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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:42 am

Some insight into the meaning of numbers  ...

General Numbers

Lesson: Learn to be independent, to stand upon your own two feet without leaning on or depending upon others. Then Use that independence to accomplish great things based upon your own ideas.
Traits: A born leader, erratic, innovative business ideas. Should be own boss or in business for himself. A pioneer, strong personality, not easily intimidated. Uses information for specific purpose. Can be dominating and egotistical. A risk taker with much drive and determination. Willing to try new approaches. Honest, loyal and reliable. A starter, not a finisher. Dislikes routine.

Lesson: Learn cooperation, tact and diplomacy in group situations
Traits: Prefers to work with others, good in partnerships. Not an initiator. Prefers to follow through on ideas of others. Refined, sensitive, passionate lover, unpretentious, willing to stay in the background. Warm and affectionate with a need to be cuddled and appreciated. A perfectionist who is easily hurt by criticism. Artistic with an eye for beauty. Seeks harmony. Persuades rather than dominates. Holds on to everything. Worries about details and the opinions of others. Good negotiator or counselor. Has healing capabilities. Shy and compliant, supportive, modest. Traditional, maybe even a bit old-fashioned.

Lesson: Learn to Express the Joy in Living
Traits: Very social, needs an audience. Has a facility with written and spoken words. Quick witted, charismatic and charming. Happy, friendly, outgoing. Loves a good time. Playful, extroverted but with good emotional and mental balance. Lacks discipline, disorganized, irresponsible, inspiring, and charming, with a gift of gab. Generous and happy-go-lucky. Life of the party, popular, center of attention. Has a dramatic flair. Flamboyant and fashionable. Covers over feelings with laughter and jokes. Original, intuitive, creative. Emotional, sometimes to the point of melodrama. Good sense of harmony. Superficial approach and pursuit of the trivial can lead to loneliness even in a crowd.

Lesson: Learn to put system and organization into work and to pay attention to details
Traits: Practical, down-to-earth. Quick to judge, but with an underlying compassion for people. Reliable, methodical, systematic. Responsible, stable, secure. Conservative, not creative, detailed and too serious. Trustworthy, moralistic, honest. Has strong likes and dislikes. A survivor. Good provider. Family is important. Shrewd, often untactful, narrowly focused. Loves nature and manual work. Can be dull, frugal, dominating and demanding

Lesson: Learn to use freedom constructively
Traits: Wants to try everything. Can be overindulgent. True free spirit with an eclectic mind. Learns best by experience. Fresh ideas and a quick tongue. Likes the unusual. Flows with life, needs change and excitement. Creative, dynamic, alive. Can do almost anything, and most things very well. Scatters energies with too many activities. Quickly bored and on to a new interest. Nervous energy, socially oriented, a promoter, unconventional. Wants to save the world and may promise more than can be delivered. Not easily fooled. Not prejudiced. Loves the exotic and unusual. Resourceful and communicative.

Lesson: Learn the deep satisfaction of handling responsibility appropriately
Traits: The cosmic parent. Often neglects own needs for others, but can interfere by imposing his ideas upon others. Counselor and healer. Good listener. The consummate caregiver. Drawn to those who are in need or too weak to care for themselves. Understanding, patient, warm. A passionate lover, centered upon home and family. Hospitable, protective, not a good judge of character. Often used by others. Well-balanced, generous, kind, dutiful, just and honest. Intuitive and spiritual. Good teacher, socially conscious, emotional but disciplined. A paradox of emotions. Responsible and trustworthy. Domestic, artistic. Good sense of balance and harmony. Good taste.

Lesson: To know yourself
Traits: Different, scholarly, dignified, inhibited. Needs time alone to contemplate and to study. Suppresses emotions behind a shield. Analytical mind, keen intuition. wants to know everything. Does not judge upon surface appearances. Drawn to scientific, technical or metaphysical pursuits. Charming and attractive. Can be life of the party, but tells little about himself. Relies upon own judgment. Not particularly trusting. Intelligent, serious, wise and understanding. May be distant, aloof and impersonal, but really desires closeness. Not a risk taker, not impulsive. Distrusts emotions in self and in others. Spiritual and religious. Unusual insights, unique solutions.

Lesson: learn the satisfactions of the physical world and the appropriate use of power balanced by a spiritual understanding
Traits: Natural leader, goal oriented. Quality conscious. Needs to make a good impression. Wants the finest in life and will do whatever is necessary to get it. Balances ideals with the hard realities. Often severely tested, but rebounds with courage and tenacity. Realistic, direct and outspoken. Quick learner, not likely to repeat mistakes. Money centered. Proud of family, usually many children. Can achieve greatness, but often after many setbacks. Impressive personality, which may be intimidating. Ambitious, impervious and controlling. Can delegate duties, but a demanding leader.

Lesson: Learn the satisfaction of giving without thought of return
Traits: Humanitarian, philanthropic. Wants to change the world. Creative and artistic. A perfectionist who is often disappointed when ideals aren't met. Easily taken advantage of. Moody or arrogant. Great compassion for mankind. Works well with groups. Attracts money mysteriously and unexpectedly. Charming, well-liked. charismatic, intuitive, dramatic, emotional. Expressive of feelings. Fascinated with people - they are either attracted or repulsed. Not many are neutral to a 9. Not a good judge of character. Often misreads others.
Master Numbers

Lesson: On a mission to bring illumination and enlightenment to the world.
Traits: Incorporates the traits of the 2 and raises them to a higher vibration. Inspiring, wise, intuitive, psychic. A channel of energy and the higher powers. Inventive, ambitious. A powerful presence. Romantic, idealistic. Selective of friends, but yet attracts the wrong people. Impractical and unrealistic. Has an eye for beauty, harmony, balance and rhythm. Perceptive. Good counselor, advisor, teacher. Not businesslike. A thinker, not a doer. Extremely sensitive, may be unstable. Lacks self-confidence. Multifaceted, visionary. May lack direction.

Lesson: Master the combination of the highest ideals with the largest material goals
Traits: Incorporates the traits of the 4 and raises them to a higher vibration. Powerful with ultimate success potential. Power is based upon ideals. Great ambition, great strength, good intuition. Enormous potential, but may lack self-confidence for fulfillment. Efficient, methodical, practical visionary. Wants to change history. A leader. Good common sense. Results oriented and dependable. Managerial, persistent. Hates pretension. Not prejudiced. Influential, noticed. Can be eccentric or arrogant. Intuitively knows what will work.

