to go out on given there is a progression.

I believe your reading is quite right , conflict, apathy. lol..

I welcome more opinions too..  Might need to take it into a reading board.. Im not sure how that works on these boards, Im very new here.

Ill tell you also that I know its not easy reading in front of others, especially metaphysical folk. The first time I was ever asked to read for a peer I was so scared Id mess it up. But I said to myself that if I cant read for her I had no right reading for others.

I congratulate you for standing up :)

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Post by renjer » Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:52 am

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad it helped.

Would still welcome more opinions as well...

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Post by StormGirl Blue » Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:11 pm

:) Hey Cedars,
Thankyou so much you are very kind. When I fist popped into the boards here I read a few of your readings, lol, I had to, there was page after page of :read request from cedars please".. I thought wow this lady must be good they love here. When I read your readings it was easy to understand why. This compliment coming from you is very much a tickle on my ego :)

When I started reading I plastered my ads with "no predictions" thinking I probably wont get anyone wanting a reading that doesn't tell them whats going to happen. I love getting predictions share with my I even look for someone that states that they are predictive readers when I do. I was surprised that people would actually tell me that they chose me because Im not predicting. I do let more reading opportunities pass than I take, some need letting go because I know all they want is a prediction, others I have to let go because they really need a licensed counselor. I do predict when its given in a reading but I dont promise a prediction before the reading. My readings are more support and direction or preparation.
Someone once told me that the right clients gravitate to a reader compatible with what they need.

Ahh I feel for you with the excited bride. That would be tough to start with with so much excited energy going on around you. I find I can get quick answers to questions like that by fondling the cards in a chat and turning one up at the time it is to answer. it doesn't give a detailed answer to the question but might give a clue to confirm your intuitions.

Email readings are much easier. I get some of my clearest information when I'm making myself a coffee or doing something else. I use different decks, ie start with angel oracle, a Goddess card, sometimes not always finish up with a quick 3 card tarot at the end, so Ill set up make a coffee, walk around, start with one or another, either take another break or go on. At he end Ill come back and see how everything is working together. Sometimes something will look different when I step back, or Ill end up with a piece at the end that was supposed to go at the beginning.

I dont know if I could read so well in a party set up, I loose concentration so easily. The only thing with email readings is not knowing if Ive lost the connection and have started babbling on until after the reading. at least live I can regather there and then.

 :) ..
anyways.. I better get some stuff done..
Its been great meeting you.

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Post by StormGirl Blue » Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:36 pm

We are actually in the wrong room for readings..
This is the forum page we should be on
That would be an excellent place for you to refine your skills..

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:00 pm

it is perfect.. the word sitter used to be popular but I hate that, and client sounds so cold.
A sitter is the term for a person that is receiving a mediumship reading, not a psychic or tarot reading, which is more often calle a querent ( one who asks the question). Seeker is the newer, broader term that covers all kinds of readings, crystal ball and oracle, ie a seeker of information or knowledge :)


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