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Post by Jack_shy » Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:19 pm

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Post by Abhishek » Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:57 pm

here is my results ... by entering the date in European date format.

The SOUL Number is the core of your identity. It indicates your own internal relationship with yourself. Your relationship to the infinite, unlimited part of yourself. It is the key to tapping into your creativity and depth.
Your main internal blockage is fear. It is said "Spiritual people should be happy", but you say to yourself, "Oh... I can't be happy because...(insert current fear-oriented excuse here!). Your fear keeps you from seeing the joy and happiness in your life.

The solution is for you to work on your eighth body and so become totally fearless in dealing with anything that life sends your way. Once you experience that you and God are one and the same, all fear departs.

If you connect yourself to your Soul, you will experience your Infinite Identity. Your highest identity lies in experiencing the Infinity within each finite thing, and sharing that experience with others. Your creative essence is to be a healer.

Just as the SOUL number indicates the nature your relationship with your own soul, the KARMA number indicates the nature of your relationships with other people. This is the number that describes your 'test' in life... the thing you must break through in order to be successful in your relationships with others.

You have the habit to relate to people from the head instead of the heart. In order to be happy in the external realms of life you must not only come from your heart center, but everyone you deal with must KNOW that you are coming from your heart. This is absolutely crucial for you if you ever want to have harmony in your external world.

The solution is to balance the head and the heart so that you feel in harmony with all your external dealings.

This number indicates your natural GIFT in life. This is your God-given talent. You don't have to work for it; it's yours... IF you accept it!

The key to accepting your GIFT is to connect with your soul. You cannot accept and use your gift unless you feel that you deserve it. Remember, this gift is already yours. Relax, use it and enjoy it.

You have the gift of positivity. If you keep up on a spiritual path in your life, you will always have something positive to say about everyone and everything. Everyone else around you may be negative, but you will be able to listen to them and it will not be a problem for you. You will simply say, "But have you ever looked at it from this point of view...?"

This is your gift. To always have a cheerful attitude about things, and to see the solution that is inherent in each problem of life. You are sort of a spiritual father or mother; a "Big Papa" who sees that everyone is taken care of, and makes sure that everyone is fed and has everything which he or she needs.

The DESTINY number indicates the main trait that you have worked on within yourself for many lifetimes. It is the thing you have mastered through personal sacrifice and effort. You may not see this mastery in yourself, but in actuality, it shows in everything you do. The destiny number is a description of how OTHER people see you. It is a mirror. It is YOU seen through the eyes of others, not through your own eyes.

People see you as someone who is very neutral and clear. People tend to come to you for advice because they relate to you as being a good listener. Other people like to be around you. They feel peaceful and secure in your presence.

Your PATH number is the key to living a fulfilled life. It is the key to understanding who you are and why you are here on this planet at this time. Your PATH is the the single aspect of yourself that you must manifest in your day to day life in order for you to feel fulfilled and successful within yourself. Without understanding and manifesting your path in your life, you will always feel that 'something is missing' from your life. Live your path and all else will work out naturally.

Your path is service. In order for you to be in tune with your own divinity, to feel totally successful and fulfilled, you must dedicate your life to the service of others. Humility and service are the keys to your happiness. Seeking to fulfill your own needs will ultimately always lead you to failure. It is through serving others that all of your own needs and desires shall be totally and completely fulfilled.

Here is a suggested personal sadhana for Abhishek Lodha:


In order to work on and strengthen your PRANIC BODY you can do any or all of the following yogic techniques:

1. Do the "Exercise Set for the Lymph System", on page 18 of the manual KUNDALINI YOGA FOR YOUTH AND JOY.

2. Do the meditation on page 71 of the manual MAN TO MAN Part 4.

3. Do the meditation "Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Jio", out loud, 8 repetitions per breath, for 31 minutes daily.

4. Do any or all of the "RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG" healing meditations. They can be found in various manuals and on audio tape available from Ancient Healing Ways at 1-800-359-2940.

