Master Numbers

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Post by Sorrow » Thu May 31, 2007 9:58 pm

Life path calculation formula:

Convert the month to a single number or a master number
(November stays 11 rather than 2).

Then convert the day of birth to a single digit or master

Next, add the total digits of year and reduce this sum to
a single digit or master number. The individual digits
representing the month, day, and year, be they single digits
or master numbers, are then added together, as necessary to
reduce the sum once again to a single digit 1 through 9, or
to the numerology "master numbers," 11 or 22.

These master numbers, as components of the date or as a
final result, are not reduced any further.

The following interpretations are by no means consummate
descriptions of a life path. I could devote ten pages to each
number. Still this will give you an idea of your destiny in

Life Path Interpretations

Number 1

You are all about power. Number 1's often become great
leaders. For this reason, they make great entrepreneurs,
freelancers, generals, commanders, CEOs and producers.

A number one is usually blessed with motivation, enthusiasm,
creativity and inspiration. They tend to be physically
healthier and mentally stronger than most people are.

They often lust for success (especially material) at any
cost. Number 1s who stray from their paths often end up
in clingy codependent relationships.

Number 2

You are all about love. The most important thing to you
is finding a soul mate. Those following a number 2 Life Path
tend to be diplomatic, sensitive individuals make great
judges, mediators, lawyers counselors or social workers
as they bring harmony to all group situations.

It is very important for them to get out and socialize.

A number 2 that is isolating courts pessimism, lethargy
and depression.

Number 3

You are all about performance! Number 3s are entertainers
of the world and most of them are truly gifted musicians,
writers, actors, dancers, public speakers and politicians.

The number 3 life path is one that is characterized by
beauty, excitement, eccentricity and fame. Number 3's
stray off their life path by giving up their dreams and
talents. Many escape into drug abuse or promiscuity to
avoid hearing the nagging voice of their true calling to
express their talents.

Number 4

You are all about stability! Number 4's often end up
becoming the pillars of the community. These individuals
are hard working, practical and trustworthy.

These loyal individuals make fantastic marriage and
business partners.

However, self-sacrificing number 4's often demand too much
both of themselves and others and develop reputations as
martyrs or tyrants. Their will power and stubbornness can
also be interpreted as greed and selfishness.

This completely baffles the confused number 4 whose
intentions are usually to benefit the good of all.

Number 5

You are all about freedom! 5's are highly inquisitive
individuals who consider hands on experience to be the
best teacher in life. Many of them are deeply intelligent,
philosophical and spiritually minded.  They are also great
communicators that make excellent social anthropologists,
archaeologists, teachers, writers and historians.

However, fives tend to be very self-absorbed and unaware
of the effect of their actions on other people. As other
people often feel tricked or fooled by number 5's,
experiencing a series of broken relationships is also
often a part of their path.

Number 6

You are all about nurturing. Number Six Life Path are
usually people-pleasers that have a great need to feel
indispensable to others. For this reason many number 6's
often dedicate their lives to being care givers and
service providers such a doctors, nurses, counselors,
fire fighters and law keepers.

Sixes usually feel a spiritual obligation to help others.
Sixes that find themselves enslaved to an addicted or
mentally ill partner might not be following their true
path, as this is a sign that they have become enablers,
rather than healers of the diseases.

Number 7

You are all about knowledge! Sevens intellectual and
studious personalities often pursue advanced academic
careers. As they love to absorb information, they usually
require a great deal of private time to cultivate their

These reserved and analytical deep-thinkers make great
mathematicians, engineers, inventors, scientists and
doctors. A sign that a number 7 has strayed completely
off of his or her life path is a complete withdrawal
from society.

In this case, the troubled 7 should try to recognize
his or her original ambitions to improve the world
through the application of wisdom.

Number 8

You are all about wealth. Number 8s are usually confident,
charismatic individuals. Usually their life purpose is
learning to manipulate money and power without becoming
corrupted in the process. They become landowners,
builders and bankers.

Eights have tremendous potential for practically improving
the lives of thousands, perhaps millions of people.
Sometimes the pursuit of riches becomes more important
than personal relationships and cost them their personal
relationships, morality and popularity.

