I need some help with this reading - Interpreting this Celtic Cross spread Rider Waite Tarot

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I need some help with this reading - Interpreting this Celtic Cross spread Rider Waite Tarot

Post by appleheadjustice » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:55 pm

Hi there. I recently had to pull a celtic cross tarot reading for me and my soul mate. I was warned shortly before that he was coming into my life ( and technically already there) it wasn't until like 8 months after I met him that I finally noticed 'him' even though I had alreadybeen interacting with him multiple times daily for 7 months same classes,activities and everything. It was just all of a sudden literally out of nowhere a light was switched on inside of me and I realized those feelings and that they were mutual.I met him 5 years ago in college, but because of circumstances we could never be or express our feelings to each other but felt like we both silently knew. I left abruptly and he was upset and communication was very sparse ever since. I get the idea that he's mad at me right now and somehow got over me because I first accidentally dropped the ball on communication and he is ignoring me now , but at the same time I feel as though I will see him again. We live 100s of miles apart (same state 8hrs apart) but we both do travel around the East coast at times for work assignments or pleasure .Maybe I'll see him again. No one else new of our feelings for each other but there was gossip about me for other reasons (Hateful immature ppl) He is not a very emotive person and can come across as cold,emotionally detached, arrogant. I hate guys like that and NEVER chase guys but for some reason this feels different. and I don't mind as much. We have almost the same personality except I used to be exactly the way he is and I matured and became more compassionate for others. Does this look like a situation where I need to just mentally move on or is there some sort of hope? my birthday is 10/3/88 and his is 10/2/89.

card 1 - the querent me - 4 of swords
card 2 the situation - the sun
card 3. the foundation - the king of pentacles
card 4. The recent past - king of swords
card 5.short term outlook - tower
card 6. present state of the problem - Ace pentacles
card 7. outside influences - 3 pentacles
card 8.internal influences - 5 Wands
card 9. hopes and fears - King of Cups
card10. Longterm outcome -Hanged Man

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Post by pinkbear » Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:08 pm

I think you may have other choices, just move on......

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Post by druggedoncolor » Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:48 pm

I usually read CC spreads kinda like a story and the present situation affects the outcome. If you're willing to face the challenge the other cards will give insight in how to face this challenge and other factors that may be a reason why this is a challenge in the first place.
If I got these cards in a CC spread this is how I would interpret it.

card 1 - the querent me - 4 of swords
card 2 the situation - the sun
card 3. the foundation - the king of pentacles
card 4. The recent past - king of swords
card 5.short term outlook - tower
card 6. present state of the problem - Ace pentacles
card 7. outside influences - 3 pentacles
card 8.internal influences - 5 Wands
card 9. hopes and fears - King of Cups
card10. Longterm outcome -Hanged Man

Is he your soulmate? (this spread isn't the best for this question but...)

Right away it looks to me that you are over thinking things. You're definitely taking time out and distancing yourself from him. However, this thinking is only causing things to be still and that all seems well. It doesn't seem like things will change between you and him and the first two cards suggest that you should think of something else. I think the king of pentacles is him and it seems like the ball is in his court right now. You can't do anything until he makes a move, and being a pentacle whose focused on material matters it seems like he is not interested in you or his feelings for you (if any). A decision was made in the recent past by someone (perhaps severing communication) and it seems like this was a positive decision even if you may feel it wasn't. He took it positively. You see this as an opportunity to resurrect things but it seems like both of your work is interfering this relation. There are definitely constant battles with feelings and perhaps he just sees you as competition, as antagonistic. You definitely seem to be full of hope and wish things could move forward, however because of the hanged man things won't move forward if you keep thinking about it. This wasn't an overly romantic or positive spread. It seems like there are two opposing energies, an active pursuer and a passive pursuer. Honestly, he seems pretty content with things with you and you should let it go... in my opinion we have multiple soulmates that come through our lives and teach us lessons. Sometimes we have to realize that we aren't meant to be with them in this lifetime, but only to tie things together and end from a previous lifetime, sometimes these people come into our lives just because of karmic reasons and that's why you feel an *instant* connection, cause at one time you did, just not now... perhaps this lesson in this connection is that even if we may still care for someone we sometimes may have to come to realize that they can't be in our lives but only in our hearts.

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