Double Digits meaning

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Double Digits meaning

Post by kokoko » Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:48 pm

what's the meaning of Double Digit like


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Post by enumero123 » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:30 pm

in response and a simply  reference  a lot can be said about  these high level vibrations  some see all as falling into the level of master level energy others only view the 11, 22,33  as master numbers
reference one  .........................................
11  " Highly intuitive, even psychic, this Master number is a channel between the sub-conscious and the conscious mind. Highly charged. Can be neurotic.

22     The Master Builder; this Master number is demanding and obsessive, it can push you to the edge. Much progress is possible. A need to devote yourself to something larger than life

33.   " Its ultimate potential is in teaching. It is called the Christ number. It comforts others. It represents self-sacrifice and beliefs in Utopia. It is often co-dependent, and is sometimes a compulsive liar.

44.   It is an excellent number for business, and it is also good for a military career. It is a visionary and a doer. It has great potential.

55.    It is extremely freedom-loving, and likes to travel. It is social, but can also be selfish and lonely. It represents success for anyone in sales.

66    Generous to a fault, this number brings financial ups and downs. It is extremely loyal and loving. Often successful in spite of itself.

77 This is perhaps the most intelligent and inventive of all numbers. It also represents spiritual wisdom.

88   This number is full of contradictions. It is excellent for business, but it is not good for relationships. It is insensitive.

99   It represents artistic genius. A person with this number is often misunderstood, and is frequently the victim of gossip. It can bring jealousy and possessiveness to relationships.

reference two  ....................................................................................

In earlier numerology texts and teachings the numbers 11, 22, and sometimes 33 were called master numbers. They seemed to suggest an added potential and power beyond the single digit numbers and other double digits. This work includes the entire range of double-digit master numbers 11 to 99.

  These numbers represent steps of initiation along the path of planetary and systemic evolution. Nine is the number of perfection or completion and ten is the number of evolution. Evolution on this planet is represented by ten journeys through the ten spheres of the tree of life (see the cosmology chapters for the tree of life metaphor). Ten multiplied times ten (10) is one hundred (100) which is the evolutionary number opening the door to the next level of our journey in consciousness.

   The master numbers represent initiatory steps along the way for the aspirant desiring transformation. There are schools of metaphysical thought that teach of ascended masters who sometimes do incarnate upon the planet. There are some numerologists who teach that someone with a master number in the name is an ascended master. It is possible that an incarnated ascended master could have a master number in the name. However, the appearance of a master number in a persons chart does not usually indicate the person is such. It does more often indicate the opportunity to master a particular moment or talent during this lifetime.

  In most cases, however, the presence of master numbers can suggest an older soul coming into this lifetime to make an important contribution for mankind in a field of a spiritual, scientific, medical, religious, educational, governmental, artistic, or technological nature.

  A master number can indicate an older soul who trained in the ancient esoteric schools during many  previous lifetimes. That incarnated soul now returns to manifest or teach  a higher level of human development. The presence of master numbers may indicate a dynamic soul who is incarnating this time from another planet or system to fulfill some specific destiny or mission. Many old, important, and masterful souls have names and birth dates with no master numbers, so we must be careful to keep this whole matter in perspective.

  My studies have brought me to the tentative conclusion that no matter where the master number may appear, the higher vibration does not fully unfold until the aspirant’s soul has awakened and the individual takes conscious steps to develop the higher vibrations. In some instances certain gifts manifest through grace. In fact, the individual possessing the gift may not have initiated conscious discipline and study of spiritual law in this lifetime.

Those who have master numbers appearing in their name or birth date generally are endowed with special tendencies toward leadership and inspiration that set them apart from mass consciousness. Because the numbers are of intensified vibration and potency, those who possess them feel they have a heightened obligation in life, such as greater requirements of self-discipline and purification of consciousness.

Assertive--fanatical, joins cults or fanatical religious sects, overzealous, lacks practical realities, attacks dissimilar viewpoints, uses psychic or divine gift for self purpose, loves ideals over humanity.

