Looking for others with life path 33

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Post by MIKEIVVI » Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:36 am

I believe the barrier between the spirit realm and the physical realm is beginning to merge.. In the pasts few months I have had mild deja vu.. Predicting the future.. Discoved one of my friends is clairsentient and then today I am finding out that I am an Empath.. Ive come a very long way.. Im here reaching out because I feel that connecting with others will bring me the experiences necessary to to further my spiritual development. At the same time I want to promote consciousness everywhere I go. I am an artist in music aswell as many other fields.  I have lived majority of my lifr by feelings and premonition. I have recently began deep meditation and am in the process of becoming okay this this tingling/itchy sensation that I have been experiencing for most of my life as I have come to realize that it is merely by body's reaction towards the spirit realm
 as a result of my heightened sensitivity. I wish to speak with more people with strange experiences with life..

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Post by S4ndy » Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:30 am

I joined this page of the same reason as you.. But i would never consider it just a little while ago. I have been trough so much the last weeks. its almost as it could have been years.  have grown more spiritually in a week than i have done in the last years.. And a almost every day i am learning much more..

Its almost like an big aaaahaa sensation, but my mind keep telling me it cant be this way, and i get anxiety ++

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Post by MIKEIVVI » Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:47 am

Dont fight it.. I know what your feeling like.. Like time is speeding up.. My life has been filled with so many strange instances within these passed 5 month's its almost unbelievable.. And its just one after the other.. We are experiencing and stronger connection with the spirit realm as of late. Science is incomplete without spirit and vice versa.. This is the awakening that is fore told by the mayans.

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Post by S4ndy » Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:19 pm

Yeah, it really feel like an awakening.. (Even though i never have been a real believer) It started the morning after Halloween(1. November) And got more and more real, i was almost in another dimension it seemed like for a while. Like a dreamstate of mind if you understand.. It almost seemed like i died and got back.. I was addicted to painkillers(Morphine and much other medicines) But after this day i could stop on them without any abstinens or pain.. Just a lot of anxiety(But at many times a very good feeling to)

This got me believing much more in something much bigger than us, before i had a much more ignorance way of life.. I couldnt see others problem, now i feel like i can feel their pain, their stress, their tougths/Not everything of course..

But i tested in with a friend and got it right and i have problems with being with more than one other because it could be very many toughts in my head.. If this is the reason, what can i do to control it? To calm down? (Not medicine)                      

I also have begginned to hear music in a hole kind of way, almost like i shuld have been on mushrooms or something like that :)

Remember i am very sceptical when it come to this, but i will hear at what you have to say and process it! :) Again, thanks!

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Post by MIKEIVVI » Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:55 am

I (and others like me) are known as empaths.. However, I'm slightly different.. To be honest, I believe I am a host to many unlocked psychic abilities. Not moving distant objects or bending spoons but, literally being able to put myself in other people's shoes because I can truely feel thier pain. Ive been experiencing mild dejavu as of late. You should look up psychic symptoms. Its not all about flying, mind control powers and telekinesis. However telepathy and other telepathic abilities are possible aswell. You shoukd seek to recall any feelings related to those symptoms as there are more people than not who have experienced these things in their life but learned to tune them out. The information will speak for itself. If you begin researching this subject and other spiritual related phenomena in this way you may find an interesting enough truth to it

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Post by S4ndy » Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:10 am

Ok, but i took this Tarrot card test, most of the things i understand is very accurate, but i cant read them, dont understand the full meaning witht hem.. Could some others just take a look for me?(The result are at the link below) :

http://www.mysticscripts.com/tarot/astr ... /3/1988/v3

Again thanks!

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Post by Simonelouisemorris » Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:05 pm

I'm life path 33. Im 29 years old.
I understand what your going through.
I find it very difficult sometimes, and it's a struggle to communicate with others because they are so narrow minded or far behind.
It's not ego it's sometimes a burden.

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I am a life path number 33 also

Post by Beebella33 » Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:44 am

Hi all

I know these posts are somewhat dated but have just learnt my life path number is 33. Have always been drawn to astrology & numerology but the practical Taurean in me perhaps undid further exploration.

I had been receiving for some time forecasts for life path number 6 but it just didn't seem to fit. Another reason perhaps for my tardiness.

2013 presented some horrendous life challenges which is why the renewed search for not only answers but also guidance toward a better me, to know I have taken the right path toward what I have always felt (my entire life) is some predetermined destiny. And if not, how I go about getting back on it.

Due to my profession and consequently my friend group, I have never felt comfortable discussing any of this with my current nearest & dearest... which then found me further questioning whether I am spending time with people who are perhaps not right.

Which today saw me delve a little deeper & happen across the first site which showed my life path number as 33 & not 6.

So have started only today researching more & can openly say just today I have had tears, feelings of like having a cloud lifted,  tingling sensations... it has been a life changing day.

Even writing this, knowing now that I have has this breakthrough, my sensible & professional mind is still planting seeds of doubt.

If there is anyone that can assist in providing further insight on a personal level or anyone else who understands all this, please be in contact.

