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Post by Wolfshadow » Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:17 am

I can't help but see that the number 13 seems to be of some significance. In ancient astrology, there were 13 signs instead of today's 12. The Maya based there calendar system on the number 13. More?...there were 12 deciples who followed Jesus (12+1=13). There were 12 tribes of Israel, with the Levites( the tribe that handled the religious rites mingled among the 12 (12+1=13). That is very curious isn't it? Jesus being the anointed one, and the Levite's who were responsible for the Jewish religious rites, being that extra ingredient that pushed the number up. Both of them were the spiritual part that made a difference from 12 to 13. Something is very mystical about the number 13. Any thoughts about this?
Last edited by Wolfshadow on Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by Wolfshadow » Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:21 am

I should have mentioned the supposed 13 crystal skulls also.

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Post by looking_glass » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:22 am

It reminds me of statistics and the arbitrariness of selecting numbers that suit what we are looking for. That btw, does not mean there is no significance. It just means I think we look too hard.

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Post by Wolfshadow » Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:51 pm

As I am attending college, I have learned through my Cisco instructor that their are 13 root servers in the world. 13 major avenues that are the engines that runs the internet! I was really astonished when he told us (the class) this. I asked him why their are 13, and not 10 or 12 or 14? He just answered that he was waiting for a 14th server. Since I no longer believe in coincidence, this fact has ignited my thoughts about the number 13 even further. The Hopi Indians of New Mexico, USA have folklore stories that say the Earth will be covered in a web (internet?).

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Post by void » Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:52 pm

I had an almost head on accident last year 7/13/07 friday the 13th

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Post by Wolfshadow » Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:02 pm

Perhaps to get your attention to, and to research the number 13? Only speculating, I don't know the significance of the number 13 yet. I just know that it is strange how it manifests itself in the way that it does.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:23 pm

as a personal number vibration

13/4  13 has always been feared as the death number and indeed ,it does represent death ,but not in the ordinary sense .death is merely change. when we are born into this life, we die from another level of existence.  when we marry ,we die as a single entity and are reborn as a duo.when the struggling artist receives recognition, e dies overnight as an unknown and is reborn as a famous individual.change is simultaneous birth and death.

the death connotation of 13 has arisen because most people respond to its lower side-immersion in fleshly desires and encapsulation in matter.death then occurs through destruction and degeneration of the body.a few people respond to the higher side of the 13 which involves complete satisfaction and attainment through regeneration  or using the tremendous powers of this number to create and leave something of value with the world.

there are no halfway measures with this number.there is enormous potential for ultimate attainment and equally great potential for complete destruction. its all or nothing.

your life as a 13 will be one of constant change. as soon as a situation seems settled and quiet, anew set if circumstances will arise to replace the old.constant renewal keeps you on your toes and impresses on you the transitory nature of earthly things . the instability of your material world strengthens the bond between you and the invisible world.because of this you need a secure home and secure relationships therein, for you realize that these bonds are true and lasting .

you are not a leader in the ordinary sense of the word, but you do carry on for others. you take on their problems and bravely bear burdens with little complaint.

your idealism knows no bounds ,and you can transform the most desperately lost cause into a worthwhile venture through your profound philosophy and understanding of the real values in life.

your limitless creative powers discover fertile soil where others see only a wasteland.you can take a dying business and ,with creative ideals, organized talents and hard work change it into financially profitable venture.

you can salvage a relationship that seems about to break and cement it more strongly than it was.
transformation is your keyword, whether it be in business, relationships or social causes.

your psychic abilities are marked, and you can see right through people and situations. it is not easy to fool you, and your perceptive analytical powers make you a formidable opponent .

if you are a negative 13 ,you dissipate your creativity in pursuit of transitory desires. overindulgence in drink, drugs, unsavory relationships and destructive actions can make your life and the lives of those around you a complete disaster.

your bed temper and rash actions hurt others and can tear down those structures that you attempt to build.stagnation and inertia set in and turn you into a revolutionary .
but the change you bring about is destructive rather than regenerative. you are in a state of spiritual amnesia.

you above all others have the ability to bring about peaceful changes that will improve the living standards of the world. you can take what most people would throw away ,rework it and produce a useful and necessary product.this gives tangible proof of the existence and immortality of the soul
whose presence you have never doubted.

13/4 as a Temporary vibration   :change release transformation  the number 13 is associated with suspicion and misconceptions.

The number 13 is sacred as is every multiple of 13 .it connotes an initiate or one who is reborn through the mental powers of transmutation.

there are twelve disciples jesus was the thirteenth

there are twelve zodiacal signs with the sun at the center

number 13 is preserved in the measurements of the great pyramid

astrologically the death card 13 ruled by scorpio which governs the reproductive organs birth death and transformation

astrological correspondence  earth [and scorpio} the expansion 3 of the original life force 1 ultimately produces form 4 earth .
and here in number 13 appropriately ruled by scorpio, we find death must be understood ,not feared, of all the zodiacal signs ,scorpio has the power to transform the things of earth ,and bring about new life .
other peoples refuse becomes scorpios fuel.

death belongs only to earth . 13 has always been feared  as the death number by the uninitiated, but 13 reduces to a 4 ,the number of the earth

the bible tells us we are the salt if the earth . salt crystalizes in cubes ,and cube vibrates to 13 .our bodies are cubes that contain the immortal spirit ,the everlasting life energy.the body dies:the essence goes on.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:00 pm

void I think your near accident sums the whole thing up - nothing happened, the days of the week are purely a human construct, as is all the rest.