All Yoga manuals can be obtained from from Ancient Healing Ways at 1-800-359-2940 or on the Web at


In order to work on and strengthen your SOUL body you can do any or all of the following yogic techniques:

1. Recite the poem JapJi by Guru Nanak every day, for 1000 days.

2. Do the "Exercise Set for Balancing Head and Heart", on page 53 of the yoga manual KUNDALINI YOGA FOR YOUTH AND JOY.

3. Do the three meditations for the Heart Center, on pages 26-27 of the KUNDALINI MEDITATION MANUAL FOR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS.

here is my results ... by entering the date in American date format.

The SOUL Number is the core of your identity. It indicates your own internal relationship with yourself. Your relationship to the infinite, unlimited part of yourself. It is the key to tapping into your creativity and depth.
You are the kind of person who, in your own internal relationship with yourself, creates a circular argument with your subconscious and gets stuck in it. When you find yourself under stress, your tendency is to deal with that internal stress from your head, not your heart. This is frustrating because you cannot get out of the stress through your mental processing. Logic will always carry you to a dead end. What is right in life, does not always make logical sense! You can't have internal peace unless you go beyond the mind into the heart. The heart is the sun, and the mind is the moon. All the moon's light is only a reflection of the light of the sun. The solution is to balance the energies of the head and the heart.

If you connect yourself to your Soul you will experience your inner identity. Your inner essence is creativity. When you live in your higher consciousness, your creativity flows constantly through your heart center and infuses all your actions and relationships. The constant flow of spontaneous imagination, love and creativity is who you truly are.

Just as the SOUL number indicates the nature your relationship with your own soul, the KARMA number indicates the nature of your relationships with other people. This is the number that describes your 'test' in life... the thing you must break through in order to be successful in your relationships with others.

You have a lot of fear. No matter what you get into, there never seems to be enough energy to do it. You often feel tired. You can't seem to see the Infinite aspects of a situation and to know that you can do better.

Your test is to become able to see the Infinity in every situation of life.

The solution is to master the pranic body and so become extremely energetic and projective. Mastery of the pranic body will give you tremendous energy, and the ability to be an effective "long-range planner"; i.e. to see the steps that you have to take to make it from where you are to where you want to be, and to follow through with plans and goals.

This number indicates your natural GIFT in life. This is your God-given talent. You don't have to work for it; it's yours... IF you accept it!

The key to accepting your GIFT is to connect with your soul. You cannot accept and use your gift unless you feel that you deserve it. Remember, this gift is already yours. Relax, use it and enjoy it.

You have the gift of positivity. If you keep up on a spiritual path in your life, you will always have something positive to say about everyone and everything. Everyone else around you may be negative, but you will be able to listen to them and it will not be a problem for you. You will simply say, "But have you ever looked at it from this point of view...?"

This is your gift. To always have a cheerful attitude about things, and to see the solution that is inherent in each problem of life. You are sort of a spiritual father or mother; a "Big Papa" who sees that everyone is taken care of, and makes sure that everyone is fed and has everything which he or she needs.

The DESTINY number indicates the main trait that you have worked on within yourself for many lifetimes. It is the thing you have mastered through personal sacrifice and effort. You may not see this mastery in yourself, but in actuality, it shows in everything you do. The destiny number is a description of how OTHER people see you. It is a mirror. It is YOU seen through the eyes of others, not through your own eyes.

People see you as someone who is very neutral and clear. People tend to come to you for advice because they relate to you as being a good listener. Other people like to be around you. They feel peaceful and secure in your presence.

Your PATH number is the key to living a fulfilled life. It is the key to understanding who you are and why you are here on this planet at this time. Your PATH is the the single aspect of yourself that you must manifest in your day to day life in order for you to feel fulfilled and successful within yourself. Without understanding and manifesting your path in your life, you will always feel that 'something is missing' from your life. Live your path and all else will work out naturally.

Your path is service. In order for you to be in tune with your own divinity, to feel totally successful and fulfilled, you must dedicate your life to the service of others. Humility and service are the keys to your happiness. Seeking to fulfill your own needs will ultimately always lead you to failure. It is through serving others that all of your own needs and desires shall be totally and completely fulfilled.

