I Want To Move To A Three City Or State

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I Want To Move To A Three City Or State

Post by number3 » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:19 pm

Hi Numerology seekers,

I have always felt really comfortable in 3 places, and would really like to move to a place that has a strong 3 vibe. I know that New York, Arkansas, and New Mexico are 3s. Does anybody know if any other state vibes a 3? How about cities? I am thinking of moving to Nashville. I am a very artsy person and would love that communicative 3 vibe. I avoid the 6 completely although I am a 6 life path. Why? Because all my challenge numbers are 6 except for stages that goes all through my life which is a O. I live in Texas now which is a 6 and NOTHING but tough tough challenges! 9 is OK career and opportunity wise but I am a bit scared of it because I always have loss in 9 places. Please share with me if anyone lives in a 3 city or state that they love.

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Post by Tamriel » Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:51 pm

I have lived in NY for 16 yrs and 9 months before moving to California in 2009. Wanted a change not only in where I have lived most all my life but wanted to move to some place that I had never had the experience of before. I can say that moving some place that doesn't have any snow is certainly new.  :smt003 . The weather is more mild and warmer.  :smt041 . I am totally loving the no snow. :smt007  I am not sure if where I live has a number, but am feeling finally at peace with not just myself but with my surrounding for the first time in most of my life. I think that has much to do with my health improving and lots less stress that I have had to deal with in that past. Sorry, I guess I am rambling. :smt120 This post seems to have gotten off topic lol. What I am wondering is how to find out what is the number of my place i live? guess I should have said that to begin with :smt081

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 08, 2014 10:57 pm

Hello again to Tamriel,

Does the following article help to answer your question about how to calculate the number of the place which you live in?

"Numerology And Where Is Your Perfect Place To Live" by Johny Cusante


According to what is written here New York is a number 1 city/place.

I have calculated your birth number as being an 8 (only if your DOB is shown correctly in your forum profile).

Look under Place to live for number 8 people.

New York being a 1 city would be your second United States choice after Buffalo, Cleveland, Jersey City, Pittsburgh and Sacramento.

Now if you happened to live in Jersey City which is a part of metropolitan New York, you are already ideally situated from a numerology perspective. :smt002  :smt002

Number 3 American places (relocating to a place that vibes a 3) include Bronx, Fresno, Fort Wayne, Manhattan, Memphis, Oklahoma City, San Antonio, San Francisco, Santa Ana, Staten Island and Wichita, Kansas.

Nashville is a number 5 place.

If it is all still a mystery to you after reading this, you will need the advice of a numerologist (which I do not claim to be) to help you further.



PS: Some of this information may also help number3. :smt003

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