name for a new born

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name for a new born

Post by alpanasharma1311 » Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:44 pm

I have a 2 month old baby girl and I have  decided to keep her name Ania. Please can any one let me know based on numerology which spelling will be best suited for her.

Ania Sharma
Ania S aharma
Annia Sharma
Annia S Sharma
Anya Sharma
Anya S Sharma

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:59 am

Ania Sharma

Dominant Impression  
Dominant Impression.
This section describes the first and dominant impression the name "Ania
Sharma" conjures up in most people.

The name "Ania Sharma" inspires trust, confidence, and security.  This name is
grounded and practical, and promotes steady progress and consistent effort.  
"Ania Sharma" makes one feel that everything will be taken care of; you are in
good hands.  Not a dreamer and lacking imagination, this name represents
integrity and stability.  It is comforting, a strong foundation, and the bedrock of
society.  It also reflects strong organizational skills and an eye for detail.  It has a
strong sense of structure.  Family-oriented.

The name "Ania Sharma" reflects a rigid, inflexible atmosphere, which, however,
is good for some businesses, such as insurance, banks, accounting, and
brokerage firms.

Most positive characteristics: Reliable, trustworthy.  Structured and disciplined.  
Makes steady progress.
Most negative characteristics: Rigid.   Lacks passion, creativity, and tolerance.

Vowel Vibration  
The Vowel Vibration of a name enhances or decreases the impact of the
Dominant Impression, and sometimes adds a completely different flavor.  Read
about the Vowel Vibration with the Dominant Impression in mind.

The vowels in "Ania Sharma" add stability and a sense of trustworthiness.  They
add orderliness, organizational strength, discipline, an eye for detail, focus, and
the ability to stay the course no matter what.  Honesty and reliability are
The Vowel Vibration in "Ania Sharma" adds strength to the Dominant Impression,
not unlike structural braces and cables in a building.  And, similarly, the vowels
take away some of the flexibility, which makes the name feel more rigid and
However, the vowels in "Ania Sharma" also take some of the spark away from the
name - one might even call it boring.  In some cases, however, that becomes an
asset, especially when predictability and routine are required.

Base Vibration  
The Base Vibration is subtler than the Vowel Vibration, but should be considered
equally important.

The Base Vibration in "Ania Sharma" reflects nobility and idealism.  It reaches
greatness through humility and wealth through sacrifice.  It represents universal
justice and balance.  It inspires people to give of themselves, to devote their
energies selflessly, and to love all people of all walks of life.  The base vibrations
in "Ania Sharma" reflect the true potential of mankind.
The Base Vibration in "Ania Sharma" also reflects great artistry, especially in
dancing, acting, and other performing arts.  There is elegance, grace, and
charisma within these base vibrations.
At the same time, the influence of the base vibrations in "Ania Sharma" can be
impractical, misguided, and annoyingly self-righteous.  There is a need for
common sense and a more down-to-earth approach.

The Dominant Vibration and the Vowel Vibration in "Ania Sharma" are similar.  
Unless their attributes are especially desirable, this should be avoided.  
Otherwise, 4 stars.
The Dominant Vibration and the Base Vibration don’t conflict, but don’t strengthen
each other either.  2 Stars.
The Vowel and Base Vibrations don’t conflict, but don’t strengthen each other
either.  2 Stars.

Ania S aharma

Dominant Impression.
This section describes the first and dominant impression the name "Ania S
Aharma" conjures up in most people.

The name "Ania S Aharma" induces a sense of freedom and adventure, risks and
rewards, gambling and daring acts of courage.  The name has passion and
One senses that "Ania S Aharma" can do anything, is extremely capable, and a
true survivor.  It is also highly flexible, can adapt to new circumstances quickly,
and has excellent reflexes; often, important decisions are made in seconds,
seemingly impulsively even.  But due to sharp intuition and even sharper

intelligence, those decisions are almost always right on the money.  Youthful,
dynamic and energetic, this name draws people who want things to be “different,”
and don’t like the tried and proven.
Social, outgoing, something skirting the acceptable - or even pushing the
envelope of what is “legal.”

Most positive characteristics: Productive, dynamic, adaptable.  Good at promoting
Most negative characteristics: Can be unorganized, scattered.   Lacks direction.  
Needs maturity and discipline.

Vowel Vibration  
The Vowel Vibration of a name enhances or decreases the impact of the
Dominant Impression, and sometimes adds a completely different flavor.  Read
about the Vowel Vibration with the Dominant Impression in mind.