Lesson: Hold the master vibration to bless those in need through conscious focus
Traits: Incorporates the traits of the 6 and raises them to a higher vibration. The master teacher - teacher of teachers. Kind and generous. Concerned for the welfare of the world. Christ-like ideals. Expanded consciousness. Outgoing and giving. Keen sense of duty and justice. A reformer. Creative manifestation and expansion. Philanthropic. Leads by example. Highly dedicated. Brings light to the world.
Karmic Numbers

13/4 Challenge: to learn to work in a step-by-step manner from an organized plan, and not to quit just as the goal is in sight. Tends to work with blinders on. Doesn't always see what is really being accomplished. Will do the job his way, even if it makes the job harder,

14/5 Challenge: tempted by the physical pleasures. Goes to excess in food, sex, drugs and alcohol if not curbed by will-power.

16/7 Challenge: Relationships are difficult. Unwilling to open up to a partner. Buries feelings. Puts up a shield to prevent closeness.

19/1 Challenge: Forgets that his actions impact others. Oblivious to any but self interests.
number 1

Active, independent, original, courageous,
inventive, leader, self-reliant, ambitious, pioneer.


The magician

Mars and Mercury

I Ching

#1 Ch'ien




All colors


As 2 is part of 23 learn everything about this mystic number

Cooperation, diplomacy, service, harmony, patience, empathy,
psychic, adaptable, partners, supportive.


High Priestess

Vulcan and Moon

I Ching



Owl and Dolphin


White and Indigo


As 3 is part of 23 learn everything about this mystic number

Enthusiasm, optimism, charming, creative, humorous,
fun, attractive, friendly, creative, expressive.



Jupiter and Venus

I Ching




The four elements

Pink, Blue and Gold


Practical, orderly, patient, logical, hard-working,
loyal, builder, steadfast, frugal, responsible.



Earth and Aries

I Ching



Eagle, Whale, and Ram


Red and Orange


As 5 is 2 + 3 learn everything about the mystic number 23

Adventure, change, freedom, exploration, variety,
sensuality, unattached, curious, experienced.



Mercury, Taurus, and Venus

I Ching

#15 Ch'ien


Bull Elephant


Earth tones


Harmony, beauty, nurturing, love, marriage,
family, responsibility, understanding, sympathy.



Venus and Gemini

I Ching



Duck, Snake, and Lion




Philosopher, sage, wisdom seeker, reserved,
inventor, stoic, contemplative, aloof, deep-thinker.



Jupiter, Moon, and Cancer

I Ching

#52 Ken


Crab, Horse, Falcon, Tortoise

Bronze, Silver, and Gold

Red and Blue


Leader, achievement, abundance, executive, strength,
self-disciplined, power, success, authority.



Saturn, Sun, and Leo

I Ching

#26 Ta ch'u


Lion and Butterfly

Fire and Water



Humanitarian, compassionate, romantic, selfless,
generous, philanthropic, loving, wisdom, idealist.



Sun,Virgo, and Moon

I Ching

#20 Kuan


Squirrel, Snake, and Reptiles

Earth and Gold

Fall Colors


Inspired, Intuitive, inventive, spiritual, teacher,
idealistic, romantic, artistic, energetic, enthusiasm.



Uranus, Venus, and Libra

I Ching

#63 Chi Chi



Air and Diamonds

Blue and White


Idealistic, expansive, visionary, master-builder,
government, universal transformation. philanthropic.




I Ching

#4 Meng




White Light


Christ-like, healer, compassionate, blessing,
teacher of teachers, martyr, inspiration, honest, monk.




I Ching

#22 Pi



Air and Water, Jade
and Emerald

Pure White Light


Traits: original, independent, courageous ACHIEVER, strength, creative

The number 1 symbolizes the principle of BEGINNING or initiation. It signifies that a person must learn to stand alone, be assertive, and achieve recognition for his or her talents. Therefore, the 1 is ambitious, an achiever, and fares best when it is allowed to demonstrate its own ideas. It is self-sufficient, inventive, willful, and dominant. Its energy is masculine, focused, and rational.

Gifts: Self-sufficiency, invention, mastery

Challenges: Stubbornness, egotism, bluntness, ambition, dominance,
willfulness, impulsiveness

Personal Goal: Establishing individuality; making a name

Fears: Being overlooked; not using talents

Succeeds as: Writer, director, inventor, president, public figure, business owner, designer


Traits: diplomat, friend, artist, enduring PEACEMAKER, gentle, insightful, sensitive

The number 2 symbolizes the principle of coming together with another, and is interested in partnership. It signifies that a person is generally supportive, and that issues of intimacy and diplomacy are at work. The 2 is very aware of others' needs as well as its own, and strives to demonstrate friendliness, understanding and tact. It is artistic, shy, thorough, and analytical. Its energy is feminine and magnetic.

Gifts: Charm, understanding, supportiveness, loving

Challenges: Self-consciousness, fear, hesitation, over-conscientiousness, details

Personal Goal: Reciprocal relationships; security

Fears: Unknown, unplanned change, being alone, making a mistake

Succeeds as: Artist, technician, psychologist, spouse, healer, bookkeeper, coordinator


Traits:creative, social, easygoing VISIONARY, humorous, energetic, spontaneous

The number 3 symbolizes the principle of growth. When the initiating force of 1 unites with the germinating energy of 2 there is fruitfulness -- 3. It signifies that there is a synthesis present -- that imagination and an outpouring of energy is in action. The 3 is optimistic and fun-loving, and strives to uplift and color its surroundings. Its energy is enlivening, youthful, and enthusiastic.

Gifts: Enthusiasm, imagination, versatility

Challenges: Exaggeration, lack of direction, unfinished projects, sensitivity to criticism, laziness

Personal Goal: Enjoy life, stay young, play

Fears: Loss of youth, restriction, boredom

Succeeds as: Motivator, coach, writer, musician, artist, parent, salesperson, communicator/all media


Traits:application, determination, serious BUILDER, doer, manager, traditional

The number 4 symbolizes the principle of putting ideas into form. It signifies work and productivity. The 4 is constructive, realistic, traditional and cautious. It is the number of system, order, and management.

