Numbers associated with the completion of a phase ?

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Numbers associated with the completion of a phase ?

Post by Lotus_blossom » Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:55 pm

Which numbers are usually associated with the completion of a phase ?

I think they are 7, 9 and 10.

Can you say why it is these numbers ?

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Post by Payewacker » Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:23 am


The Tarot number associated with completion is 9. 10 is also, however it is attainment and the beginning of a new phase in a higher sphere of existence. The road from one to ten is also called the "two-fold" breath, life-death principal.

To consider 7 as completion cannot be allocated in the same manner as it is done in the Kaballah or Sephir Yetsira. With this number you need to follow "Jacob's Ladder". You can only apply this principle if you ignore the 5 finals in the Hebrew Aleph-Beth.

The letters of the Aleph-Beth is alpha numeric and it is also called the alphabet of creation. These 10 letters appear sequential in the Hebrew Sephir Yetsira---Genesis. Vav (the Lovers) and Samech (The Devil), is the only other mirror that appears prominently and as the last, where the "multi-gendered IT" was divided in Genesis.  Each letter has a biological process as well, as seen in creation. Everything and Tarot starts with Aleph (1-Magician) and ends with Yod (10 Wheel of Fortune), on specific planes of existence.

However, you must also consider the tri-ads which are the flow between the letters, One Aleph not in existance but already created. Yod, created in Aleph and can only exist with Aleph. 1 is ten and ten is one.

Blessed be.

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Post by Lotus_blossom » Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:41 pm

Thanks for your contribution Payewacker - I always value your opinions in whatever form they may take.

However, although this answer is very scholarly it seemingly doesn't really answer my question - I'm even more confused than before.

I think maybe numerology may hold the key to this.

Will get to the bottom of it, these numbers must be known for a completion of a phase for some reason.

Watch this space

~Blessed be ~

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Post by Payewacker » Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:46 am


To explain on easier terms;

Number 9, designates the full cycle in the Archetypal sphere of existence. The Major Arcanum was attached to the Hebrew alphabet in it's sequence. Each letter describes a "path" if we can call it that, or a "set of circumstance" or oerhaps a "pigeonhole", although the letters flow from one to ten, with levels in between. This was described by Pythagoras, one of the founders of numerology.

Therefore we have:

1 - 9 in the archetypal, (Your MIND)
10 - 18 in the existential, (Your World) and
19 - 27 in the cosmic (Your Spirit)levels.

Any cycle is started at 1 and goes through the motions of the different alpha numeric "symbols" in Hebrew to reach 9 and uplift to 10 in the next level. Therefore we cannot pin 10 as a number to completion, but rather attainment and movement into the higher level, where all start from 1 again, as seen with the wheel of Fortune onwards to the Moon in the existential.

The Gematria of 1 is
1-Aleph-Magician,  10-Yod Wheel of Fortune and 100 - The Sun - (Kaph) and it's final Kaph 500.

Although you may think it's confusing, there is a very simple road. I have also started a "write-up" on this, some time ago, (have to finish it now).

What is a number?
Numbers are terms considered as relative to it’s context. Most of us use it to count certain values and define quantities. This can be seen throughout history and was mainly used to determine the value of an object. Although we may think as a number to be insignificant in our everyday lives, we are sorely mistaken.

Everything around us, is defined by numbers. Our lives are divided into numbers-your date of birth, ID number, Telephone number, in short EVERYTHING. To everything is a scale, the length of a person’s body is counted as 8 “heads” long. In biological development we find a scale, step-by-step to completion. A cycle, which once started will end in it’s own time. This, a simple 1-9, to start again from 10, nine steps to 18, and start at 19, and upward until we end at 27.

The innocence and simplicity of numbers is seen in creation, described in most Holy books and certain numbers are attached to the stages of development. To disregard the importance of numbers, is to disregard the essence of creation and our evolutionary cycle. As important as numbers are, almost no alphabet attach it’s value to a letter. Most languages use it purely to count and determine values. If we should talk about the total number of a certain Item, using letters, people will look at you as if you have gone a bit nutty? We can’t say, I need 1 unit of J, saying “I need 10 “A’s”, as a “J”?—no sense at all, we don’t count “A’s” and “J’s”, we count 1,2,3,4………., or “I need a dozen of eggs”, dozen is a scale to describe the quantity of something.

It is also impossible for us to try and speak a “numbers” language, you will most definitely land in an institution. The alphabets known to most of us, is what we speak in, the numbers known to us, is what we count with. These are separate and can’t be used in any other way.

However, numbers is a map, it’s a simple walk you do between certain “archetypal” influences and how it influences a person to higher levels of existence.

The Tarot and Numbers.
To most people encountering a Tarot deck for the first time, we find a confusing “concept” of the count on the deck. The Minor Arcanum numbered 1-10 in a more “mundane” or simple way of understanding. Yet we also have the four Court cards. To a degree these cards are “removed” but “attached”. Their main purpose is to determine “people”, but may describe a situation as well. In the Sola Busca and older decks, these cards were numbered: 11---Page, 12---Knight, 13---Queen, 14---King.(The significance of this will be discussed in the discussions on each card).

The initial importance of the numbering in the Tarot was purely to indicate cards trumping others, and counting higher in a hand played in Tarot card games. This was changed at the onset of Tarot becoming a tool for divination. The Major Arcanum was attached to a letter of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet. Each letter describing a influence or a “level” of development. This changed the entire importance of Tarot and it’s development until today.

The importance of numbers as a mere scale to count with, changed the way in which Tarot is described and understood today. As a mere measure, it became a map of development to each person.
One to Nine.
Why do we refer to the numbers as one to nine? Ten counts to be the completion of numbering one to nine, ten is therefore one step beyond “single numerals”, however it can be reduced to one again, by omitting the Zero or “wild one”. Can this be “The Fool”, should we consider Zero to Nine as counting ten numerals, or ten Alphabetic letters? Start debating this with yourself and you will spend your entire life trying to find the right answer.

The most profound numbers we are working with is One to Nine, these are found in the Tarot Deck, in all the Minor Arcanum suits, as well as the Major Arcanum. However, the Major Arcanum continues to complete in 27. Now, we need to discern the Alphanumeric road of One to Nine.

There are three levels of existence:
1) 1-9 Archetypal,
2) 10-18 Existential,
3) 19-27 Cosmic.

At this point in time, we will only discuss the One to Nine road. Hopefully we can describe this road in understandable terms.

Zero and Number One.

When considering Zero, most people may think it pertains to nothing. This perception may ring true to some, but we know, in the road with numbers, it has an important role to play. When we count, not all include Zero as a reference, but merely start from One onward. Getting to Nine, we need to make a destinction between One and Ten and the count to follow. In essence we look at Zero describing a “higher number”. We may say 11 is 10-1 or 10 plus one. The same goes for twenty, thirty, etc. Therefore the construction of Ten is 1+1 =2, 2+1=3, 3+1=4, 4+1=5, 5+1=6, 6+1=7, 7+1=8, 8+1=9 and 9+1=10.  In this we must understand that 1 as a single term is added each time we continue. So ONE remains, but another symbol is attached to change the “influence” or “value”. Therefore. That which is added to ONE is a different experience or archetype. When considering 10, we add the Zero to indicate we move into a "higher territory" and the "Lower" has had completion in NINE

The Table of the Associations can be found on this link; ... NkdG4zcWM1

Blessed be.

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