Here is a suggested personal sadhana for Abhishek Lodha:


In order to work on and strengthen your SOUL body you can do any or all of the following yogic techniques:

1. Recite the poem JapJi by Guru Nanak every day, for 1000 days.

2. Do the "Exercise Set for Balancing Head and Heart", on page 53 of the yoga manual KUNDALINI YOGA FOR YOUTH AND JOY.

3. Do the three meditations for the Heart Center, on pages 26-27 of the KUNDALINI MEDITATION MANUAL FOR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS.

All Yoga manuals can be obtained from from Ancient Healing Ways at 1-800-359-2940 or on the Web at


In order to work on and strengthen your PRANIC BODY you can do any or all of the following yogic techniques:

1. Do the "Exercise Set for the Lymph System", on page 18 of the manual KUNDALINI YOGA FOR YOUTH AND JOY.

2. Do the meditation on page 71 of the manual MAN TO MAN Part 4.

3. Do the meditation "Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Jio", out loud, 8 repetitions per breath, for 31 minutes daily.

4. Do any or all of the "RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG" healing meditations. They can be found in various manuals and on audio tape available from Ancient Healing Ways at 1-800-359-2940.

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Post by Abhishek » Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:01 pm

which one should i actually follow? i am from india.

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Post by chris-vT » Tue Feb 14, 2006 6:32 pm

I would assume follow the european one since you are closest to that region?

Here is my american
The SOUL Number is the core of your identity. It indicates your own internal relationship with yourself. Your relationship to the infinite, unlimited part of yourself. It is the key to tapping into your creativity and depth.
You have a great internal conflict because you want to be the complete master of yourself, and you can't see how to do it. The only way you can become a master is to surrender to God, let God run your life, and know that God is the ONLY master. If you relate to and experience the inner wisdom within your own consciousness, you will know that you represent the Infinity incarnate and you will be the master of your physical universe and nothing will be able to bug you or bother you in any way!

The solution is to relate to the infinite teacher within yourself, and to surrender to that flow of inner wisdom.

In your highest and deepest consciousness, you are a Universal person. That is, the true essence of who you are is someone who can express yourself through all the ten spiritual bodies in all situations of life and in relation to all people.

Just as the SOUL number indicates the nature your relationship with your own soul, the KARMA number indicates the nature of your relationships with other people. This is the number that describes your 'test' in life... the thing you must break through in order to be successful in your relationships with others.

You lack the ability to be subtle in your external relationships, and have a tendency to communicate on a somewhat blunt and crude level lacking in gentleness and flowing grace. While you may see the negative sides of situations, you blur them out. You tend to take people at face value with a certain innocent naiveté. This lack of insight into other people's underlying motivations makes you gullible and can get you into trouble. Your test in this life is to learn how to stick with things and master them. The solution is to pick something that works for you and stick with it! Mastery of subtle perception and the accompanying insight and awareness which that brings, are necessary for you to experience your own depth and dimension. Whatever you do, live it, breathe it and become a master at it! A master understands the subtlety of his art.

This number indicates your natural GIFT in life. This is your God-given talent. You don't have to work for it; it's yours... IF you accept it!

The key to accepting your GIFT is to connect with your soul. You cannot accept and use your gift unless you feel that you deserve it. Remember, this gift is already yours. Relax, use it and enjoy it.

You have the gift of positivity. If you keep up on a spiritual path in your life, you will always have something positive to say about everyone and everything. Everyone else around you may be negative, but you will be able to listen to them and it will not be a problem for you. You will simply say, "But have you ever looked at it from this point of view...?"

This is your gift. To always have a cheerful attitude about things, and to see the solution that is inherent in each problem of life. You are sort of a spiritual father or mother; a "Big Papa" who sees that everyone is taken care of, and makes sure that everyone is fed and has everything which he or she needs.

