plz tell me what my numbers mean?

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plz tell me what my numbers mean?

Post by sweet77 » Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:09 pm

hi friends.
Can anyone tell me what do my numbers mean and if they are compatabile with my fiance numbers.

My name is samia and i am born at 25-11-1985 and my fiance is mazen born at 24-2-1981. and please can u tell me about future if possible and career. thanks a lot for u.    :smt006  :)  :smt006

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:24 pm

Samia, your Life Path is 23/5   Mazen, your Life Path is 9    

Your Life Path's compatibility is 5 and 9  
Samia and Mazen, your Life Path numbers are the most important numbers in
your charts, and, as such, their compatibility is very important to the well-being of
your relationship.

There is very little the five and the nine have in common, Samia and Mazen.  In
fact, there is no common ground at all.  Imagine a social event where all the
participants are pure archetypes based on the personalities of the cardinal
numbers, you will never see the five and the nine huddled together, laughing and
talking and sharing jokes.  Like oil and water, the five and the nine won’t mix.  
They are so far apart that they would have a hard time keeping a conversation
going, and an even harder time enjoying it - if at all possible...
Samia and Mazen, the numbers found in this particular aspect of the chart are not
responsible for the attraction between you.  The fact that you have a relationship
indicates strong compatibilities in other areas of the chart.

Samia, your adventurous, dynamic, and freedom-loving spirit reflected in this part of
our chart can be annoying and perceived as irresponsible by Mazen.
Mazen, your idealism, your sense of duty and responsibility to
mankind, your desire to “make a difference” in this world, appear superficial to
that part of Samia that is represented by this five.

Although there is not much to be done about this lack of compatibility, the
relationship between a five and a nine is far from doomed.  Other aspects of your
personalities are obviously strongly connected and compatible, otherwise there
would not be a relationship at all.  So, how can you minimize the lack of
compatibility between the five and the nine in this aspect of the chart?
For Mazen, it is important to know that idealism, self-righteousness, duty and
responsibility will only impress Samia if you don’t take credit for your actions.  
Samia distrusts idealism but admires results.  Without limiting yourself Mazen,
you will have to accept the fact that you are on your own when it comes to
following your heart in these areas.

Similarly, Samia, in Mazen’s eyes you sometimes appear shallow and selfish, not
because you are shallow and selfish, but because Mazen connects selflessness
and inspired actions with depth and moral strength.
Samia and Mazen, you will have to compromise and be diplomatic when it comes
to these issues and explore your number combination in other aspects of the
chart that certainly have sustained your relationship.

in order to show the other numbers within your charts full names need to be given
which can also shed insight on your other requests..

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