Number 9

You are all about spirituality. Those on the number 9
Life path are destined to travel a humanitarian path.
These sophisticated individual are very selfless souls
and are often patient, trustworthy and honorable from
the very beginning to the end of their life.

These individuals make great environmentalists, teachers,
artists, priests and healers. Sometimes a nine's lofty
ideals are presented in a manner that others find absurd.

Part of a 9's life path is to express spiritual principles
through actions, rather than through preaching or

Number 11

You are about enlightenment. Elevens tend to lead a life
of extremes. In their quest to find a balance between
the rational and the irrationality they will often pursue
the most eclectic of religions and cultures.

These avant-garde and visionary individuals make great
students, psychics, mystics, healers, teachers, writers,
musicians and artists.

Many of them are "wounded healers" who at some point in
their life suffer a devastating experience that propels
them on the search for spirituality. However along with
these situations usually comes a lot of toxic emotional
baggage and a harsh inner critic.

It takes many 11's their entire life to rid themselves of
the chip on their shoulder and achieve enlightenment.

Number 22

You are a master builder. Whatever a 22 thinks about is
almost sure to become manifest so it is very important for
them to choose their thoughts carefully. If they are
willing to work for what they desire they can achieve
enormous prestige, success and fame.

They are the most capable of the Life Path numbers and
are endowed with many powers. They have a unique talent
for manifesting ideas into the realm of reality. Sometimes
they display what looks like insensitivity but actually
they are just very focussed on their goals.

This is part of a spiritual directive to be detached from
objects and the outcome of events. Many of them work for
material gain, with the idea that their wealth should be
spread among the masses.

To help you get a handle on the key traits that are symbolized
by each number here is a selection of 20 key words that
describe each one.

The Number One:

 The Creative, Male, Dominant, Alpha, Leader, Ambition,
 Initiation, Individualism, Self, Arrogance, Aggression,
 Attainment, Happiness, Fulfillment, Glory, Fame, Birth,
 Fire, Unique, Omniscience

The Number Two:

 The Submissive, Female, Dualism, Cooperation, Consideration,
 Cooperation, Balance, Mediation, The Other, Love,
 Flexibility, Adaptability, Grace, Dance, Harmony, Devotion,
 Obedience, The Subconscious, Water, Soul Mate,

The Number Three:

 The Divided, Triangle, Multiples, The Holy Trinity, Faith,
 Hope and Charity, Expression, Speech, Wit, Society, Art,
 Culture, Sensuality, Sorrow, Immaturity, Passion, Air,
 Surprise, Spontaneity, Change, Sex

The Number Four:

 The Builder, Foundation, Stability, Patriarchy, Power,
 Progress, Earth, Justice, Ability, Manual Dexterity,
 Practical, Law, The Conscious Mind, Civilization,
 Traditional, Profit, Wisdom, Commerce, Health, Conviction

The Number Five:

 The Visionary, Expansion, Opportunity, The Matriarchy,
 Adventure, Imagination, Story-telling, Symbols,
 The Subconscious Mind, Individualism, Freedom, Healing,
 Miracle, Choices, Unconditional Love, Mercy, Kindness,
 Invention, Resourceful, The New Age, Assistant.

The Number Six:

 The Protector, Provider, Healer, Nurturing, Children,
 Empathy, Intuition, Sympathy, Quality, Sustenance,
 Love of Community, Unconditional love, Circulation,
 Economy, Agriculture, Charity, Balance, Grace, Evolution,
 Simplicity, Sorcery.

The Number Seven:

 The Analyst, Thinker, Science, Learning, Education, Study,
 The Written Word, Logic, Alchemy, Secrets, Myth, Religion,
 Ritual, Understanding,  Knowledge, Isolation, Chastity,
 Dignity, The Collective Consciousness, Genius.

The Number Eight:

 The Manifesting, Wealth, Power, Riches, Status, Material,
 Pragmatism, The Ego, Provision, Aggregation, Dictatorship,
 Multiples, Business, Investment, Employment, Appearance,
 Customs, Skills, Exchange, Reality, World Transformation.

