Need Help Understanding Reading

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Need Help Understanding Reading

Post by Marsy » Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:20 pm

Hello! I received a reading using the Legacy of Divine deck and I'm not sure if I received the correct message from the cards.

My question was "what does a continued relationship with johndoe bring to my life in the future?"

1st/Past card was the 6 of coins
2nd/Present card Judgement
3rd/Future card 2 of Cups

What would be your take on the message in this reading?


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Post by cedars » Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:44 pm

First and foremost, if you are doing a reading about the future, there is really no need to do a past, present type spread. Is there? The Past is in the past. This type of spread for the question you  have asked, does not give the answer.You can either pick one single card or three cards but without giving any placement names.

To answer your question, from what I see of the present and the future between you two, I feel there are things that need to be sorted out either you, withinn yourself - Judgement - or between you two. There are some old issues, some baggage that needs to be cleared and a fresh you or a fresh you two needs to come ouf of what has been going on either with yourself or with both of you.
As for the future between you two, I cannot see anything deep than a friendship from the two of cups. A partnership of some  sort or just a friendship.

What do you feel?

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