I have not even really touched on what this life path number means, my Google search brought up Joshua's initial post & for that I am grateful.

I have had many accomplishments, truly fortunate to have spent time with some truly inspiational people & others who whilst would not consider inspirational in that literary sense, are by virtue of being world leaders.

I felt back then I was on the right track to where I needed to be but have not felt that for a few years.

Be truly indebted for any assistance others have the time to provide (& if you are a 33, guessing time is rather limited :-) )

Thank you all & hope to be embarking on this quest with some learned guidance!

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:44 am

according to your date of birth  April 30 1979   .... 4-3-8   your life path  is seen as a 15/6  not a 33/6    the 33 appears only when one uses a fadic method  of adding the single digits all together ......which  is a method i do not follow or use ....  

the 6 life path  :   You possess great compassion and seek to be of service to others. You have concern for the weak and the downtrodden. You are a healer and a helper to others. You are capable of giving comfort to those in need and will frequently offer a shoulder for others to cry on.

Your task in life is to develop the tools necessary to be truly helpful to others, rather than to simply be a sympathetic ear. You must find the balance between help and interference. In the same way, you must learn the delicate art of the counselor who knows when to leave the struggle to others and when to avoid taking away the necessary experiences and lessons of life.

You are naturally balanced. Therefore, you are well equipped to support and ground others in times of trial.

It is in your nature to take on responsibility - you often fill the void left by others - and do not turn away from personal sacrifice. At times, you may feel overburdened by the travails of others. However, the love others bestow upon you is your well deserved reward.

You try to maintain harmony within the family or group, balancing and fusing divergent forces. You seek marriage and are often a wonderful parent, offering warmth, protection, and understanding to children.

You are generous, kind, and attractive. You are often admired even adored which baffles you. You are humble and yet you carry a deep pride. You move well and gracefully, but will have to work to stay in shape. Seek out physical exercise and limit the sweets and dairy you crave to keep yourself from becoming plump and round.

When young, you must be careful not to chose partners for the wrong reasons. Do not let sentimentality influence your decision, especially those involving the choice of a spouse. You need to be needed, but must learn to discriminate between those you can help and others who are made weaker by your care.

After all, it is in your nature to be attracted to the weaker brothers and sisters among us.

The temptation and the danger for you is to think of yourself as the savior of the world, carrying the burdens of others on your shoulders.

You are blessed with musical talent, as well as in the visual and performing arts. However, your creativity may well be suppressed due to your willingness to sacrifice, or your inability to fully appreciate your talents. This is not to say that you cannot excel in these areas; on the contrary, you have the talent, and with effort you can make a success in a number of artistic fields.

You also have enormous talent in business. You are blessed with a great deal of charm and charisma, which you use effectively to attract the people and support you need.

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:49 am

current yearly vibrations  for 2013   and 2014  are as follows   which might help explain things a little  

2013 :  This is a year to be organized and practical. Take care of details. Commit yourself entirely to your goals.

Your concentration and ability to focus will be much improved over last year. You will have an attitude of realism and determination.

There can be a sense of limitation and some frustration this year. However, it is a year of important opportunities that must be seized. There can be considerable work-related travel.

You must be flexible this year to make full use of the opportunities that present themselves. It will require a combination of perseverance, hard work, and versatility.

You will receive recognition for your efforts and support from your friends and family.

It is a good year to buy real estate or remodel your home. It is also a good time to take care of projects which have been postponed for to long.

Fulfill your obligations and do not be afraid to spend some of that hard earned money. Selling and trading during this year usually is quite successful.

This is the year to work on your foundation and prepare yourself for the many changes that will undoubtedly come next year.

As a result of your hard work, there will be much satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment.

January and February will bring some important change, a new opportunity perhaps. March requires self-reflection and reshaping of your plans. It is a good time to meditate on what lies ahead. June brings a new and important step - a breakthrough, perhaps - in your work. October brings changes and a sense of chaos. You may feel threatened by the changes that are on the horizon. But November brings assistance in the form of a promotion or additional financial support.

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:51 am

2014 .... This is a year of dynamic change. Many surprises will come your way. Be open and ready to embrace new opportunities.

Do not be overly careful this year. This is a year in which a major step forward can take place if you are willing to take some calculated risks and do a little gambling. Wisdom and prudence is the key, but you will definitely be faced with choices that require fast action and a willingness to act before all the facts are in.

This is an exciting year in which you will be required to promote yourself in order to take full advantage of the opportunities that await you.

There will be increased opportunity to travel and possibly a change of residence.

You may be tempted by the desires of the flesh: too much food, alcohol, sex, and drugs. Be careful and discriminate. You could make mistakes in these areas.

You will have some unexpected adventures and lucky breaks this year.

This can be an unsettling year if you try to cling to outmoded methods or characteristics. This a year to throw off the old and adopt the new. It is a rebirth and a release after last year's struggle.

This is a year in which change takes place consistently, and particularly so in April and May. July is a breakthrough, a time to enjoy life. September can be intense, while October requires tact and balance in relationships.

