Number 7 Everywhere..

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Number 7 Everywhere..

Post by Quiz_Master » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:26 pm

Hii.. My name is Ashwin (Ashwin means = 7th Month According to Hindu Calander.)

Thing is there is Number 7 in almost every part of my life...

Let me start.

My Parents Married on 31-January-1981
I was born on 7-September-1988.

(Now see.. Date is 7, September means 7, And I am born after 7 years, 7 months, 7 days after my parents marrige. Unfortunately all children (2) (born before me) of my parents died the day they were born. :smt010 )

Birth Time :- 7:35 AM (See the pattern :- 35 means when big hand of clock is @ 7... strange...).

Also in my final year of School I got 77% marks....

Ofcourse Its not a coincidence... Its too much to be a coincidence...

What you think about it... ???

Waiting for your reply...

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Fri Dec 21, 2007 2:40 pm

the seven a number of wisdom deattachment truthfulness faith intuition meditation sensitive contemplative ,anti social aloof eccentric skeptical .

the seven is telling of withdraw from the bustle of ordinary life in order to enter life at a deeper level.knowing its energy helps strengthen faith in a higher intelligence in purpose and meaning and moves the seeker away from fear and into a position of strength what is deeply perceived and may feel alone but not lonely for with this seven energy you can find self  and though the self discover the world.

why is the such a part of you well the following may help

   Ashwin, you possess great compassion and seek to be of service to others.
You have concern for the weak and the downtrodden. You are a healer and a
helper to others. You are capable of giving comfort to those in need and will
frequently offer a shoulder for others to cry on.
   Your task in life is to develop the tools necessary to be truly helpful to others,
rather than to simply be a sympathetic ear. You must find the balance between
help and interference. In the same way, you must learn the delicate art of the
counselor who knows when to leave the struggle to others and when to avoid
taking away the necessary experiences and lessons of life.
   You are naturally balanced. Therefore, you are well equipped to support and
ground others in times of trial.
   It is in your nature to take on responsibility -- you often fill the void left by others
-- and do not turn away from personal sacrifice. At times, you may feel
overburdened by the travails of others. However, the love others bestow upon you
is your well deserved reward.
   Ashwin, you try to maintain harmony within the family or group, balancing and
fusing divergent forces. You seek marriage and are often a wonderful parent,
offering warmth, protection, and understanding to children.
   You are generous, kind, and attractive. You are often admired even adored
which baffles you. You are humble and yet you carry a deep pride. You move well
and gracefully, but will have to work to stay in shape. Seek out physical exercise
and limit the sweets and dairy you crave to keep yourself from becoming plump
and round.
   When young, you must be careful not to choose partners for the wrong
reasons. Do not let sentimentality influence your decision, especially those
involving the choice of a spouse. You need to be needed, but must learn to
discriminate between those you can help and others who are made weaker by
your care.
   After all, it is in your nature to be attracted to the weaker brothers and sisters
among us.
   The temptation, and the danger for you, is to think of yourself as the savior of
the world, carrying the burdens of others on your shoulders.
   Ashwin, you are blessed with musical talent, as well as in the visual and
performing arts. However, your creativity may well be suppressed due to your
willingness to sacrifice, or your inability to fully appreciate your talents. This is not
to say that you cannot excel in these areas; on the contrary, you have the talent,
and with effort you can make a success in a number of artistic fields.

