Which name to use?

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the significance of transits and Essence with changed name

Post by arun347 » Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:53 am

My query is My birth name is arun kumar jain, from last 20 years I am using Arun Jain, in numerology we generaly calculate transits and essence by birth name, as I am using my changed name from last 20- years  so should I calculate the transits and essense on my present name or on my birth name. Please clarify

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Post by SpiritPainter » Fri May 25, 2007 11:56 pm

I was about to ask a similar question. I know people have changed their names based on advice from a numerologist with excellent results. So it seems to me that the insistence on birth name may not always be appropriate. I changed my name legally many years ago, and it seems to me to make no sense to use the old name. The same with my wife. She no longer resonates with her former names, so why use them as the basis for anything in her life now?

One other thing I'm wondering about. I have two middle names. Do I run them together for the purposes of the software?

Anyone have any thoughts?


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Post by KeLa » Tue May 29, 2007 12:36 am

Here are some thoughts...

The vibration from the birth name never goes away - it's always part of who you are.  You can add, delete, change or whatever, but the new energy remains "modifying" energy.  With that said, I think part of the significance comes because anytime someone changes their name the new vibration does affect them.  If you've ever been married and changed your name, you know what I mean.  The name change that occurs with a marriage isn't always beneficial, but the name does give an outward expression of unity, so it serves an important purpose (I am not judging people that choose to keep their maiden names).  However, usually marriage names are not "chosen" - you get the name of the person you marry - good or bad.

When someone changes their name for other reasons it is usually done with INTENTION, and anything done with intention is powerful.  The birth name still provides the foundation - and the new name, depending on the INTENTION, provides modifying energy (which can be very powerful, especially over time).

The ommision of a middle name, unless it is legally omitted, would not change the way a chart should be read - with the full birth name.
The legal name change would be worth looking at though - it that case, I would read both charts, and give more influence the longer the name change had been in effect.


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Post by SpiritPainter » Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:19 am

Thanks, KeLa that makes a lot of sense. Especially the part about intention. This would fall into the area of free will which is so powerful, and deliberately, intentionally, making changes in one's life at the very fundamental level of vibration.

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Post by Sorrow » Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:30 pm

I have software that can find all Christian names with desired expression number, you only need to give your surname and numer from 1 to 9 which would represent your expression number, I would be glad to help.

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Post by SpiritPainter » Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:34 pm

Greetings Sorrow
Thanks so much for the offer. But I don't understand what exactly you are offering. My first name is not a traditional "Christian" name. Or are you using that word to refer to any first name? Sorry to be so dense, but I don't understand what you need from us or what exactly you are suggesting you can do. Can you clarify a bit please?


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Post by Sorrow » Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:54 am

Your name determines Expression number, each expression number gives certain character traits. Program calculates all names with desired expression number.
I'll try to find all expression numbers to post them here, so that you have clearer picture.


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Post by Sorrow » Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:43 pm

Characteristics of the Expression Numbers
Individuality, self-confidence, ambition, originality, dynamism, ability to make a decision, but can also be egoistic, demanding, dominating, impatient, proud, prone to solitude.

Co-operative, gentle, sensitive, imaginative, diplomatic, hospitable, willing to obey orders, concerned with small details, a certain generosity, but also timid, emotional, prone to depression, passivity or excessive submission if confronted by someone in authority.

Extrovert, sociable, friendly, communicative, self-confident, creative, with an aptitude for expression (writing, speaking, selling), charming, enjoys life, but can also be superficial, gossipy, vain, critical, and angry.

Patient, persistent, orderly, willing to make an effort, conventional, practical, logical, good with the hands, honest, faithful. Sense of responsibility but also prone to harshness, stiffness, narrow-mindedness, slowness. Some difficulties in expressing oneself, lacking calibre and some melancholy.

Curious, open-minded, the taste for change, an amazing adaptability, versatile, communicative, dynamism, the desire to experience new things, charming, intuitive, but also seeks easy pleasures, has a certain superficiality, lacks constancy, soon or later refuses to follow a routine. Instability or even carelessness.