The Number Nine

 The Humanitarian, Religious, Charitable, Philanthropic,
 Duty, Calling, Mission, Obligations, Hardship,
 The Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Mysticism, Faith,
 Angel on Earth, Faith in Mankind, Optimist, Suffering,
 Self-sacrifice, Karma, Enlightenment, Divine Wisdom.

The Number Eleven

 The Master Teacher, Illumination, Enlightenment,
 Inspirational, Idealism, Intuitive, Psychic, Channeling,
 Poetry, Art, Symbols, Expression, Dreamer, Revolution,
 Drugs, Alternate Consciousness, Mysticism, Catalyst,
 Prisoner, Prophet.

The Number Twenty Two

 The Master Builder, Dreams Made Manifest, Ancient Wisdom,
 Realization, Force of Nature, The Future, Evolution,
 Technology, Universal Love, God, Retribution, Redemption,
 Love, War, Leader, The Universe, Personal Power, Charisma,
 Service, The Divine Imagination.

Cerdit to: Samantha Stevens and Blair Gorman from

Posts: 146
Joined: Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:45 pm

Post by joker » Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:43 am

Sorrow wrote:Life path calculation formula:

Convert the month to a single number or a master number
(November stays 11 rather than 2).

Then convert the day of birth to a single digit or master

Next, add the total digits of year and reduce this sum to
a single digit or master number. The individual digits
representing the month, day, and year, be they single digits
or master numbers, are then added together, as necessary to
reduce the sum once again to a single digit 1 through 9, or
to the numerology "master numbers," 11 or 22.

These master numbers, as components of the date or as a
final result, are not reduced any further.

The following interpretations are by no means consummate
descriptions of a life path. I could devote ten pages to each
number. Still this will give you an idea of your destiny in

Life Path Interpretations

Number 1

You are all about power. Number 1's often become great
leaders. For this reason, they make great entrepreneurs,
freelancers, generals, commanders, CEOs and producers.

A number one is usually blessed with motivation, enthusiasm,
creativity and inspiration. They tend to be physically
healthier and mentally stronger than most people are.

They often lust for success (especially material) at any
cost. Number 1s who stray from their paths often end up
in clingy codependent relationships.

Number 2

You are all about love. The most important thing to you
is finding a soul mate. Those following a number 2 Life Path
tend to be diplomatic, sensitive individuals make great
judges, mediators, lawyers counselors or social workers
as they bring harmony to all group situations.

It is very important for them to get out and socialize.

A number 2 that is isolating courts pessimism, lethargy
and depression.

Number 3

You are all about performance! Number 3s are entertainers
of the world and most of them are truly gifted musicians,
writers, actors, dancers, public speakers and politicians.

The number 3 life path is one that is characterized by
beauty, excitement, eccentricity and fame. Number 3's
stray off their life path by giving up their dreams and
talents. Many escape into drug abuse or promiscuity to
avoid hearing the nagging voice of their true calling to
express their talents.

Number 4

You are all about stability! Number 4's often end up
becoming the pillars of the community. These individuals
are hard working, practical and trustworthy.

These loyal individuals make fantastic marriage and
business partners.

However, self-sacrificing number 4's often demand too much
both of themselves and others and develop reputations as
martyrs or tyrants. Their will power and stubbornness can
also be interpreted as greed and selfishness.

This completely baffles the confused number 4 whose
intentions are usually to benefit the good of all.

Number 5

You are all about freedom! 5's are highly inquisitive
individuals who consider hands on experience to be the
best teacher in life. Many of them are deeply intelligent,
philosophical and spiritually minded.  They are also great
communicators that make excellent social anthropologists,
archaeologists, teachers, writers and historians.

However, fives tend to be very self-absorbed and unaware
of the effect of their actions on other people. As other
people often feel tricked or fooled by number 5's,
experiencing a series of broken relationships is also
often a part of their path.

Number 6

You are all about nurturing. Number Six Life Path are
usually people-pleasers that have a great need to feel
indispensable to others. For this reason many number 6's
often dedicate their lives to being care givers and
service providers such a doctors, nurses, counselors,
fire fighters and law keepers.