   Ashwin,   You are
like a lightning rod, attracting powerful ideas, intuitions, and even psychic
information like unpredictable bolts.
   You are a powerful presence without any awareness on your part of having
personal power.  You are a channel for higher vibrations.  But in order to be
emotionally and psychologically at peace, you must learn to control that flow of
energy.  You possess a bridge between the unconscious and the conscious.  The
trouble is that the unconscious is an infinite resource, while consciousness by
definition is a limited arena.  The two are therefore at odds until they can learn to
live in harmony with each other.  This is where control comes in.  Until you are
able to control the flow of energy from this infinite source, you may feel like a
victim of its whimsy, thrown about by emotional turmoil and nervous tensions.
   Ashwin, you have always sensed that you are different, but it was an
indefinable feeling.  You are enormously sensitive and aware, especially as a
child.  This made you vulnerable to all conflicts and painful situations.  For most of
your upbringing, however, you did not realize that other people did not possess the same sensitivity,
nor did they see the same things you were seeing.  This
caused a great reservoir of emotion that was dammed up behind an inability to
express your feelings, even to yourself.  For this reason, most 11 Expressions
have a difficult childhood.  Your extreme sensitivity made you very shy as a child.  
This usually manifests in adulthood as hesitation and acute vulnerability.  You are
very careful about sharing your feelings with others and choosing your friends.
   You compensated for your sense of separation in childhood by creating an
elaborate fantasy world.  You daydreamed more than other children.  You have a
lively imagination and even in adulthood have a hard time separating reality from
   Ashwin, your challenge is to bring forth your primitive, earthy strength.  You
need to be grounded in order to deal with your lightning bolts.  The more you are
able to call upon your inherent human strength, the greater your capacity to take
advantage of your extremely sensitive awareness.  Once this is accomplished,
your antagonist becomes your benefactor.
   You are highly emotional and dependent upon relationships.  Emotionally, you
go up and down with the fortunes of your love life.
   You are idealistic, impractical, and at times disorderly.  You are often
unrealistic in your expectations.
   Your reasons for doing things are usually born of a mixture of logic, emotion,
and intuition, which can rarely be explained satisfactorily to your more rational
associates. the mention of the 11 comes from a vibration within your name ......

   Ashwin, your overpowering need is to be independent and to direct your own
life according to what you believe.  Your dream is to become the leader of
whatever field you enter.  Whether it is in business, community, or in your general
area of expertise, you are driven to be the reigning figure.
   You have the courage and the confidence to lead others.  You believe firmly
that your judgment is preeminent over all others.  This gives you the confidence to
make bold decisions and carry them out, even when other lives are greatly
affected by what you do.  You rarely look back once you have made a decision.
   You possess intelligence and wit.  You are keenly insightful and are good at
evaluating the abilities of others.
   You are supremely individualistic.  In your manner and dress, you like to project
your own unique persona.
   Consequently, you don't mind being controversial, and can even enjoy the
attention and impact you have made on your surroundings.
   Ashwin, you dislike routines, or anything that limits your freedom and
   Whenever you commit to something you truly love, you are absolutely
tenacious in your ability to endure difficulties and overcome obstacles.  You are
highly responsible; you hate passing the buck.  You possess remarkable
willpower and a strong drive to succeed.
   You are always looking for innovative ways of doing things.
   Because you seek to be the boss in any endeavor, you have a tendency to
dominate others.  If you are not careful, especially in dealing with your
subordinates and family, you may become ruthless in your decisions and
behavior.  You can also fall victim to impatience and intolerance, particularly if you
grow conceited or superior.
   Ashwin, you are the pioneer and the ground-breaker.  You love the foreground,
the hot-seat of responsibility.  You have all the talents to succeed.  As long as you
maintain balance in your life, allowing others full expression of their thoughts and
abilities, you will easily rise to the top of your chosen field and realize your

use the seven energy to find the truth   my friend

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7 everywhere ,affirmations for the seven

Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Fri Dec 21, 2007 2:47 pm

i go within and find my truth

i am never alone for what is true and what
is good is within me

no matter how deeply i search i am able
to maintain my relationships with others

image :truth seeker
desire :to know truth -analysis
pattern: wisdom -detachment

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Post by Quiz_Master » Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:37 pm


Sir.. everything you said... Seems completetly true about me...
There are facts in there which my parents don't even know.... but they are true none the less.
Its 99.9999% true.
Everything you said Good and Bad... They are like totally up to the mark...

Thank you sir... I will follow what you said...

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Post by manjay123 » Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:54 am

Hi, My name is Manjay and DOB is 07/07/1969 and birth time 14.35.

I want to know about my future. 7 is special number?


