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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:24 am

do both and see how they compare  changing your name does have a effect on you  .  some chose to keep there maiden name , some use both . a very good  tool for  self awareness  of the energies that make up who you are . even if you go by a different name  you came in to this world  with certain core energies  .on some level they will always be apart of you.  law of nature says the created can not be destroyed only changed /altered . numerology is based on patterns ,cycles and perfect natural order .

you can also use these formulas  on nick names /screen names ect

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Night Owl
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Post by Night Owl » Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:28 am


Add only the consonants of each name separately and reduce to a single-digit. Next, add the resulting numbers of the names and reduce to a single-digit.  What I prefer is to calculate both the names separately and then I study both names (maiden & married), then I reduce them both to a single digit and study that number.  The married name focus on the present and the maiden name focus on how your personality was in the past.  

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numberolgy lesson

Post by believer » Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:24 pm

Thank you both for your replies.  One more question, first and last name, no middle right?  This is so wild, my maiden name first and last comes out to a 5 which is also my life path number.  My maiden comes out to a 8.  Is that comon that the name that you are given at birth to also match your life path number?

I have to tell you what a little bit of knowledge can do for you.  I recently joined a gym and was in the sauna one day when it was pretty crowded and a guy was saying that it was his birthday.l  So sitting there, I added his numbers and told him about what I could remember about life path numbers and he was so impressed that by the time I had left, the whole sauna was adding their numbers and wanting to know more. :smt003

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:27 pm

your middle name is important if you have one  it shows your spiritual transit   and it effects your essence  cycle which comes from all your full name at birth .

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:01 am

sorry error in the above post the middle name is for the mental transit  :

The Transits are found among the individual letters of your name, and are used in conjunction with the Essence Chart to provide additional information about your year ahead.

Your name can be viewed as a piece of music that vibrates in time. Your life, therefore, can be visualized as a musical score, with the individual letters making specific contributions at given points, just as notes in a musical piece are played at specific moments to give a piece of music its rhythm, character, and nuance. Each note or letter has a specific duration and influence over your life during a specific period of time.

How to Find Your Transits.

The Transits are derived from the letters of your first, middle, and last names. Each name provides information on a particular level of your consciousness: the physical, mental, and spiritual. The Physical Transit is derived from your first name; the Mental Transit from your middle name; and the Spiritual Transit from your last name. For those who do not have a middle name, the last name provides the Transit information for both the Mental and the Spiritual. For those who have more than one middle name, the middle names should be strung together into one long name. If you received more than one last name, string the last names together into one long last name.

more insight into the personality number

Your Personality number is derived from the consonants of your full name at birth. Your Personality is like a narrow entrance hall to the great room that is your true nature. It is those aspects that you feel comfortable sharing with people at the outset of a relationship. With time and trust, you invite others into the deeper aspects of your nature; you reveal more of who you really are, in effect, your Heart's Desire, Expression, and so on.

Your Personality number often serves as a censoring device, both in terms of what you send out, as well as what you allow to approach. It discriminates in the kinds of people and information you let enter your heart and mind. For this reason, your Personality is usually much more narrow and protective in its definition than the real you. It can screen out some of what you do not want to deal with - people or situations - but it also welcomes those things that immediately relate to your inner nature.

Fortunately or unfortunately, this narrow entrance is the first impression people get of you. It either welcomes and intrigues them, or it causes them to lose interest.

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Post by Qualpodic » Wed May 14, 2008 10:24 pm

Hello, Night Owl.

I want to thank you for these great lessons on numerology. I really appreciate your effort. I am finding this very interesting and hope to learn much more about this subject. Thanks again  :smt003

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Night Owl
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Numerology Lesson

Post by Night Owl » Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:17 pm


I would like to start by apologizing for not the next lesson sooner.  I've been tied up with a few other things that needed my immediate attention.  So, without any further interruptions, please find below the next lesson.


Each letter in your name and its corresponding number presents your individual talents and characteristic’s. Like a mosaic, these combine to form a totality, a picture that reveals the real you. Your name at birth can be seen as a blueprint of your potential. The key word here is potential.

The Expression number is derived from your full name at birth, meaning your first, middle (if you have one), and last names. Typically, it is the name that appears on your birth certificate. Occasionally, there are questions about exactly what name is used. A few examples, and how to decide which name to use, are listed below. These examples also apply to the Heart's Desire and Personality numbers.

When clerical errors occur on a birth certificate, if the mistake is accepted by the parents, and form that point onward is the acknowledged name, this name on the birth certificate, with the spelling error, is used to find the Expression number.

If your parents do not accept the mistake, and you grow up using the original name given by your parents - ignoring the clerical error - that original name is used to provide the Expression number, as opposed to the name with the error that appears on your birth certificate.

If you have been adopted, and you have been provided a new name by your adopting parents, use the original name given to you before the adoption.

If you were adopted, and never knew you original name, use the name that is the earliest remembered. However, without the original name, a complete chart may not be possible.

Even if you have never used your original name, that name still represents the blueprint of your life, and is used to find the Expression number.

Names given at confirmation, by a spiritual teacher or guru, or at some other religious ceremony, are not used for the Expression number, but can be used additionally to give further insight into the personality. (See Minor Expression, Minor Heart's Desire later on in the future lessons.)

If you received more than one middle (or last) name at birth, use all the middle or last names. If there is a junior, senior, the third, et cetera in your name always discards such additions. They are too general to bear any significance to your name.

How to Find Your Expression number.

The Individual letters of your name are all assigned a specific single-digit number.

Each letter is given a number according to the place it falls in the alphabet: The letter A, being the first letter, is a 1; the letter B is a 2; the C is a 3; D is 4; and so on. Letters that come after the I (the ninth letter of the alphabet) and have double-digits, such as M, the thirteenth letter, are reduced to single digit numbers in the same way as described earlier; that is, by adding the two digits. The letter M therefore becomes a 4.