The DESTINY number indicates the main trait that you have worked on within yourself for many lifetimes. It is the thing you have mastered through personal sacrifice and effort. You may not see this mastery in yourself, but in actuality, it shows in everything you do. The destiny number is a description of how OTHER people see you. It is a mirror. It is YOU seen through the eyes of others, not through your own eyes.

People see you as someone who is very neutral and clear. People tend to come to you for advice because they relate to you as being a good listener. Other people like to be around you. They feel peaceful and secure in your presence.

Your PATH number is the key to living a fulfilled life. It is the key to understanding who you are and why you are here on this planet at this time. Your PATH is the the single aspect of yourself that you must manifest in your day to day life in order for you to feel fulfilled and successful within yourself. Without understanding and manifesting your path in your life, you will always feel that 'something is missing' from your life. Live your path and all else will work out naturally.

The path to success and fulfillment in your life is to be a person of prayer. If you practice a spiritual lifestyle and consciously connect to your Soul, then you will always be known as a prayerful, calm, and confident person. Your divine expression as a human being is to be a channel that people relate to as a "person at prayer", a holy person, a representative of God. It is through your concentration, your one-pointedness, your projection and your stability and control, that you will find success in your life.

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Post by swetha » Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:38 pm

Name: Swetha Lodha Birth date: 08/06/1979

mine in american format

The SOUL Number is the core of your identity. It indicates your own internal relationship with yourself. Your relationship to the infinite, unlimited part of yourself. It is the key to tapping into your creativity and depth.
You have trouble keeping centered when you are under stress. The center is the Soul, the Conscious consciousness of your own Infinite identity. If your intuition is not working than you are not able to tune in to the deeper levels of your Self. You experience a state of confusion about what is going on, and therefore have a lack of confidence in yourself.

The solution is to meditate every day and to strengthen your intuition.

When you are in touch with your own Infinite Identity, then you will live in your essence. Your essence is to be a "Person at Prayer". This means that when you are in harmony with yourself your intuitive powers are very strong and that you will love to meditate on God and pray for others. Your essence is to be very strong, very centered, and very spiritual.

Just as the SOUL number indicates the nature your relationship with your own soul, the KARMA number indicates the nature of your relationships with other people. This is the number that describes your 'test' in life... the thing you must break through in order to be successful in your relationships with others.

You have a lot of fear. No matter what you get into, there never seems to be enough energy to do it. You often feel tired. You can't seem to see the Infinite aspects of a situation and to know that you can do better.

Your test is to become able to see the Infinity in every situation of life.

The solution is to master the pranic body and so become extremely energetic and projective. Mastery of the pranic body will give you tremendous energy, and the ability to be an effective "long-range planner"; i.e. to see the steps that you have to take to make it from where you are to where you want to be, and to follow through with plans and goals.

This number indicates your natural GIFT in life. This is your God-given talent. You don't have to work for it; it's yours... IF you accept it!

The key to accepting your GIFT is to connect with your soul. You cannot accept and use your gift unless you feel that you deserve it. Remember, this gift is already yours. Relax, use it and enjoy it.

Your gift is to always be able to uplift any situation. You will be able to walk into any situation and bring your bubbly spirit and enthusiasm into it. You have the ability to generate good energy easily and so open people's hearts and elevate them. You are a natural leader.

If you keep up on a spiritual path in your life, your special gift will manifest more and more. Your gift can be well expressed through music and/or singing if you are so inclined.

The DESTINY number indicates the main trait that you have worked on within yourself for many lifetimes. It is the thing you have mastered through personal sacrifice and effort. You may not see this mastery in yourself, but in actuality, it shows in everything you do. The destiny number is a description of how OTHER people see you. It is a mirror. It is YOU seen through the eyes of others, not through your own eyes.

Your basic viewpoint is fearlessness. Other people see you as someone who has the ability to carry through and keep up when everyone else has fallen by the wayside. People love to get you to work on projects for them because they know that you have the ability to latch on to a project and take it all the way to its maximum potential.

