The number 22 and 0

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The number 22 and 0

Post by Fayte_psi » Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:55 am

Hey everyone ,

I just did the numerology test on the site and got a 11 destiny number , 22 first pinnacle number and a 0 for karmic debt and hidden passion number.
Finally, I also have a 9 for maturity/realization number, which states

"Service to the mankind is the vision of your life. As you mature, will become more powerful in society and practical. You are born to serve your community. You are wise and mature. People respect and love you.Several 9s indicate arrogance and isolation in your chart.Less 9s in your chart signify that you will achieve your goal of leaving behind something immortal for people to remember."

I have 2 9s in my chart one in this and 1 for rational thought number, is that bad? How many 9s is "several"?

Could anyone help me link their meanings together and show how all this works out?

Thanks :D

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:20 am

Fayte_psi wrote: Several 9s indicate arrogance and isolation in your chart.
Well....maybe the reading was true :)

I will point you to your earlier request, where I stated that 18 year is our limit for giving reading.

When I responded to your post, then I saw you changed your birth year one year forward, so it now show 17.
If you had done a mistake when you reg, then the change is ok...if done to get a reading, then the only one you lure is yourself.
If you give false information...then the result will also become we say here...crap in gives crap out :)

As I stated in my earlier post, It is YOU YOURSELF that create your life.
It is use of "YOUR FREE WILL" that bring you forward.

IF you feel that you shall do great thing for mankind, then that must be in thing "YOUR FREE WILL BURN FOR"

A reading can give suggestions...a Reading might give paths.
A Reading can NEVER give finish solutions, can never fix anything, can never damage you, IF YOU DON*T WANT IT YOURSELF THROUGH YOUR FREE WILL"

I agree, it is very nice to read about future fame, it is very nice that people come with kudos, and we can dream ourselves into a fantasy world, and we buy every color press that have a horoscope, and we suck up every positive statement, and forget every bad one as fail information.

If we go like this, then we downgrade ourselves, we loose initiative, we waste precious time, even if we have fun, because as long as we don't work toward it, everything is just Castles in the air!

When you have become 18 real year, and want a reading, then put your request in a Reading forum of your choice, and I hope one of our good Readers will help you, In the meantime I close this thread.

It is my honest opinion that I have written tis in order to help you...not to make fun of you...neither to be cruel to you!

Good luck in life, and must you be a big asset to mankind :)


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