Passive--fails to apply inspiration, over-reacts to criticism, apathetic, fears higher energies and gifts, oversensitive to public reaction, cynical toward society.

Harmonious--gifted channel or clairvoyant, seeks to express higher consciousness, unites spiritual Truth to material plane; inventive, visionary leader.

To see the chart of famous personalities with this number click here.

To see a more detailed interpretation of the master number interpretations click here  and also here.


Assertive--tendency to over-evaluate self-importance; exaggerates information and personal credentials, promotes hasty causes, resents lack of recognition, misuses wisdom or power.

Passive--apathetic toward human needs, at the extreme uses heightened awareness for criminal goals or black magic, unable to adapt self to group needs, envy of others success.

Harmonious--integrates higher wisdom into organizational administration, is in control of self and environment, puts universal goal ahead of self-pride; a practical mystic.

To see the chart of famous personalities with this number click here.

To see a more detailed interpretation of the master number interpretations click here  and also here.


Assertive--forceful in attempts to serve others, intolerant of differing mores and opinions, over-emotional, won’t adjust to needs of others, sees another persons problems but not his own.

Passive--overprotective, rebellious, hides from positions of responsibility, seeks praise, inactive martyr, cannot establish clear boundaries, resists making changes in self, worried.

Harmonious--sympathetic, is a good counselor (often psychic or spiritual), has concern for welfare of masses; a kind of cosmic parent or guardian, creates harmony at home and work, leader in institutions of positive welfare and human service.

To see the chart of famous personalities with this number click here.

To see a more detailed interpretation of the master number interpretations click here  and also here.


Assertive--rigid in administrating ideas and beliefs, emotionally insensitive to others' shortcomings, can attach to appearance rather than real achievement, out spoken, critic of authority, forces social changes, abuses industrial power, uses money to control.

Passive--possesses good ideas; but expects others to carry them out, distaste of personal discipline, silently critical and envious of successful people, expects people to respond to his/her ideas, unconscious resistance to real responsibility and use of power.

Harmonious--keystone in building of a group consciousness, well trained mental abilities, trusts the wisdom of own inner authority, practical visionary, potential to create new modes of income and prosperity, combines artistic with practical, helps manifest empowerment.

To see the chart of famous personalities with this number click here.

To see a more detailed interpretation of the master number interpretations click here  and also here.


Assertive--confuses rebellion and freedom to escape responsibility and commitment, pessimistic and defeatist, indulges habits while criticizing others, egocentric to a fault, believes one's own opinion to be universal truth, justifies own fault finding (toward others) as revelation, impatient.

Passive-indulges in long bouts of animus projection with few results, blames fate or other people for setbacks, passively resists Higher Will, repressed anger creates over aggressive actions.

Harmonious--seeks to blend individual will with Higher Will, innovative and inventive while inspiring the originality in others, pioneer of movements in new thinking and reform, encourages others from tribal dependency to individualized awareness, dynamic leader.

To see the chart of famous personalities with this number click here.

To see a more detailed interpretation of the master number interpretations click here  and also here.


Assertive--forces emotional confrontation before others are ready, confused emotions create aura of discouragement and despair, critical of others emotional phobias and insecurities, falsely over sentimental, sees oneself as messiah like figure, preys upon the emotional weakness in others.

Passive--inability to recognize and admit one's own emotional blocks, good silent victims, expect others to "read" your moods of suffering and pain, blames lack of happiness on external people and events, wallows in negative anima.

Harmonious--involved in causes (institutions) helping to alleviate human (animal, planetary) suffering, excellent counselors and healers, inspired artist who works on the archetypal level, helps bring the joy of nature and angels to mankind, positive ray in gloomy environs.

To see the chart of famous personalities with this number click here.

To see a more detailed interpretation of the master number interpretations click here  and also here.


Assertive--intellectual elitist, prolonged fantasy spells with no practical benefit, martyrdom, self created realities used as escapist justification, negative criticism of social change, lives in an idealized state, extremist in thought and action, overtaxing of emotions.