Your PATH number is the key to living a fulfilled life. It is the key to understanding who you are and why you are here on this planet at this time. Your PATH is the the single aspect of yourself that you must manifest in your day to day life in order for you to feel fulfilled and successful within yourself. Without understanding and manifesting your path in your life, you will always feel that 'something is missing' from your life. Live your path and all else will work out naturally.

Your path is service. In order for you to be in tune with your own divinity, to feel totally successful and fulfilled, you must dedicate your life to the service of others. Humility and service are the keys to your happiness. Seeking to fulfill your own needs will ultimately always lead you to failure. It is through serving others that all of your own needs and desires shall be totally and completely fulfilled.

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Post by harshitbhatt » Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:06 pm

Thanks buddy.

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Post by Vishwas » Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:47 am

Name: Vishwas M Byrappa Birth date: 01/31/1984

The SOUL Number is the core of your identity. It indicates your own internal relationship with yourself. Your relationship to the infinite, unlimited part of yourself. It is the key to tapping into your creativity and depth.

You are very indecisive under stress. You say to yourself, "Well, I don't know; I'm not sure; let me think about it..." If you get your neutral mind to work for you then you will be absolutely decisive. You can know yourself so quickly that the accurate answer to any problem will come to you immediately. If the 4 in the soul position is working, then you are able to hear your own "inner voice" and you will be totally sure. The solution is to activate the Neutral Mind. The Neutral Mind is the essence of your own inner identity. If you connect yourself to your Soul, then you will experience your true nature. Your true nature is extremely detached and neutral.

The key phrase here is "Cup of Prayer". It is your receptive nature that, like a cup, allows you to neutrally receive the negativity and positivity of others without reacting to it, and therefore to bless others with your own neutrality. If you live in your higher consciousness then everyone will love to just be near you so that they can feel the blessing of your presence.

Just as the SOUL number indicates the nature your relationship with your own soul, the KARMA number indicates the nature of your relationships with other people. This is the number that describes your 'test' in life... the thing you must break through in order to be successful in your relationships with others.

You have the habit to relate to people from the head instead of the heart. In order to be happy in the external realms of life you must not only come from your heart center, but everyone you deal with must KNOW that you are coming from your heart. This is absolutely crucial for you if you ever want to have harmony in your external world.

The solution is to balance the head and the heart so that you feel in harmony with all your external dealings.

This number indicates your natural GIFT in life. This is your God-given talent. You don't have to work for it; it's yours... IF you accept it!

The key to accepting your GIFT is to connect with your soul. You cannot accept and use your gift unless you feel that you deserve it. Remember, this gift is already yours. Relax, use it and enjoy it.

You have the gift of positivity. If you keep up on a spiritual path in your life, you will always have something positive to say about everyone and everything. Everyone else around you may be negative, but you will be able to listen to them and it will not be a problem for you. You will simply say, "But have you ever looked at it from this point of view...?"

This is your gift. To always have a cheerful attitude about things, and to see the solution that is inherent in each problem of life. You are sort of a spiritual father or mother; a "Big Papa" who sees that everyone is taken care of, and makes sure that everyone is fed and has everything which he or she needs.

The DESTINY number indicates the main trait that you have worked on within yourself for many lifetimes. It is the thing you have mastered through personal sacrifice and effort. You may not see this mastery in yourself, but in actuality, it shows in everything you do. The destiny number is a description of how OTHER people see you. It is a mirror. It is YOU seen through the eyes of others, not through your own eyes.

People see you as someone who is very neutral and clear. People tend to come to you for advice because they relate to you as being a good listener. Other people like to be around you. They feel peaceful and secure in your presence.

Your PATH number is the key to living a fulfilled life. It is the key to understanding who you are and why you are here on this planet at this time. Your PATH is the the single aspect of yourself that you must manifest in your day to day life in order for you to feel fulfilled and successful within yourself. Without understanding and manifesting your path in your life, you will always feel that 'something is missing' from your life. Live your path and all else will work out naturally.

What you must do in order to feel completely successful and fulfilled, is to become extremely calm and masterful through all situations of life. It is through experiencing the subtle levels of things, in the depth of your own calmness, that you will be able to soothe and inspire others. Meditate and become very calm and unexcitable. In this way your path will be fulfilled.