To find your Expression number, write out your full name, and place the appropriate numerical value beneath each letter. Add the numbers of your first name, and then reduce it to a single digit. Do the same for your middle and last names. Now, add the three single-digit numbers, and reduce them to another single-digit number to find your Expression number. If at any time you encounter a Master number, 11, 22 or 33, do not reduce it to a single-digit number.

Below each letter of your name, you find the numerical values. Notice that we add the numbers of each unit of the name and reduce to a single digit or Master number.


Your Expression number reveals your physical and mental constitution, the orientation or goal of your life. Some numerologists refer to this number as the Destiny, because it represents a lifelong target at which you are aiming. You work at fulfilling this potential every day of your life. Thus, the Expression number reveals your inner goal, the person you aim to be.

The Expression number reveals the talents, abilities, and shortcomings that were with you when you entered your human body. Your name, and the numbers derived from it, reveals your development, as well as the talents and issues you will be working with during this life.

For those for whom reincarnation is an accepted philosophy, the vibration of your full name can be seen as the totality of your personal evolution, the experiences, talents, and wisdom accumulated over many life times. Every experience, no matter how great or small, along this evolutionary path has influenced your development, and brought you to your current state of being.

The Expression is your being; the Life Path is the major lesson you are attempting to learn this time around. Time allows the gradual emergence of your personality. By reading the Expression number below, you will come to understand your basic nature and the abilities and issues inherent in your being.
Numerology and the number one Expression.

You are a natural leader, independent and individualistic. You are extremely ambitious, original, and courageous. You employ new and unproven methods. You are an explorer and an innovator. Openness to too many peripheral influences limits and frustrates you. You are self-reliant, confident, and energetic.
You possess executive abilities and are most successful at owning or independently managing a business. You need the freedom to make your own decisions, based on your own ideas. You can be an astute politician. You also possess the ability to influence the opinions of your milieu.
The number 1 symbolizes the front-runner, pioneer, warrior, risk-taker, and daredevil. Generals, top politicians, successful businessmen, self-made millionaires, religious leaders, inventors, activists, and avant-garde artists are often born with a 1 Expression.
Strength and perseverance are central to your success. You must be willing to travel the frontiers of life, away from the beaten path. You possess a great reserve of willpower that must be directed at your goals. You do not give up, but relentlessly pursue your aims.
You are quite opinionated. People tend to be inspired or repelled by your strong personality.
You have great powers of concentration and the ability to visualize your goals, thus making them more attainable.
You stand up for your convictions and hold your ground. All of these abilities enhance your chances of success in life.
There is a tendency to be self-centered. You can be domineering and, in the extreme, a bully. You can be highly critical of others, complaining that people lack the industry or determination you possess. But this lack of understanding can alienate friends and family members from you. You must learn to control this tendency to maintain harmony in relationships.
Once you are convinced of the inherent correctness of your ideas, you stubbornly - and sometimes rigidly - defend and propagate them.
Avoid obstinacy and antagonism. You must cultivate balance, compassion, and perseverance.
You easily assume the role of protector. You spring into action when leadership is needed.
Pride can be your downfall. You so powerfully identify with your goals and ambitions that you sometimes refuse to see a potential flaw or weakness in your well-laid plans.
You possess strength and determination, which, when applied to any endeavor your committed to, will lead you to great success in life.

Numerology and the number two Expression.

You have a great talent for working with others; you possess tact and refinement. You have a highly developed intuition. This provides you with insight into personalities and situations. Therefore, you act with tact and subtle persuasion. You possess a kind of radar, avoiding the landmines within another's personality, yet bringing out their goodwill. These abilities make you the perfect diplomat.
Your abilities are better expressed while working with others than by working alone. In the same way, you perform better in a partnership than in a leadership role.
You seek balance and peace in all relationships and situations. The key to your personality is sensitivity, but there are two sides to the coin: You have the ability to perceive the thoughts and emotions of others, and can work gently with others for a mutually shared goal. This makes you a great asset in any group endeavor.
However, your sensitivity makes you vulnerable. You can be thrown off balance by an unkind word, a conflict, or by hostile conditions at work. You are far more upset by these conditions than people without your sensitivity. While others appear to be enduring troubled times with a modicum of turmoil, you suffer the turbulence of life as if your very survival were at stake.
In difficulties, you tend to persevere and steadily erode the resistance. You are like a gentle wind that shapes the rock.
You are friendly and open-minded. You are a great support person, pulling the best out of those around you. You are the power behind the throne. You are indispensable to the leadership of another, providing insight and advice that is essential. Yet, despite the invaluable service you provide, you often do not get the credit and recognition you deserve, which can be frustrating. Your natural modesty and the enjoyment you get from being an important asset is usually satisfaction enough for you.
Close relationships are essential to your happiness. When single, you dream of finding your "soul mate." When married, you are concerned with your spouse's needs, emotions, and thoughts. You are an outstanding marriage partner, giving, thoughtful, and conscious of meeting the needs of your loved one. You provide great support for your spouse’s career. You are a passionate lover.
Parenthood is not an easy role for you, probably because you lack the will to enforce discipline and need a tranquil, delicate, and harmonious environment.
You are blessed with a high degree of musical talent. You have a good sense of rhythm and harmony.
You are a good counselor with an inborn talent for psychology and finely tuned intuition.

Numerology and the number three Expression.

