marriage name

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marriage name

Post by eucharuapius » Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:59 pm


My name is Edel Mary Moylan, DOB Sept. 20th, 1958.  Just wondering if it would help ease my soul's journey by taking on his name Ridge?

Thank you for you help.

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marriage name

Post by tengypsies » Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:49 pm

Try generating a report using Edel Mary MoylanRidge as your name with your birth date.  That should come out accurate.

Brightest Blessings,

Gypsy :smt006

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Post by Sorrow » Tue Jun 12, 2007 9:54 am

Edel Mary Moylan

Intimate number 5

This character is full of life, active, adaptable, versatile, adventurous, has a fighting spirit but is often fickle and impulsive. Does not like to feel tied down by routine. There will be a strong reaction if someone tries to impede his freedom in any way. Defends himself well in a conflictual situation. It is surprising how the number 5 can bounce back after a knock. Elusive, but not necessarily persistent.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 32, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "six of Wands" - limited efficiency. The 32 come up against difficulties, delays or dispersion more often than average when it come to profession or to achieve projects. You must be prudent in your transactions. These problems may arouse the desire to be taken in charge and have helpful people around you (as well as a tendency to let yourself go). This is not the appropriate attitude. Rather than succumb to weariness or stagnation, take your life in hand, cultivate your self-confidence and develop your willingness, your tenacity. Positive evolution often happens in stages. Expression number 1

Individuality, self-confidence, ambition, originality, dynamism, ability to make a decision, but can also be egoistic, demanding, dominating, impatient, proud, prone to solitude.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 64, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "Ten of Swords" - authority, ardour at work, but material fluctuations. Highs and lows, but you will never sink (not a favourable secondary number for a trader or for the finances). Diverse troubles, disillusions and sadness. You must take a back seat, analyse the situation serenely and find the causes of your problems. Possibility of understanding that everything can be reborn in another form. It is sometimes through moving backwards that you get the best run up. Sometimes luck will be on your side and give you good occasions to seize. At the end a little victory.

Desire number 5
Qualities : The desire to be perpetually in movement or activity, the pursuit of freedom and adventure. Lot of energy. Love of novelty. Drawn towards the company of other people, especially those who can captivate the attention. Seeks the easiness. Often versatile.

Possible faults : Can be unstable, due to the taste for taking risks or following easy desires. Not always consistent. A little disorganised and changeable.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 32, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "six of Wands" - limited efficiency. The 32 come up against difficulties, delays or dispersion more often than average when it come to profession or to achieve projects. You must be prudent in your transactions. These problems may arouse the desire to be taken in charge and have helpful people around you (as well as a tendency to let yourself go). This is not the appropriate attitude. Rather than succumb to weariness or stagnation, take your life in hand, cultivate your self-confidence and develop your willingness, your tenacity. Positive evolution often happens in stages.

The number of letters in your full name
It is the number of letters making up your first names and surname, at birth. It gives a supplementary influence, although secondary, on your life. In a way it is the aura that your name gives off. If you must chose the name of your child (or your enterprise) don't forget to take it into account ! Also if the length of your first name(s) is longer than your surname, it will favour the affirmation of your individuality. If it is the other way around, the influence of family heritage could be more prominent.

You have 14 letters in your full name. Dynamic aura. This is the number of movements, passion, charm, extroversion and adaptability. Generally balance and harmony but the great need for freedom could lead to impulsiveness. In this case possible instability in the financial and sentimental area with hindrance caused by those around or unfavourable material situations. Moderation would be welcome. You must learn to adapt your inner desires to exterior realities.

Edel Mary Ridge

Intimate number 4
A stable person, balanced, hard-working, reliable, sensible but sometimes a bit rigid and severe and not very open to new ideas. A tendency to be pessimistic. Don't like to be rushed or taken short. Appreciate compliments and being highly regarded. Can defend its own interests and be persistent when necessary. It doesn't take much for you to lose your temper.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 40, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "Page of Cups". Searches for a peaceful life, for affective and material security. But this is not always completely fruitful. Possible friendship or love disillusions. Too much sentimental subordination, a certain immaturity in this area. Sometimes family problems, spiteful critics against you, divorce or health problems (due to overwork). This number is often related to the notion of a trial, limitation, temptation or important exams to pass. These are the "40 days in the desert" from the Bible. You must be stronger and evolve. In this case protection for the future. Immobility and clinging to the past or to others will not allow you to overcome the problems. 40 can be link to limitation, stagnation (in material projects) and temptation (for the finances). Prudence is necessary. You must evolve, modify your strategy or change the secondary number (for a firm). Expression number 9

