3 Majors in a potential friendship reading?

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3 Majors in a potential friendship reading?

Post by FallenSpecies » Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:23 pm

I drew 3 cards to see what if any connection would be between someone and i if I were to email them.They were all majors, and I'm just wondering what that means?

The Hermit,The World, Justice

I don't know if it is proper for me to give my interpretation, or wait until others to chime in first. So i'll wait, as i don't want my own interpretations to influence anyone elses.

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:12 pm

If your quest is to learn, then I would recommend you to post your opinion about the layout.

This way you have to think, and by that have a much greater benefit, then just read some others opinion, which you might only confirm was one of your own thoughts, some place inside your head....and you don't learn in the same way :)

There is no directly wrong answer....there is no directly right answer....because this is just something someone else have put out...and then only the more General meanings of it will come into play.

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Post by FallenSpecies » Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:00 am

With the Hermit and the world both in there, I think this would potentially be a work related connection more so than an emotional one.

As the hermit i see more of a grounded connection in regards to a specific thing, versus a more universal connection.

With this being a long distance type connection, we have to be fair in regards to our expectations of the other.

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Post by Payewacker » Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:22 am

Hi FallaenSpecies.

Interesting, I will compile some thoughts, host it on Google and paste the link in this thread.

I take it you removed all the Majors from the deck and then used only the Major Arcanum?

Were they upright or reversed?

Do you normally use upright and reversed or do you only read upright?

How would you explain each card's association, with regard the "house of each card" in the reading?--eg: Past, Present, Future? or just:

Blessed be.

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Post by FallenSpecies » Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:05 pm

I used all the cards, read upright.didn't take them out, just happened to wind up like that.

I only read upright.

How would you explain each card's association, with regard the "house of each card" in the reading?--eg: Past, Present, Future? or just:

Does this mean the meaning of the cards position in the spread?  If I am asking a specific sort of question like this, I usually just shuffle and pull top 3 out to get the full picture in regards to its meaning. I don't really use "position meanings" unless I am going for something generalized.

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Post by FallenSpecies » Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:21 pm

Going back, after a couple of days away from it I have some more to add.Though with opposite cards like The World/Hermit I'm not entirely sure how that works in regards to the definition.

This looks like a friendship dealing specifically with one thing; (ie: The chess buddy you only play and talk chess with) Or it may even be more of a career oriented type thing as oppsoed to a friendship.As this looks to be more of a connection with the world around us, as opposed to each other.

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Post by cedars » Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:29 pm

You have mentioned this career-oriented 'thing' twice now. Are you guys colleagues or have common career interest?

Hermit is gathering self knowledge and seeing the light within you.
World is attainment/accomplishment. Reaching full circle in your journey.

Now please tell me how do these relate to the career thing you mentioned.

I feel you need to go within and see what this connection with this guy is really about?

Then you say ‘’if you were to email him/her’’. Why such a specific question? Email? How do you see the Hermit and the World answering that question? I have difficulty understanding your question and here you are with three major arcana cards for your answer. Are you sure that is the question you have asked or are there other questions within you which you may have thought about but not asked?

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Post by tabi » Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:56 pm

The Hermit could also be representing you, since the astrology assignment to it is Virgo. Justice could be your friend since it is assigned Libra (Mid-Sept to Mid-Oct). When posting to get comments on your readings it is best to put in the question itself, background if need be, cards and spread if used. (Occasionally adding the deck does help with interpretations)

My thoughts just generally is this:

The Hermit shows a sign of separation between the two of you nothing that is caused or even negative it is simply that you need a break from each other and that if you do take that break you will begin to see things differently.

The World suggests that by the fact that you're able to go your own paths growing both as people but within yourselves. You will meet a lot of people in life but occasionally if you get too attracted to certain ones they can't stop your own personal growth from happening which could be what this is implying.

Justice, this is finding balance and justice in sorts. Is it you that pulled away a little or the other person? Did they give clues to why they did? People simply grow out of each other and to be fair to them you may need to let them go so they can continue their growth...even if it is without you which is rather hard.

Hope it helps, tabi :)

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Post by FallenSpecies » Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:31 pm

cedars wrote:You have mentioned this career-oriented 'thing' twice now. Are you guys colleagues or have common career interest?

Hermit is gathering self knowledge and seeing the light within you.
World is attainment/accomplishment. Reaching full circle in your journey.

Now please tell me how do these relate to the career thing you mentioned.

I feel you need to go within and see what this connection with this guy is really about?

Then you say ‘’if you were to email him/her’’. Why such a specific question? Email? How do you see the Hermit and the World answering that question? I have difficulty understanding your question and here you are with three major arcana cards for your answer. Are you sure that is the question you have asked or are there other questions within you which you may have thought about but not asked?
We have a similar passion which for one is a career, and for the other (me) could potentially be a career.

The Hermit could represent them being the insider, potentially helping me try and decide if said career is something I would have an interest in.If so The world would represent me reaching that happiness in finding a career I am passionate about.

The reading wasn't explicitly about career.I just thought, as a friend (unless it's representing me) the Hermit represented someone who is scholarly, and guidance in regards to whatever the shared passion was.Which led me to the presumption, that it could potentially be career based.

The question wasn't specific like you seem to think it is. i was just doing a general penpal friendship reading to see if the potential for any sort of connection was there.

I don't know where this negative attack and belittlement is coming from. I don't claim to be a tarot expert, and haven't touched my cards in months.So I was just sharing what my interpretation of the cards were.Congrats on belittling someone new to the form, time to go mark it off the bucketlist.

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Post by cedars » Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:49 pm

No one is belittling you and no one ever said that this was a place for 'experts'. Your question was so vague that some of us were trying to put you on the right path in asking the right question in order to get a workable answer.
Your question sounded almost like....'in passing' as a matter of fact sort of a thing and hence the answers were a bit difficult to interpret.