Gifts: Concentration, realistic values, system

Challenges: Rigidity, too cautious, limited viewpoint

Personal Goal: Accomplishment, security

Fears: Sudden change, deprivation, loss

Succeeds as: Earth scientist, business owner, developer, lawyer, administrator, office worker, body worker


Traits:freedom, activity, influence ADVENTURER, sensualist, promoter, flair

The number 5 symbolizes the principle of multiplicity, progression, and passion. It signifies the need for change, variety, and new growth. It is the broadcaster -- disseminating information and asking questions. It is a public number -- outgoing, fast-moving, and mercurial. The 5 is active, daring, non-conventional, unpredictable, and attracted by the physical senses and indulgences. It is pragmatic and opportunistic and very persuasive. It may be undependable.

Gifts: Resourceful, magnetic, motivated, competitive

Challenges: Restlessness, procrastination or activity with no direction, lack of follow through

Personal Goal: To win, to experience life to the maximum

Fears: Growing old, not seeing the world, boredom

Succeeds as: Public figure, developer, speculator, designer, news work, performer, change agent


Traits:domestic, responsible, careful TEACHER, conventional, provider, healer

The number 6 symbolizes the principle of nurturing, caring, and harmony. It signifies the need for stability and a solid home-base with comfort. It is the teacher, trainer, and parent. It is happiest in conventional or familiar surroundings opinionated and frugal or anxious when insecure. The 6 is rarely selfish, and may take on the burdens of others unnecessarily. It loves tradition, and is health-oriented.

Gifts: Caring, ability to compromise, reliability

Challenges: Anxiety, being overcontrolled, codependency, guilt

Personal Goal: To provide for others' well-being, to create security and harmony, to love and be loved

Fears: Lack of resources and love; world going to hell

Succeeds as: Parent, educator, caterer/ restranteur, nurse, body worker/health consultant, traditional professional, counselor, coach


Traits:specialist, inventor, loner, eccentric, thoughtful, spiritual

The number 7 symbolizes humanity's deep inner need to find depth, meaning, and spiritual connection. When the creature needs of food, self-expression, material and domestic achievements have been met, we turn to the deeper levels of life -- to learn, to educate ourselves and to find purpose. The 7 is an investigator, an inventor, and must have solitude in which to find the inner voice. Sevens tend to be different, eccentric, or loners and are very discriminating in all areas.

Gifts: Mental understanding, analysis, perfection

Challenges: Pride, narrowness, distance, rigidity, connection to the past, argumentative, temper, silence

Personal Goal: To maintain control over life; to understand

Fears: Failure to achieve standards, making a mistake

Succeeds as: Consultant, professor, analyst, earth/maritime occupations, individualist, observer, occultist


Traits:executive, professional, strength, money PROBLEM SOLVER, organizer, achiever, judgment

The number 8 symbolizes the principle of domination, control, and achievement. It is the executive decision-maker. The 8 tends to be rather formal, stern, and hard-headed. More comfortable in the realm of material, tangible facts, the 8 will be truly exceptional as soon as it develops its spiritual connection and intuition. A natural leader with a good grasp of how to accomplish any goal, it must learn compassion.

Gifts: Decisiveness, courage, focus, delegation

Challenges: Belligerence, manipulation, anger, judgment

Personal Goal: To exercise control over environment, to achieve power and status

Fears: Loss of prestige, being at the mercy of circumstances or of others less capable

Succeeds as: Any type of professional, business owner, publisher, contractor, engineer, financial analyst, judge


Traits:generalist, multi-talented, teacher HUMANITARIAN, healer, artist, old-soul, actor

The number 9 symbolizes the principle of a universal philosophy or consciousness. It is the dreamer, and feels at home in the realm of the arts, medicine, religion, drama, and philosophy and metaphysics. It is a healer and educator, acting always for the benefit of others. The 9 looks for solutions from the inspirational, intuitive, and creative worlds. Its energy is loving, compassionate, diffuse, and global.

Gifts: Understanding, communicating, influencing

Challenges: Drifting, tolerance, losing focus, bad habits

Personal Goal: To make an impact in a big way; expansion

Fears: Restriction of any kind, losing control of emotions

Succeeds as: Minister, occultist, health/body worker, counselor, artist/craftsperson, world/community leader

There are 3 double-digit numbers that, while they are rooted in the single-digit numbers, require special emphasis and attention. These are 11, 22, and 33.

They are called Master numbers because they possess more potential than other numbers. They are highly charged, difficult to handle, and require time, maturity, and great effort to integrate into one's personality.


Traits:artist, celebrity, highly energized INSPIRATION, psychological, radical, sensitive

The number 11 symbolizes the principle of enlightenment. It colors everything with drama, a visionary outlook, artistic sensitivity, and a sparkling quality. It is not truly practical, but its contribution is its unique perspective and philosophy which instigates new consciousness. Its energy is very high-strung, intense, mercurial, polarized (off an on), and subtle.

Gifts: Revealing higher truths, transformation, poetic interpretation, romance

Challenges: Illusion, isolation, allergies, over-stimulation

Personal Goal: Living the dream

Fears: Drudgery, restriction, ugliness, boredom

Succeeds as: Media star, poet, inventor, psychologist, minister, designer, society figure, beauty queen, occultist


Traits:Idealistic, expansive, visionary, master-builder, government, universal transformation. philanthropic

The number 22 symbolizes the principle of precision and balance. When it senses its full capacity as a MASTER BUILDER, it can achieve what is barely imaginable. The 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. It is potentially the most successful of all numbers. It has many of the inspirational insights of the 11, combined with the practicality and methodical nature of the 4. It is unlimited, yet disciplined. It sees the archetype, and brings it down to earth in some material form. It has big ideas, great plans, idealism, leadership, and enormous self-confidence.

Gifts: Inspire others, common sense, intuitive, practical

Challenges: Share your vision, allow others to make contributions

Personal Goal: Integrate seemingly conflicting characteristics within yourself-your inspiring vision and natural tendency toward practicality.

Fears: Loss

Succeeds as: Politican, business owner, lawyer, administrator,


Traits:Christ-like, healer, compassionate, blessing, teacher of teachers, martyr, inspiration, honest, monk.

The number 33 symbolizes the principle of guidance. When expressed to the fullest, the 33 lacks all personal ambition, and instead focuses its considerable abilities toward the spiritual uplifting of mankind. What makes the 33 especially impressive, is the high level of sincere devotion. This is shown in its determination to seek understanding and wisdom before preaching to others. The 33 in full force is extremely rare.