Passive--unsociable and detached, pessimistic about change in human nature, feels caught in a non-creative environment, explains inability to communicate his/her ideas as being "ahead of the times", wants recognition, fears the pleasure of body, denies emotions.

Harmonious--possesses the originality of thought to innovate and invent new systems for benefiting mankind, uses intuition with scientific and technological support, explores new theologies and philosophies of living, seeks to release neighbors from self limiting barriers.

To see the chart of famous personalities with this number click here.

To see a more detailed interpretation of the master number interpretations click here  and also here.


Assertive--power complex, maintains a slightly haughty arrogance separating self from others, likes to challenge people in authority positions, in extremes can be very destructive, intellectual arrogance, devious getting to the "top", “know it all”, destructive attacks against religious and ideological institutions.

Passive--passive resistance to authority, distrust promptings of intuition and higher consciousness, blames life's setbacks on those in control, caught between parent's unconscious head games, ungracious in defeat, can be fraudulent and exaggerate credentials, oblivious to others' inner convictions and feelings.

Harmonious--teaches universal laws which improve management skills, delegates authority in a way that gives each person his/her own sense of power, works to find cooperation with the higher laws of mathematics, leader in metaphysical philosophies, respects integrity and clarity, develops new ideas of thermodynamics, hydraulics and engineering theories.

To see the chart of famous personalities with this number click here.

To see a more detailed interpretation of the master number interpretations click here  and also here.


Assertive--gets trapped in modicum of syrupy idealisms, wants to be seen as "ideal lover" while denying obvious selfish motives, uses group dynamics to avoid self responsibility, struggles to recognize and express true feelings, impractical strategies for interpersonal relationships.

Passive--easily mired in false arena of self pain-hurt-rejection) and denial, unable to see you are the creator of any misery, smiles politely while secretly resentful of others' happiness and joy, gloomy, accomplished martyr, benefits by seeking outside professional help.

Harmonious--catches a glimpse of the Greater Plan for the planet and works to bring the higher light to humanity, learning to release and let go of all personality illusions, master teacher of self awareness education, must learn to open heart center in practical ways, works with pulse of mother earth, visionary in one's chosen path of life.

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Post by kokoko » Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:15 am

what about if numbers come like this


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Post by enumero123 » Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:19 pm

the 1 comma 2    would be seen different than the double digit 12    for when working with digits above 1-9     (many numerologist only deal with single digits always add then reducing first  ) eliminating placement above 9  zero having no meaning  ..if we do look at numbers above 9   we must then  look at placement  and we can not forget about the zero (0)   either 2 accenting the 10  or every number above 9  has its own meaning 10 -99   ..have also  seen reference  to numbers above 99  having pacific meaning  such as the case of 666  ,  777    ect

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Elements Of Numbers

Post by sucrammarcus88ffa » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:22 am


I have read one of Singaporean Numerologist books "Element Of Numbers" by the name of Ron Sun.
He simplified the numbers into keywords to make it easier for people to remember.

1 = Alone.
2 = Talk
3 = Fast
all the way up to 9.

If the numbers are combined, it will be like this:

1-1 = Alone - Alone
2-2 = Talk - Talk
3-3 = Fast - Fast
all the way to number 9.


1-3 = Alone - Fast
2-1 = Talk - Alone
3-2 = Fast - Talk
- - - so on and so forth.

The meaning of 1-1 can be as follows:
A person who is independent and has leadership qualities. However, he does things half-heartedly with little thought and he easily attract backstabbers

and 2 -1 can be:
A person who is reckless with words which may hurt others as a result of tactlessness.  He/she will not admit even if he/she is aware.


Anyway, as Ron uses a slightly different system of Numerology, I hope it does not cause more confusion to the other systems that were mentioned by enumero123.
and I also hope that I'm answering the question correctly.

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Post by kokoko » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:33 am

what would be travel number any idea?

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Post by Alovi » Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:36 am

The travel number is 5 I think.

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