You are optimistic, inspiring, outgoing, and expressive. People see you as cheerful, positive and charming; your personality has a certain bounce and verve that so powerfully affects others that you can inspire people without effort.
All of this upward energy is a symptom of your tremendous creativity. Your verbal skills may well lead you into the fields of writing, comedy, theater, and music.
Yours is the number of self-expression - rich in imagination and spirit. But you have to be careful not to scatter your talents. Your bane is that you often lack discipline and order in your life. Avoid becoming a "happy- go-lucky" spendthrift, escaping responsibility and commitment. You must learn to concentrate and focus.
These are the keys to your success. You have great potential in the arts and areas that requires creative solutions to problems. You are able to perform leaps of imagination, providing unconventional ideas as if they suddenly descended from above. Hard work and focus, however, are the foundation for a successful future.
Though you possess great verbal skills, your mind tends to see life as pictures rather than in words. Yet, you have the ability to think abstractly.
Creativity is a sensitive faculty that is often suppressed in childhood. If you lack the confidence to pursue your ideas, you may divert your abilities into a scattering of trivial pursuits.
To overcome this problem, you must make a choice. You have to limit your field of vision and the number of activities you engage in, and bundle your energies into a single thrust. Focus your life; choose the area that you love the most, and commit. There, you will find success. And a great deal of happiness.
Love, romance, and money are within your reach. Your friends and admirers aid you. Often people appear out of nowhere to help you in key situations. You have to learn to accept the involvement of others in your life. You are not a loner, nor are you particularly independent. You are social - you need an audience and the support of others to fully realize your abilities.
On the downside, you can be superficial, moody, and intolerant. You are emotional and sensitive, sometimes presuming criticism where none was intended. You can also be jealous and gossipy. Beware of becoming cynical and sarcastic. These traits can suppress your natural creativity.
Be goal-oriented. This is a practical, step-by-step approach to your larger ambitions. You possess the natural abilities to attain a high degree of excellence.

Numerology and the number four Expression.

You are the bedrock of society, the foundation of any enterprise. You are an organizer and manager. Your approach to life and to problems is methodical and systematic. You are a builder and a doer. You turn dreams into reality.
You possess a highly developed sense of structure. You enjoy management systems, and can carry out your well-laid plans. You are not the type to embark on any trip without a map.
You take your obligations and those of your family quite seriously. As a result, you are reliable and responsible.
You enjoy seeing a project through from start to finish, but can become too narrowly focused. You put your nose to the grindstone and have a tendency to become a workaholic.
You are driven by contempt for all that is unstable, insecure, and unpredictable. You distrust the unconventional, preferring instead the tried-and-the-true. But this can make your endeavors move slowly and cause you much frustration, especially with the apparent limitations of your resources. At the same time, concern for the limitations of your resources causes you to be careful and cautious, shutting you out from possible shortcuts and creative solutions provided by more daring people around you.
It is important that you recognize restrictions for what they are: guiding forces that are testing and directing you toward your goals.
Your challenge is to be more imaginative and to attract more creative people into your life who can advise and inspire you.
In relationships, you tend to be somewhat moralistic. You are extremely honest and sincere. You have integrity and are trustworthy, but can also be rigid and stubborn. Don't let your strong likes and dislikes overrule your common sense and compassion. Be more understanding of others' shortcomings.
Because you tend to focus on details, you can fall into a rut and become a little dull and overly serious. Often, people born with the 4 Expression need to lighten up and have more fun.
In your conservative and careful way, you are good with money. You are very conscious of the balance between income and expenditures. You can limit your expenditures; saving money is important to you.
You are a surprisingly good parent, and love to be involved with children. Somehow, you relate a little more than others to the innocence of children, perhaps seeing a good deal of yourself in them. You, too, are idealistic and respect the simplicity of children.
Many accountants, bookkeepers, government officials, managers, and lawyers are born under the 4 Expression. You can be attracted to the arts and music, but will likely bring your love of structure and order to any artistic field. Classical music and opera are particularly appealing and inspiring for you.
You have a keen eye for detail. You have great stamina and can work conscientiously and persistently toward your goals. This eventually brings you success and standing in your community.

Numerology and the number five Expression.

You are a free spirit. You love change, adventure, and excitement. You love your freedom. Like a bird that needs its wings to live, you cannot exist without it. Freedom is the nucleus around which your life revolves. You need it for your very survival. By using freedom properly, you are able to explore and develop all of your varied talents. You will meet many types of people and travel great distances. Freedom is the atmosphere necessary for you to bring forth your many talents.
You are capable of doing almost anything, and probably quite well. Only by avoiding the imprisonment of illusory security are you able to bring forth your abilities.
You are unusually adaptable. In fact, change is a blessing for you. In the same way, you need challenge and variety. You hate the routine of life; being stuck is a catastrophe for you. You become miserable when you are held back or held down.
The taste and texture and color of life has an overpowering allure for you. From childhood, you dream of seeing foreign lands, experiencing the sensual and the exotic. You want to try everything at least once in life. All of life is a playground for your senses.
But this can get you into trouble. You may fail to respect your natural limits, either biologically or socially. Any sort of boundary is anathema to you, which can blind you to your natural limits, and may cause you to overindulge your desire for food, sweets, alcohol, sex, and drugs.
You are gifted in your ability to communicate. Your facility with words is almost limitless. You can be a salesman, politician, lawyer, public relations person, and minister. You also possess the talent to share and advance new ideas. You are talented with your hands. You love the new and untried. Your field is the frontier. You are a bit of a gambler, and often play for very high stakes. All of this combines to give you a youthful enthusiasm, which others find infectious and attractive.
You like to work with others, but need to perform your task un-in cumbered by the restraints of others.
You are a clever and a quick thinker, but your thought processes - like your life in general - can be unorganized and scattered. You must stay grounded and focused if you want to be successful.
You fall in and out of love frequently, especially early in life. You are naturally sensual and commonly have a strong sex drive. These characteristics usually make for a lively and exciting love life, but you must guard against shallow feelings and relationships. Your challenge is to develop mature and lasting relationships.
Self-discipline and setting healthy limits is the key to your success in virtually every area of your life. Ironically, you will find that as you learn to set appropriate limits on yourself, you will develop more self- mastery and realize even greater freedom.
This is especially true when it comes to finishing what you start. Your tendency is to give up once you've got a project or job under control; you grow bored quickly. You start to fantasize about a new challenge, or the rewards of your great accomplishment, long before the work is finished.
The 5 Expression desires the whole world. You are aware that you have many talents that can bring much success. But that success depends on your willingness to choose certain areas to concentrate on, and to bring them to perfection.