Gifts: Honesty, discipline, bravery

Challenges: Requires self-sacrifice, courage

Personal Goal: Searching for the truth

Fears: Lack of resources and love

Succeeds as: Parent, educator, Artist, Doctor

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Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:38 am
Location: evansville indiana

Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:46 am

the meaning of double digits

The double-digit numbers

So far, we have worked only with single-digit numbers in your chart, with the exception of the Master numbers and the Karmic Debt numbers. Now, let's look at the numbers 10 and up.

Every one of the cardinal numbers can be based on several different compound numbers. The 7, for instance, can be based on 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, or 70. (It cannot be based on 79 or 88 except indirectly, because 79 and 88 are 16.) When a 7 is based on 25, it is slightly different from a 7 based on 34 or 61. For this reason, I have made it a habit to include the double-digit numbers in the chart. I write a 7 based on 25 in this manner: 25/7; and a 7 based on 34 like this: 34/7.

Now that you have come this far in the book, your understanding of the meaning of numbers is sufficient to analyze the double-digit numbers. A double-digit number's characteristics are dominated by that of the single digit it represents. First and foremost, it is that cardinal number.

The double-digit number highlights certain aspects, and diminishes others, but it never eliminates any aspect completely. You may want to study the double-digit numbers in your personal chart to see if you can gain additional insight or clarity.

For example, a 7 based on 25 is not as withdrawn as a 7 based on a 16. A 7 based on 34 is more creative that the 7 based on a 25.

The already considerable leadership ability of a 1 is enhanced in the 10. As a rule, numbers that are dividable by 10 strengthen the characteristics of the single-digit number across the board. A 10 is a high octave 1, a 40 is a high octave 4, and a 70 is a high octave 7.

Below is a short description of double-digit numbers 10 through 99. As an exercise, you may want to contemplate a few double-digit numbers, then see if you picked the same main points as those described below. To find your double-digit number, take the total of the letters in your chart before you reduce them to a single digit.
The meaning of the double-digit numbers:


   10    It enhances all the qualities of the 1. It is a powerful leader, sharply focused ,and streamlined for success. It can be ruthless in the pursuit of its goals. It can become a dominating tyrant.

   11    See "The Master Numbers." Highly intuitive, even psychic, this Master number is a channel between the sub-conscious and the conscious mind. Highly charged. Can be neurotic.

   12    It is highly creative, individualistic, and unconventional. It represents the interests of the self versus those of the group.

   13    See "The Karmic Debt Numbers." Hard work and slow progress, this Karmic Debt number is difficult but rewarding when enough effort is applied. Grounded and down-to-earth. Reliable, trustworthy, but sometimes rigid and
   lacking a sense of humor.

   14    See "The Karmic Debt Numbers." A wild streak. Need for change and adventure can destroy carefully planned progress. Lack of focus and commitment. This Karmic Debt number can get you in trouble. Guard against self-indulgence.

   15    It is loving, forgiving, and extremely tolerant. It is responsible, successful, dynamic, and strong. It represents travel, adventure, and experimentation. This number can bring self-indulgence.

   16    See "The Karmic Debt Numbers." Difficult, especially during the early part of life. Great potential for spiritual growth and self-knowledge. This Karmic Debt numbers reflects "The Fallen Tower" in Tarot. Can be self-destructive.

   17    It is spiritual growth, faith, and balance. It is also wealth or bankruptcy. It is an inner struggle to remain true to spiritual and moral values.

   18    It is involved with business on an international scale, and it is a discordance between idealism and selfishness. There is a lack of conscious spiritual effort.

   19    See "The Karmic Debt Numbers." Strong and individualistic. Self-reliant and confident, this Karmic Debt number can bring loneliness and alienation. Leadership. Sometimes bullish.

   20    It is overly sensitive, intuitive, and vulnerable to criticism. It has emotional problems. It can show weakness and cowardice in the face of challenges.

   21    It is similar to 12, but much more intuitive. It tends to procrastinate.

   22    See "The Master Numbers." The Master Builder; this Master number is demanding and obsessive, it can push you to the edge. Much progress is possible. A need to devote yourself to something larger than life.

   23    It loves people and is a freedom fighter, a promoter of causes, a quitter, and unrealistic.

   24    It counsels and comforts others. It likes music, particularly rhythm. It represents domestic struggles and divorce.

   25    It is spiritual leadership. It likes group endeavors. It can be too serious. It has great difficulty sharing feelings.

   26    It is excellent in business and management. It is a good strategist, a workaholic, and is often disorganized in personal affairs.

   27    It is a counselor, a volunteer, and an artist, and is often successful. It represents inheritance. It is sometimes rigid and narrow-minded.

   28    It is a 10, but with more compassion and tolerance.

   29    It is the same as 11. See "The Master Numbers."  More serious and less social.

   30    It is communication and creativity. It is a high octave 3. It has a great sense of humor, and while jovial, can be superficial.

   31    It is more extrovert and fun-loving than other 4s. It is also more creative. It can be unfaithful.

   32    See 23. It is more sensitive, and has emotional ups and downs, and is moody.

   33    See "The Master Numbers." Its ultimate potential is in teaching. It is called the Christ number. It comforts others. It represents self-sacrifice and beliefs in Utopia. It is often co-dependent, and is sometimes a compulsive liar.

   34    It is very intelligent. It is spiritual purity through effort. It shares with others, and is a warrior.

   35    It is creative in business. It is an inventor, gadget-designer, or business adviser. It is social, but does not work well with others. It should freelance.

   36    It is very creative. It is sometimes a genius. It is also self-conscious, inhibited, and aloof.

   37    It is very individualistic, a scholar, a voracious reader, has an excellent imagination, and is often disorganized.

   38    See 11c It is more realistic. It is very intuitive, but will not easily admit that. It often earns in the sale of art or antiques. It has phobias.

   39    It likes functional art. It is often in acting and dancing. It has difficulty with rejection and separation.

   40    It is a high octave 4. It is extremely organized, systematic, and methodical. It is critical of others, intolerant, and sometimes prejudicial.

   41    See 14. It is capable of directing energies to many different projects successfully. It is selfish, has a lack of humor, and is sometimes criminal.

   42    See 24. It has political aspirations. It can be an administrator, often in government institutions. It can be insensitive.