I dont see any negative attack towards you. You question was so, so basic as to find out if emailing someone would constitute a long-term relationship and the three majors you got, was intruiguing. Hence I thought there was more to your quesiton than meets the eye, you have just claified now.  

Please be aware the tarot does not just answer questions for the sake of it; sometimes it goes deeper than you think and it is therefore important to give clarity to your question. For your own analysis have another look at your initial posting and see how vague it was.

I do apologise IF there was any hint of belittlement, which I do not believe there was.

In fact, you have been given an insightful interpretation by Tabi. Payewacker promised to get back to you with an in-depth clarificaiton.

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Post by Payewacker » Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:34 pm

Hi Fallenspecies.

I did a reply, but closed the TAB and lost the reply.

However, I saw some replies, but did not read them.

Before I do or say anything further, I would want to search them, however in the meantime, please look up on this doc, to see exactly where your cards fit in.

This is purely theoretical, and works with the associations of the Majors and their number values.

Good, we have:
COSMIC all cards from 19 to 27. THIS IS BEYOND OUR SPACE-TIME.

Have a look at this doc I host:
http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AZyuZ ... cWM1&hl=en

Then you must now have a look at the symbolism on the cards;
The Hermit is moving left---away from the World.
On the World card, you are being ISOLATED by the wreath. Look at he material around the woman and have a look at the Lovers card. In any case, you are bound by the "cloth" to the Hermit.

Let's continue,
The man on the left top, of the World card is associated to WATER--LOVE' and the King of Cups, specifically Scorpio-linked to St. John on the World card.

The bull at the bottom left is associated to the King of Pentacles and Taurus, which links him with the bull of St. Luke.

Now, very simple, all the Kings are linked to fixed signs, the Hermit is Virgo and not a fixed sign. So what is predominant? OK, look at the man, the Eagle and Justice. Justice is in a way linked to Swords. She has a fixed sword in her right hand, it corresponds to the Eagle in the top right-hand corner of the World card. So guys what? The bottom signs are looking at us, the top two, at each other. In this sense, consider sister suits in being Cups and Swords and then we have Pentacles and Wands.

If you have a look at the Queen of Swords, look at your rival.

OK, theoretical. Your number one, (first thought, first spark) or your ALEPH, is YOD. The Hermit sits and ponder, about what? Look at the rod or "Wand" in his left hand, it's gold. Thus, implies "Higher energies" or "MEDITATIONS" What are you pondering or meditating, to keep you stranded? I at times call the HERMIT a "wanabee", "IF I DID NOT THINK SO MUCH, I COULD'VE GOTTEN THAT" SO " I WANABEE, OR WANAHAVE" THIS OR THAT!

Number Two is Beth, the High Priestess, or your first level of "containment". Look at this, Justice, reduced to two, is your "container".

No constructive doing!

When you understand the way in which the numbers work from Aleph to Yod, you will know how the "Ladder of selves, or Jacob's ladder" works as well as how, you as a person, project your thoughts into the Existential level, to make it a reality for you.

OK, looking at the cards. Justice is putting you on notice! You will not pass beyond her Sword! She is the second card in the Existential and thus number two 11..... 1+1=2, the High Priestess.

Aha, what are you doing, simple. Your Aleph--first thought--- is contained in your own Bething of Beth,---your own meditations about your thoughts? Then the worst, your purpose, may not be acheived, because it uplifts into the Existential,--that which is beyond our space-time!

Therefore Justice is pulling you back into reality saying: YOU WILL NOT MOVE BEYOND MY SWORD!

In effect, your thoughts are contained within your thoughts, and ultimately, sorry, you will not go there!--PERIOD!!

Then again, if you know the secrets within the numbers, you can change a lot of things!

Learn the SECRETS!

Blessed be.

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Post by Payewacker » Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:05 am


As I virtually always Tarotise, I spend a night sleeping and then saw a few other things, which you can help me with.

I assumed your cards were laid, and read from left to right in this order;

The Hermit, The World, Justice.

If it had been in this order;

Justice, The World and then the Hermit, The interpritation would've been completely different.

Thus you would have;

A well balances, bussiness relationship, based on your intelect. In the World it would then indicate attainment in the manner you can-not perceive at this stage. However, with the Hermit, he will lock you to the World in the Existential level--Our SPACE-TIME. Your hopes will then have a greater possibility to be acheived, without too much thought. I can also assume, that even being "removed" from this person, it will not influence your partnership at all.

When you look at the cards in this order, you are in the Existential with Justice(completion), Which uplift into the Cosmic--200, JUDGEMENT, being one card before the World. This action will pul you back to the Hermit, which may say that you are thinking, but not doing!

Let us look at this whole statement.
Your Aleph--FIRST THOUGHT is in your mind, being number one. It moved into Beth, number two, which is your CONTAINER. This container is within your own mind and will stay there due to the Hermit being Nine-Completion in the Archetypal level.

It would then have said:

You need to act and move yourself beyond your Container and into the first step of movement, being Ghimmel and linked to the Empress. With doing that your cards will shift one space.

You will then acheive:
Empress in the Archetypal,
Wheel of Fortune in the Existential, and,
The World in the Cosmic.

Therefore you will, with fertile thoughts, act in the way the Wheel of Fortune, may promise, to acheive the World. However, you must follow the path of the numbers from 1 to 10, as your "Attainment" is beyond your current perception! You will need to follow this route rigidly, as this will be the only way to attainment.

What you need to remember, is that everything in life has it's own cycle to complete. Every thought you have, creates a cycle, some take one day to complete, others take longer. But, whatever you start in your head, creates a cycle within yourself. This is what you need to understand.

Blessed be.

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