Friendly, searches for peace and equilibrium, has a sense of responsibility, loyal, conscientious and helpful, generous, loving, has a taste for home and comforts, artistic flair, but also has little bouts of intolerance, a tendency to intervene in other people business, takes on too many responsibilities. Often indecisive, does not know how to say " NO ". A bit of a worrier and sometimes too romantic.

Self-analytical, studious, knowledgeable, has inner strength, likes to observe, to research into a particular field, interested in psychology, but is also a bit secretive, introverted, detached and cold. Lacks a sense of the practical, often sadness.

A strong personality which knows how to take charge of a situation. Courageous, energetic, ambitious, good business sense, good organiser, a taste for power, efficient, able to concentrate and sometimes an amazing cold-blood. Generous with friends and loved ones, but tough with others. The other side to this character is that it is demanding, with a merciless even greedy side, materialistic, has a need to be well-known, sometimes there is a difficulty in expressing emotions and tenderness.

Idealistic, altruistic, humanistic, artistic, a patron of the arts and very open-minded. Enjoys travelling, is tolerant, faithful, generous, intuitive, sensitive to the feelings of others, but also a bit of a dreamer, over-excitable, has a particular form of egoism tinged with pride, an excessive need for affection, bouts of depression, emotional or gullible, sometimes a wasted creativity.

Someone idealist with inspirated ideas, a self-taught person with a particular form of intelligence, sometimes consisting of a psychic gift. Magnetism or ascendancy over others. The difference between number 2 and number 11, is that the latter is not passive. Number 11 knows how to make a decision. It can take command and obtain results (in the areas that it finds interesting). The other possibilities are : a tendency to be tense, a bit egocentric, contempt for less gifted people, a difficulty to accept contradictions.

The idealistic and humanistic builder. The inventor, the genius creator, the organiser of talent, inspirational with an internal force. A charismatic teacher but often a long-time without gains. Also extravagant. Overwork is frequent. Psychologically fragile if not in possession of the necessary strength or calibre. Number 22 is rather a higher calibre of number 4. Very few people are on that level, so see vibration 4.

Characteristics of the Intimate Numbers
An enterprising person, bold, individual, often authoritarian, sometimes impatient, proud or even egoistic. This person knows how to defend [himself,herself], and to put others in their place. A certain toughness in a conflictual situation. Capable of managing alone. Straightforward and enthusiastic.

An effective but easy-going person, co-operative, able to pacify others, friendly and receptive (sometimes too much so). Likes work, with someone else as boss. Negative points : a certain passivity, difficulty in saying " NO " or defending personal interests in a conflictual situation. There is rather an emotional reaction, a fear of conflict and thus a tendency to be dominated.

A sociable person, amusing, communicative (sometimes a bit too much so) and often very creative. Some negative points : the desire to be the center of attention and thus difficulties to accept the stimulation of competition or the presence of competitors. A tendancy to do too many things at once and finish none of them. The capacity of defending yourself but mostly with gesticulation. A professor of persuasion, but weaken when flattered. Otherwise, depressed when others dare to ignore you. Prone to underhand behaviour and also to hold excessive grudges.

A stable person, balanced, hard-working, reliable, sensible but sometimes a bit rigid and severe and not very open to new ideas. A tendency to be pessimistic. Don't like to be rushed or taken short. Appreciate compliments and being highly regarded. Can defend its own interests and be persistent when necessary. It doesn't take much for you to lose your temper.

This character is full of life, active, adaptable, versatile, adventurous, has a fighting spirit but is often fickle and impulsive. Does not like to feel tied down by routine. There will be a strong reaction if someone tries to impede [his,her] freedom in any way. Defends [him,her]self well in a conflictual situation. It is surprising how the number 5 can bounce back after a knock. Elusive, but not necessarily persistent.

A warm person, peace-maker, conventional liking harmony, having good taste and a sense of duty and justice. Wants to reconcile and harmonise if there is a conflict. But if there are strong feelings involved or hesitancy, there is the possibility for unscrupulous persons to manipulate or dominate you. In such a case, you give in a bit too easily. Your strength is inconsistent, and it often ends up without you having made any impression at all.