The vowels in "Ania S Aharma" add a considerable amount of dynamic, highly
charged and often passionate energy to the Dominant Impression.  It enhances a
sense of freedom, adventure, variety, risk-taking, sensuality, adaptability, and
flexibility.  They reflect intelligence, curiosity, and enthusiasm.  They add spice to
the name.  The art of self-promotion can be a real asset.  The vowels also reflect
an enhanced ability to communicate, to think clearly in a crisis.  Generally, they
are also a sign of good physical and mental reflexes.
Extrovert and social, the name tends to lower our usual limits towards
Not particularly stable and certainly unpredictable, the vowels nonetheless inspire
deep and lasting commitments.

Base Vibration  
The Base Vibration is subtler than the Vowel Vibration, but should be considered
equally important.

The Base Vibration in "Ania S Aharma" reflects nobility and idealism.  It reaches
greatness through humility and wealth through sacrifice.  It represents universal
justice and balance.  It inspires people to give of themselves, to devote their
energies selflessly, and to love all people of all walks of life.  The base vibrations
in "Ania S Aharma" reflect the true potential of mankind.
The Base Vibration in "Ania S Aharma" also reflects great artistry, especially in
dancing, acting, and other performing arts.  There is elegance, grace, and
charisma within these base vibrations.

At the same time, the influence of the base vibrations in "Ania S Aharma" can be
impractical, misguided, and annoyingly self-righteous.  There is a need for
common sense and a more down-to-earth approach.

The Dominant Vibration and the Vowel Vibration in "Ania S Aharma" are similar.  
Unless their attributes are especially desirable, this should be avoided.  
Otherwise, 4 stars.
The Dominant Vibration and the Base Vibration don’t conflict, but don’t strengthen
each other either.  2 Stars.
The Vowel and Base Vibrations don’t conflict, but don’t strengthen each other
either.  2 Stars.

Annia Sharma

Dominant Impression.
This section describes the first and dominant impression the name "Annia
Sharma" conjures up in most people.

"Annia Sharma" reflects idealism, the good of mankind.  "Annia Sharma" is the
humanitarian with the power to make things happen and the integrity to stay the
course.  A mover and a shaker, without a selfish bone in its body; the name
"Annia Sharma" attracts respect, support, and devoted fans.  It seems even that
the Universe tends to support what the name "Annia Sharma" represents.  
Speaks to people of all walks of life.  Tolerant and broad-minded.
This name pursues goals other than money and power.  It seeks justice.  It wants
to feed the hungry and heal the sick.  And yet, the resources it needs to do the job
seem to always magically appear.

Most positive characteristics: Integrity, love for all, charisma.   Encourages the
best in people.
Most negative characteristics: Naive, seeks fame, vulnerable to criticism, not a
good judge of character.

Vowel Vibration  
The Vowel Vibration of a name enhances or decreases the impact of the
Dominant Impression, and sometimes adds a completely different flavor.  Read
about the Vowel Vibration with the Dominant Impression in mind.

The vowels in "Annia Sharma" add stability and a sense of trustworthiness.  They
add orderliness, organizational strength, discipline, an eye for detail, focus, and
the ability to stay the course no matter what.  Honesty and reliability are
The Vowel Vibration in "Annia Sharma" adds strength to the Dominant
Impression, not unlike structural braces and cables in a building.  And, similarly,
the vowels take away some of the flexibility, which makes the name feel more
rigid and secure.
However, the vowels in "Annia Sharma" also take some of the spark away from
the name - one might even call it boring.  In some cases, however, that becomes
an asset, especially when predictability and routine are required.

Base Vibration  
The Base Vibration is subtler than the Vowel Vibration, but should be considered
equally important.

The Base Vibration in "Annia Sharma" is extrovert and dynamic.  It is stimulating
and charismatic.  There is a sense of freedom and adventure, of “anything is
possible,” and a willingness to take risks and get off the beaten path.  The base
vibrations in "Annia Sharma" reflect intelligence, appetite for the unusual, and
great tolerance.  It helps attract those who are uncomfortable with the status quo
- the eccentrics, the artists, those who don’t “fit in.”
The base vibrations in "Annia Sharma" carry a high-pitched, nervous energy that,
when controlled and focused, can be extremely inventive.  Fame and fortune
often result from this kind of dynamism, but only when coupled with discipline and

The Dominant Vibration and the Vowel Vibration in "Annia Sharma" don’t conflict,
but don’t strengthen each other either.  2 Stars.
The Dominant Vibration and the Base Vibration oppose and conflict.  1 Star.
The Vowel and Base Vibrations oppose and conflict.  1 Star.

Annia S Sharma

Dominant Impression.
This section describes the first and dominant impression the name "Annia S
Sharma" conjures up in most people.

The name "Annia S Sharma" reflects drive, a pioneering spirit, leadership,
independence and originality.  The energy behind this name is strong and forceful
and promotes an unconventional, innovative, and decisive approach.  Highly
focused and self-reliant, the name "Annia S Sharma" carries with it an
unmistakable “can do” attitude.  It reflects confidence, energy, strength and
perseverance.  There is a definite sense of danger and risk-taking as well.
The name "Annia S Sharma" does not inspire patience and sensitivity, and does
not promote cooperation or a diplomatic approach to problem solving.  Think of
this name as a masculine, aggressive, creative force.

