When I look at the time, something strange happens...

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When I look at the time, something strange happens...

Post by DrummerHead » Thu May 24, 2007 11:35 pm

OK, I've come to this forum to get an answer, because this is too much for me to handle.

The "problem" is simple. When I look at the time (in numbers format like xx:xx) the numbers always repeat, or there can be a zero. Examples of this would be=  1:01 1:11 11:01 11:10 10:11 2:22 2:20 2:02 8:08 7:07 4:44
I think you get the hang of it. It almost always happens, like in let's say 90% of the times.

This has been happening for roughly four months. At the beginning I didn't notice. Then I passed through a period of freaking out. Then it just became natural to me. And well, today I freaked out again so I had to get an answer.

I also have a theory; maybe my unconscient is just noticing information on the hour information around me, and it's MAKING me look at the time when that condition I just explained is fulfilled. So, it's not that every time I look at the time, the time follows that condition; it's that I'm looking at the time when that condition is set. But I'm not sure if that is indeed true or not.

I am a quite spiritual, metaphysical guy. In fact, I have my own conception of god and... well, reality itself. I don't follow any religion but I believe (believe sounds strange when you "know" that things are one way) in God.

If you need any further information about me that can lead you to an answer about my issue, just ask.

Thanks for your time, I appreciate it.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Fri May 25, 2007 11:02 am

I think the truth of the situation is that at the other times you look at a clock it doesn't register, but somehow you have fixated on this idea that there is this repetition of numbers.
As with any analogue machine there will be a preponderance of certain numbers - you only have 12 hours and 4 of them have at least one 1 in the whole number.
Looking at the rest clock , 1, 10-19, 21,31,41,51 gives 15 out of a possible 60 (25%) take the zeros - you see where this is going?
As a species we are very adept at finding patterns - faces in clouds, jesus on a loaf of bread, relax and chill out.
Are you finding other areas of your life where actions have more than normally attributable meanings?
Hand washing, making sure appliances are turned off more than once?

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Post by Sorrow » Fri May 25, 2007 12:04 pm

It is true that some people get obsessed with seeing same things over and over again.
I suggest you to research more on synchronicity topic.


Post by DrummerHead » Sat May 26, 2007 3:01 am

Mmmhh no, I don't have any neurotic behaviour.

It is something that begun happening by itself, and that maybe I perpetuated unconscient. But that's one theory, I was hoping you had another one.

Strange to find scientific answers and looking for reasonable answers in a mystic forum :) I mean, it's perfectly fine, just that I thought I already had myself for that.

Thanks for your answers, let's hope I get some more.

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Post by Skoota11 » Sun May 27, 2007 1:01 am

Have you thought of the possibility that your interest in numerology may be sensitising your sub-conscious to noticing certain numbers and therefore the universe is saying, "Yoo Hoo! Time to look a little deeper." I also wonder what's going on in your life over these past few months?

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Post by KeLa » Tue May 29, 2007 12:47 am


This may sound like a pain - but try journalling - what you're doing when you notice these numbers and what the numbers are.  You will probably start to see patterns or "crack" the code.  Sounds to me like someone   :smt002  is trying to talk to you.

Here's my other piece of advise (couldn't think of a better word)... ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS trust your own intuition over whatever you read here or anywhere else!   :)


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catching time

Post by barnjie » Wed May 30, 2007 12:58 am

I think i may know what you are experiencing. A few years ago i had this ongoing coincidence that lasted for several months. It does still occur sporadically, however i am not so caught up with it anymore just aware! Every time i would look at the digital clock xx:xx the time sequence was alway in double or same numbers. Example 12:12 or 17:17, 11:11
At first ithought it was funny, then kinda spooky, then i started investigating numerology. I believe in hindsight, that at that period of my life i was going through an emotionally trying time. In a kind of limbo wasting my time. So it was like the universe was bringing into my direct attention the significance of time. The fact that many of us live our lives
allotted into time segments doing all that we consider important. Some would call it a well-disciplined life, but it was more like living a life without intention to true purpose.

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a few months back I asked the same question

Post by curlyDredLocks » Wed May 30, 2007 1:57 pm

my 11 sightings began a week i had my son in a dream. there was a clock in the dream and the time was 11:15. I woke up only remembering the time.  I went directly from my bed to the fridge for a glass of milk (i had heart burn and rarely drink milk as others do in my home, so i checked the expiration date and it was 11/15. At first I thought the universe was trying to tell me that my son was going to come on 11/15 instead of the predicted 11/18th birthdate. My son later arrived on 11/21 (my birthday is 2/21 which is an entire other weirdness).  In any event since that dream I have been running into the numbers 11:11 and 1:11 on dates and time. Once a friend of mine called me at 11:11 and it was 1/11 of this 2007. so I to have been running into these combinations, but 1:11 and 11:11 specifically the 11:15 only happened on that one day and a never since. I haven't found complete clarification on it, but I hope to soon.

-Just wanted you to know you are not alone, and no i do not agree that it is scientific, because I have noticed a few different posts regarding 11 over the last few months.


Post by DrummerHead » Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:31 pm

Thanks for your answers.

OK, remember my theory about my subconscious picking up on information around me (by the peripheral vision) and making me look at the time? Discarded.
Actually, I've been looking at the time in situations like waking up in total obscurity, or taking your cellphone out of your pocket; situations when I wasn't able to look at the time before in any way (like wit peripheral vision)

I thought maybe there was a record about this case and that it was something for what an answer had been found. But apparently that is not the case. It appears I will have to look for the meaning of all this, if any meaning is to be found.

I just hope I don't end up like Jim Carrey in "Number 23" :D

I don't want to give it such interest as to go and keep a journal. I don't believe there's a code to crack, just the ongoing message (if any).
Yes, intuition is the main communication, isn't it? :D

So you solved that problem and the "sightings" ended?

Yes, eleven indeed is a recurring number.

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Post by barnjie » Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:52 pm

Drummerhead: It is not as though i have "worked it out" more like i have gained a bigger perspective. Time is a man-made creation of measurement based upon the point of reference and perspective of the living human upon earth. The reality is that we are no longer operating on the 24 hour clock as first invented. The truth being that we are operating on more of a 16 hour day. We are in a very special time of transition and change in this particular space and time.  The fact that the subconscious is bringing direct attention to certain frames of time suggest, that there is an underlying subconscious thought provoking the patterning of time. In other words, the significance which is attached to the numbers/pattern has/is already determined through personal association.

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