   43    See 34. It represents concentration, perfectionism, sometimes frustrations, and feelings of inferiority.

   44    It is an excellent number for business, and it is also good for a military career. It is a visionary and a doer. It has great potential.

   45    It is often involved in banking, or international institutions. It struggles to be comfortable with itself. It can be cynical.

   46    It represents leadership (see 10), and is often tactless and rude. It is always well prepared and confident.

   47    See 11, "The Master Numbers." There is an inner struggle between practical, down to earth 4, and spiritual 7. Once balance has been achieved, it is a prophet and counselor extraordinaire.

   48    It is a visionary and a planner. It is sometimes lost in unrealistic dreams.

   49    See 13. It is a caretaker that makes effort for others. It is a problem-solver. It wants to be a hero and a friend to everyone.

   50    It is a high octave 5. It is extremely freedom-loving and versatile. It is open to new ideas, and is willing to take a chance. It sometimes has sexual hang-ups.

   51    See 15. It is more independent and aggressive.

   52    See 25. It is more sensitive, intuitive, and creative.

   53    See 35. It is more verbal, creative, and business-oriented.

   54    See 45. It is less organized and disciplined. It has a difficult time finishing projects. It tends to be a dreamer. It is very idealistic.

   55    It is extremely freedom-loving, and likes to travel. It is social, but can also be selfish and lonely. It represents success for anyone in sales.

   56    This is a difficult combination that represents extreme sensitivity and the need to balance a desire for freedom with an equally strong desire to be part of a family. Also see 11, "The Master Numbers."

   57    It represents intelligence and inventiveness. It brings wisdom in the later part of life. It is very creative and unconventional.

   58    This number shows a willingness to work hard and is usually successful. It recognizes opportunities and can make quick decisions. It is somewhat dogmatic and opinionated.

   59    It is very persuasive and convincing. It is often found in the charts of successful lawyers and fundraisers. It brings an uncanny ability to be comfortable with people of all walks of life and diverse cultures.

   60    It is loving, caring, and responsible. It sometimes brings subservience.

   61    This is a number that represents difficulties in love relationships. However, the need for family and friends is strong. It is demanding and secretive; an excellent number for researchers, law officers, and people in the Secret Service.

   62    See 26. This number is less sensitive. It is an excellent caretaker. A good number for people with careers in the medical field.

   63    See 36. It is less outgoing. However, it can be sexually promiscuous.

   64    See 46. It is less organized and more creative.

   65    See 56. The need to balance freedom and domestic affairs (commitment) is even more important here. This number sometimes brings a criminal tendency.

   66    Generous to a fault, this number brings financial ups and downs. It is extremely loyal and loving. Often successful in spite of itself.

   67    This number merges analytical intelligence and creativity. Inventors and mathematicians often have this number prominent in their chart, often behind a core number.

   68    It is good for business. It has a tendency to be insensitive, but it is also very loyal. It has a great sense of humor.

   69    Few numbers are as responsible and self-sacrificing as the number 69. Political activists and environmentalists often have this number, as do doctors, nurses, and teachers. It is also extremely creative.

   70    This is the hermit's number. It is a loner and a seeker of truth who can get caught up in the act of seeking knowledge to such an extent that it loses touch with the material world. It has high intelligence and originality. It is always eccentric.

   71    See 17. It is less authoritative and is often a loner.

   72    See 27. It tends to be an excellent conversationalist and it is usually a voracious reader.

   73    See 37. It is independent and likes to work alone. It is demanding in relationships.

   74    See 47 and 11, "The Master Numbers." It brings premonitions and intense dreams. This number can bring eating disorders.

   75    See 57. It is more analytical and less creative.

   76    See 67. This is an excellent number for anyone involved in management or organization. It can turn ideas into reality. Sometimes this number brings dogmatism and religious fanaticism.

   77    This is perhaps the most intelligent and inventive of all numbers. It also represents spiritual wisdom.

   78    This number brings struggle between the spiritual and the material. People with this number prominent in their chart make and lose fortunes.

   79    Political and spiritual leaders often have this number. It brings concern for mankind, but it can also be ruthless and self-righteous.

   80    This is a good number for business. However, it is found more often among people in top management and the military, than among entrepreneurs, due to a lack of independence. It is an extravert number.

   81    See 18. It is more money-oriented. It often lacks spiritual understanding. Sometimes, this number brings violence.

   82    See 28. This is a number that brings strong leadership and courage. It is the survivor. this number can bring a lack of stability in marriage. Many people with this number prominent in the chart either never get married or get married many times.

   83    See 38. It is more business-oriented and less sensitive and vulnerable.

   84    See 48. It is more the visionary and less the organizer.

   85    See 58. It is more masculine, and it can be bullish.

   86    See 68. This number is more self-oriented. It is also somewhat irresponsible and self-indulgent.

   87    See 78. This number is somewhat more practical and handles money better, but the struggle between the spiritual and the material is just as intense.

   88    This number is full of contradictions. It is excellent for business, but it is not good for relationships. It is insensitive.

   89    This number represents the aristocrat and the man or the woman of the world. It brings much travel. This number can make it difficult for a person to be alone, even for a short period of time.

   90    It is self-sacrificing and humble. This number often brings religious fervor, but almost always of a positive and inspiring nature. People with this number in the chart tend to be aloof, yet loved and respected by many.

   91    This is a combination that brings success in career, particularly in the creative fields, but it is unable to handle money. It is eccentric and opinionated.

   92    See 11, "The Master Numbers." This number brings great concern for mankind.

   93    See 39. It is creative, particularly in architecture and landscaping. It has difficulty with commitment.

   94    See 49. It is the practical humanitarian. It is not comfortable with travel, and dislikes changes.

   95    See 59. It is the humanitarian, but is impractical, a dreamer. It loves travel and change.

   96    See 69. Its self-sacrificing and loving nature is more focused on family, friends, and the community.

   97    See 79. It is more sensitive. It is a quiet worker and loves to read.

   98    See 89. It is an idealist, but comes across as indifferent. It has a hard time showing emotions. A person with this number prominent in his or her chart is not easily understood by others.

   99    It represents artistic genius. A person with this number is often misunderstood, and is frequently the victim of gossip. It can bring jealousy and possessiveness to relationships.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:52 am

special letters

Special Letter A

You are ambitious, independent and have great drive, you are not easily influenced. You are mental and direct. You want to take charge. You have willpower and are resolute and purposeful. You have courage and boldness but may also be stubborn and willful. Be more flexible and willing to listen to others.

