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Post by almanuri » Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:33 am


Numerology is perhaps the easiest of the occult arts to understand and use. All you need is the birth date and the complete name of an individual to unlock all of the secrets that the numbers hold.

There are eleven numbers used in constructing Numerology charts. These numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 22. Larger numbers that occur from adding the numbers in the complete birth date or from the values assigned to each name, are reduced by adding the digits together until the sum achieved is one of the core numbers. Merely add the components of the larger number together (repeatedly, if necessary) until a single digit (or the "master" numbers 11 or 22) results. Each of these number represents different characteristics and expressions.

Master number are the only exception to rule of reducing to the single digit. The master numbers 11 and 22 are intensified versions of the single digit number they replace (2 and 4). These numbers suggest a potential for a high degree of learning and/or achievement very often in a more stressful environment. In many individuals, the master numbers operate at a much more tangible or practical level, becoming essentially the same as the single digit parallel.

The first consideration of numerology is often the date of birth. This date, expressed numerically, as mm/dd/yyyy, is used to determine what is called the Lifepath Number and a variety of other factors in the numerology reading.

We will also be converting your FULL BIRTH NAME* to a number. Letters and numbers, you will learn, are always one and the same. Here is a chart of the values assigned to each of the letters in the English alphabet:




































* Note: Most authorities agree that the full birth name as recorded on your birth certificate is the name that must be used for all calculations involving name. Nicknames, changed names including marriage name changes do not delute the importance of the name given to by your parents.

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Post by almanuri » Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:36 am

A HISTORY OF NUMEROLOGY. by Colin-M Baker and Berenice Benjelloun
Colin and Berenice are both graduates of the Connaissance School of Numerology and members of AIN

When mankind first emerged from the animal kingdom, and started the long journey of the evolution of consciousness, one of the first conscious activities was to start to count. As man's intelligence began to expand beyond instinctive behaviour and its boundaries of the senses, numbers were born. At first this step was very simple. and just served to differentiate one thing from another - this is the modus operandi of the number 2, the mind begins to recognise "self' as one entity, and "the other" as a separate being. We can imagine that once the idea of a 3rd principle came into play, everything must have expanded at a faster rate, and gained sophistication. The concept of number and its use at any point in history can be used to reflect the growth of consciousness in man. So we have a constant thread which runs through all civilisations and cultures since the time of the birth of the human kingdom. The concept of time itself can only be realised by the use of numbers, and the idea of history as a progression owes its existence to the idea of measurement.

As we cast our minds back through history we can appreciate the many different steps that have been taken on the journey-
First the simple practical function of being able to count the objects, people, or animals, in the tribal system and then also the rhythms and patterns of the environment itself, such as the passing seasons, night and day, and the tides of the sea. Once man could count he could observe these phenomena in a conscious way, rather than just being an unconscious part of them.

Another step was then taken into the idea of ownership, and this lead to another use of numbers, which was to measure the land to differentiate territorial rights. The word GEOMETRY has its roots is this activity Geo = land, and metry = measurement.

Then the creative use of sound emerged and lead to music, which is a system of measurement of sound, rhythms and vibrations which are part of this. Recognition and invention of a scale of measurement in the form of the musical scale of notes, is a further development.

As we emerged from simple tribal life, numbers gave rise to systems of all kinds, from the manufacture of utensils for everyday use, to systems of religious belief. Specific systems of number were developed for use in esoteric thought as well as in the understanding of personality and psychological factors and archetypes. These include those systems developed by the Chaldeans, the Hindus, the Mayans, the Hebrews (Kabbala) , the Chinese (Book of Changes), and the work of Pythagorus, amongst others.

All these Systems were originally intended to help understand the relationship between man and his God, but in many cases were diluted for Mans' own use, for example for everything from health, wealth, and personal prediction. Many of the systems still tend to focus on one or other of these aspects, man's relationship with the cosmos an the one hand, and personal prediction on the other.

Pythagoras was a Greek master who established a Mystery School in Italy when he was 52 years old. He was born in Greece and lived between 582 and 507 BC, much of his life spent in study and travel. His Mystery School taught esoteric knowledge, which included the secret of number and vibration. The knowledge was passed down by word of mouth and a few manuscripts. The academic teaching rested on a foundation of Mathematics, Music, and Astronomy. Much of Pythagoras' background in Egyptian philosophy and religion was based upon Number and Kabbalistic principle. He postulated that the triangle was particularly important, as it was the first complete shape, and constituted a blueprint. Thus form is preceded by a blueprint, and each stage of this process is measured through numbers, hence nothing exists without nuinbers.
Pythagoras was also responsible for a major change in music. He invented the seven tone diatonic scale with the eighth note as octave above the root or first note of the scale. This enabled music to become more diverse, and some forms to be used in healing. During this period Astrology and Astronomy were taught as one subject. Pythagorus developed what he had learned from the Chaldeans by surmising how the movement of the planets related to the mathematical principles of the musical scale, and that the planets make sounds when they move, hence the music of the spheres.
Pythagoras did not invent numerology, but took it to a new level. For individuals he predicted the future, using their names and dates of birth, though this was not his primary interest in the subject.

This is a very brief look at both Pythagoras, and Numerology more broadly, and fascinating though it is, we are increasingly involved in the cutting edge development of the subject being undertaken in places such as the Connaissance School where numbers are seen as living, dynamic energy systems, accessed primarily through intuition.

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Post by coolsofty » Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:45 pm

thanks for your useful information.

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Joined: Thu May 10, 2007 7:19 am

Post by npb » Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:09 am

i cant see the chart

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