Child born in July - not to be named with A

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Child born in July - not to be named with A

Post by alpanasharma1311 » Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:50 pm

I have a kid who is 4 years and he was born on 22 July 2004. I named him Ansh, but as per numerology I had read that child born in July shuold not be named with A or S. Let me know what can be the effects of naming with A.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:13 am

The cornerstone is the numerical value of the first  letter of the first name. It denotes the foundation of the persons life. It represents the basic characteristic of our inner being .It should compared to the expression to see if it increases or modifies it.

A [1] Initiative  and leadership,creativity and originality, indicates strong will and determination when its the first letter in a name.

Number One individuality versus Selfishness

keywords Positive :leadership independence originality dynamic hard-working courageous decisive intellectual creative ambitious and strong -willed

keywords negative : stubborn selfish impatient intolerant reactive egotistical headstrong self centered irrational antisocial tyrannical and unstable.

number one relates to starting new projects or new relationships and cutting off the past  a number one person is a pioneering type or strong individualist
who gets things done and provides leadership for others . One is ruled by the sun and is masculine in nature.

number one people are mainly mental types and tend to be loners. if they lead or interact with others without being dominant, egotistical or insensitive
and with the purpose of benefiting other well as themselves they will succeed. they can also fail if they become lazy, indecisive or lacking in self-confidence .

they must avoid both extremes of iconoclastic or tyrannical behavior and stagnation from over dependence on others. they need the support of a patient ,loving spouse and comforting home.

the date of birth is showing a 8 life path  july 22 2004


(Vibrations: Money, Power, Manager, and Supervisor)

Eight is infinity - that of eternal and continuous spiral motions, which is constant throughout the universe. Eight will always assume power, for it has achieved control and responsibility in its chosen field. Recognition and financial rewards are bestowed and expansion and growth in the business world take place. Eight is power, responsibility, financial rewards, good judgment, and recognition. In standard Tarot it is Justice - Divine Balance

Life Path 8

People with a Life Path 8 are born with natural leadership skills. If your Life Path is an 8 you are very ambitious and goal oriented. You have strong organizational skills and broad vision which make you successful in business.

You thrive on hard work, and more than any other Life Path number are prone to becoming a workaholic. You are very good with money and your work ethic makes it possible for you to aquire wealth. This pursuit of materialistic gains can hold some pitfalls for you including a tendency to become unscrupulous in your efforts to make money, or to neglect your family and loved ones while working to earn money.

You are a good judge of character and attract the right kinds of people to work with you toward your vision. This makes you a natural executive, and excellent in the business or political arena. You have a need for success, and a strong desire to be recognized for your achievements.

Because you consider status very important you may be tempted to live above your means. You should also pay special attention to telling and showing your loved ones that you care - being a good provider isn't the only way of doing this.

Career Choices:

Good career choices for a Life Path 8 are politics, business, real estate, finance, law, archeology, judge, or author. Any career requiring good organizational skills or that puts you in a position of authority is a good choice.

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Post by » Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:43 pm

Is there a pattern in their reference?
Do other months have this occurance?
I'm very interested =)
If there is a pattern, I may be able to figure it out =)
or not ;)

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Post by » Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:43 pm

Is there a pattern in their reference?
Do other months have this occurance?
I'm very interested =)
If there is a pattern, I may be able to figure it out =)
or not ;)

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Post by starsign20002000 » Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:00 pm

                           Is there a reason that you should not have a Child's name starting with S when they are born in July?  My First name starts with an S and I was born in July.

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Post by adambieler » Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:15 am

My name starts with A and i was born in july.. I have never heard about that being a bad thing

richa sareen
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Post by richa sareen » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:35 am

S is the 19th alphabet. This makes A and S influenced by Number 1, the number of might and power. The sun rules number 1.
the personality of a number 1 person is exemplary and possesses special qualities.
person with 'A' or 'S' as his/her initial insists on his right to make up his own mind; he demands freedom of thoughts and action. He has pre-determined targets and he works with full dedication towards the attainment of the same. He does not let anything or anyone stand in his way once he is committed to his goal.People having their names begin with 'A' or 'S' seeks to be on the forefront and in limelight. They are exceptionally creative and original and possess a touch of the unusual. Their approach to problems is unique and they have the courage to wander from the beaten path.

They are very much concerned with their status and foster the appearance of success and self-satisfaction. The need to become well off propels them to strive for growth, success and the finer things of life.

They should watch out for selfishness, conceit and the over-concern with appearance. They must guard against overzealous behavior, anger and aggressiveness. If these qualities are not brought under control they could become excessively domineering, vindictive and even violent (As happened in case of Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein).

They perform best when they are left to their own devices. Ideally they should engage themselves in their own business and be their own boss. People having their names begin with 'A' or 'S' need to understand that their talents and abilities are a gift from a higher source, which should promote gratitude and humility, rather than pride and conceit. Once they understand this, success is assured at their each and every step.

They are pioneers, gamblers, and initiators. They are very creative and possess a keen and rapid mind. (as in case of Shakespeare).
But the children born on 6th, 8th, 15th, 17th, 24th and 26th of any month must never be named with an A or S initial. Similarly the children born in July and August must not be named with an A or S initial.

Zimbabwe Cyberwitch
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Birth months and First initials of names

Post by Zimbabwe Cyberwitch » Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:01 am

I would like to know more about this - I was born in November and my name stars with O - has this any sugnificance?

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%th day of the month

Post by Zimbabwe Cyberwitch » Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:04 am

The actual day i was born was 05 November  and my name is Odette - can you give me any guidelines as to if this was a good or bad choice for my parents to have made.  i would be especially interested as i have had a rather interesting and complex life and wondered if this may have been part of the reason

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:58 am

Is there a pattern in their reference?
Do other months have this occurance?

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