A trip down Memory Lane.

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A trip down Memory Lane.

Post by Payewacker » Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:46 am

Hi Guys, Rhuto.

As you know, I keep almost everything where Tarot is concerned!

Unbeleivable as you may think, I have conversations we did back in 2007. Having this I though I could share it with our new members and for that matter everybody.

I'm not going to say who this conversation was with, it is part and parcel of my Tarot history, I'm proud and in the same sense humbled by it.

To see how far we have developed and the miles we walked.

Now, i'm staying in another town, with three moves in two years. The Kaballah and the Sephir Yetsirah, the Hebrew Aleph-Beth, Cipher of Genesis. Who would've known that we would have progressed this far.

Enjoy this walk with me!


I thought my occasional visits from Jo'brg to Bophuthatswana were bad in the heat of the summer. Well, I've done that trip twice or three times. I cannot even comprehend such journeys and long distances. I come from a tiny country in the Middle East where 80Km is distant enough. Got the picture?

I am not ignoring your help on the Celtic Cross PW. I am just a bit lost in them these days. I am giving it a rest - may be for a day or two. Portion Cut for privacy.

I am going through some s++t times, personally..... and, well, hope the light will show up at the end of the tunnel.

That said, I read the tarot different to you. I go by the feeling of the pictures (Okay, okay, I am hardly a year old in the tarot) and you do it so scientifically that I am overwhelmed by your method and style. This is not a criticism and who am I to criticise people's tarot reading style???  

Let us keep our communication lines open PW. Am glad I met you on the mystic board.

MB member.

PW wrote:

Sorry for “again” a bit fuzzy, went to jhb, there teusday and back yesterday. We rent office plants to companies there. So to us with a full load on my “bakkie”-pick-up and trailer about 2 mtrs high, negotiating through traffic, when we at the fastest travel about 80 to 100 km/h. in jhb, the average speed seems about 180 up and with highways three lanes becomes a bit overpowering. Also the trip is six hundred kms there and the same back, here we don’t even go as far as 100, which is already to far!!! Actually more a f+_*_n Mission Impossible!!

But what I did is to immediately as I started studying Tarot only used CCross. And in my stupidity learned how to read it!! To be honest with you, I was actually introduced to the CCros only. Remember we live in a God forsaken Volcanic crater, virtually as hot as hell, therefore it remained a fairly distanced town, on finding out that I’m Wiccan, it was broadcast from the pulpit in the churches me being a Satanist, how screwed can you get? In the mean time the Pastor is doing the dentists wife, hypocrites. Anyway, I had a Robin Wood deck and P. Scott Hollander’s guide to beginners. Also didn’t have Internet connection. Broadband was only introduced the last couple months.

So, I didn’t have much of a choice, the Robin Wood had a booklet and from here I got the 15 card spread and celtic cross, as well as from Hollander.

Blessed be


MB member Wrote:


Sorry for my late reply.
Thanks for the inputs on the Celtic Cross. I must say your method is very challenging and too detailed. I have done the reading and sent it to the person concerned. I have not had his feedback yet (it is not on the mystic forum site).

The spread I used (one of the many Celtic Cross ones) I found myself more in tune with it. The wording was simple and I felt more at ease with it.

Let me tell you which version I used.

4       2       6          9
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;< 5 > &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;8
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 7
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

This is how it goes with mine:

1 - Basis of current state. The foundation that moulded your past or created the present.
2- Where you are now.
3- Hopes and Fears: reveals inner workings of your mind as a result of your past and present and often a determining factor and possible outcome of your reading. ( I must say I don't subscribe to the last sentence, but I am writing it all for you).
4- Present and Passing.
5- Forces for or against you. &nbsp;Major role in determining outcome of the reading. If the card in this position is positive then the conditions surrounding will be in your favour or vice versa. (after this position, is it worth continuing the reading? that's why I don't like the Celtic cross).
6- The near future coming in.
7- How the near future will evolve.
8- New turn of events and / or the effects of others on you. new developments or unexpected changes that will alter your course or shed new light on the existing situation. It will include the role of others who will play an important outcome to your question.
9- You in the future.
10- Outcome/Summation.