Most positive characteristics: Strength, originality, courage, imagination, creativity,
confidence.  Good for competitive, high-risk ventures.
Most negative characteristics: Pride, intolerance, excessive aggressiveness.  Not
good for people-oriented ventures or healing, counseling and retail businesses.

Vowel Vibration  
The Vowel Vibration of a name enhances or decreases the impact of the
Dominant Impression, and sometimes adds a completely different flavor.  Read
about the Vowel Vibration with the Dominant Impression in mind.

The vowels in "Annia S Sharma" add stability and a sense of trustworthiness.  
They add orderliness, organizational strength, discipline, an eye for detail, focus,
and the ability to stay the course no matter what.  Honesty and reliability are
The Vowel Vibration in "Annia S Sharma" adds strength to the Dominant
Impression, not unlike structural braces and cables in a building.  And, similarly,
the vowels take away some of the flexibility, which makes the name feel more
rigid and secure.
However, the vowels in "Annia S Sharma" also take some of the spark away from
the name - one might even call it boring.  In some cases, however, that becomes
an asset, especially when predictability and routine are required.

Base Vibration  
The Base Vibration is subtler than the Vowel Vibration, but should be considered
equally important.

The Base Vibration in "Annia S Sharma" radiates warmth, caring, compassion,
and love.  It encourages confidence and inspires people to unload their burdens.  

It reflects a sense of justice and fairness.  The base vibrations in "Annia S
Sharma" also represent healing, teaching, self-sacrifice, generosity,
responsibility, protection, and hope.
The base vibrations in "Annia S Sharma" add a sense of stability, harmony and
peace.  They represent a generous nature.
On the down side, the Base Vibration in "Annia S Sharma" reflects excessive
worrying and vulnerability to criticism.

The Dominant Vibration and the Vowel Vibration in "Annia S Sharma" are
compatible and strongly reinforce each other.  5 Stars.
The Dominant Vibration and the Base Vibration don’t conflict, but don’t strengthen
each other either.  2 Stars.
The Vowel and Base Vibrations are compatible and complement each other.  4

Anya Sharma

Dominant Impression  
Dominant Impression.
This section describes the first and dominant impression the name "Anya
Sharma" conjures up in most people.

Extremely intuitive and feminine, the name "Anya Sharma" has many subtle
powers; a capable negotiator, convinces without confrontation.  Like the mythical
Sirens, it can draw people into its reality whether they want to or not.

The name "Anya Sharma" tends to be finely tuned with what is going on.  Aware
of subtle realities that escape others, it often surfaces as the winner, even when
competing with larger and stronger entities.  It bends, but won’t break, accepts
dominance, but ends up on the controls.  The name "Anya Sharma" is loaded
with contradictions.  Gentle, but watch those nails.  Tactful, but if need be, a
razor-sharp tongue.

Most positive characteristics: Diplomatic, understands the human psyche.  
Patient.  Resilient.
Most negative characteristics: Fragile, superficial, dependent, impractical, not
always truthful.

Vowel Vibration  

The Vowel Vibration of a name enhances or decreases the impact of the
Dominant Impression, and sometimes adds a completely different flavor.  Read
about the Vowel Vibration with the Dominant Impression in mind.

The vowels in "Anya Sharma" add stability and a sense of trustworthiness.  They
add orderliness, organizational strength, discipline, an eye for detail, focus, and
the ability to stay the course no matter what.  Honesty and reliability are
The Vowel Vibration in "Anya Sharma" adds strength to the Dominant Impression,
not unlike structural braces and cables in a building.  And, similarly, the vowels
take away some of the flexibility, which makes the name feel more rigid and
However, the vowels in "Anya Sharma" also take some of the spark away from
the name - one might even call it boring.  In some cases, however, that becomes
an asset, especially when predictability and routine are required.

Base Vibration  
The Base Vibration is subtler than the Vowel Vibration, but should be considered
equally important.

The Base Vibration in "Anya Sharma" radiates mystery and a search for
knowledge and wisdom.  There is a distinctly spiritual tone that makes people
curious.  It reflects intelligence, seriousness, but also independence and
self-sufficiency.  The base vibrations make "Anya Sharma" seem alien, hard to
get to know, and withdrawn.  To many, they also deliver a sense of aristocracy
and arrogance.
The Base Vibration in "Anya Sharma" draws respect, even admiration.  However,
it does not invite people to interact.