Here is a suggested personal sadhana for Vishwas M Byrappa:


In order to work on and strengthen your NEUTRAL MIND you can do any or all of the following yogic techniques:

1. Do the meditation "Shabd Kriya", on page 50 of the KUNDALINI MEDITATION MANUAL FOR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS.

2. Do the "Exercise Set for the Lungs and Bloodstream", on page 21 of the manual, KUNDALINI YOGA FOR YOUTH AND JOY.

3. Sing the songs of Guru Ram Das, or meditate on Guru Ram Das using the mantra: "Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru". Audio tape is available from Ancient Healing Ways.

All Yoga manuals can be obtained from from Ancient Healing Ways at 1-800-359-2940 or on the Web at


In order to work on and strengthen your SOUL body you can do any or all of the following yogic techniques:

1. Recite the poem JapJi by Guru Nanak every day, for 1000 days.

2. Do the "Exercise Set for Balancing Head and Heart", on page 53 of the yoga manual KUNDALINI YOGA FOR YOUTH AND JOY.

3. Do the three meditations for the Heart Center, on pages 26-27 of the KUNDALINI MEDITATION MANUAL FOR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS.

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Post by marreddy » Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:16 pm

1. Tantric Numerology: Name: M.A.R.Reddy Birth date: 05/07/1943 (d/m/y)
SOUL OF 7: The SOUL Number is the core of your identity. It indicates your own internal relationship with yourself. Your relationship to the infinite, unlimited part of yourself; It is the key to tapping into your creativity and depth.
When you are under stress, you lose the ability to elevate yourself. You can't seem to get your spirit moving. You can't uplift your own internal processes so that life seems good and exciting to you. A symptom of this is that you hide out in your shell a lot, and don't like to come out and interact with other people. This is because you feel overwhelmed by other people and by your environments. You must work through this block so that you can connect to your Soul and allow the flow of Spirit to elevate you. The solution is to meditate each day so that the constant flow of uplifting Soul energy can be released.
When you connect yourself to your Soul and live in the Conscious consciousness of your own Infinite Identity, then you will experience your essence. Your essence is to be a "spiritual forklift". That is, you will have the ability to elevate and uplift yourself as well as others. The key phrase to describe your Soul identity is "Platform of Levitation".
KARMA OF 5: Just as the SOUL number indicates the nature your relationship with your own soul, the KARMA number indicates the nature of your relationships with other people. This is the number that describes your 'test' in life... the thing you must break through in order to be successful in your relationships with others.
You have a strong tendency to be self-indulgent. There is a lack of control over your physical environments and your physical body. This can easily lead to becoming lazy, out of shape, or overweight. Your test in life is to become less self-interested and self-motivated, and so become more able to open yourself to make sacrifices for others.
The solution is to gain the willpower to make sacrifices, and so become able to make things happen in your relationships.
GIFT OF 7: This number indicates your natural GIFT in life. This is your God-given talent. You don't have to work for it; it's yours... IF you accept it!
The key to accepting your GIFT is to connect with your soul. You cannot accept and use your gift unless you feel that you deserve it. Remember, this gift is already yours. Relax, use it and enjoy it.