A thoughtful, reflective person, calm, analytic indeed reserved or solitary but often reliable. A very capable person, but enigmatic for others. It is difficult to anticipate how you will react when faced with a conflict whose outcome is important to you (you can bounce back or trap yourself in a long sulk mixed with grudge). Sometimes you can defeat your opponent by your reasoning ability.

An active person, independent, ambitious, effective and concrete, sometimes capable of putting up an amazing fighting spirit that can lean sometimes towards the aggressive side. Impulsive or suddenly intolerant, but it doesn't last long. Can't support injustice. Stimulated by obstacles. A certain clairvoyance and a lot of self-confidence. Sometimes an unsuspected emotional aspect underneath the cold appearances of confidence, particularly when in an uncomfortable or unfamiliar situation.

An idealistic person, altruistic, tolerant, sensitive and obliging. Sometimes talented and influent. Others find you to be a very likeable human being. There is a tendency for the extreme states of over-excitement to depression, or losing touch with reality. When faced with a conflict, the outward appearance is one of authority and maturity, but this appearance is rather fragile. A person difficult to understand.

An intuitive person, intelligent with a lot of energy. Generally very helpful and likeable, however, can overestimate ones own ability. If actually seen as an 11 and not a 2 (who is a person with a certain passivity when it comes to making an important decision), then you can defend yourself well and use your influence over others. You know how to put your thoughts into practice and to use your intuitions to run your life. Happy to be the centre of attention but can also be contemptuous and egocentric. Often very little patience.

A humanistic person, particularly gifted in the areas of invention or organisation on a large scale but whose strong interior energies often require a long period of training. On the negative side, this character can have delusions of grandeur, egocentricity, be rather extravagant, mysterious. Lived generally in level 4 but with a higher calibre.

A responsible person, wise (or thought to be wise). The capacities to be a leader. Generally, this vibration experiences things similarly to the number 6 person, but in a slightly stronger form.

So when you give me a surname i can generate list of names to get desired expression and intimate number.

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expression number?

Post by tengypsies » Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:41 am

I'm new to numberology.  I went to a psychic who told me that the following numbers are significant to me but didn't discuss why:  4, 8, 16.

Are expression numbers just dealing with names?   I don't know what the numbers mean.  Please help.  Thanks so much.

Brightest Blessings,


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Post by SpiritPainter » Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:08 am

OK, Sorrow, my surname is Webb. Is that what you need from me?

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Post by successgoodhealth » Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:49 pm



It is the EXACT birth name that you MUST use when charting your numerology chart.

That will allow you to follow the EXACT and CORRECT path that you are intended to learn
about and fullfill here on planet earth.

By using your EXACT BIRTH NAME, there will now probably see a lot of
differences in your numberology chart and lessons to learn and blessings
to receive. That way, you will know EXACTLY what you are supposed to be
doing here.

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Post by SpiritPainter » Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:53 am

Hi Lyn,

Thanks for the reply, and it makes sense. But I still don't understand something: sometimes a person will change their name or the spelling of their name on the advice of a numerologist for a purpose such as success in business. Dionne Warwick was one such person, whose career took off after doing that. Do you have any insight into how this fits in with what you've shared about using the exact birth name?



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Post by successgoodhealth » Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:52 am

SpiritPainter wrote:Hi Lyn,

Thanks for the reply, and it makes sense. But I still don't understand something: ...

Although I feel it best to use your correct birth name for Numerology charting,
I also think it is totally up to the person if they want to "alter" their destiny
in any way.

How do you know that Dionne Warwick is actually fullfilling her destiny?
Just because she became famous or made money?
Maybe that was not God's EXACT destiny for her.

Different Numerologist can think different ways. It doesn't mean one way
or another is right or wrong...it just means that it is "my" viewpoint from
"my own" Numerology charting experiences."

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:08 am

hi sorrow.
my name is NITIN SAXENA. I want the total of 1 or 5 in my name. how can ur software help me in this regard. can u send me link of that software too.
Thanks in advance.

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Post by NAAANEE » Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:57 am

I feel the changed name should have same numbers as previous name but it can be in different locations this helps in developing & going in the right direction of what the old destiny number has given.the destiny & soul number of old name should compulsorily come in the new name but it can be in different places like personality number also.

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