Special  Letter B

You are emotional, sensitive, and a bit shy. You are friendly and understanding. Peace and harmony are essential to your happiness. You are sensitive. You are loyal and firm in your beliefs, often clinging to ideas after they have outlived their usefulness. You must learn to change more with the times and become more independent in thought.

Special Letter C

You are intuitive and demonstrative of your feelings. You have good self-expression and a strong sense of humor. You are inspiring, cheerful, melodramatic, even extravagant at times. You are outspoken and spontaneous. You are lighthearted and optimistic.


Special Letter D

You are down to earth, practical, efficient, orderly and systematic. You are shrewd and determined. You can concentrate and overcome many difficulties. You have natural authority but can also be stubborn and rigid.

Special Letter E

You need plenty of feedom You are physical and passionate and it is possible you will be married more than once. You like to be social and entertain. You are highly perceptive and not easily fooled. You are original and versatile. You are capable of looking at a situation from different perspectives.

Special Letter F

You are responsible, self sacrificing, loving, hospitable and friendly. You have a warm heart and are very compassionate. You feel the pain of others and are considerate. You are helpful but must be careful not to interfere in the lives of others. You also have to guard against a tendency to indulge in melancholy and depression.

Special Letter G

You are very mental. You have a strong willpower and determination. Your vision and imagination may make you quite wealthy. You are methodical, disciplined and orderly, but you can also act quickly when opportunities arise. You may well be clairvoyant.

Special Letter H

You are creative and original. You make and lose money easily. However, you will probably do well financially in the long run. You are independent and you rely on your own judgment. You may be a loner. Skepticism and self-doubt are your greatest enemies. You need time in nature to feel your true self and re-establish your direction and clarity.

Special Letter I

You are emotional, considerate and understanding. You are artistic and have good taste. Without balance and steadfastness, there can be nervous tension and accident proneness. You have to try not to switch from one extreme to another; look for balance.

Special Letter J

Your J is for Justice. You are honest, loyal, reliable and sincere. You want to improve the lives of others. You may try too hard to please everyone. You have a clever mind and are very talented. However, you have to work at motivating yourself to make the most of your talents.

Special Letter K

Illumination, intuition and revelation are the key words for the K, the eleventh letter in the alphabet. You are emotional and creative, with a strong drive to succeed. You can be quite forceful and are many-sided. Nervous tension, fear and hesitation are the negative aspects of this high strung and idealistic cornerstone.

Special Letter L

You tend to intellectualize experience, which can make you slow to react or make decisions. You are honest and sincere. You are not prejudiced. You give easily and have a good-natured disposition. You move quite often and travel more than most. During times of emotional stress you are prone to minor accidents. It is very important for you to maintain equilibrium in all aspects of life.

Special Letter M

You are energetic and hardworking with a touch of the workaholic. You are efficient and do not tire easily. You likely have a strong physical constitution. You are domestic and want financial security. You are tolerant and can endure hardships. You have to be more patient with others.

Special Letter N

You are intuitive, creative and original. You are unconventional. You are quite opinionated and change your mind only after much discussion. You like to keep track of your life, by writing in a diary for instance. You are sensual and may be involved in many love affairs during your life.

Special Letter O

You have willpower, religious convictions, and high moral standards. You are patient and thorough when preparing yourself for some new venture. You respect rules and regulations. You are emotional and have to guard against jealousy. You are given to spells of brooding and imaginings.

Special Letter P

You are intelligent and knowledgeable in many areas. You give an impressive and commanding first impression. However, you can be aloof, overly secretive and distant. You have common sense and level headedness, but are frequently impatient. You can be too attached to your possessions and not very generous with your time.

Special Letter Q

You attract money, but can be erratic and unstable, causing sudden losses. You have natural authority and can influence others. You are not easily understood. You appear mysterious and may quite often be the victim of gossip. You are direct, outspoken with a talent for oration. Negative Q's can become boring and compulsive talkers.

Special Letter R

You are highly emotional and carry an intense inner power. You are lively and can work hard. You must try to stay balanced and even tempered. You must also learn to be less critical and more tolerant. You can be gentle, kind, and helpful. You are willing to sacrifice time and energy for a good cause. You tend to lose things and may have a bad memory.

Special Letter S

You are charming and charismatic. You are a warm and devoted person. You are very emotional, the result perhaps of a sad childhood. You are intense and may react in an extreme manner. Don't be too impulsive; take your time before making a decision and carefully sort out your emotions. You are passionate and loving and will experience many emotional ups and downs.

Special Letter T

You are dynamic and live a hustle, bustle kind of life. You may have to force yourself to slow down sometimes. You like to expand and enlarge your world continuously. You can be aggressive when you are committed to an undertaking or relationships. Watch your emotions; you can be too sensitive and quickly hurt, which may cloud your usually good judgment and sense of morality.

Special Letter U

Accumulation and loss - especially money - are weighted equally in your life. Indecisiveness and selfishness are at the root of the problem. Learn to size up situations more quickly and then be ready to give your energy and commitment. You are very creative, intuitive and intelligent, and have a knack for showing up at the right time and the right place. You tend to be "lucky"! You are attractive and charming and can be quite glamorous.

Special Letter V

You are intuitive and insightful. You are inspired and may be prophetic, but your imagination is equally strong and can cloud your objectivity. You have big plans and ideas and possess the ability to manifest them. You are efficient and want to see results. You may be eccentric, which does not always work in your favor. You are sincere, loyal, and dependable; however, you can also be quite unpredictable and overly possessive, especially in relationships with the opposite sex.

Special Letter W

You have intuition, determination and a strong sense of purpose. You like to be involved in many activities. You need change and like to meet new people. You have charisma. You provide stimulating company. You have excellent self expression and are very creative. There is, however, a tendency to procrastinate and cut corners.

Special Letter X

You are very sensual and artistic. You are responsive and perceptive and learn easily. You love excitement and may have to guard against indulgence in sexual excesses. You are temperamental and have an addictive personality.

Special Letter Y

Freedom is extremely important to you. You strongly dislike limitations and restrictions. You are ambitious, courageous, and extremely independent. You have a refined and stylish personality. However, you can be vacillating and slow to make decisions. You have good intuition and are very perceptive.

