1115 Over and over for many years, please help me decipher..i need help

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1115 Over and over for many years, please help me decipher..i need help

Post by trinakay » Wed May 16, 2007 4:20 pm

Hello, I need some help. By the way I am new here. I have been seeing the number 1115 for many years. Now as I struggle with many personal issues I seem to see it more than ever. I will glance at the clock and it is 11:15, my date of birth is also 1115. The other day my daughter made me a short mommies day home movie and when it was over the timer flipped to 1115.00 even. I know there is something behind it, but I cannot find the meaning. There is so much fog in my head as I try to gain control of my life. Please find it in your heart to tell me what you think.  I feel so alone right now in my life journey. Even with two beautiful kids and having the love of my life by my side. A beautiful home, everything I ever wanted. Maybe this number is a sign of some sort. Please help...

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Post by Sorrow » Wed May 16, 2007 5:47 pm

It means that your thoughts are monitored buy God

111-Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don't want. This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flashbulb. It means that the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts).

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Post by Austin » Sun May 20, 2007 10:40 am

Hello Trinakay,

The Bible states that people who have problems like shaking, and memory loss are all signs of not being in accordance with God, or God's wishes.

In that same way, do not ever see signs as frightening, and if you don't already, good. You musn't accept any sign as ever a bad sign. Now that that's out of the way..

You know people have twitches, consciously blink, make certain noises, etc, even though they don't have turrets. Not too long ago i was lying in bed and i was doing something with my ears, a sort of abnormal manipulation with the muscles. I remember this twitch when i was younger (i used to have quite a few, very annoying twitches). I was annoyed with it and i said to God that i understand this as a sign, that he was bugging me because i was doing something. I asked that he let me know so that i may stop what i was doing. Well, the actual sign is a bit personal but it did come to me within 10 seconds, and i realized the problem. It was a matter of selfishness.

So, you see these signs and you look-on in amazement, in wonder, but where are you with God? Not that you have to be a religious drone but i suggest you ask God what the deeper meaning of it all is. You think there is "something" behind it so you should think about this. In order for "something" to be behind it it must have a consciousness. If it then has a consciousness, what is it trying to communicate with you. Indeed that is what you are trying to figure out but look at it from someone else's perspective. Everytime it happens your mind focuses on, perhaps, God or Divinity of some sort. Maybe you just aren't that "far" to relate what you experience to a Divine being but perhaps you should.


So, not to say it IS something you are doing but as the common thought is that the 111 or 1111 patterns are gate-ways for you to realize that your thoughts are or will be manifested by a Divine source, usually associated with Angels. As you stated your mind is foggy. These experiences, patterns, gate-ways are fog-lights in that they help you see. They may not help you see what you want to see but nevertheless they bring clarity, if only for a few minutes. Where do the fog-lights lead you? UP! (touch your head!)
It is a time of clarity for a certain reason. You may find it extremely beneficial to look into practices or, for now, any spiritual sort. You may find your calling in meditating, and oh the mysteries and power and joy to be gained from it! Many things can happen for you, take the time to explore!

Good luck and i hope you raise your children well.

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Post by KeLa » Fri May 25, 2007 4:04 am

Hi Trinakay,

I agree with the reponses you have received so far, but I have some additional thoughts since neither of the responses acknowledged the "5" in you number sequence - 1115.

Could the sequence point to issues with confidence?  The fact that your birthday is 11/15 says a lot about you.  The day of birth (15 I am assuming) indicates that you are a very kind, loving, & responsible person.  However, you may have had to work through issues of independence, confidence, freedom and discipline to feel comfortable in the domestic role that you so value.  11 is definately conecting you with higher realms - should you decide to go there.  I agree that meditation would be very helpful to you.  Lots of people dealing with 11's have a lot of nervous energy because they are so connected and don't realize it.  5 is about freedom, progress and sensory pleasures.  Discipline is the key that sets you free.  If you are dealing with any kind of addiction (sex, alcohol, shopping, food, etc..) this sign might be trying to help you find better ways to express your creativity. 1 is all about developing the confidence to express your uniqueness.  Good luck to you, I hope this was helpful.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Fri May 25, 2007 11:04 am

I wrote this as a reply for DrummerHead - the same things apply.

I think the truth of the situation is that at the other times you look at a clock it doesn't register, but somehow you have fixated on this idea that there is this repetition of numbers.
As with any analogue machine there will be a preponderance of certain numbers - you only have 12 hours and 4 of them have at least one 1 in the whole number.
Looking at the rest clock , 1, 10-19, 21,31,41,51 gives 15 out of a possible 60 (25%) take the zeros - you see where this is going?
As a species we are very adept at finding patterns - faces in clouds, jesus on a loaf of bread, relax and chill out.
Are you finding other areas of your life where actions have more than normally attributable meanings?
Hand washing, making sure appliances are turned off more than once?

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