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:08 pm

both 2013 and 2014  on a personal level do show  the presence of karmic debt vibration    

2013  which computes to a 13/4  personal year   ....Those with the 13 Karmic Debt will work very hard to accomplish any task. Obstacles stand in their way, and must be overcome time and again. One may often feel burdened and frustrated by the seeming futility of one's efforts there may be a desire to surrender to the difficulties and simply give up on the goal, believing it was impossible to attain in the first place. Some with the 13 Karmic Debt fall to laziness and negativity. But efforts are not futile, and success is well within reach. One simply must work hard, and persevere in order to reach the goal. Many highly successful people in all walks of life, including business, art, and athletics, have a 13 Karmic Debt.

The key to succeeding wit the 13 is focus. Very often, people with the 13 Karmic Debt do not concentrate or direct their energies in one specific direction, or on a single task, but scatter their energies over many projects and jobs, none of which amount to very much. A temptation wit the 13 is to take shortcuts for quick success. Too often, that easy success doesn't come, causing regret and the desire to give up. The result is a poor self-image, and the belief that one is incapable of amounting to very much.

In order to focus, you must maintain order in your life. Order is essential to success. You must maintain a schedule, keep appointments, and follow through. Keep your environment neat and under control, and never procrastinate. If you sustain a steady and consistent effort, you will realize much reward.

2014 which computes to a 14/5  personal year   ....The 14 Karmic Debt arises from previous lifetimes during which human freedom has been abused. Those with a 14 Karmic Debt are forced to adapt to ever-changing circumstances and unexpected occurrences. There is an acute danger of falling victim to abuse of drugs, alcohol, and overindulgence in sensual pleasures, such as food and sex. You must put the reins on yourself. Modesty in all affairs is crucial to overcoming this Karmic Debt.

Also important is the need to maintain order in life, and to establish one's own emotional stability. you must also be willing to adapt to the unexpected occurrences of life, all the while maintaining your focus on your goals and dreams. Flexibility and adaptability are at the very core of this struggle.
Orderliness in one's immediate environment is crucial to maintaining clarity and focus. Mental and emotional stability must be attained in order to avoid being thrown about by the changing fortunes in the external environment.

But the key to the 14 Karmic Debt is commitment. Life will resemble a roller coaster ride, but it will always travel in the right direction if one's heart is set on what is true and good. Set yourself a high goal, maintain order wherever possible in your life, avoid excessive sensory indulgence, and maintain faith. Above all, do not give up on your dreams and goals.
Those with the 14 Karmic Debt will experience life to the fullest, and as long as they maintain a high dream, they will achieve success and great spiritual development.

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:11 pm

The number 33 only matters when found among the core numbers: The Life Path, Heart's Desire, Expression, Personality, Maturity number, or as an Essence cycle or Pinnacle cycle. In all other cases the 33 should be reduced to a 6.
The fact that the 33 is extra-ordinary demanding and rare can be seen symbolically in the methods of calculation.
For example, a 33 Life Path can happen only when each of the 3 units of the birth date (month/year/day) add to 11. Or when the year adds to 22 (in the 20th century there are only 7 years that add to 22: 1939, 48, 57, 66, 75, 84, and 93) and the month and day of birth combined total is 11. And finally, when the birth day is 22 and the month and year of birth total 11.

Lady Tudor
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Re: I am a life path number 33 also

Post by Lady Tudor » Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:08 pm

Beebella33 wrote:Hi all

I know these posts are somewhat dated but have just learnt my life path number is 33. Have always been drawn to astrology & numerology but the practical Taurean in me perhaps undid further exploration.

I had been receiving for some time forecasts for life path number 6 but it just didn't seem to fit. Another reason perhaps for my tardiness.

2013 presented some horrendous life challenges which is why the renewed search for not only answers but also guidance toward a better me, to know I have taken the right path toward what I have always felt (my entire life) is some predetermined destiny. And if not, how I go about getting back on it.

Due to my profession and consequently my friend group, I have never felt comfortable discussing any of this with my current nearest & dearest... which then found me further questioning whether I am spending time with people who are perhaps not right.

Which today saw me delve a little deeper & happen across the first site which showed my life path number as 33 & not 6.

So have started only today researching more & can openly say just today I have had tears, feelings of like having a cloud lifted,  tingling sensations... it has been a life changing day.

Even writing this, knowing now that I have has this breakthrough, my sensible & professional mind is still planting seeds of doubt.

If there is anyone that can assist in providing further insight on a personal level or anyone else who understands all this, please be in contact.

I have not even really touched on what this life path number means, my Google search brought up Joshua's initial post & for that I am grateful.

You are a Life Path 6. The 33 In Pythagorean Numerology means you have a sense of humor & are a communcator & natural counselor. Would you say that's true? But I would need your whole birthdate to see what your other numbers are as that makes a difference. I consider Pythagorean Numerology the most accurate because Pythagoras was known as the Father of Numerology as he Invented this system. After 17 years of studying this I found I can do readings on people that are pretty accurate. Knowing your full birthdate would also tell me what personal year you are In. :)

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