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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:32 pm

Your Life Path is 21/3  
   You possess a great talent for creativity and self expression. Many writers,
poets, actors and musicians are born under the 3 Life Path. Manjay, you are witty,
possess a gift for gab, and savor the limelight. Your talent for the expressive arts
is so abundant that you may well have felt drawn to becoming an artist while still
very young. Your artistic abilities can only be developed, however, through
discipline and commitment to the true development of your talent. Commitment,
concentration and hard work are the only means of bringing forth your talent.
Thanks to your gift for self expression, you can be the life of the party, and the
center of attention. However, you could easily squander your talent by becoming a
social butterfly. Your creativity is the gift that can give you the comfort and luxury
you desire, but not without continual focus and discipline. You are optimistic and
possess the resilience to overcome many setbacks. You are socially active,
popular, and inspire people with your sunny "happy go lucky" attitude. Manjay, you
can be generous to a fault. Many people born under the 3 Life Path have difficulty
handling money because they can be disorganized and not particularly serious
about their responsibilities. You are emotional and vulnerable. When hurt, you
withdraw into a cloud of silence, eventually emerging from your reticence with
jokes and laughter that cover up your true feelings. You can become moody and
cynical when depressed. You can succumb to sarcastic remarks, which can be
painful to those around you. When used positively, your talent for self expression
can be a great inspiration force in the world, uplifting others, and bringing much
success and happiness to you.

the seven is very special and important to you in a few areas  

Your Birthday is 7  
   Manjay, you possess a highly-developed mind.  It is your instrument for
investigating the world and all its subjects.  You are philosophically and spiritually
oriented.  You can and should specialize in one given field in order to make full
use of your abilities and your natural intellectual gifts.
   You tend to be analytical and rational in your approach to relationships.  
Emotions are a cloudy and uncertain realm for you, which, very often, you do not
trust.  Emotional people are sometimes viewed by you as a bit immature or
   You have excellent intuition.  You should meditate and do some type of spiritual
exercise in order to develop your intuitive talents.  Once you have begun to trust
your intuition, you will develop a sound faith.
   You should avoid taking anything at face value.  Nor should you take excessive
chances or gamble.  You are not the type that should be given to reckless living.  
It tends to backfire quickly for you.
   You prefer to work alone and set your own pace.  You tend to finish projects
once started.  Your interest leans to the scientific, technical, and metaphysical.
   You are very sensitive and feel deeply, but you don't share your feelings easily
and do not communicate them well.  You like to spend time alone but have to be
careful not to become too withdrawn.
   You can be opinionated and stubborn.  You must guard against becoming too
analytical, cold-hearted, and cynical.  You can be highly critical and self-centered
-- traits that can lead to much unhappiness, especially in marriage, if you are not
careful.  Once married, you tend to be loyal and faithful.
   Make the most of your gifts of mind without losing your heart in the process.  
Share your emotions with those you trust, and maintain long-lasting close
relationships.  This will balance your mental life and will be a source of great

the seven dominates in the following  and is felt though out your life span

   Like most stories, there are three great divisions of our lives: the First, or
opening period, finds us groping to find our true nature; at the same time, we are
trying to cope with the powerful forces that are present in our environment, our
parents and the socio-economic conditions of our family, for example.  The
Second Cycle, or middle period of our lives, brings about the slow emergence of
our individual and creative talents.  The initial part of this cycle -- the early and mid
30s -- represents a struggle to find our place in the world, while the late 30s, 40s,
and early 50s, sees us with a greater degree of self-mastery and influence over
the environment.  The Third, or final Cycle, can represent a flowering of our inner
being, such that our true nature has finally come to fruition.  It is during this period
that one has the greatest degree of self-expression and power.

your periods cycles all have he seven vibration

   A time to specialize, a time to think deeply and contemplate the deeper
questions of life.  Study a subject you enjoy in depth.  Manjay, you are attracted to
the fields of science, technology, philosophy, and metaphysics.  Become an
expert in a specific area.  You have excellent intuition and a mind that can
penetrate beneath the surface of any subject you commit to.  Focus your
energies and thoughts.  This is a period of inner development.  Meditation,
contemplation, and self-reflection are means of inner enrichment.  Develop
wisdom.  Relationship may seem burdensome at times because of the desire to
spend time alone.  There is some resistance to sharing your deeper feelings with
others.  The inner life is so compelling that you will want to immerse yourself in it.  
Share the knowledge you accumulate by teaching, counseling, or simply talking to

this is a general lookout, but may shed so insight i hope it helps

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Post by manjay123 » Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:30 am

Thanks for giving me such valuable information.


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