Special Letter Z

You are optimistic and dynamic. You tend to look at the bright side of life. You have high expectations, but also common sense. You are understanding, compassionate and kind. You have a sharp mind and can respond quickly when necessary. Your reflexes are excellent. You have wisdom and an ability to be a mediator of opposing parties. You have to guard against impulsive and impatient behavior. You can be stubborn.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:58 am

Language And Numerology.
Playing with numbers.

If you were to encounter an extraterrestrial being, it would be unlikely that the two of you would have any other form of communication other than the language of numbers. The shape of the numbers might not be useful, but if the two of you sat down with a pocketful of pebbles, you'd be able to demonstrate a certain amount of intelligence, and even to share information. The point is that numbers are a universal means of understanding and communication. Numbers transcend the limits of our world.

On one hand, numbers are free of subjective realities, such as emotions and personal preferences. In their purest sense, numbers possess objectivity, which is why they are the language of science. They are the most reliable means of communicating abstract ideas, and of quantifying physical realities.
On the other hand, numbers can also be used to reveal the "soul" of words.

Words evolve with an underlying feeling for the objects they describe. Each word has specific definition, as well as a connecting emotional and spiritual feeling. Numerology can be used to reveal that underlying feeling or spirit.
We will now look at some important words to see how numerology reveals their deeper meaning.

Let's begin with the word love.
When you do the numerology on love, you find that the Expression number is a 9, suggesting the humanitarian and universal nature of love. It's generous, giving, self-sacrificing, and concerned for others. It is a stranger to prejudice. It's the great healer and teacher. It gives of itself unconditionally.
The Heart's Desire number of the word love is 11, which reveals its sensitivity, intuitive nature, need for harmony, and connection with the highest power. The 11 is called the Channel, or the Illuminator.
Love's 7 Personality number indicates the need for careful self-reflection and the implicit wisdom inherent in love.

Now, let's look at love's opposite: hate.
Hate's Expression number is 16/7, a Karmic Debt number, indicating a self-destructive nature.
The 16/7 reveals its isolation. The reason it is isolated is because it is cold, clinical, and self-contained. It is highly mental, and, as a result, it is often lacking in compassion for matters of the heart.
The 6 Heart's Desire in the word hate reveals its powerful emotional connection to the subject of its hatred. The dark side of the 6 is its need to control. It cannot let go. It smothers the object of its hatred with excessive attention.
Hate's Personality number is 1, suggesting the negative attributes of the 1: bullishness and insensitivity; and its inability to share itself with others, thus creating aloneness and loneliness. The stubborn side of the 1 prevents it from being receptive to the positive attributes of the hated person.

Now, compare the words light and dark and see how they reveal our association with each word, especially in their relationship to love and hate. The core numbers for the word light are very similar to those of love. Light has an 11 Expression number, a 9 Heart's Desire, and a 2 Personality. (As stated previously, love has an 11 Heart's Desire, a 9 Expression, and a 7 Personality.)
The 11 stands for illumination and insight. It exposes the true nature of whatever it touches. The 9 Heart's Desire obviously indicates its need to reach the farthest concerns. It is available to all; it is an indiscriminate gift to everyone and everything. The 2 Personality reveals its inherent gentleness.

The word dark has a 16/7 Expression, a 1 Heart's Desire, and a 6 Personality. It's only difference with the word hate is that the Heart's Desire and Personality numbers have switched places. (Note that although the words dark and hate have only one letter in common, they have the same core numbers.)
Again, the core numbers represent self-destruction, isolation, and loneliness. The 6 Personality number suggests the illusion of protection offered by darkness.

Let's look at the words for our animal friends, dog and cat, which, as we all know, have very different natures.
Dog has an 8 Expression, suggesting its innate power and ability to protect; a 6 Heart's Desire, revealing its desire for a domestic environment and for love and attention; and a Personality number of 11, showing its sensitivity and intuitiveness to the mood of the owner.

A cat, on the other hand, has a 6 Expression, revealing its domestic nature, but a 1 Heart's Desire, which shows its independence and often stubborn character. It has a 5 Personality, which reinforces the independence and the need for freedom. You cannot control a cat.

Interestingly, both the dog and the cat have 6s in their core numbers, but the dog has a 6 Heart's Desire - the desire for love, attention, and domestic harmony -- while a cat, with a 6 Expression, is perfectly suited of the domestic environment, but its 1 Heart's Desire gives it a need for independence. A cat, by nature, is not obedient; a dog is.

Keeping the domestic theme, let's look at two words that go directly to our basic needs: food and roof. Each word has three 6s! The 6 stands for all that is protective, comforting, mothering, domestic and nurturing. In addition, food has a 22 Expression, indicating its link to the very foundation of life: the transformation of matter to energy (metabolism), and its opposite, energy to matter (the growth of organisms). As you know, the number 22 is a called the Master Builder, and here it is demonstrated at its finest.
Roof has a 9 Expression coupled with a 6 Personality, revealing its clear purpose of protecting the domestic environment.

Let's look at the words river and tree. River has a Heart's Desire of 5, meaning movement, freedom, dynamism, and change. Its Personality number is 22, revealing that it is one of the most powerful forces in nature. It slices through obstacles. The 9 Expression means that it gives of itself for the well-being of all.
Tree provides a wonderful array of numbers, beginning with its 1 Heart's Desire, suggesting its independence and its strong will to survive. A tree's upright form itself suggests the 1. Its Personality number is 11, showing its spiritual nature: its reaching up toward heaven and its inspirational influence to all. Its 3 Expression symbolizes the ability to communicate both its spiritual power and beauty.

Finally, let's examine the world work. Work has a 22 Expression, showing that it is the means for bringing the ideal into the material world, again apropos of the Master Builder. It also reflects its potential power: We build our lives and gain our rewards from our work. Work has a 16/7 Personality. The 7 reveals its concentration, focus, and search for perfection. The 16 Karmic Debt shows that work can become self-destructive if it allowed to be your master, or the only thing that motivates your life. This is the workaholic, whose obsessive nature destroys all of life's other rewards.
One of the best ways to learn numerology is simply by practicing on common words, names of cities and states, and, of course, people.

The following list of words offers excellent exercises in the art of numerology.

SUN is the "happy go lucky" 3, which is located smack in the middle of the word, and is also the Heart's Desire. It has a 6 Personality and a 9 Expression. Could this possibly be a coincidence/

LAKE has an 11 Expression, suggesting the connection between the subconscious and the conscious; a 6 Heart's Desire, pointing to stability; and a 5 Personality, suggesting a movement. Compare SEA with LAKE!