I have never been able to understand what a Significator means? &nbsp;What the ++++ does it mean?
There are so many position names and meanings for the Celtic Cross that I had always been stuck with it.

The above one made some sense to me without all those big fancy words.

Hope this makes sense to you.

MB member.

PW wrote:

Mail the cards and placement and I will help you.

First select a significator. See on the Payewacker Celtic Cross.

I allow my Querent to shuffle the 4 royals, face down. Or if Querent is not with you, I do it. Remove the card they or you select. Leave it face down and put the other three back.

Now you shuffle the cards well, bring to one pile and cut with left hand away from you twice. Make one pile and shuffle well; I use circular, anti clockwise with the ball of my hand. You repeat if you want, until the cards feel right.

You then cut again away from you, and make a pile, putting any pile on top of the other.

Place the significator face up, in the middle.

Put your first card on top, the covering—absolute current influence, this is the card you keep in mind all through; every card is read from this influence.
Your second card—the obstacle to reach card 3. The card may be positive in itself but not productive of good, being an obstacle.

First card is the spark, as described by a Yod. Yod =Aleph manifested. Aleph = Yod the spark and limited to time, of which Yod cannot exist without Aleph.
And in-between Aleph and Yod are eight variables, deciding the final outcome.

The third card is then the fruit of 1 and 2. One being the idea, two the direction and three the possibilities of reaching the goal, in the near future.

Four the base, what happened in the past. Why the Querent needs a reading.

5 influences of the near past coming to and end now or giving way to number 6 the future. To work out the time period between five and six, you count back from today the number of cards describing the influence in no 5. Now you take the same number of days or months and count into the future to determine possibly circumstances.

Number seven-the way in which the person influences others or circumstances influencing him/her.

8—The House, mindset and environment the person finds himself in now, and his or circumstances influencing his mindset.

9—Hopes and fears, I read the card if positive as his hopes, if negative his fears.

10—final outcome, if court card, a person around which the outcome revolves or the circumstance as indicated in the royals. But it is better for this card to be a major,

11—if the reading is somewhat confusing place another to the right of 10. this should tie ten up and support the final outcome card, card 11 is that which may happen beyond the final outcome. The geriatrics is 1+1=2; look then at your second card and you would understand the main influence. You then add the card number to the house number, reduce it to under ten as in numerology. Should it be 11 or 22, it is a master number and is fixed.

Now place a card next to nine, eight and seven. These are read upright only and indicate the advice on each card from 9 down to seven. This is where you find out hidden secrets.

You’ll see on the last pages of my reading, I summerise everything in the columns. This is where then in the open column I start making notes. One column is the upright and the other the reversed, if however you read only upright, the end result will in any case be even as if you read upright and reversed.

It’s from these notes you make your assumptions, and then bring into relation the way of which is contained in the first column. Every number of the houses is influenced by a specific major.

As we discussed earlier, see in which direction the people on the cards face. This is where the specific influence originates and is carried on or cancelled.

Majors trump the minors. If you get the Fool, I always see this as the Querent himself no matter where the card is and only keep the significator as reference.

Blessed be


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Post by cedars » Sat Aug 28, 2010 4:58 pm

Well, well.... this does take me down memory lane PW... The days of Gem and all those names that we debated the tarot forums together and sometimes argued and sometimes laughed together..

Why have people lost interest or have they been lured to go elsewhere? I do not know and that is not the way to look back and grieve.

We get new members here and they all add their energy to the site and to other members.

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Post by Payewacker » Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:55 am

Hi Cedars,

Yes, and don't forget the "big boss", at times he was a bit grumpy as well, HI RHUTO!!! :smt003

I think we can consider those who left with melancholy. As you said lured away, we were all enticed by promise of money and what-not! Thank God our allegiances were focused! These other sites has come and gone, not be heard from again. And thanks to your advice on this!

However, we can have our constructive new-bies, I agree, the energies brought along is great!!

This site is great, I hope our newer members will realise, that if they stick around long enough, they will also think back and say, "Wow, look what we achieved"

Blessed be.

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