Recurring numbers 3 and 7?

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Recurring numbers 3 and 7?

Post by txiong » Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:37 pm

It's kind of driving me nuts and I see the numbers three and seven alot. Mostly the number 7. I've noticed that every place I've resided contains the number 7. I was born on the 17th, my boyfriends bday is on the 7th etc... Does this mean that when I see that number, I should be cautious? Or does it mean I'm following something?

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3 & 7

Post by boondoggy » Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:12 am

If you look carefully you'll notice all the prime numbers around you in seemingly chaotic  amounts. By recognising 3 and 7 above others is more about your perception focussing on the numbers that concern you. Its in same way that when you first become aware of individual characteristics of particular model of car you begin to notice them everywhere. The numbers have not changed but your awareness of them has changed.

The number three represents a new level of understanding beyond the confines of polar opposites. and thus speaks of the creation of a seed.
The number seven represents the getting of wisdom through complying with external forces. All learning requires the sacrifice of pre-concieved ideas and loyalties not based in fact. As such the seven denotes a capacity for unlimited learning through personal sacrifice.

as for 17: the understanding of this relies on the whole number (1+7=8) so you need to understand the 8. This number represents God (or the infinite) as it (the number 8) is constructed of 1 (the ego) and 7 (infinite learning thro' sacrifice)

hope that helps


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Post by NAAANEE » Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:53 pm

when 7 & 3 both occuring in one's life then they should be careful in dealing with others especially in partnerships.Sometimes these people express & sometimes they won't express.Because of that people will misinterpret their words and may cheat them.

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