Numerology and the number six Expression.

You are a loving and caring individual with a tendency to put the needs of others before those of yourself. You are responsible and trustworthy with a high regard for justice and honesty. Duty will follow you all your life and sometimes feel a little too much of a burden.
You are artistic. Harmony and beauty are high on your list of priorities. You have musical talent but the creative talents of a 6 are sometimes left undeveloped or suppressed as a result of your tendency to sacrifice your time and pleasure to the service of others. You are highly creative in all areas of life, particularly the visual. You are also a talented businessperson and can work methodically toward the realization of your goals.
You have a natural gift with flowers, gardens, and animals. Your love of children has caused numerologists to dub you the "Cosmic Mother or Cosmic Father". The very shape of the 6 resembles and symbolizes "Pregnant with Love".
You are a natural counselor and healer. But you must be careful not to interfere with the freedom of others. You are recognized as an idealist, mainly regarding marriage, friendships and humanity.
The 6 are the most balanced of all numbers, but also contain within it the greatest paradoxes. It is as if opposite tendencies were tenuously poised. Because of its gift for harmonizing these opposites, you are uniquely qualified to handle and integrate contradictions within yourself. It is for this reason that 6s so frequently find themselves in the role of healers or counselors, creating a peace between opposing points of view, or internal conflicts within the self.
While you can be very idealistic, there may also be a temptation to acquire beautiful objects by improper means. You must also guard against other meddlesome behavior and domestic tyranny, or always having to have your own way in a family dispute.
Conversely, you have it within yourself to understand another person's dilemma and come up with a creative solution. Your natural ability to give comfort and warmth can smooth over hurt feelings like a healing balm. You attract love and appreciation. And rightly so, because you give the same in return.
You make an outstanding teacher (especially young children or special education), healer, counselor social worker, psychologist, artist, designer, gardener, florist, and farmer. You can be successful in business, especially those that involve dealing with people.

Numerology and the number seven Expression.

You are gifted with an analytical mind and an enormous appetite for the answers to life's hidden questions. You have a strong interest in exploring scientific matters, philosophy, and even mysticism. You possess clarity and persistence in your search for truth. You can be a great researcher, educator, and philosopher.
You are driven by a desire for knowledge and truth. You must learn to discriminate between illusion and reality, but you are well equipped for this task. Your fine mind offers you insight into the veiled mysteries of life. You also possess a considerable amount of perspective. Somewhere inside you, you are aware of a peaceful place that you call upon during difficult times.
You need time to be by yourself. Too much social interaction causes you stress. You need your privacy and a place that can be shut off from the hustle and bustle of life. You tend to keep your thoughts to yourself and are secretive. Unless your 7 expression is balanced by extravert characteristics
(Usually revealed by the numbers 1, 3, 5, and 8), your introversion may pull you deeply within yourself, even cutting you off from others.
You have a strong dislike of the superficial and mundane. You are often surprised by the lack of understanding or depth of knowledge of others, many of whom do not take the search for knowledge as seriously as you do. This can cause you to be critical of others, and even cynical about life in general.
The more cut off from others you become, the more hidden are your motives. Once you develop understanding of people and life, those around you who need your wisdom will seek your advice and counsel.
You love to specialize your knowledge and develop great depth within your field. You are a perfectionist.
You should complete your studies early in life and not be driven too hard by a desire to be successful. Let things come at there own pace, be open to opportunity, but remember your rewards, satisfaction, and contentment come from a higher source.
Sevens can be distant and aloof. When dominated by their darker characteristics, they can be unfaithful, dishonest, and cruel. Contemplation, meditation, and the softer, finer vibrations of life can restore your sense of harmony and keep you on the path to peace and balance.
You have a logical mind. Your analytical skills cause you to approach a problem in a detached, surgical kind of way. Researchers, analysts, investigators, inventors, technicians, scholars, lawyers, bankers, watchmakers, priests, philosophers, theologians, and administrators in some scientific or technical field are among the vocations 7s are drawn to.

Numerology and the number eight Expression.

