Meaning of favourite numbers

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Meaning of favourite numbers

Post by Andypants » Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:36 am

Ask yourself what your favourite numbers are, then right them down in order of most favourite to least favourite. The amount of numbers you have varies between people. Stop when you feel you have written enough. Do not force the numbers let them come to you.

This will indicate the stages you will go through in your life.

For example...Mine were.
3, 5, 7, 2, 9, 13, 17.

The study of each individual number will tell you about that single point in your life.
The study of the numbers as a whole represents your life as a complete picture.

I grew and developed well (3, 5, 7) till adolesence when suddenly i experianced extreme depression (2) and was thrown into a complete different cycle of self.
After recoverigng from that I am now currently on the path of spiritual awakening (9).
My future holds...
13 = 1 + 3 = 4 with expression of 1 & 3 also present.
This shall be a time where i build the foundations of my business with the skills i have learnt so far.

I recommend if you are unsure use a pendulum for all self readings.

The following information is sorced from a numerologist but is accurate in description.
Thanks to for sharing with me this compressive descriptive system.

The Number One:
The Creative, Male, Dominant, Alpha, Leader, Ambition,
Initiation, Individualism, Self, Arrogance, Aggression,
Attainment, Happiness, Fulfillment, Glory, Fame, Birth,
Fire, Unique, Omniscience

The Number Two:
The Submissive, Female, Dualism, Cooperation, Consideration,
Cooperation, Balance, Mediation, The Other, Love,
Flexibility, Adaptability, Grace, Dance, Harmony, Devotion,
Obedience, The Subconscious, Water, Soul Mate,

The Number Three:
The Divided, Triangle, Multiples, The Holy Trinity, Faith,
Hope and Charity, Expression, Speech, Wit, Society, Art,
Culture, Sensuality, Sorrow, Immaturity, Passion, Air,
Surprise, Spontaneity, Change, Sex

The Number Four:
The Builder, Foundation, Stability, Patriarchy, Power,
Progress, Earth, Justice, Ability, Manual Dexterity,
Practical, Law, The Conscious Mind, Civilization,
Traditional, Profit, Wisdom, Commerce, Health, Conviction

The Number Five:
The Visionary, Expansion, Opportunity, The Matriarchy,
Adventure, Imagination, Story-telling, Symbols,
The Subconscious Mind, Individualism, Freedom, Healing,
Miracle, Choices, Unconditional Love, Mercy, Kindness,
Invention, Resourceful, The New Age, Assistant.

The Number Six:
The Protector, Provider, Healer, Nurturing, Children,
Empathy, Intuition, Sympathy, Quality, Sustenance,
Love of Community, Unconditional love, Circulation,
Economy, Agriculture, Charity, Balance, Grace, Evolution,
Simplicity, Sorcery.

The Number Seven:
The Analyst, Thinker, Science, Learning, Education, Study,
The Written Word, Logic, Alchemy, Secrets, Myth, Religion,
Ritual, Understanding,  Knowledge, Isolation, Chastity,
Dignity, The Collective Consciousness, Genius.

The Number Eight:
The Manifesting, Wealth, Power, Riches, Status, Material,
Pragmatism, The Ego, Provision, Aggregation, Dictatorship,
Multiples, Business, Investment, Employment, Appearance,
Customs, Skills, Exchange, Reality, World Transformation.

The Number Nine
The Humanitarian, Religious, Charitable, Philanthropic,
Duty, Calling, Mission, Obligations, Hardship,
The Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Mysticism, Faith,
Angel on Earth, Faith in Mankind, Optimist, Suffering,
Self-sacrifice, Karma, Enlightenment, Divine Wisdom.

The Number Eleven
The Master Teacher, Illumination, Enlightenment,
Inspirational, Idealism, Intuitive, Psychic, Channeling,
Poetry, Art, Symbols, Expression, Dreamer, Revolution,
Drugs, Alternate Consciousness, Mysticism, Catalyst,
Prisoner, Prophet.