FLOWER has an 11 Heart's Desire, a 6 Cornerstone, a 7 Expression, and a 5 Personality, as opposed to PLANT, which has a 1 Heart's Desire, an 8 Personality, and a 9 Expression.

Or try these: man, woman, tool, hammer, car, box, war, needle, wool, baby, friend, sister, and brother.
Animal names also offer great opportunities. First do tiger, lion, wolf, bear, eagle, and shark. Then do lamb, sheep, dove, dolphin, and whale.

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Natural questions

Post by 3leaf » Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:23 pm

How did they come to this results? How do they know, what number means what? If it come from pythagoras, how did he know, that number one means leadership qualities. How did he test it? If I would be a good numerologist, I read nearly everthing I could, would I be able to say somebody else after first look, I guess that you are number 3 person, highly creative and you ....

Is somebody real master of numerology and can he give me answers for this. I dont want to hear, It comes from bible, or from mahabharata , old indians book. I want to see examples ... This can be so fascinating to know.

Thx for any answer in advance.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:44 pm

your questions and search for answers on how and why  is understandable  we all have asked them at one time or another ,and can be asked about any thing .  Our answers come to us in the form of either   logic / reason , time tested results, faith and believe,  ect  .At some point  these questions seem to be unanswered  example  what can first the chicken or the egg    .Then where do we look... at some point  we have to let go and believe on what we have learned from others that came before us .  to go forward instead of digging deeper and deeper .

A personal question do you ask these things with the same conviction too all that your have learned / that which you no nothing of  .and what where the answers that you were given .

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Yes, I ask many questions and i think, it i is very rare

Post by 3leaf » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:48 pm

chicken or the egg -> darvin theory, we have no answer
chicken or the egg -> bible, they come at same time

Our answers come to us in the form of either   logic / reason , time tested results, faith and believe,  ect - I believe, that you have to find out theme of enstein theory very interesting. Because you have learned a lesson of you life, your logic has boundaries, that what you see is not true, just illusion, time tested results very nice but not true.

to go forward instead of digging deeper and deeper - sometimes we walk back instead forward...

A personal question do you ask these things with the same conviction too all that your have learned / that which you no nothing of  .and what where the answers that you were given  -

Where does the light come from? Why are we leaving? Why are people fighting each other? Why are around us balls and circles everywhere? I asked many questions and basic lesson is, do not buy bag of something before you look inside... Let your opinion to be free and try to find out, how it is really.

Numerology has no published tests, there is one material around whole internet... romanian alphabed with 9 numbers and pythagoras system. But when you will try to find more information about numerology, you will find out it very confusing. When is something confusing, there need to be questions asked and answered...

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:28 pm

there are hundreds of sites on the subject  and library,s and book stores are full of books   google is your friend  i will be more than happy to help you with a in depth  web site search  s .  you speak of no published tests  what about all the testimony from the countless number of people who would  disagree   the use of numbers is not limited to  numerology :

Astrology, tarot,  i ching , runes, feng shui,  .just look at the things that root themselves in number theories  and you say theres no published tests.

confusing yes i can see where you are coming from. I have been told many of times that i was confused and to make a long story short .it pays the bills.   not knowing is our biggest fear

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Post by 3leaf » Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:00 pm

Could you give me one concrete test? I looked at testimony page and i didnt find numerology there.

Astrology, tarot,  i ching , runes, feng shui,  .just look at the things that root themselves in number theories

It is not very convincig, because everything can be described with numbers. with 0 and 1 in computer language. We can see numbers everywhere around, but I am talking about system in  them. There are many systems, like f=m.a   . In numerology is 1 = leadership qualities. I want to see some nice tests of personalities, or at least something.

not knowing is our biggest fear - so lets do not fear and look at tests, if there are some, it would be very interesting at least

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:24 pm

I think you can ask the same question all over the forum...and none might give you any test that this work scientific.

The same is the case with all Religions....
The same is the case with a lot of our opinions, that we fight for...and sudently are proved to be wrong.
and like this I can go on and on :)

I also like to have proof....but with age I have learned that a sound belief have many advances, even if they can't be scientific proved, and that is because our "consciousness  mind" works in ways that none scientific has a ready sheet for :)

So yes.....to have an open mind and ask question is always good.....but it is always good, also to investigate how long these beliefs have survived, how many books there are on the subject, how many followers it has, and so on....from this we can draw the conclusion that it has given help to many people...else it would have vanish long ago, and that must be the most important thing...not that it can be proved wrong or right...in fact...to prove it wrong will do much more damage then it gives benefits..:)

The most important thing is that one have a sound approach to it, as with anything else.....blinders is always dangerous :)

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:48 pm

"I want to see some nice tests of personalities, or at least something".   there is a answer for you within your questioning..  maybe you need to look not at number systems. but at what is know as....      Symbolic psychology     first on the list  proven test             tickle.com

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:04 am

we also need to look at numerology as more than just adding numbers , it involves letters as well. so we label it as a language   just as algebra  numerology does involve variables , symbols,  patterns and cycles ,  you labeled the one with leadership but it can also be seen in many other ways  some negative some positive. again  time tested results  has proven its  accurrency  over  the years   it matters none to me that you wish not to see them .  and maybe you do and just like to debate and thats ok too ..peace love joy and most of all  contentment  


positive expression:
masculine/ adam , mentally creative ,courageous , ambitious, organizer, leader , pioneer , individualist , self confident , focused
original , competitive , positive , inventive , self reliance , explorer , will power , robust , resourceful

negative expression : selfish ,domineering, arrogant , aggressive, impulsive,obstinate , self centered , boastful ,bossy .

denial expression :

dependent , helpless , lazy- procrastinates , fearful , unwilling to take a stand ,weak , submissive , stubborn

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dangerous is to believe blindly

Post by 3leaf » Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:59 am

People , who start to believe blindly and do not keep racio can get lost in the world soon.

Why do ppl commit suicide in the name of leader, who follows blindly god's will, or kill and burn cats?

You say me, believe, dont ask, you will not get back answers. I dont think that pasivity should overcome activity. The middle path is the best path. So I will not agree with you.

If is numerology working, it can be proved with tests. Say me, why it should not work, if it is good for you and you find it right?

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