House Number?

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House Number?

Post by fender06 » Thu Mar 29, 2007 5:31 am

Hi, I'm new here  :smt006
We are building a house and the number will be 35-39. Does the numerology for house numbers work the same if there is a dash in it (such as ours)? I've worked it out to be a 2 house-is this correct?

And also do master numbers apply to street names? For instance, our street name comes to 11-so do I stop there or reduce it to 2?

Thank you so much for your help!  :)

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Post by fender06 » Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:55 pm

Hi again, Does anyone know anything about this? I would've expected at least one person would know?
Thanks anyway.

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Mlady Raka
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Post by Mlady Raka » Mon Apr 16, 2007 7:25 am

Dear Fender,

Since streets don't have the possibility to "change or enhance" the personality of its own environment (only the people living there can do it, and that would depend on their numbers), I would suggest you reduce the master number 11 to a 2.  

When you do a life path from a birth date, there are also "-" between the day, month and year.  So in my humble opinion your house number should be seen as one number and reduced accordingly...

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:11 am

I never thought about house numbers. What an intriguing idea. I know at one all my houses were variants around three numbers, trouble is as I've made an attempt to forget useless things - I've forgotten where I sed to live (I nearly where I live but I'm not that senile yet - I am Raka?).
I'm going to try and look into this.

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Post by Mlady Raka » Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:31 am

Dearest Prof,

No you are not going senile at all Prof!....In fact (and you know yours is a very very bright mind...

Now if you want to remember your house numbers....sit back, relax and close your eyes....then transport yourself in your mind's eye back to the places you've lived....(one at a time though...)  See yourself coming home...and opening the see the number....

And there is nothing wrong with doing a little "spring cleaning" of the conscious memory bank and re-filing things in the sub conscious memory

Fender has brought up a very interesting subject.  His house (I assume) is semi-detached.  In other words it's attached to another "twin house" and both have a comunal number with a sub number which identifies each half.

I believe that the number should be reduced to one number because it is in fact 'ONE' house.  The only thing that would be important is that his section of the house... (the individual numbers of his part) should seperately be analyzed, as they would implicate his "half" of the house to a greater extent...

love and rainbows


(walks off humming......"MEMORIES.....light the corners of my mind......  Misty water coloured Meeeemories....  of the way we were......")

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Post by Prof. Akers » Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:54 am

I think the words to 'My cellmate thinks I'm sexy' are apt - can't print too naughty.

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Post by Mlady Raka » Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:01 pm

Was that two "braincells" now Prof?    (asks innocently and ducks for cover)

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Post by suzisco » Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:03 pm

lol @ proff, we all have senior moments but we aren't daft yet!

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Post by fender06 » Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:39 pm

Thank you Mlady Raka and Prof for your responses!
I'm actually a "she," and the house we're building is detached. The reason for the two numbers with a dash is because we've got over an acre of land and have been issued 3 house numbers, so the way to do it here (Australia) is to combine all numbers.
For example, we've been issued house numbers 35, 37 and 39 and so it goes 35-39 (the dash is "through" so to speak). A person down the road from us has house number 1-5 (1,3 and 5 been issued).
We actually have the choice of picking one of the house numbers and just using that, but i personally don't prefer what any of them come down to: 8, 1 or 3. I prefer a 2 house since we're a couple with a 6 mo old baby and want a tranquil environment to raise our growing family.

I know that the house number is not the be all and end all, that the occupants have a bearing on the "vibes" of the house as well.  But i think that with what we want from a house (a sanctuary) the 2 house is great.
What do you think?

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Post by Mlady Raka » Fri Apr 20, 2007 5:29 am

Dear Milady Fender, (winks)

I feel in this case you should go with your instincts.  Since the adjoining properties which are now merged to one property also belongs to you, and there is no residue energy of other occupants, you should be able to pick whatever combination numbers you like.  I believe the two properties you are combining to get to your number '2' will just resonate with you "more" as being yours.  

The third property which is now included in your property will perhaps always feel as a kind of detached section, unless your actual house was built on the excluded number in which case all three properties will resonate well with you. (The two adjoining properties because of their combined numbers you are using as your address, and the numerical excluded property because your house is built on it.)

Whatever numbers you combine, will enhance your address with the strength of that number.

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No house number?

Post by Suzyn » Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:22 pm

I don't have a house number?

How do I work out what my number would be from house name and what does it mean?

Lanton Farm Cottage

Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong place - I'm a newbe!

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Post by fender06 » Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:56 pm

Thank you Mlady Raka for your insights-they have been very helpful.
I will go with my instincts and I think our new house will be exactly as I've imagined- peaceful and a sanctuary for our family.
Thanks again.  :)

Suzyn~I'm not sure if this is right, but I would assume that you would work out your house name with numerology (the same as any name) and the number you come up with would then relate to your house energy. I've done the calculation: Lanton Farm Cottage=5.
Here is an excerpt detailing a 5 house (I take all of these meanings with a grain of salt as the occupants in the house also have a bearing on the energy).

"House Number 5
This is the house of a Temporary Dwelling. Most five houses have people moving in and out all the time. The vibration of a number five is that of a challenge, change and new experiences. If the tenants don't move often then they will find themselves constantly changing the decor of this home. It is perfect for an interior designer who loves to keep up with the trends, and uses their home as a showcase. People who live in a five home live for variety and that will show as each room in the house will have a variety of themes within the dicor."

Positive Colour Suggestions: Green to aid with healing the changes.

Someone correct me if I've done this wrong.  :)

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Post by Suzyn » Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:58 pm

Thanks Fender.

Although having raised this I rember when I moved here that some mail came for 1 Lanton Cottage, but most for Lanton Farm Cottage.

There are some condradictions (as always life is not that simple) I have lived here fo 6 years now, which is the second longest period I have lived anywhere.  I love it here and can see me here forever - though it is rented and there are no guarantees!

However I have face many challenges, more changes than I can ever remember and lots of new experiences.  My life has completely turned around from being stuck in a rut of a string of abusive relationships and depression as a result of these, little self worth and no confidence.  Since moving I have studied and am halfway to an Environmental Studies Dergree and a through some exceptional opportunities and a lot of hard work on my behalf (and my family's support) I am a Development worker for Young Carers 1/3 of my region and doing some self employed work and studying toward a Childhood and Young people degree also.

I do like to have each room with a theme - but not decoration wise (though as a Leo I colour is important) It is more that I have a purpose for that room, i.e for all the family to use, for sanctuary, for work.  Each room must fullfill this or I start moving things around, that usually means that I change which rooms do what and start moving everthing around the house - a bit mad sometimes but meets our changing needs!

Thanks again for finding that out for me, I'm new to numerology so still surfing and finding out more.

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