The Number Twenty Two
The Master Builder, Dreams Made Manifest, Ancient Wisdom,
Realization, Force of Nature, The Future, Evolution,
Technology, Universal Love, God, Retribution, Redemption,
Love, War, Leader, The Universe, Personal Power, Charisma,
Service, The Divine Imagination.

Personal numbers are much more accurate in describing the overall self as seen by the self at certain points in our life. It can also show us where our spiritual growth or lack thereof will take us.

Goodluck finding your own =]

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:57 am

thank you for the insight i like it  my numbers were

5 2 9 7 11 8  listing favorite first

i randomly picked the following   4 7 9 3 5  6 8

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:42 am

the first set being conscious thought

5 2 7 9 11 8

first set : the five my life path number, 2 my day of birth,9 my personality number of my shorten name ,7 my maturity number,11 my month of birth, 8 my rational thought number..  

the second being subconscious thought

4 7 9 3 5 6 8

the four:

The Builder, Foundation, Stability, Patriarchy, Power,
Progress, Earth, Justice, Ability, Manual Dexterity,
Practical, Law, The Conscious Mind, Civilization,
Traditional, Profit, Wisdom, Commerce, Health, Conviction

the seven:

The Analyst, Thinker, Science, Learning, Education, Study,
The Written Word, Logic, Alchemy, Secrets, Myth, Religion,
Ritual, Understanding,  Knowledge, Isolation, Chastity,
Dignity, The Collective Consciousness, Genius.

the nine:

The Humanitarian, Religious, Charitable, Philanthropic,
Duty, Calling, Mission, Obligations, Hardship,
The Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Mysticism, Faith,
Angel on Earth, Faith in Mankind, Optimist, Suffering,
Self-sacrifice, Karma, Enlightenment, Divine Wisdom.

the three:

The Divided, Triangle, Multiples, The Holy Trinity, Faith,
Hope and Charity, Expression, Speech, Wit, Society, Art,
Culture, Sensuality, Sorrow, Immaturity, Passion, Air,
Surprise, Spontaneity, Change, Sex

the five:

The Visionary, Expansion, Opportunity, The Matriarchy,
Adventure, Imagination, Story-telling, Symbols,
The Subconscious Mind, Individualism, Freedom, Healing,
Miracle, Choices, Unconditional Love, Mercy, Kindness,
Invention, Resourceful, The New Age, Assistant

the six:

The Protector, Provider, Healer, Nurturing, Children,
Empathy, Intuition, Sympathy, Quality, Sustenance,
Love of Community, Unconditional love, Circulation,
Economy, Agriculture, Charity, Balance, Grace, Evolution,
Simplicity, Sorcery.

the eight:

The Manifesting, Wealth, Power, Riches, Status, Material,
Pragmatism, The Ego, Provision, Aggregation, Dictatorship,
Multiples, Business, Investment, Employment, Appearance,
Customs, Skills, Exchange, Reality, World Transformation.

MY hard work (4) has lead to knowledge(7) awakening my higher self(9)
self expression (3) will bring change(5) resulting in unconditional love and balance (6)
to my material driven ego (8).

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:20 am

I would like to add a note of personal belief .

Numerology is one of the best self help tools that i have ever found.

I am a very peaceful  caring and loving person ,.but i sum things up as follows

First and foremost

Its Darrens world and Darren is in charge.

I am the allower  things  happen because I allow them too.

People and Conditions exist in my world only because i allow
them too,and they can cease too exist  at any time.

second and also very important

Do as you will as long as you harm none......

night good    

peace love joy and contentment  to each and everyone of you

and in closing I say                   AH SAH  BAH BAH BAH ...... AH SAH NAH TAI


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Post by FireRose » Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:55 am

what if you're not sure if you like a number (numbers) or not?  :smt017
I can think of numbers that are dominant in my life in an order but not most fav. to least fav.  .... then again that's just my personality anyway. I don't have a favorite color, movie, type of music, food etc. ::sigh:: guess I can't use this method. ... lol ...  but anyway here's my list just for fun:

9, 7, 5, 27, 11, 45, 3

peace  :smt002

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