From 10 cups to 2 wands - can anyone help me please?

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From 10 cups to 2 wands - can anyone help me please?

Post by lihar » Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:55 pm


I admit i have become a little bit OTT with my tarot readings lately. A new relationship which has been going very well, brought up the ten cups in a reading (and then for "fun" i did another 8 readings to test it and 7x as the outcome card was the 10 cups in line with some other very positive cards). A lot of the time, the cards for how the guy was feeling kept mentioning strong feelings but needing time to digest the overwhelming feelings of dealing with his past (am not sure on the reality of that but can believe it) and wanting to take things slowly before commiting. I had cards such as the empress, the world, king of cups for him.  

Anyway, a month on, the 2 wands is becoming hard and fast the new outcome card for this relationship, which i still thought to be a good thing but perhaps more representative of something developing.

Can anyone please help me clarify something with my reading mostly because i am emotional over it?
When i am reviewing his thoughts (instead of just asking him because he has suddenly gone awol and i dont understand why, he isnt replying to my contact) and i am getting 10 cups and three of pentacles as his feelings. I would analyse this as great news from the 10 cups - longevity and i also thought the 3 of pentacles meant that he sees me in a more serious future, but love hasnt developed...still nothing explains here why he has gone. i also thought 3 indicates a 3rd person? or is it to do with him being focused on work instead and to not bother him for a bit?

For me, and how i view things, i got page of cups and 8 cups which i see as me being overly emotional about this but am powerless over my desire for him, i have a crush on him but i am thinking i should walk away as i now dont have confidence in the relationship. ?

Then for the near future i got the 3 of wands which i interpret as a first step towards a good solid foundation. so that is confusing

Then the 2 wands as the overall outcome, I thought meant the desire to create something deeper.

i am searching for ANY clues in these cards as to what has happened to this man that made such an impact on me and i cant find it.

please help!!

Spiritual Traveller
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Re: From 10 cups to 2 wands - can anyone help me please?

Post by Spiritual Traveller » Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:48 pm

Hello Lihar

It is quite common to over read issues which are important to us, yet it can also show a lack of confidence in the situation your asking about. This lack of confidence can shine through for others to see which can change the situations we deal with - by being so worries where they are going we do not see their true value, or even lack of it. Although things often need to build slowly in matter of love, a lack of confidence can make us need more approval or commitment from the other person at a time when it is not there to give.
lihar wrote:King of Cups for him
This card would set alarm bells ringing for myself, as this King can be prone to avoid commitment. Very loving, yet can be scared of settling. & may explain why he is AWOL. They are ready to settle - yet they are not, often too deep for their on good. & with that Empress, naybe even a 'mummy's boy'.  
lihar wrote:2 Wands
A card which can often arrive with the impatience which accompanies situations we wish to deeply have more connection to - a card of restlessness, a card of wanting more. By being eager to get to a conclusion & wanting to feel emotionally more settles we can bring in an air of impatience which can be picked up on, this can unnerve others.
lihar wrote:10 Cups / 3 of Pentacles as his feelings
For me a card which on an emotional level can tell of a need for appreciation, a need to get another to make to feel good & tell you that your doing well. He may well be busy with work ventures, as well as being where he can be made to feel important. If the later is of value to him, a liking for having his ego stroked could make him hard work as a lot of Cups men can be.
lihar wrote:Page of Cups and 8 Cups
The Page is new emotional growth, which is being left here within the 8. You tried to build something, which now has to be left. The Page also shows that your own intuition is leading you away, & may well have been what lead to the lack of confidence within the situation in the first place - a warning sign at the start.
lihar wrote:3 of Wands
A card which indicates you will make a choice. Your restlessness will lead you onwards, after all you cannot wait forever for another to make a choice. In a way his absence tells you all you need to know.

Energise yourself Lihar, use that 2 of Wands to move you forwards into the decision of it's fellow 3.


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