What does 2008 mean?

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Mythical Man
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What does 2008 mean?

Post by Mythical Man » Tue Dec 25, 2007 6:52 pm

I was wondering what does 2008 means from the numerology perspective, could someone help me?

Here is what I have found so far but it is related more with number 8 than 2008. I would love to have more specific informationa about this number and I'm not so versed in numerology discipline.

From the Bible perspective

Jesus was raised from the dead on the first day of the week. As seven represents the full cycle of one week, then the first day of the next week is the eighth day of the first week and the beginning of the new cycle. In the same manner a modern piano has eight notes in the octave. There being seven in the scale and the eighth is the repeat of the first and the beginning the cycle again.
Eight is seven plus one, and is hence the start of a new order, the beginning of a new era. Eight thus represents regeneration and resurrection

From the Kabala perspective

Under the number 8, Karma is King and the ions will harvest what was sprinkled. The power is related with number 8. The heat, the fervor, the resolution, and the ability to see the things in wider terms inspire ambition, adding to this the qualities needed to conquer material objectives. Number 8 has the energy needed to succeed to all the obstacles and finish with the triumph thanks to his perseverance. It could reach higher altitudes based in the ideas and plans that has been worked out during the previous seven cycles. With his ethical and righteous norms, his abilities of good judgment and  organization, it will have the acknowledgement, the power and all he financial recompenses.


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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:52 am

heres something  i found  ,but first  i would like to add that you must also look very closely at the 2 in the date 2008  duality  feminine balance diplomatic  the main energy is coming from and 2+8 ==10/1 new beginnings .

So what does 2008 numerology hold in store for us all? Universally, rather than individually the world of numerology in 2008 promises a brand new beginning for us all.

2+0+0+8 = 10

Any numerology forecast usually reduces numbers to a single digit, except when the master numbers 11 and 22 are involved. However, the number 10 is worth looking at as far as a numerology forecast for 2008 is concerned. Keywords of the number 10 include honour, faith and self-confidence. We are now firmly in the Age of Aquarius, which encourages us all to have a better understanding of the brotherhood of man.

Certainly being honorable and honoring each other can only help matters.

Having faith in something; anything, whatever feels right for you, in turn helps develop self-confidence. This is because it gives you a sense of always having something to fall back on. We are moving towards a shift in consciousness on our planet when we'll all be more in tune with each and even if we won't be able to love our neighbour, we'll at least be able to learn how to tolerate each other.

Reducing 2008 to a single digit means that universally we will be on a 1 year. That means that as a planet we will be embarking on a whole new numerological 9 year cycle.

What a fantastic time to be alive!

If you've been planning a project but felt thwarted getting it started then 2008 will see all stumbling blocks removed. It will be a time of new beginnings, look out for new inventions, trends and fashions. Being individualistic and unique will be encouraged. Authenticity will be regarded very highly as the number 1 does not like falseness of any kind. It will be an excellent time to plan for your long term future, be sure to prepare carefully and put down firm foundations that will pay dividends over the next 12 years. In the meantime, being positive and upbeat will produce instant pleasing results.

Numerology for 2008 does however, have a few words of warning. Because it promises to be such a positive time any negativity will cloud the 1's vibration.

For that reason it's best to avoid indecision; doubt; moodiness; giving up too easily and neglecting details. The number 1 aspires to perfection and is very independent. Think twice about starting any business partnerships as working on your own would be more beneficial.

One of the lessons for the number 1 to learn is that perfection doesn't actually exist, so once again, tolerating and learning to love each other will be high on the agenda this year. Learning to be more truly who you are and then to be accepting of everyone else; I think, sums up the true meaning of 2008 numerology.

written by Paul turner

Mythical Man
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2007 6:46 pm
Location: Mexico D.F.

Thank you

Post by Mythical Man » Thu Dec 27, 2007 5:26 pm

Thank you very much for sharing your wisdom.

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