The Dominant Vibration and the Vowel Vibration in "Anya Sharma" though
contrary, do not clash.  At times they actually complement each other.  3 Stars.
The Dominant Vibration and the Base Vibration are not per se incompatible, but
their qualities are reduced as a result of their association.  0 Stars.  The Vowel
and Base Vibrations are not per se incompatible, but their qualities are reduced
as a result of their association.  0 Stars.

Anya S Sharma

Dominant Impression  
Dominant Impression.
This section describes the first and dominant impression the name "Anya S
Sharma" conjures up in most people.

The name "Anya S Sharma" promotes optimism, inspiration, and enthusiasm.  It
feels cheerful, outgoing, and charming.  This name represents self-expression
and communication skills.  Its upward energy is a sign of tremendous creativity
and all artistic endeavors are empowered by its vibration.  The name "Anya S
Sharma" attracts just about everyone.  It carries great public relation and
communication skills, and an innate ability to charm the most cynical folks.
However, it lacks focus and discipline, can be a “happy-go-lucky spendthrift”, and
can give the impression of flightiness and instability.

Most positive characteristics: Upbeat, creative, capable communicator, inspiring,
uplifting.  Has sense of humor, draws creative and passionate people.
Most negative characteristics: Scattered energy, difficulty in finishing projects,

Vowel Vibration  
The Vowel Vibration of a name enhances or decreases the impact of the
Dominant Impression, and sometimes adds a completely different flavor.  Read
about the Vowel Vibration with the Dominant Impression in mind.

The vowels in "Anya S Sharma" add stability and a sense of trustworthiness.  
They add orderliness, organizational strength, discipline, an eye for detail, focus,
and the ability to stay the course no matter what.  Honesty and reliability are
The Vowel Vibration in "Anya S Sharma" adds strength to the Dominant
Impression, not unlike structural braces and cables in a building.  And, similarly,
the vowels take away some of the flexibility, which makes the name feel more
rigid and secure.
However, the vowels in "Anya S Sharma" also take some of the spark away from
the name - one might even call it boring.  In some cases, however, that becomes
an asset, especially when predictability and routine are required.

Base Vibration  
The Base Vibration is subtler than the Vowel Vibration, but should be considered
equally important.

The Base Vibration in "Anya S Sharma" is one of the most powerful and
impressive that any set of base vibrations can produce.  It reflects extraordinary
drive and determination.  It is ambitious, highly competitive, and ruthless in its
pursuit of goals.  It represents authority, leadership, and an uncompromising
desire to win.  This Base Vibration radiates confidence and effectiveness.  The
influence of the base vibrations in "Anya S Sharma" will attract some of the
strongest and most confident people, but at the same time, it will push away
pretty much anyone else.

The Dominant Vibration and the Vowel Vibration in "Anya S Sharma" oppose and
conflict.  1 Star.
The Dominant Vibration and the Base Vibration though contrary, do not clash.  At
times they actually complement each other.  3 Stars.
The Vowel and Base Vibrations are compatible and complement each other.  4

Science of Time
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Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:01 pm

A Child's name in math

Post by Science of Time » Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:44 pm

Hi Alpha,

There is something you can do which is real simple, but NOT numerology.

If A=1 through to Z = 26, a name can be calculated to a more pleasant mathematical value, as well as a numerology set, as numerology is also based on the birthdate of the child. Example:

Amber Lynn Carrol

Sounds pretty, but each name taken as a set value also equals 666.

(1 + 13 + 2 + 5 + 18) + (12 + 25 + 14 + 14) + (3 + 1 + 18 + 18 +

15 + 12 + 12) = 183  

183 + 118 + 118 + 104 + 104 + 39 = 666

Amber Lyne Carroll does not find a mathematical equivalent in the same way.

It takes just a few minutes to do the math by hand, and one can come up with a name sum value of 777 or what ever, which may be deemed by some as more preferable - regardless of the other numerology results.

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Post by moonlitestonight » Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:00 am

Ania Sharma
Ania S aharma
Annia Sharma
Annia S Sharma
Anya Sharma
Anya S Sharma

When I first looked at your list I saw the letters A..S...S.   Initials always come up in school, conversations or on lists of some kind, etc.  Does her middle name start with an "S"?  

I love the name Ania spelled either way.  I have two friends from Poland who are Ania's.  

I would probably choose the spelling Anya only because Ania is a 7 name and the name Ania Sharma is a 4 name with a 4 vowel.  I never find that 4's and 7's work well together and more importantly can be downer energies or depressive, etc.

Anya Sharma is and 11/2 name with 11/2 vowel.  To me that is a better combo than the 4 and 7.  Annia Sharma is not bad but most people are more familiar with the Anya or Ania spellings.

Good Luck.  I am sure she is a lovely little child.  


richa sareen
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:11 am

Post by richa sareen » Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:56 am

Can U Pls send Date of birth to give proper reply

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