You have the power and potential to achieve great things. It is both your challenge and your birthright to gain dominion over a small part of the earth. Whatever your enterprise, you strive to be the best and most successful in your field. You are highly competitive and will not rest until you are satisfied that you have bypassed the opposition. You enjoy challenges and rivalry.
You are a realist and a visionary planner. Money and authority are available to you if you are willing to discipline yourself - generally an inborn talent - and persevere in the face of the considerable obstacles in your path.
You are dynamic and have a talent for efficiency. You understand the larger picture, see the broader challenges, and know how to marshal your collective resources to address the problems. You delegate responsibility well; it is best for you to leave many of the details to others.
You are a great leader of people and an outstanding judge of character. You are demanding of those who work for you, often putting things in no uncertain terms: do it my way or don't do it at all!
At the same time, you don't hesitate to reward the faithful and hardworking employee. You are not a particularly tolerant leader; too much tolerance violates your sense of efficiency. You go directly after your goal with courage and tenacity.
You have a natural understanding of money, authority, and power. You are able to struggle consistently after your goal. Eventually power falls to you. Within you lies an innate balance between the higher and lower characteristics of man. Your challenge in life is to balance your higher ideals and your understanding of the hard realities of the earth.
Much effort will have to be put out and many ups and downs experienced before you reach the level of success you desire. Life will probably test you many times with obstacles that seem insurmountable. But in reality, these are merely opportunities for you to learn how to use power and authority in the face of difficulties, and to find out just how much power lies within you.
It is crucial for your success that you balance the material and the spiritual. You have chosen a path that requires balance between giving and taking, reward and punishment, action and reaction. Despite the obstacles on your path, you are a true survivor.
When focused exclusively on your desire for results and success, you can become stubborn and intolerant; you can be driven by excessive ambition, causing you to be exacting and without perspective.
Be careful of your alcohol consumption, a danger-zone for you. You can be a social drinker, mixing business with pleasure - a dangerous cocktail.
An excellent manager, organizer and administrator you have talents in many areas of life. Entrepreneurs, executives, bankers, brokers, negotiators, gamblers, coaches, collectors, heads of institutions, builders, art dealers, manufacturers, promoters, military officers, police detectives, smugglers, engineers, pilots or sea captains.
You have been entrusted with special gifts, the use or abuse of which has an immediate and often physical effect upon you and those around you! Use these gifts for the good of mankind and accept your own good fortune with gratitude. This is your rewarding stage in your evolution. Yours is a lifetime of harvest.

Numerology and the number nine Expression.
You are the humanitarian. You are attracted to a cause or a movement whose purpose is to make a better world. You are extremely idealistic, sometimes to the point of being naive about people or methods. You have great compassion and seek to create a more humane society. You are drawn to those who suffer physically or are at the hand of injustice. You are the righter of wrongs. Your deepest intention is to transform the world.
You are willing to sacrifice in order to advance your cause. Indeed, this seems to be a theme in your life. From time to time, you find yourself involved in a project whose very life depends upon your willingness to sacrifice something that relates directly to your ego.
You are highly idealistic. You are also a visionary, with the ability to influence and direct the masses. Deep inside, you long for the love and approval of the many, and seek fame.
Part of your hunger for fame has to do with your need for validation; you are your own harshest critic.
You realize your greatest satisfaction when you are involved in some activity that directly benefits the public good. Politics, law, protection of the environment, teaching, and healing are areas in which you would succeed.
You have a broad view of humanity and are not shackled with prejudice. You should have friends and associates from all walks of life, all colors and religious backgrounds. People fascinate and enrich you. A wide diversity of people and experiences stimulate and bring forth qualities within you that would otherwise lay dormant.
You have an abundance of artistic talent. Many with your Expression number find themselves in the arts, especially in literature, painting, and the visual and performing arts.
The number 9 indicates the completion of a cycle or a block of learning. The 9 Expression suggests that you have reached the point where a breakthrough can occur; during this lifetime you can apply all that you have learned along your evolutionary path and complete a major stage in your development. This is why we find many geniuses with the 9 Expression.
You have the ability to synthesize many diverse bits of knowledge into a unified whole.
Your appearance is important. You are keenly aware of how others perceive you. As a result, others see you as a person with a great deal of control. Conversely, you are charismatic. Despite the cool and distant personality you project, people are attracted to you.
You tend to express your love somewhat impersonally. You tend to be preoccupied with your vision or cause, and sometimes overlook the needs of those closest to you. You need to be reminded to give your love more personally and more openly. Ironically, you are a very loving and sincere person, but often neglect to express what you truly feel.
In the same way, you can overlook your own needs. You can avoid sharing of your deeper feelings, creating a reservoir of emotion. You tend to postpone your personal satisfaction in favor of some larger work. Try to be more spontaneous and courageous about showing your real self, including your vulnerability.
Your basic belief in the goodness of humanity is unshakable. This causes you to encourage the best in people, but occasionally makes you vulnerable to being taken advantage of. You are not a very good judge of character.
The surest way to personal satisfaction is for you to become part of some larger social cause. Your nature is to serve. You are happiest when you feel you are helping to advance the human race.

Numerology; the number 11 Expression.

Yours is the most highly charged Expression number of all. You are like a lightning rod, attracting powerful ideas, intuitions, and even psychic information like unpredictable bolts.
You are a powerful presence without any awareness on your part of having personal power. You are a channel for higher vibrations. But in order to be emotionally and psychologically at peace, you must learn to control that flow of energy. You possess a bridge between the unconscious and the conscious. The trouble is that the unconscious is an infinite resource, while consciousness by definition is a limited arena. The two are therefore at odds until they can learn to live in harmony with each other. This is where control comes in. Until you are able to control the flow of energy from this infinite source, you may feel like a victim of its whimsy, thrown about by emotional turmoil and nervous tensions.
You have always sensed that you are different, but it was an indefinable feeling. You are enormously sensitive and aware, especially as a child. This made you vulnerable to all conflicts and painful situations. For most of your upbringing, however, you did not realize that other people did not possess the same sensitivity, nor did they see the same things you were seeing. This caused a great reservoir of emotion that was dammed up behind an inability to express your feelings, even to yourself. For this reason, most 11 Expressions have a difficult childhood. Your extreme sensitivity made you very shy as a child. This usually manifests in adulthood as hesitation and acute vulnerability. You are very careful about sharing your feelings with others and choosing your friends.
You compensated for your sense of separation in childhood by creating an elaborate fantasy world. You daydreamed more than other children. You have a lively imagination and even in adulthood have a hard time separating reality from fantasy.
Your challenge is to bring forth your primitive, earthy strength. You need to be grounded in order to deal with your lightning bolts. The more you are able to call upon your inherent human strength, the greater your capacity to take advantage of your extremely sensitive awareness. Once this is accomplished, your antagonist becomes your benefactor.
You are highly emotional and dependent upon relationships. Emotionally, you go up and down with the fortunes of your love life.
You are idealistic, impractical, and at times disorderly. You are often unrealistic in your expectations.
Your reasons for doing things are usually born of a mixture of logic, emotion, and intuition, which can rarely be explained satisfactorily to your more rational associates.
The 11 Expression is the number most dependent upon other core numbers in your chart for insight into your vocation. The 11 charge every area it enters, but it needs a grounding vocation and discipline to be effective.
A balanced 11 is one of the most unique and impressive of all people. It is gifted with insight and illumination, which it can transmit to others. This makes you a natural teacher in whatever area you enter.