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Post by parallelmessages » Fri Jun 13, 2008 11:01 pm

I agree with you prof.  
Sometimes we spend too much time analyzing things and making more of them than it is worth.
13 is only a number...the numbers mentioned are coincidence...have you seen the movie 23 with Jim Carrey?
This all sounds very familiar to that movie.

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Post by LostShaman » Fri Jun 13, 2008 11:27 pm

My thoughts on this are a little sketchy, but I believe that if we attach enough significance to a number, object, etc. that it will end up manifesting itself significantly in our experience.  In other words, if I believe strongly that Friday the 13th will be a day of bad luck, I am likely to experience bad luck on that day.

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Post by LostShaman » Fri Jun 13, 2008 11:28 pm

My thoughts on this are a little sketchy, but I believe that if we attach enough significance to a number, object, etc. that it will end up manifesting itself significantly in our experience.  In other words, if I believe strongly that Friday the 13th will be a day of bad luck, I am likely to experience bad luck on that day.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:12 am

13 has traditionally been thought of as an unlucky number ,so it shouldnt surprise us to see it listed as one of the karmic numbers.though some people with 13 prominent in their name or birth date are inclined to be mystical ( think of poets W.B Yeats  born on june 13 and William Blake ,with a 13 quiet self )
Leonardo Da Vinici  4/15/1452 whose last supper is one of the most widely appreciated master pieces in the world,was born with a 13 life path. the number itself has an unfortunate heritage there were 13 at the last supper  jesus and the 12 and one died  .

supposedly ,it is unlucky for 13 people to be seated at a table together ,and whoever if the first to leave will die within a year .[this is partly based on the fact that JUDAS ISCARIOT, with 13 letters in his name ,was the first to leave the last supper .

the poet MATTHEW ARNOLD ( WITH 13 LETTERS IN HIS NAME )  ,upon hearing of this superstition while attending a diner for 13, decided to test fate and purposefully was the first to leave the party.

With typical Victorian faith in rationality , he left with two companions, believing that death would note the fact that there were three of them instead of one ,and the grim reaper would be proven the fool.

Apparently, however Fate doesnt add the same way we do,and since three people were the first to leave ,Matthew arnold died of heart failure six months later. one of the companions who left with him was found dead shorty thereafter with a revolver at his side: and the third that same year went off to sea and drowned .

I doubt the number 13 killed MATTHEW ARNOLD , but this anecdote reveals an important aspect of the number 13 as it shows itself in human behavior: an over reliance on the logic of 4 [which is 13 reduced to a single digit ]and a subconscious fear of the irrational as symbolized by the hidden 2 in 13  9found by subtracting the 1 from the 3.

Many 13 s  have a fear of the known of what the subconscious [the hidden 2]  might reveal , and of work [4] which is a reminder  of time ,mortality , and how long we have to live. often they scatter {3} their energies {1} because of the subconscious emotional problems , as represented by the hidden [2]  at times they live the philosophy of lets eat, drink and be merry ,for tomorrow we die .and neglect to do the work that will bring meaning and purpose to their lives .

many 13s have a tendency to waste [3] time [4] to act [1]childishly [3] .and to procrastinate---if not in this incaration, then perhaps in some former lifetime .

A disdain or dislike of work can make them shy away from long term projects .and they are often contented to occupy the self [1] with trivial [3] pursuits [4].

other 13s in their efforts to male up the karma that numeroligist FLORENCE CAMPBELL associates with this number--tests and trails in proficiency due to an insistence [1] on the path of dalliance [3]  when the goal is work and construction [4] --overcompensate by becoming workaholics.

numbers influence are lifes and the world round us  this can be proven  time and time again  

there was a post that brought up the word  coincidence.  '" I dont  think so"    Is this number a personal part of you   if not than it may never be a factor  but than again i might  ..........     there is much much more that can be reveal about  the influence of this mystical number

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:27 am

In reference to friday the 13 which was not the topic ..   To say that Friday the 13th will be a day of bad luck.is purely folk lure .  One must look and see how the current energies  example  friday june  13 2008  fits into  ones personal  energies .  than in some cases there may be reason for concern  ....

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:49 pm

A friend of mine was born on the 13th of the month and used that number as his favorite or lucky number.  We have fears from those that would not put a 13th floor on buildings.  We have nurtured these fears.  Lets just borrow a lucky aspect and see what happens.

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Post by Wolfshadow » Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:33 am

I believe that their are no coincidences in life, things happen for a reason. To better understand this, one must simply become more aware of their surroundings ("Be sober"). I was contemplating the founding of the U.S., there were 13 original colonies, but they were a physical static 13. Unlike the 12 tribes of Israel plus the Levites mingled among the 12. There was not a 12+1 situation present concerning the U.S. If that is significant in some way, I am not sure what it is.

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