Your gift is to always be able to uplift any situation. You will be able to walk into any situation and bring your bubbly spirit and enthusiasm into it. You have the ability to generate good energy easily and so open people's hearts and elevate them. You are a natural leader.
If you keep up on a spiritual path in your life, your special gift will manifest more and more. Your gift can be well expressed through music and/or singing if you are so inclined.
DESTINY OF 8: The DESTINY number indicates the main trait that you have worked on within yourself for many lifetimes. It is the thing you have mastered through personal sacrifice and effort. You may not see this mastery in yourself, but in actuality, it shows in everything you do. The destiny number is a description of how OTHER people see you. It is a mirror. It is YOU seen through the eyes of others, not through your own eyes.
Your basic viewpoint is fearlessness. Other people see you as someone who has the ability to carry through and keep up when everyone else has fallen by the wayside. People love to get you to work on projects for them because they know that you have the ability to latch on to a project and take it all the way to its maximum potential.
PATH OF 2: Your PATH number is the key to living a fulfilled life. It is the key to understanding who you are and why you are here on this planet at this time. Your PATH is the the single aspect of yourself that you must manifest in your day to day life in order for you to feel fulfilled and successful within yourself. Without understanding and manifesting your path in your life, you will always feel that 'something is missing' from your life. Live your path and all else will work out naturally.
The key to your success and fulfillment in this life is your devotion. It is by being a super good student, by being absolutely obedient and dedicated to your (inner or outer) spiritual teacher, and to the Infinity within yourself, that you will be successful. Your path is the path of love, and of devotion to the Infinite.
Here is a suggested personal sadhana for M.A.R.Reddy: TO MASTER THE SEVENTH (AURIC) BODY: In order to work on and strengthen your AURA you can do any or all of the following yogic techniques: 1. Do the exercise set "Balancing the Aura", on page 56 of the manual KUNDALINI YOGA FOR YOUTH AND JOY. 2. Do the "Meditation for the Divine Shield", on page 38 of the KUNDALINI MEDITATION MANUAL FOR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS. 3. Do the exercise set "Strengthening the Aura", on page 59 of the manual, YOGA SADHANA GUIDELINES. 4. Sing! Sing out loud, often and joyfully. Elevate others with your singing. All Yoga manuals can be obtained from from Ancient Healing Ways at 1-800-359-2940 or on the Web at
TO MASTER THE FIFTH (PHYSICAL) BODY: In order to work on and strengthen your PHYSICAL BODY you can do any or all of the following yogic techniques: 1. Engage in strong physical exercise daily. 2. Read the poem Sukhmani Sahib by Guru Arjan every day. 3. Do the following meditation: Sit in easy pose with the hands in prayer pose at the Heart Center. Chant "Aad Guray Nameh" as the arms go out, forwards and upwards at a 60 degree angle. Chant "Jugaad Guray Nameh" as the hands go back to the Heart Center. Chant "Sat Guray Nameh" as the arms go up and out to 60 degrees, and then chant "Siri Guru Devay Nameh" as the hands go back to the heart. Continue for 31 minutes with the eyes focused at the third eye point or the tip of the nose.
4. Do the exercise set, "Transforming the Lower Triangle to the Higher Triangle", on page 20 of the KUNDALINI MEDITATION MANUAL FOR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS.