Numerology; the number 22 Expression.

You are the master builder. You possess a unique gift for perceiving something in the archetypal world - infinite and divine - and making some semblance of it manifest on earth.
You dream big. Every goal you have is enormous in scope. You dream of creating something that will last centuries. Your desire is to change history. You want to make your mark on human civilization. There is no limit to what you are capable of, or any on what you dream of doing. Of all the numbers, yours possesses the greatest potential for accomplishment. At the same time, you possess the greatest liability. What it will require of you to fulfill your potential is nothing less than your entire life.
Even as a child, you have had a vague sense of what you must do and have always been deeply intimidated by the awesomeness of your task. You have felt the intimations of your power. But these feelings have caused you to feel paralyzed by doubt.
You must advance well into adulthood before you can begin to make use of your power and truly commit to your destiny.
The promise and reward of your Expression is equaled only by the degree of difficulty and struggle necessary to realize its potential.
The number 22 offers those who fully realize it a chance to jump into another dimension in which your day is expanded, your capacity to create and inspire multiplied, your ability to perform lasting service to mankind extended beyond the normal limits of one's life.
You may turn away from the challenge you face for the safety of limitations and practical considerations of the 4 (22 reduces to a 4 expression). You may not want to take the great risks that the 22 presents. Instead, you may try to content yourself with limited achievements, telling yourself that your big dreams are unrealistic fantasies. This can cause some frustration, because on some level you feel called to greater things. Nevertheless, your chances to be successful, even when you limit your efforts, are still good.
You have great leadership abilities. You are persistent. You also refuse to back down in the face of a challenge. You like to work in large enterprises and on an international scale. Borders or racial identities mean little to you. You see yourself as a world citizen, playing on the planet, and refuse to be limited by petty conventions.
You should marry someone who does not depend on you for entertainment, rather choose a spouse who can participate with you but provide an independent contribution to your goals.
You are blessed with a farsighted vision. Your efforts are directed toward great accomplishments and long-standing progress. You deeply want to create a great edifice that will make a lasting contribution, and you have all the tools necessary to do just that.

I hope you will all will be successful in calculating the Expression number.  Remember that practice makes perfect!!

Best Regards,
Night Owl

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Night Owl
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Post by Night Owl » Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:21 pm


Here is something else I received in a message, via e-mail.  As it has to do with Numerology, I decided to post it below for all the Numerologists out there to read.  It's about the magic of the number 13.  Enjoy reading!!!

What universal forces have defamed the wonderful number 13? Throughout the streets of Paris, the Americas, and other parts of the world you can live in apartment #12, or even

#11, but the number thirteen is feared to the point of deletion. What has made the people so afraid that flights are avoided, days are feared, and tragedy is expected? The culture perceives Friday the 13th synonymous with DEATH. But truth be known - 13 IS LIFE!

It IS the most magical number of them all! It is a number of PERFECTION. It is the number of LIFE, it is the number of TIME, it is the number of the ETERNAL PROMISE!

1 sperm (13 chromosomes) + 1 Ovum (13 chromosomes) = 26 (zygote)
(Thirteen) + (Thirteen) = 26
Leonardo Fibonacci discovered a mathematical pattern found in the structure of LIFE. It is the mathematical pattern which creates seashells, flowers, plant stems. This formula is reflected throughout the breeding patterns of rabbits, bees, and even in the quantum multiplication of electrons. The formula for LIFE is the sum of two preceding numbers, starting with the ONE.

(1) + 1 + 2 + 3+ 5+8+13 (all life begins in the ONE)
Precession is the measurement of the Earth's Vernal Point in an east to west direction across the sky. One Precessional Year or cycle takes 26,000 normal years, it is the largest and most perfect

measurement of TIME. And is constructed of Twelve Great Precessional Ages or Platonic Months of 2,150 Years, which determines the era of a particular epoch.

(One ) + 12 = 13
Precessional Year is 12 Platonic Months = 13 or (26,000 years)
One Zodiac + 12 Signs = 13
1 Year is 12 months (cycles) = 13
(ONE) + (Twelve) = 13 (life begins in the ONE).
JESUS + 12 Disciples = 13
For a reflective people are these not SIGNS?
For a scientific people are these not SIGNS!
These are simple FACTS. Don't believe the lies!! Embrace the number, meditate upon it, and celebrate it! It is very nature of your being, it is what makes YOU, and it is what will help SAVE YOU, because in it is the promise of ETERNAL LIFE - it is GLORIOUS! Everything was CREATED by DIVINE DECREE!

What does this really mean?
**The Mayan calendar renowned for its astronomical precision (it is the most astronomically correct calendar ever created), consists of a series of cycles of TIME, known as Bak'tun's. The Mayans believed the entire span of TIME was to last exactly 13 Bak'tun cycles. After the end of the 13th cycle the world was determined to end in cosmic cataclysm! Astronomers were finally able to coordinate the ancient Mayan calendar with ours during a solar eclipse in 1991, which the Maya predicted to the MINUTE many millennia ago. The mortal fear behind this discovery is that according to the Mayan calendar this world will end on December 2012, our TIME!