Sixes usually feel a spiritual obligation to help others.
Sixes that find themselves enslaved to an addicted or
mentally ill partner might not be following their true
path, as this is a sign that they have become enablers,
rather than healers of the diseases.

Number 7

You are all about knowledge! Sevens intellectual and
studious personalities often pursue advanced academic
careers. As they love to absorb information, they usually
require a great deal of private time to cultivate their

These reserved and analytical deep-thinkers make great
mathematicians, engineers, inventors, scientists and
doctors. A sign that a number 7 has strayed completely
off of his or her life path is a complete withdrawal
from society.

In this case, the troubled 7 should try to recognize
his or her original ambitions to improve the world
through the application of wisdom.

Number 8

You are all about wealth. Number 8s are usually confident,
charismatic individuals. Usually their life purpose is
learning to manipulate money and power without becoming
corrupted in the process. They become landowners,
builders and bankers.

Eights have tremendous potential for practically improving
the lives of thousands, perhaps millions of people.
Sometimes the pursuit of riches becomes more important
than personal relationships and cost them their personal
relationships, morality and popularity.

Number 9

You are all about spirituality. Those on the number 9
Life path are destined to travel a humanitarian path.
These sophisticated individual are very selfless souls
and are often patient, trustworthy and honorable from
the very beginning to the end of their life.

These individuals make great environmentalists, teachers,
artists, priests and healers. Sometimes a nine's lofty
ideals are presented in a manner that others find absurd.

Part of a 9's life path is to express spiritual principles
through actions, rather than through preaching or

Number 11

You are about enlightenment. Elevens tend to lead a life
of extremes. In their quest to find a balance between
the rational and the irrationality they will often pursue
the most eclectic of religions and cultures.

These avant-garde and visionary individuals make great
students, psychics, mystics, healers, teachers, writers,
musicians and artists.

Many of them are "wounded healers" who at some point in
their life suffer a devastating experience that propels
them on the search for spirituality. However along with
these situations usually comes a lot of toxic emotional
baggage and a harsh inner critic.

It takes many 11's their entire life to rid themselves of
the chip on their shoulder and achieve enlightenment.

Number 22

You are a master builder. Whatever a 22 thinks about is
almost sure to become manifest so it is very important for
them to choose their thoughts carefully. If they are
willing to work for what they desire they can achieve
enormous prestige, success and fame.

They are the most capable of the Life Path numbers and
are endowed with many powers. They have a unique talent
for manifesting ideas into the realm of reality. Sometimes
they display what looks like insensitivity but actually
they are just very focussed on their goals.

This is part of a spiritual directive to be detached from
objects and the outcome of events. Many of them work for
material gain, with the idea that their wealth should be
spread among the masses.

To help you get a handle on the key traits that are symbolized
by each number here is a selection of 20 key words that
describe each one.

The Number One:

 The Creative, Male, Dominant, Alpha, Leader, Ambition,
 Initiation, Individualism, Self, Arrogance, Aggression,
 Attainment, Happiness, Fulfillment, Glory, Fame, Birth,
 Fire, Unique, Omniscience

The Number Two:

 The Submissive, Female, Dualism, Cooperation, Consideration,
 Cooperation, Balance, Mediation, The Other, Love,
 Flexibility, Adaptability, Grace, Dance, Harmony, Devotion,
 Obedience, The Subconscious, Water, Soul Mate,

The Number Three:

 The Divided, Triangle, Multiples, The Holy Trinity, Faith,
 Hope and Charity, Expression, Speech, Wit, Society, Art,
 Culture, Sensuality, Sorrow, Immaturity, Passion, Air,
 Surprise, Spontaneity, Change, Sex

The Number Four:

 The Builder, Foundation, Stability, Patriarchy, Power,
 Progress, Earth, Justice, Ability, Manual Dexterity,
 Practical, Law, The Conscious Mind, Civilization,
 Traditional, Profit, Wisdom, Commerce, Health, Conviction

The Number Five:

 The Visionary, Expansion, Opportunity, The Matriarchy,
 Adventure, Imagination, Story-telling, Symbols,
 The Subconscious Mind, Individualism, Freedom, Healing,
 Miracle, Choices, Unconditional Love, Mercy, Kindness,
 Invention, Resourceful, The New Age, Assistant.

