Am I 11 or 2??

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38 life lesson

Post by learnthenumbers » Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:39 pm

September 5th, 1986

9 + 5 +1+9+8+6 = 38 = your life lesson = what you are here to learn = Caring.  Nurturing.  Support.  Feelings.  Emotions.  Mom.  Mothering.  Grandmother.  Grandma.  Maternal.  Mother's intuition.  Baby.  Babying.  Babysitting.  Grab.  Embrace.  Hugs.  Squeezing.  Touching.  Massage.  Cuddling.  Nuzzle.  Nestle.  Nest.  Cocoon.  Sensitive.  Taproot.  Mirroring.  Protecting.  Sheltering.  Chef.  Culinary.  Cater.  Cooking.  Stomach.  Digest.  Feeding.  Nurse.  Take care.  Hold me.  Hold me in your arms.  Wrap your arms around me.  With arms wide open.  Teddy bear.  Bear hug.  Teddy bear.  Sense of touch.  Reflection of feeling.  Hooked on a feeling.  Feathering a nest.  The baby who does not cry does not get fed.  Come to mama.  Stay at home mom.  Touchy feely.

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:02 pm

your birth day number is the number of your day of birth  it represents how you think and act when alone it has an effect on your first name .it shows how you interact in everyday situations .it influences your life path but is not as important does not represent your direction or opportunities or show your main talents .it reveals abilities and strengths you are comfortable with  .there should be no difficulty recognizing yourself and your action from this number .friends may recognize you from your birthday number easier than they do from your life path.. it is an important number for the birthday is superseded only by the life path have a clear picture of your life path  your birthday number is a 5   your life path 11/2 and birthday or at odds with each other

.....You love change, travel and adventure. You are a bit of a rolling stone. You have enormous curiosity and yearn to see far-off places and meet exotic peoples. Your arena is the world itself, and it is just a matter of time before you are off once again on another excursion.

You are highly-adaptable and need excitement. You relate well to others and have an easy way with words. In fact, you have a talent for promotion, public relations, and, for some, writing. Your social skills are highly refined. Your ability to communicate and promote a product or event makes you a natural salesperson.

You work well with others as long as there are not too many restrictions. You have trouble being bound to a desk or within an office. You can easily feel cooped up and trapped unless there is much variety and change in your life. You become bored and restless easily.

You may be a little irresponsible and need to learn discipline and orderliness.

You have a quick and analytical mind. You may be over-confident and headstrong. However, you are highly creative and can usually come up with a remarkably workable solution to most problems - either your own or those of others.

You can be impatient and impulsive. You can also overindulge your senses in food, alcohol, sex, and drugs. You must be careful to protect your health from the excesses of your tastes.

sometimes ,it is easier to use you birthday characteristics than those of your life path .if the two numbers are the same number there is no problem but if different .your life path always shows your true direction -your path to fulfillment ..following the birthday and ignoring the life path will lead to frustrations.

the birthday adds talents and strengths to the life path .as the life path is always the most important what you you receive from your birthday may help or hinder your life path ..if your lp and bd are different numbers but both odd or even .the combination is harmonious ...if one is odd and one even there is a certain amount of conflict ..

the important point to remember is the lp is the track to follow in life is your most important number always .if the qualities of the lp are consciously cultivated ,problems in life gradually ease     i will continue at a later time  the above reference comes from the following : THE ELEMENTS OF NUMEROLOGY BY RODFORD BARRATT

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more on your date of birth

Post by enumero123 » Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:37 pm

the life path number is always your most important number but the characteristics it represents will be affected by all the numbers in your birth date these numbers your birthday  birth month and your birth year  will strength or weaken the effect of your life path ; this is why two people with the same life path can be so different lets look at the numbers in your date of birth
951986 sept 5 1986    the following date of birth contains

one number 1:which reads as follows you express yourself easily in public in private you need to be more open with your emotions  strong and self reliant are inclined to talk quickly...