10,000BC - 9,000BC - 8,000BC - 7,000BC - 6,000BC - 5,000BC - 4,000BC - 3,000BC - 2,000BC - 1,000BC - 0 - 1,000CE - 2,000CE = 13 Bak'tuns

2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 -2010 - 2011 - 2012 = 13 Years
Remember the great Mayan civilizations disappeared without a trace, creating a mystery modern 'modern' man cannot solve. No one really knows where they went!!

What does this really mean???
***In the Nation's Capitol the father of "ONE nation under God," George Washington, is memorialized in the rotunda ceiling on a mural entitled, The Apophiosis of Washington. The mural pictures the nations first father surrounded by 13 maidens.

Original colonies = 13
Coincidence? There is no such thing!
"God does not play dice!" Albert Einstein 1879 - 1955
January 13, 1999
Basketball superstar, international cultural icon, and real life hero Micheal Jordan retired from the NBA after completing 13 AMAZING seasons as the most successful sports superstar of ALL TIME on Wednesday January 13, 1999. Thanks Mike!!

January 13, 1999
Zygote Media Networks, Inc. officially launches The Millennium Resource Report® project Wednesday January 13, 1999!!!! It was no coincidence. Thank God!

By the way; Mayan time is known as 13:20 which added equals 33. Well is that the origin?

Blessed Be,
Night Owl

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Night Owl
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Numerology Lesson

Post by Night Owl » Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:26 am


Please find below the next lesson.  Enjoy!!!  


The Minor Expression number is based on the current (or short) name, the name you now use to introduce yourself including your last name.
The influence of the short name is minor in comparison to your full name. Interestingly, the short name often compensates in some way for numbers (and their related characteristics) that are missing or out of balance in the full name.
For instance, a number missing in the full name may show up prominently in the short name; or a number (or numbers) that appears in excess in the full name can be compensated for in the short name. If a name change takes place later in life through marriage or for professional reasons, it adds or subtracts certain qualities. It can also focus and intensify existing characteristics or talents that may be latent.
As a rule, I recommend that you don't change your name on impulse. Marriage, of course, does not leave much room for choice, although more and more women are hyphenating their names or staying with their maiden names. However, if you must change your name (for professional reasons, for example), try to choose a name already in your family, and thus connected to you through your ancestors. Those characteristics are already present in your lineage, which makes the new name easier to assimilate into your personality.

In answer to some commonly asked questions when it comes to short names:

   * The short name is the name you feel closest to in relaxed and social settings.
   * The short name is the name you would use when thinking about yourself, including your last name.
   * When figuring out the Minor Expression number, never use the middle initial, unless you introduce yourself with that initial, such as: "Hi, I'm Tom J. Hancock."

Names you have used in the past reveal inner feelings and characteristics that were prominent during that period in your life. If you are no longer using that name, it bears no resemblance to your current identity.
To find your Minor Expression number, use the same formula used to find the Expression number, but apply this formula to the name you now use to introduce yourself, including your last name.


The One Minor Expression in numerology.

This number makes you better equipped for the daily struggle of life. This is a powerful number with good leadership abilities. It is independent, individualistic, original and innovative. It adds courage and a willingness to take risks. This number makes you more determined and goal oriented.

The Two Minor Expression in numerology.

Your shortened name adds sensitivity and awareness of other people’s needs and feelings. It makes it easier for you to work with others using tact and diplomacy. Your abilities as a peacemaker and counselor are heightened.
Because you are more sensitive now, you should be conscious of making your environment -- both home and at work - more harmonious and peaceful.
Your short name makes you a good deal more modest; you are now able to remain in the background and direct and influence people more indirectly. The 2 is often called the power behind the throne.
The 2 possess increased musical abilities.

The Three Minor Expression in numerology.

Your short name increases your capacity to enjoy life. It boosts your optimism, cheerfulness, good taste, and an interest in sports.
You communicate more easily and your sense of humor is enhanced. You are inspiring company, often motivating and uplifting others.
Your artistic ability - especially your facility with words - is increased.
The three is a happy-go-lucky number, which, on the negative side, can make you avoid difficulties and try to find the easy way out of challenges.

The Four Minor Expression in numerology.

Your short name makes you more practical, orderly, efficient, and dependable. You will feel more principled, honest, and determined. You will be a little more organized and capable of putting ideas into reality.
You are better able to work with details. Your conscientiousness will be enhanced, as well as your ability to work diligently and consistently over a long period of time. Discipline increases under the 4.
Your short name enhances your ability to be the pillar of society. Family and friends rely on your judgment more. However, you could become more rigid and inflexible.

The Five Minor Expression in numerology.

Your short name adds considerable flexibility and versatility to your personality. You now enjoy more travel and adventure. You are more curious about people, new places, and seek out more excitement in life.
You are more dynamic and alive. New and original ideas come quicker to you. You are a good deal more creative. Your verbal skills are increased and your ability as a salesperson or promoter enhanced.
You suffer more when confined by restricted spaces or rigid rules. You yearn for greater freedom of movement and expression. You are more likely to strike out on your own, with your own ideas or methods.

The Six Minor Expression in numerology.

Your short name adds love, warmth, generosity and genuine concern for others. It increases your concern for family and those less fortunate than you.
You are better equipped to deal with duty and responsibility and even find greater satisfaction in it.
You want to do well in the world. You become more socially conscious and seek ways to better the plight of others.
Your artistic abilities are enhanced. You are more concerned with beautifying your home, or engaging in healing and teaching.

The Seven Minor Expression in numerology.