Idealistic, altruistic, humanistic, artistic, a patron of the arts and very open-minded. Enjoys travelling, is tolerant, faithful, generous, intuitive, sensitive to the feelings of others, but also a bit of a dreamer, over-excitable, has a particular form of egoism tinged with pride, an excessive need for affection, bouts of depression, emotional or gullible, sometimes a wasted creativity.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 72, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "Four of Pentacles". Material success thanks to work and personal merit. Determination, intelligence and coherence allow you to find success, little by little. Stability of acquisitions, financial security and fruitful long-term speculation. Beware : it's prudence that must guide you, excessive risk taking or stubbornness are advised against with this vibration. Moreover, luck will not forget 71, allowing some welcome improvements. Riches, presents (you give and receive) and a certain popularity.

Desire number 5
Qualities : The desire to be perpetually in movement or activity, the pursuit of freedom and adventure. Lot of energy. Love of novelty. Drawn towards the company of other people, especially those who can captivate the attention. Seeks the easiness. Often versatile.

Possible faults : Can be unstable, due to the taste for taking risks or following easy desires. Not always consistent. A little disorganised and changeable.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 32, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "six of Wands" - limited efficiency. The 32 come up against difficulties, delays or dispersion more often than average when it come to profession or to achieve projects. You must be prudent in your transactions. These problems may arouse the desire to be taken in charge and have helpful people around you (as well as a tendency to let yourself go). This is not the appropriate attitude. Rather than succumb to weariness or stagnation, take your life in hand, cultivate your self-confidence and develop your willingness, your tenacity. Positive evolution often happens in stages.

The number of letters in your full name
It is the number of letters making up your first names and surname, at birth. It gives a supplementary influence, although secondary, on your life. In a way it is the aura that your name gives off. If you must chose the name of your child (or your enterprise) don't forget to take it into account ! Also if the length of your first name(s) is longer than your surname, it will favour the affirmation of your individuality. If it is the other way around, the influence of family heritage could be more prominent.

You have 13 letters in your full name. Evolving aura. This vibration symbolises the end of a cycle followed by a rebirth. Metamorphoses, unexpected changes and often misunderstandings (always be very clear). Great capacity of regeneration and creativity. Obstinate. Stimulation by obstacles and changes. Ambition, serious worker. Good affective vibrations, strong sexuality and enhanced possibilities of spiritual openness. Often accompanied by a certain notoriety.

Second seems slight better to me, I gave you the numerological correspondence of names, it is your to choose now.
Good luck

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Post by antnumero » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:25 pm

Hi there,

When I come across questions like this I tend to do a quick analysis and use that as part of my advice, try to think of other consequences of changing your name or keeping your current one.

Sometimes a name change can be great, it can be a fresh start to a better life, but other times it can go wrong. Do a Google Search for Name Change Numerology I can't remember the URL but I found a really good post about the advantages and disadvantages of a name change.

Please let us know if you find it, I've been scratching around for it but can't see it.

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hi to all

Post by joydev6 » Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:44 pm

hii have a starnge facination for numbers and odd numbers attract me more than even numbers
i wonder wheter i should ask my query or not
i hope i dont sound very impolite
my official name is joy chatterjee dob is 24/11/1973
i wonder if i should change my name to joy dev which happened to be my birth name
just like that regards
ps: i love the sound of joydev

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Should you use married name in numerology charting?

Post by successgoodhealth » Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:09 pm


My own personal view:

To me, using your married name will "not" effectively change the destiny of your
numerolgy pattern for your life and life lessons..

I have seen those that are running from their "at birth" given name and
their "at birth" given responsibility to carry out their chosen life under their
chosen name. Think I did that when I was younger! I believe that we are
the ones responsible for the name we get during our birth time.

Just my opinion...I say...get on with the life and name as you received at side tracks...hit it head on and learn the lessons and
receive the blessings...
successgoodhealth - Lyn in real life

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