same cards, same reading, same positions

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same cards, same reading, same positions

Post by ezza » Wed May 18, 2011 3:16 pm

Hi All..

I apologize in advance, this is a long post!

I did a 3-card reading yesterday for my career and these are the cards that came up:
1. situation - King of cups - 2. difficulty - The Hierophant - 3. Outcome - 8 of Cups

The King of Cups always comes up whenever I do a reading for my career.. I think only now I am realizing who it is... although the coloring is all wrong for this person, I think the card depicts the character..

The Hierophant I see here as patience and letting things happen rather than pressing them.. relying on intuition..maybe I'm missing something more..?

The 8 of cups I see as very positive, 8 being a lucky number.. Also I see a move in my career, a positive move..

the weird thing is that I did another reading this morning on something completely unrelated (will I find love this year?)..and the exact same cards showed up! I did shuffle the cards thoroughly last night before putting them away and this morning always thinking about the question and I am at a loss.. why would the cards come up again in the exact same positions..? I would chuck it to coincidence except that it happened before with different cards..

1. situation - Knight of Pentacles - 2. difficulty - 4 of Cups - 3. Outcome - 7 of Swords (I take note of each reading I do to help with the learning process)

I am beginning to think that I am unable to do my readings either for love or for career and that's why I am getting the same cards in the same positions...

Thanks for reading all the way! Any help/comments/suggestions will be much appreciated! :o)


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Post by cedars » Wed May 18, 2011 4:59 pm

Hello Ezza
I am beginning to think that I am unable to do my readings either for love or for career and that's why I am getting the same cards in the same positions...
We have expressed views in these forums that it is not the best idea to do readings for oneself. And, not only that, you have done two readings in less than 24 hours albeit about two different topics. And, correct me if I am wrong, you have not received the same cards for your two different readings.....  You got different cards for the love reading compared to the career reading. Am I missing something here?

Try and do readings for other people so that your learning process develops by the use of your intuition rather than for yourself where you will certainly be biased and blinded by what you see, what you want to see and, indeed, what you don’t want to see. This is my opinion my friend; I can't insist that it should work for you :)

My comments below are based on the Rider Waite deck which is the one that I use.

King of Cups: Situation. Whilst it can be a person in your life, but you should look more at the age range and the personality/character traits rather than colour of skin or complexion. If you know who this person is, then why is he coming under the ‘situation’ placement? Ask yourself. I would say perhaps you may be viewing your job with some sentimentality and emotional ties, almost not wishing to let go. It is as though you are nurturing the job rather than the job nurturing you. I know careers are two-sided involvements, but perhaps you have made your career or the organisation/person you work for your own dependent, your own responsibility perhaps?

The Hierophant: Difficulty. I feel the issue here may be that there are certain things about your job that you find hard to accept as being the ‘accepted norm’. There may be some lessons for you there, but you are turning away from those lessons and presenting the learning process and the adaptability as some form of obstacle. You may wish to do things differently but the organisation, the kind of job you are in does not allow you to do so or compels you to abide with certain accepted etiquette or guidelines.

Outcome: Eight of Cups. Based on the above two cards, I feel you may reach a point (or perhaps you are already) that the nature of this job may not be agreeable to you and you may either take a totally different attitude about it and hence change your outlook or leave and go for new pastures and new horizons. Why? Because it may not be working for you; it may not be suited to you.
This is my penny’s worth about your job situation.

If I were you, I would not do If style (Yes or No) type of readings, especially around the love and romance area. “Will I find this year?” to me is a no-go zone and whatever answer(s) you get will halt any progress or potential you may have in that department of life. Just let things be; do your best and leave it for things to unfold.....

Hope this was helpful :)

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Post by ezza » Wed May 18, 2011 5:42 pm

true! I shouldnt be doing this so often, but it is my learning process, I find it easier to read and do spreads rather than just read books.. the only reason I posted this is because I got the same cards twice which is unlikely and I was curious if there was a meaning behind it. I guess I wasnt clear.. the first spread came up twice and the second spread also came up twice... but on different days and for different questions... and I am only doing this to practice. But I still want to be able to foresee an event, hence the love question. Even if we are told to rely on instinct, you cant help but want to get something concrete right to reassure you that this is the right path..
I did practice on a friend and made one was as clear as day, nothing like when I do readings on myself.. but we'll see if anything pans out..
thanks for your sound advice! :o)

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Post by cedars » Wed May 18, 2011 7:51 pm

But I still want to be able to foresee an event, hence the love question. Even if we are told to rely on instinct, you cant help but want to get something concrete right to reassure you that this is the right path..
With respect, and  whilst I do not know what your understanding on the usage of  the tarot cards may be, no one can "foresee" events "concretely". The only reassurance you can get or give yourself is to follow your own instincts and heart. Life is not a one, single drawn map within the human realm and, therefore, the path that we once thought was right, could may well be the wrong path following certain events and the direct or indirect application of free will...