2. Tantric Numerology: Name: M.A.R.Reddy Birth date: 07/05/1943 (m/d/y):
SOUL OF 5: The SOUL Number is the core of your identity. It indicates your own internal relationship with yourself. Your relationship to the infinite, unlimited part of yourself; It is the key to tapping into your creativity and depth.
The key word for you is balance. If your body is out of tune, you cannot reach a balance in your internal processes. When you are under stress, you have an inability to make sacrifices. This manifests in such a way that you can't push yourself out of your "comfort zone" in order to serve others or to serve your own soul. It is a problem of self-discipline versus self-indulgence. Your self-indulgence will take you on the path of self-destruction unless you go through a conscious clearing process for 1000 days so that you can gain the ability to sacrifice your own comfort and give up your anger.
The solution is for you to accept the fact that you must teach others how to experience their own inner identity.
If you connect yourself to your Soul, you will experience your own inner identity which is that of a teacher. It is through your self-sacrifice that the essence of who you are can be expressed in your life.
KARMA OF 7: Just as the SOUL number indicates the nature your relationship with your own soul, the KARMA number indicates the nature of your relationships with other people. This is the number that describes your 'test' in life... the thing you must break through in order to be successful in your relationships with others.
You feel overwhelmed by the external world. You may walk into a group of people with a speech completely prepared, and then be unable to speak at all. There is so much input coming in that it tends to totally confuse your mind. This tends to undermine your confidence in yourself.
The solution is to strengthen your projection so that you can walk into any situation or environment and feel totally centered and confident, no matter how much confusion or negativity may be present. With a strong projection, no negativity can affect you. You will not only feel elevated yourself, but you will be able to elevate all those around you and uplift any situation.
GIFT OF 7: This number indicates your natural GIFT in life. This is your God-given talent. You don't have to work for it; it's yours... IF you accept it!
The key to accepting your GIFT is to connect with your soul. You cannot accept and use your gift unless you feel that you deserve it. Remember, this gift is already yours. Relax, use it and enjoy it.
Your gift is to always be able to uplift any situation. You will be able to walk into any situation and bring your bubbly spirit and enthusiasm into it. You have the ability to generate good energy easily and so open people's hearts and elevate them. You are a natural leader.
If you keep up on a spiritual path in your life, your special gift will manifest more and more. Your gift can be well expressed through music and/or singing if you are so inclined.
DESTINY OF 8: The DESTINY number indicates the main trait that you have worked on within yourself for many lifetimes. It is the thing you have mastered through personal sacrifice and effort. You may not see this mastery in yourself, but in actuality, it shows in everything you do. The destiny number is a description of how OTHER people see you. It is a mirror. It is YOU seen through the eyes of others, not through your own eyes.
Your basic viewpoint is fearlessness. Other people see you as someone who has the ability to carry through and keep up when everyone else has fallen by the wayside. People love to get you to work on projects for them because they know that you have the ability to latch on to a project and take it all the way to its maximum potential.
PATH OF 2: Your PATH number is the key to living a fulfilled life. It is the key to understanding who you are and why you are here on this planet at this time. Your PATH is the the single aspect of yourself that you must manifest in your day to day life in order for you to feel fulfilled and successful within yourself. Without understanding and manifesting your path in your life, you will always feel that 'something is missing' from your life. Live your path and all else will work out naturally.
The key to your success and fulfillment in this life is your devotion. It is by being a super good student, by being absolutely obedient and dedicated to your (inner or outer) spiritual teacher, and to the Infinity within yourself, that you will be successful. Your path is the path of love, and of devotion to the Infinite.
Here is a suggested personal sadhana for M.A.R.Reddy:  TO MASTER THE FIFTH (PHYSICAL) BODY: In order to work on and strengthen your PHYSICAL BODY you can do any or all of the following yogic techniques: 1. Engage in strong physical exercise daily. 2. Read the poem Sukhmani Sahib by Guru Arjan every day. 3. Do the following meditation: Sit in easy pose with the hands in prayer pose at the Heart Center. Chant "Aad Guray Nameh" as the arms go out, forwards and upwards at a 60 degree angle. Chant "Jugaad Guray Nameh" as the hands go back to the Heart Center. Chant "Sat Guray Nameh" as the arms go up and out to 60 degrees, and then chant "Siri Guru Devay Nameh" as the hands go back to the heart. Continue for 31 minutes with the eyes focused at the third eye point or the tip of the nose. 4. Do the exercise set, "Transforming the Lower Triangle to the Higher Triangle", on page 20 of the KUNDALINI MEDITATION MANUAL FOR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS.
All Yoga manuals can be obtained from from Ancient Healing Ways at 1-800-359-2940 or on the Web at
TO MASTER THE SEVENTH (AURIC) BODY: In order to work on and strengthen your AURA you can do any or all of the following yogic techniques: 1. Do the exercise set "Balancing the Aura", on page 56 of the manual KUNDALINI YOGA FOR YOUTH AND JOY. 2. Do the "Meditation for the Divine Shield", on page 38 of the KUNDALINI MEDITATION MANUAL FOR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS. 3. Do the exercise set "Strengthening the Aura", on page 59 of the manual, YOGA SADHANA GUIDELINES. 4. Sing! Sing out loud, often and joyfully. Elevate others with your singing.

Posts: 23
Joined: Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:18 pm

Post by mansib2 » Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:28 pm

the web site is good.

Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:28 am

Post by Sialei » Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:21 am

Seems like theyve taken the page down hmm.. nevermind

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