Your short name stimulates your desire for knowledge. It helps you to specialize and to deepen your understanding of a particular subject. It helps you to focus.
Your Minor Expression number encourages you to accumulate knowledge regarding the mysteries of life. It makes you a more analytical thinker.
You are better able to look below the surface of things. You don't take things at face value.
You may desire more time for private contemplation and meditation. This is a pull to spend more time alone.

The Eight Minor Expression in numerology.

Your short name provides you with more leadership abilities and business sense. It encourages you to use more power in your relationships and directs you to higher standards of success.
Your Minor Expression number makes you a better judge of character. You are more realistic in your evaluation of others and their potential. You are not easily fooled.
You must be willing to apply more effort toward all your endeavors. You likely demand more of yourself.
Your abilities as a manager, organizer and administrator are enhanced. You are competitive and determined. You are more likely to initiate your grander plans and visions.

The Nine Minor Expression in numerology.

The influence of this number makes you more concerned with the well being of others. Your Minor Expression number increases your sensitivity to the needs of society. You feel an urge to serve humanity in a more direct way.
The number 9 helps you to better communicate and understand all types of people.
You are more aware of your artistic talent and the need to express yourself. Your name opens you up to a larger view of life. It attunes you to political movements, philosophical theories, and spiritual practices. You are more sensitive to the larger patterns of humanity.

Eleven Minor Expression in numerology.

Your short name increases your sensitivity, intuition, and perceptiveness. It leads you toward deeper investigation of the mysteries of life. You are attracted to religion, philosophy, and spiritual understanding. It may awaken your intuitive and even psychic abilities.
At the same time, your Minor Expression number makes you more sensitive to your own shortcomings. It encourages you to work on yourself. You cannot avoid personal transformation under this influence.
Your increased sensitivity will encourage you to seek out harmonious and peaceful environments. This will balance the nervous tension that the 11 can stimulate.
Your capacity to work with others is also improved. You are now more humble and modest, and seek ways to avoid conflict and maintain harmonious relationships.
Your heightened intuitive powers bring highly creative ideas, sudden insights, and realizations.

The Twenty Two Minor Expression in numerology.

Your short name increases your ambition, orderliness, and capacity to complete large undertakings significantly. Your ability to manage people and direct them toward some difficult and ambitious goal is greatly enhanced. Your understanding of systems and organization is also strengthened.
At the same time, you feel the burden of such lofty ambitions. High demands can cause you much self-doubt. You may be aware of more inner tension, resulting from an inner drive to manifest your ideals in reality.
As a result of your Minor Expression number, your efforts are more likely to be directed toward endeavors that are truly great in scope and have a lasting impact.

Night Owl

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Post by believer » Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:58 am

Night Owl,

Your lessons make it so much more enjoyable to learn than reading a book
THANK YOU!!!!  :smt006

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Numerology Lesson

Post by Night Owl » Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:01 am

Hi Believer

I am glad that you are enjoying the lessons.  It is a pleasure for me to post the Numerology lessons, so that you and others can learn how to do Numerology without the use of a software program.  "To know others is wise, but to know yourself is enlightenment"...

Numerology is the key to knowing the inner self.  By learning the lessons step by step, you are slowly learning more about yourself and others.  And I believe that others will agree with me, that once you start completing your own Numerology report, you become addicted to the knowledge that gained from it.  It's never enough, especially if you enjoy reading and learning more, we always want to know more then we already do.

Keep on enjoying the lessons and I will continue posting new lessons.  Thank you for your message, I appreciate it!  Take care!

Night Owl

Ps.  Stay on the lookout...  once I'm done with teaching you Numerology I'll begin teaching you something else.  Numerology isn't the only topic that I can teach you more about.  Knowledge are to be shared with all of those who seeks it.  Blessed Be!

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Post by katspurring » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:56 pm

Love yur Numerology Night Owl, and u use the master numbers of 11, 22 etc...I am an 11.
Yur explanations are clear and concise, which is a tremendous help..... I have been doing numerology on a handful of friends on another forum using this same method, and have found them to be more accurate than any.  (also according to feedback :))
I shall continue to see how much more u have...checkn in often...even if its other stuff, it's all good :)
Thank you, kat ="."=
p.s. i 4got to say i purrfer the non-breakdown of numbers method...11 is 11 not two...n the vibrations i agree are similar, but still UNIQUE :smt002

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Post by prasanna » Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:45 am


                     I am very glad  that we have a wonderful teacher for numerology now.  please take me your second student as i saw the first  one already gave you reply, I just went through the first lesson only, interesting it is.  I have very little knowledge in this field but i am very much fascinated by numbers,ever. I saw many times number 11, 22 , 19,  18  playing good , and always i find the number 24 harming me a lot.  I see  many times the combination of date,  the total of particular date like 9-9-2004  ie 24 , proved very bad day .  Why?   I wish i should get answer for this.

 My date of birth is 11-11-1962    my full name is :  P.Prasanna santhi.  Total of my date of birth is 22 , and  my Life number is 11 . Total of year ie  18.  I am fond of dark colours.

                I wish  you can guide me further to know more on this .  thanks.

with warm regards,

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Post by vandank » Thu Jul 17, 2008 1:29 pm

Hello Night Owl

I came across the site accidently while searching for some text on the occult sciences. I have always been interested in this knowledge but was not able to persue for one reason or other untill recently with certain incedences that have happend in my life which have drawn me to the occult sciences and now i am determined to persue them. I was amazed to see your post  as how simply you have put forward knowlegde which peple long to seek for a lifetimes sometimes. Thank you for doing this service.

I am just a beginner at this science and would like to know your view on Chaledean numerology. I know the basic differences but would like to know the accuracy of the system.

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Post by AASHU » Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:15 pm

Thanks a lot Night Owl.

New to th e forum but very much delighted to have these lessons.

appreciate your efforts from the bottom of my heart.


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