I shall not go on too much on this deep and complex topic, but please continue with your study of the cards in whichever way you feel works for you, but please take a few steps back when it comes to 'concrete predictions' :)

Best wishes Ezza and please feel free to take part in any discussions in these forums with your ideas and thoughts.

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Post by ezza » Wed May 18, 2011 9:09 pm

Hi Cedars,
I am not sure how to say this, but obviously there is free will and people can change their destiny at any moment.. I am not disputing that.. however, I understand that the usage of the cards is to predict events, as well as being a guide to your inner intuition and instincts in certain situations. I have personally been witness to these predictions and I do believe that some people have that ability. I like learning the tarot to help me connect with my own intuition, but I am also looking into something beyond.. I do not understand why one would want to limit themselves when the possibilities are endless. I also understand that this forum encourages us to explore more of this and this is why I post my questions here... Also I do not understand your invitation, I have been asking questions, discussing ideas here for over a month now.. am I posting this in the wrong forum? If I am, then I apologize.. I just received such strong & warm response from my very first post here that I always come back to the same place..

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Post by cedars » Wed May 18, 2011 9:15 pm

Of course you are not in the wrong place and of course you are not posting in the wrong forums.

I reiterated my invitation only after the following comment I made:  
I shall not go on too much on this deep and complex topic, but please continue with your study of the cards in whichever way you feel works for you,..
I meant to say, just because I myself may be inclined not to continue on this paritcular topic, it does not or did not mean that you could not continue your discussions and ideas.
Of course and I dont deny that there is a predictive element in any form of divination, but nothing is concrete and that is the point I was trying to convey to you and it may also not be so healthy basing our life on such predictions for every step of the way.

You are a breath of fresh air with discussions on this topics  and please do not go anywhere :)

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed May 18, 2011 9:49 pm

ezza wrote:Hi Cedars,
I have personally been witness to these predictions and I do believe that some people have that ability.
I like learning the tarot to help me connect with my own intuition, but I am also looking into something beyond..
I do not understand why one would want to limit themselves when the possibilities are endless.
I will give you a thought, that maybe explain why one shall be a bit careful with any Reading skill.

We all have a Free will.
We all create our life with each single decision we do each second each day.
(you are free to tern left or right, to stop or go sleep or wake be in go out of bed and so on.)

If we acknowledge this, and we do our decisions, then we build our own self confidence...and we are able to take speedy decisions when the problems arise.

If we start to ask for directions, then that is ok if we know that that those we ask have knowledge in the field, and we only ask when we need corrections.

The more we ask, the more we lower our own self confidence...and our ability to take speedy decisions will decrease.

The same is the case when we start to be hooked on Readings, or start to have a to high confidence in its ability to see the future.

Be aware that in order for a Reading to be fulfilled with success, then the seeker must active try to work toward it.
If you put out a spread and it tells that you will soon meet your life partner, then that will only happen if you are active to seeking it out....but this would equal happen if you by your own decision did the same.
If the card told you and you managed..then you would say the card did it...if you did it would be very pleased with yourself, and get a boost to your self confidence.

If Future was written...then there was no need for Readings...There was no need for initiative....there was no need for fact there was no need for anything...because what would happen would the right time....if this sound crazy...well then we are back to free will and us creating our life as we go :)

(I am not against any Reading or learning was just my thoughts about to great belief in their abilities)

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Post by ezza » Thu May 19, 2011 12:15 am

Cedars, Rhutobello,
I couldnt agree should always be careful not to abuse of anything really.. I am not planning for it to take over my life or depend on it to live my life or even advise anyone to depend on it. .. I am however curious about the ability and wonder if it is truly within each and everyone of us. This is why I want to explore it, truly explore every facet of it. but your words are wise and I am definitely going to take your advice and just reiterate and I am not careless about this, far from it!

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