Conflicting calculations

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Eight Gods
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Conflicting calculations

Post by Eight Gods » Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:47 am

By birthday is Jan 14, 1984.

In the book Numerology and The Divine Triange, it says to calculate your birth number like this

so I have
making me a 37/10

In The Life You Were Born To Live, it says to calculate like this
making me a 28/10

I've read the descriptions for both 37/10 and 28/10 and since they're both 10's they're kinda similar, thus I can't simply deduce which one I am.
Which version do you use/think is right?

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:30 pm

the answer is simply  you are seeing the power of numbers, the numbers within your date of birth  remain the same but the method changes causing variations  you could indeed manifest either  37 or 28 again both 10  or even the 1.  my question is what fits you best .  theres also  other numbers within your chart that could be influencing you as well  .
by the way i have a copy of the book you mentioned and do enjoy the insight that it conveys.

Eight Gods
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Post by Eight Gods » Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:31 pm

my question is what fits you best
Honestly both fit me pretty well, the thing is I'm a little confused as to which is which because the sum of all the numbers in my name add up to 37/10 as well, so when I calculated the two birth numbers and both 28/10 and 37/10 came up it made me wonder if the 37/10 energies I feel part of my birth number or all the letters in my name or both.
you are seeing the power of numbers
Yes I am. As I've found that my inner personality and outer personality are both 5's, and I was born on the 14th(5)

The power of numbers is something else

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:37 am

reference on 28 and 37 and 10

10    It enhances all the qualities of the 1. It is a powerful leader, sharply focused ,and streamlined for success. It can be ruthless in the pursuit of its goals. It can become a dominating tyrant.

28    It is a 10, but with more compassion and tolerance.

37    It is very individualistic, a scholar, a voracious reader, has an excellent imagination, and is often disorganized.

Life Path.1

You are a born leader. You insist on your right to make up your own mind; you demand freedom of thought and action. You have drive and determination. You don't let anything or anyone stand in your way once you are committed to your goal.

You assume the responsibility to be the protector and provider for those you love. You demand respect and attention and become irritated and even domineering when important things do not go your way.

You need to feel in command of important undertakings, and resist supportive roles. You seek the forefront and the limelight.

You are exceptionally creative and original and possess a touch of the unusual. Your approach to problems is unique and you have the courage to wander from the beaten path. You can be impatient with your shortcomings and those of others.

You are very concerned with your status and foster the appearance of success and self-satisfaction. The need to appear well-off propels you to strive for growth, success and the finer things of life.

You should watch out for selfishness, conceit and the over-concern with appearance. You must guard against overzealous behavior, anger and aggressiveness. If these qualities are not brought under control you could become excessively domineering, vindictive and even violent. You perform best when you are left to your own devices. Ideally you should own your own business and be your own boss. Hold fast to your life's dream and work with the determination you possess to realize it. You can become overly stressed by your driven nature. Be careful about the food you eat and maintain an exercise program you enjoy. Competition sports are often a healthy outlet for a person with your drive, particularly sports involving running and swimming. Don't let pride and overconfidence be your masters. Remember, your talents and abilities are a gift from a higher source, which should promote gratitude and humility, rather than pride and conceit.

More often than not a person with a 1 Life Path will achieve much in life as long as the drive, creativity, originality and pioneering spirit are fully employed!

and so much 5 energy

The 14 Karmic Debt arises from previous lifetimes during which human freedom has been abused. Those with a 14 Karmic Debt are forced to adapt to ever-changing circumstances and unexpected occurrences. There is an acute danger of falling victim to abuse of drugs, alcohol, and overindulgence in sensual pleasures, such as food and sex. You must put the reins on yourself. Modesty in all affairs is crucial to overcoming this Karmic Debt.

Also important is the need to maintain order in life, and to establish one's own emotional stability. you must also be willing to adapt to the unexpected occurrences of life, all the while maintaining your focus on your goals and dreams. Flexibility and adaptability are at the very core of this struggle.
Orderliness in one's immediate environment is crucial to maintaining clarity and focus. Mental and emotional stability must be attained in order to avoid being thrown about by the changing fortunes in the external environment.

But the key to the 14 Karmic Debt is commitment. Life will resemble a roller coaster ride, but it will always travel in the right direction if one's heart is set on what is true and good. Set yourself a high goal, maintain order wherever possible in your life, avoid excessive sensory indulgence, and maintain faith. Above all, do not give up on your dreams and goals.
Those with the 14 Karmic Debt will experience life to the fullest, and as long as they maintain a high dream, they will achieve success and great spiritual development.


versatility adaptability excitement freedom curiosity exploration energetic charismatic communicator active change variety adventurer articulate
quick savvy sensual


restless irresponsible rolling stone slippery procrastinator scatters energy philanderer dilettante glib ignores laws addictions

Eight Gods
Posts: 10
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Post by Eight Gods » Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:52 am

Wow. Thats a lot of information to remember, but I guess I'll execise the 37/10 in me and become a scholar and a voracious reader :smt003

Thanks for all the help

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:56 am

both are same.

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Last Years Numbers. 2008. question

Post by numbers101 » Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:05 am

Hi Eight Gods. I noted where last year you went through a 7 year. In that year
did you do anything different than say the year before. Was it a spirtual year for
you. Did you loose or gain anything. I also am born on the 14th. I think once you
answer this in some detail we can have a very good connection and expand more on your birthday
#1 lifepath, etc. Regards.

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:26 am

hi, the first way u mentioned is more accurate then the second one. but if u count down to single number then both methods will give you similar results.

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