The Number Six:

 The Protector, Provider, Healer, Nurturing, Children,
 Empathy, Intuition, Sympathy, Quality, Sustenance,
 Love of Community, Unconditional love, Circulation,
 Economy, Agriculture, Charity, Balance, Grace, Evolution,
 Simplicity, Sorcery.

The Number Seven:

 The Analyst, Thinker, Science, Learning, Education, Study,
 The Written Word, Logic, Alchemy, Secrets, Myth, Religion,
 Ritual, Understanding,  Knowledge, Isolation, Chastity,
 Dignity, The Collective Consciousness, Genius.

The Number Eight:

 The Manifesting, Wealth, Power, Riches, Status, Material,
 Pragmatism, The Ego, Provision, Aggregation, Dictatorship,
 Multiples, Business, Investment, Employment, Appearance,
 Customs, Skills, Exchange, Reality, World Transformation.

The Number Nine

 The Humanitarian, Religious, Charitable, Philanthropic,
 Duty, Calling, Mission, Obligations, Hardship,
 The Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Mysticism, Faith,
 Angel on Earth, Faith in Mankind, Optimist, Suffering,
 Self-sacrifice, Karma, Enlightenment, Divine Wisdom.

The Number Eleven

 The Master Teacher, Illumination, Enlightenment,
 Inspirational, Idealism, Intuitive, Psychic, Channeling,
 Poetry, Art, Symbols, Expression, Dreamer, Revolution,
 Drugs, Alternate Consciousness, Mysticism, Catalyst,
 Prisoner, Prophet.

The Number Twenty Two

 The Master Builder, Dreams Made Manifest, Ancient Wisdom,
 Realization, Force of Nature, The Future, Evolution,
 Technology, Universal Love, God, Retribution, Redemption,
 Love, War, Leader, The Universe, Personal Power, Charisma,
 Service, The Divine Imagination.

Cerdit to: Samantha Stevens and Blair Gorman from
thanks mr master number you rule..........

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Post by KeLa » Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:11 am

I think sometimes when we think of MASTER NUMBERS we get a little freaked out - it sounds so special.  In my opinion ALL numbers are special, none better or worse than the others.  Believe it or not, sometimes I wish I had Master numbers, but all things are as they should be.   :)

From the experience I've had doing readings and reading many books about master numbers, I would agree that there may be a lot to work through, or some special challenges, but there is also the possibility of great insight and reward (if we are willing to live up to the higher vibration).  None of us are ever given more that we can handle - I think that's where some of the struggle comes in - we aren't afraid of failure as much as we're afraid of the wonderful success that we imagine we could be.  Our lives would drastically change, and that can be scary.  

With 22 - the Master Builder, the inner drive is to create something lasting, that could range from a song to a large corporation, but the point is it continues after you are gone - a legacy.  I think a lot of people are afraid to follow their bigger dreams, but their spirit knows and wants to BUILD, so conflict is the outcome.  You get the idea.  With 22 there is the potential for a lot of nervous energy.  The need to learn cooperation and balance (learning to let other people help you like you like to help them) is one key to mastering this vibration.  The other is to commit to things (your projects) for the long haul - Rome wasn't built in a day.  :)  Enough about 22.

The other thing to consider is that a life path number is only one number of many that are read in a numerology reading.  The other numbers can have a dramatic effect on how the master number is played out, so having a full reading would be of great benefit to someone that felt "cursed" by the master number.

That's all for now... :)

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Post by Sorrow » Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:06 pm

You are correct about number 22, I am nervous, and cooperation is the thing I work on, I read a lot of books about social dynamics and human psychology, it makes mastering this vibration much easier.

Also there is a saying "Be ware what you wish for, you might get it", 22s need to be very careful about what they want to turn into reality.

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