Why Number 7 is unique

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Why Number 7 is unique

Post by subpriya » Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:34 am

My date of birth is 7. My wife's date of birth is 16 (which is equal to 7).  Most of the numbers associated with me also totalled to 7, by some means. Recently, one of my friend and a practitioner of Numerology told me to avoid 7.  Instead he asked me to use 5.  I do not understand the reason, nor he gave one.

Can any one throw some light on this.

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Post by prasad.r » Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:13 pm

Hi subpriya,
I don't know why your friend told you to avoid 7 and use 5. There are different systems in numerology. May be your frined is using different systems. But, According to great numerologist Cheiro,the number 5 treats number 7 as enemy though 7 treats 5 as friend. It is better a number 7 person not to use number 5.
7 is known as the number of mystery due to the following reasons:
There are seven main planets in the zodiac.
There are seven continents in the world.
There are seven wonders of the world.
There are seven colors in the rainbow.
There are seven days in a week.
There are seven seas on the Earth.
There are seven petals in the Lotus, the Sacred Seat of Lord Buddha, regarded as the most sacred flower by the people of the Eastern countries.
Lord Venkateswara, regarded as the incarnation of God (Maha Vishnu) in Kaliyuga by the one thousand million Hindus (Indians), is known as the Lord of the Seven Hills, as He is situated on the seven hills near Tirupathi in the Andhra Pradesh state in the southern part of India.
Additionally, the Christian Scripture, Revelations, refers to the following:
The seven heavens.
The seven thrones.
The seven seals.
The seven churches.
In Revelation, we come across seven spirits of God. Ezekiel speaks of “The seven angels of the Lord that go to and from through the whole earth.” It is also not without reason that there are seven generations from David to the birth of Lord Christ. Substantiating the mystery of the number 7, Egyptian religion repeatedly talks of the seven spirits. It is a known fact that the number 7 is regarded as the number of mystery by almost all major religions of the mankind.
Medically, it is established that every seven years, biological changes take place in the chemistry of human beings, both male and female. It is also most commonly said all over the world that every person on this Earth would have six other persons living somewhere with the similar features and looks making it a total of seven persons being look-alikes for each and every one.

And he also gave some suggestions for number 7 people (Whose birth date, not the month and year, equals to 7. i.e., 7, 16, 25 )

1) For a number 7 person, the following numbers are stated to be in vibration and harmony with his or her birth date: 1, 7 (in order of priority). This order suggests that a number 7 person can have a name whose numerical value equals 1 or 7 when the equivalent values of the letters of his name are added up.

2) Suitable days for a number 7 person: Sunday, Thursday and Tuesday (in order of priority)

3) Suitable dates for a number 7 person: 1, 3, 7, 9,10, 12, 16, 18,19, 21, 25, 27,28, 30. The combination of a suitable date and day, like a Sunday falling on a 1st or 10th, on a 3rd or 21st works out to be better for a number 7 person. Here also the preference goes first to Sunday, then to Thursday and then finally to Tuesday.
4) Suitable colors and stone for a number 7 person: sun rise colors and ruby (3 carats).

I hope this gives some knowledge about your number.That's all i can do for you for now.

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Post by starlife » Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:56 pm

I would have to agree with Prasad.r.  I think the qualities of the number 1 would be a nice balance to the 7 archetype, especially if you are a male.  I would suggest you read the descriptions for these numbers and consider how they would blend with and support your current pesonality and situation.

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Post by _Patt_ » Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:46 am

I was born on 7th of August and you said pretty well somethings...I always read my best day is on sunday or when I born, in my case, on wednesday, colours orange or gold and in fact my favourite color is orange. And I have an adoration for number 7, it means a lot to me, besides being my birth day, I don't know why I like it.

But, indeed, I feel it's a special number with mistery and magic around it.

Thanks for sharing =).

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Post by Sorrow » Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:07 pm

Well saturn is the seventh planet, so its similar to that energy, read more about its nature.

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Post by chinmaya_k » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:06 am

The Number 7 is Heaven..

Thse people are deep thinkers,
are some what reserved in nature.

wearing Pearl or moon stone wil avoid the -ve traits

2 is the best match...

--chinmaya :)

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Post by FireRose » Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:29 pm

Just a thoguht:

I am a 7 who is drawn almost irresistibly to anything "5"
I crave adventure and change and not at all afraid of conflict (though I'd usually prefer to avoid it).

I think we go through phases in life where we're attracted to different lifestyles or people.  It's ok if it's 5 today , 6 tomorrow and 2 next week. Don't worry about  the right number match for you forever... people aren't completely defined by their number. I am a 7 but very different form my friend who is also a 7 (but super "6"ish).

hope that made sense. Best wishes.

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Post by Astroman101 » Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:49 am

starlife wrote:I would have to agree with Prasad.r.  I think the qualities of the number 1 would be a nice balance to the 7 archetype, especially if you are a male.  I would suggest you read the descriptions for these numbers and consider how they would blend with and support your current pesonality and situation.
My personality number has always been 7 and my expression has always been 1, and i am a male :smt002  Does this balance?
My Inner dreams is 3 and lifepath 8. Day of the month 2.
Is it still balanced?? :smt017

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