fellow life paths number 1's?

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fellow life paths number 1's?

Post by brittney » Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:49 pm

My life path is 1 and I was wondering how others with the same life path are doing career wise? Im very true to the life path it explains me perfectly. I have always known I will someday work for my self which im just starting that path now. Im very creative and inventive. So how are other number ones doing?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:03 am


Thank you for posting this.

This is an excellent subject for discussion, especially for a numerology newbie like myself.

Although it is true that I sometimes use very basic numerology in my psychic readings in order to predict a person's most likely future career path, I prefer to leave the full in depth numerology readings to the experts.

Other members are more likely to respond and tell you how they are doing career wise and what jobs they have, if you first do the same. You say that you are both creative and inventive, so how are you at your given age applying these qualities of character to your current job or future career planning?

According to the information found on some numerology websites, while creativity and inventiveness are commonly found in number 1s (but even more so in life path 3s), the ability to be an effective leader and to work cooperatively and respectfully and tactfully (with good people skills) with the other members of your team is frequently more important in reliably predicting your likelihood of future success in such a position of greater responsibility and authority

That is of course unless you want to be your own boss and work independently of others, as in self employment or to a lesser degree freelancing.

Entrepreneurs, generals, commanders, CEO's and producers.

When it comes to being a good team leader finding the best balance between being tough and dynamic but at the same time remaining sensitive to the needs and opinions of those who work under you, is generally more important than how creative or inventive you are.

Please do not get the wrong impression here. I am not saying that you are wrong in believing that the number 1 career path fits you perfectly, and that the qualities of creativity and inventiveness do not play any role in this, and so you are wasting your time by posting it.

Quite the opposite is true.

But I am saying that while it could be interesting and encouraging to collect feedback from the other number 1 life path members regarding how well their careers are progressing which appears consistent with how creative or inventive they are, selectively picking out certain qualities and conveniently ignoring others which could prove to be more critical for future success, can be misleading.

Creativity and inventiveness are both valuable, positive qualities in any potential leader, but they are only two small parts of the jigsaw puzzle, and are clearly not the entire picture or the perfect profile of a good leader by themselves.

I really hope that you get as many useful responses as you can to this, because I believe that it goes to the heart of why we need to be extremely careful not to use numerology by itself to make predictions about a person's ideal future career, when there are so many other factors and personality qualities which could potentially influence this that are not available at the time to the numerologist.

If any numerologist tries to convince you that simply because you have a career path of 1 that you could never be successful in a particular type of job (no matter how hard you worked), then my advice would be to have no further contact with them as they are poisonous to our spirits.


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Post by brittney » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:32 am

Thank you for the great reply I absolutely agree with you. And I am very new to numerology I just know my basic numbers, I never had a numerology reading done before. A little about me, I am currently devoloping my own company. I have developed a product im going to get onto the retail market. (At the moment I am at the early stages of this and cant share what I have created until I get my patent). But before this since I was 18 I have worked at a hospital on the psychiatric floor, and my last job was working at an assisted living facility. I actually left my last job to stay home with my 1st son at the time I have two little boys now. And ready to make a career for my self and my family. I know it takes more than just creativity to be a boss, I am a very nice person sometimes too nice. Im also very sensitive, thats just who I am.. But with my past jobs you have to have empathy, sympathy, and team work skills to be in that line of work. Also I just found it very interesting that my life path was a one as im developing my product who knows I could very well fail. But I just had this idea and a huge pull to go for it something I never experienced before. Thats why I am so happy I found this site to learn more about the life ahead of me I think it will be an intersting one :) I would also like to add that my husbands life path is a 3.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Apr 17, 2015 1:36 am

I now have a better and more complete understanding about why you are so interested in numerology as a way of giving yourself a personality analysis, with the intention to use this information for your life and career guidance.

Would you mind if I placed a link pointing to to this very in depth extra personal information in your introduction in the Introduce Yourself forum, instead of you copying it there?
I am a very nice person sometimes too nice. Im also very sensitive, thats just who I am..
Same with me on both counts, and my life path number is the master number 11.


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Post by brittney » Fri Apr 17, 2015 2:21 am

I dont mind at all that would be great :)

I did turn to guidance as I feel my life is heading in a big change of direction. Something I couldnt imagine it going towards. Years ago I found that I was life path one, but it didn't make sense at the time. I felt as if it didn't explain me at all. I feel like I have been on this
journey determined to find my self, and the reason I am here. As I am finding my self, I can see I am developing into this life path number. And this was excitment of what im going through and realizing what my life path number is.

Also, I didn't know what the master number 11 was so I read on it. I can see that fits you but I must say as I was reading the characteristics it made me feel in awe to be in your "presence" so to speak. I dont know why, but as if i were sitting in front of you and was captured by your presence I wonder why? But thats amazing :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:12 am

I dont mind at all that would be great

Thank you.

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Post by bablibinjola » Fri Jun 26, 2015 7:12 am

I think the advice provides here is great but a little more information can be added to it.

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