Master speak out

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Another Master Number Holder Speaks Out!

Post by cinderella » Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:59 am

I am a 29/11 and I'm going to have to agree with summerstorm, there is quite a bit of psychic ability in myself, if I do say so... myself.  We need to stop underestimating ourselves people!!!  Come on!!!  MySpirit1111!!!  Fairly inteligent!!!  My IQ is 129!!!  Hello!!!  You have to be inteligent to handle the "problems" don't you?  People who are not as strong or inteligent would lie down and give up!!!  You also have to be one strong individual to go through the "more than our share of problems!"  I know of what you speak my friend as I have been on a ride that would have killed most of the people I know.  People who go through the greatest trials here on this earth are, in alot of cultures, envied.  The bible covers this very subject..."Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth."  Appearances can be decieving!!!  Perhaps, Master vibrators, are seen by others as meek because we seem to invite others to "bring it on" so to speak!  And in doing so invite more..."things" into our lives.  Do you watch the news?  Have you survived incest?  Do you know how many people have?  With no help from society?!!!  Do you know how many sick individuals walk around free to do what they will to whomever they please because no one wants to stand up and stop them?!!!  I don't have an exact number on this but I know it is unconscionable!!!  I believe it is because we are born with the ability to not only handle these..."things"...but, to turn them upside-down and sideways into a new way of being. Your rewards for all these so called "problems" throughout most of our lives, are ten-fold!!!  Where's the faith my fellow?  With problems come the capacity to handle them, which makes us stronger!!!  Yes?!!!  Yes!!!  I, for one, am here to rock and roll this little globe of humans being into a new "user friendly" version of The Game of LIfe!!!  And my life in this body will not end until my purpose has been fulfilled.  I should have been dead many times now.  I have documentation of a few of these times.  I have lived long enough and enough to know that we are here for a greater purpose that what most of us have known or dared to believe.  Wake up and live!!!  Master numbers also vibrate at a higher speed than other numbers and have 3 to 4 times the energy of others without needing as much sleep!!!  FYI!!!  Bless Your Hearts!!!  We are all angels here to teach and learn!!!  Created in God's image.  We walk to the side...not underneath!!!  Being who you are Really, is our greatest gift back to...God.  We are here to do more than just "make it through".  Come on, you know you want to join me!!!  Ok then!  Please stay seated...hands and arms inside the ride...until it comes to a complete...and!!!!!!!!11112233...

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