no twos :a need to to appreciate and consider other people  a powerful imagination which can be used in their career

no threes : a need to be more imagination ,or a fear of or difficultly in expressing creativity .mathematics is often a problem

no fours : practicality needs to be applied to day to day affairs .there can be a dislike of dealing with mundane, boring tasks carelessness over details causes problems .tasks may not always be finished ...

one five :five is the most important number being at the center  between 1-9 .it links all other numbers .strength and determination is marked .the 5 can motivate others it needs freedom .there may be problems in the domestic life as it dislikes restrictions

one six :creative ,with a desire for a peaceful domestic environment .a love of art or artistic pursuits is present  there can be creative use of the voice .they become upset if their home life is disturbed ...

no sevens : often a reluctance to rely upon themselves  there may be a fear of loneliness and a distrust of anything metaphysical .they need proof .they are not over -fond of exercise.

one 8 : good at assessing the capabilities of others they are excellent at organizing projects and coping with details. tidy  as a child you might have been restless no problem attacking work but sometimes find it difficulty in finishing it  

two nines :mental activity is strong there is a dramatic and creative potential present it is important to keep  emotionalism in check .while the desire to help humanity is ofetn felt it os important to be aware of what is achievable in a practical sense...

also within this date of birth we can get further insight by what is called full number plans ,arrows of Pythagoras

you have the following

1-5-9  line of determination : determined to do many things well, all people born in 1950 had this line becoming over-achievers of the eighties ,they can persist and bounce back from set backs .they may cling to ideals or projects when the time is long past to let go ...

this is the only full line within your date of birth  

all the other lines are incomplete based on your date of birth

1-2-3   you have a 1  when two numbers are missing it shows a need to think before acting ,a need to plan the life and its goals in a more constructive way ...

4-5-6- line of frustration : sometimes called the Saturn line family life can present problems .there can e a reluctance to acknowledge what is truely desired . a hesitancy to accept their own needs .too much will be excepted from others .they need to feel free to act without approval

7-8-9 line of inertia :they prefer to contemplate and perfect their ideas before acting .procrastination may be seen by others but this is inaccurate they need to be willing to take action rather than think about it

3-6-9  line of eccentricity : unconventional thinkers they will not always apply logical thought to situations and may have difficulty using their creativity  they need to welcome the artistic and inspired into their lives

2-5-8 line of sensitivity : over-sensitive to the opinions of others .as children there can be a lack of self-confidence ,an inferiority complex .introverted and not usually comfortable in large groups .they need to like them selves more

1-4-7 line of illusion ; practicality and materialism will be of little concern . a need to take more dynamic action in life .physical stamina may be weak and they may dislike being alone .life can be lived in a rut and a less conforming spirit will need to be developed

3-5-7  line of the skeptic this line has two meanings :the first ,suspicious of anything metaphysical and orthodox in their believes  the second opened minded  welcoming new ideals and beliefs  a line that appears to offer a choice .migraines and nervous complaints are associated with it

all the these must be combined with your knowledge of your life path  the two are inseparable

i have yet to address your name which will play a important roll in the strengths and weakness that are covered here ....

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Post by rspadi1 » Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:07 pm

Specific numerology numbers are neither good nor bad. Each number shows strengths as well as weaknesses. It is up to us to work towards realizing our full potential as well as turning our weaknesses into strengths.

Regarding your numbers, when I put them into my numerology calculator, they show that you are an 11

Take care.

Autumn Rose
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Post by Autumn Rose » Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:55 pm

Wow, thank you everyone for all of your responses! I feel bad for not saying thank you earlier, I see that these posts were made a few months ago. I have not been in the numerology section for a while and forgot that I even posted in here. Thanks again everyone. And enumero123 asked for my name, it is Amanda Rose Osborne

A lot of that stuff was very true, yet I still hold the argument against me being overly sensitive. I did not understand the statement that was made right after I said that though. I think it was from you enumero123.

Autumn Rose
Posts: 59
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Location: Boston

Post by Autumn Rose » Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:56 pm

haha, speaking of numerology and my day number being 5, I posted that last one at 5:55! Just thought I would mention

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