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Post by kirstie » Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:44 pm

i was born on the 13th (not a friday) and my life has been one bit of bad luck after another

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Post by Raveness » Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:50 pm

Being born on the 13th day of the month should help make you a better manager and organizer, but it may also give you a tendency to dominate people a bit. You may be more responsible and self-disciplined than your Life Path suggested because of this date. Sincere and honest, you are a serious, hard working individual. Limitations may be imposed by this 4 energy, especially if there is additional indications the number elsewhere in your number. Your feeling are likely to seem somewhat repressed at times. Even if it by itself, you are apt to be much more practical, rational, and conscious of details. Your intolerance and insistence on complete accuracy can be irritating to some.


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Post by xangoboy » Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:27 pm

I tend to notice that those with 4's or 8's in their chart, have harder lives.  Not saying that the other numbers have it really "easy."  Just that those with 4's and 8's may struggle doing things in life, and suffer setbacks.  It's all part of the spiritual learning curve.  Though...that's just my take on it.  Hope that helps.

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Post by Sorrow » Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:21 pm

funny, 13 is my lucky number :P

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Post by joker » Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:27 pm

Sorrow wrote:funny, 13 is my lucky number :P
why is, that sir........   :smt004

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Post by pkj » Wed Sep 05, 2007 12:34 pm

Number 13 itself is not a unlucky number. It adds upto 4 (1+3=4). The number 4 persons are facing trouble in their lives more as compared to other numbers. Number 8 also comes into the unlucky numbers.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:15 pm

unlucky 13 thats all in the eyes of the beholder yes 13 is a karmic debt number

but no number is any worst or better than any other number.

Those with the 13 Karmic Debt will work very hard to accomplish any task. Obstacles stand in their way, and must be overcome time and again. One may often feel burdened and frustrated by the seeming futility of one's efforts there may be a desire to surrender to the difficulties and simply give up on the goal, believing it was impossible to attain in the first place. Some with the 13 Karmic Debt fall to laziness and negativity. But efforts are not futile, and success is well within reach. One simply must work hard, and persevere in order to reach the goal. Many highly successful people in all walks of life, including business, art, and athletics, have a 13 Karmic Debt.

The key to succeeding wit the 13 is focus. Very often, people with the 13 Karmic Debt do not concentrate or direct their energies in one specific direction, or on a single task, but scatter their energies over many projects and jobs, none of which amount to very much. A temptation wit the 13 is to take shortcuts for quick success. Too often, that easy success doesn't come, causing regret and the desire to give up. The result is a poor self-image, and the belief that one is incapable of amounting to very much.

In order to focus, you must maintain order in your life. Order is essential to success. You must maintain a schedule, keep appointments, and follow through. Keep your environment neat and under control, and never procrastinate. If you sustain a steady and consistent effort, you will realize much reward.

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Post by FireRose » Sat Dec 08, 2007 3:45 am

yes, 13 is very lucky for me also. usually in the context that I am the 13th of something... example: a group of 12 plus me. or add the 13th something to a group of 12 somethings .... er  :smt017 ya

Good luck!!  :smt003 I wish you success

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Post by pOpinJay » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:07 pm

xangoboy wrote:I tend to notice that those with 4's or 8's in their chart, have harder lives.  Not saying that the other numbers have it really "easy."  Just that those with 4's and 8's may struggle doing things in life, and suffer setbacks.  It's all part of the spiritual learning curve.  Though...that's just my take on it.  Hope that helps.
yes you are right ...no. 4  and no.8 are only unlucky when they occur together...
for example: you have b'day on 4th of any month and you have a bank account number coming to total 8
many examples are there ... ask if you want more

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Born on 13th

Post by moonlitestonight » Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:08 pm

Kirstie:  The 13th is a #4 day.  The #4 is a very structured number.  It is a good number in that it symbolizes hard work, having a routine, doing things step by step and finishing what you start.  It is a very grounded number and a lot of people would benefit by having even one #4 in their charts just to ground them.  But, the day you are born affects you a great deal and the 4 can be a "downer" type of energy.  For example my friend was born a 4 so he is very hard working, reliable, has a good work ethic, etc.......but he gets stuck in so many ruts and doesn't have the "oomph" to get out.  He was looking for work.  I told him that they were hiring at the corner store part time help. His reply was that he needed full time.  I said well, it wouldn't hurt to find out or to apply.  He said Oh they probably only want experienced people.  I said to give it a try as it was just at the end of the street.  THen he said Oh but they probably only ....etc. etc. etc.  In other words 4's can make a million excuses to keep things they same way even things are really crumby.  They have a negative attitude, can be stubborn, resistant to change and never see the positive or light side of things.  They also don't know or don't want to know how to end things or put things in the past or how to just lighten up and be glad that they are alive.  So attitude, seeking out and finding the new, letting go of the old to make way for the new and just being more positive and optomistic are hard for a #4.  Your first vowel is also a #9 (the "i") so you may overreact or see things in extremes, Kirstie i.e. either great, fantastic, wonderful or...oh my God, what is happening here, this is terrible, etc. etc.  So I probably would say you may overreact or lose sight of the big picture.  You may have other numbers, Kirstie, that you are not using to their full potential.  You should check it out.  Hope this helped.     MLT

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Post by starlife » Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:45 pm


What these last few posters have said about number "4" birthdays seems to be true in my experience as well.  

I am only a beginning student of Chaldean numerology but what I have read from a number of sources  is to balance this energy out with the influence of the number "1".  The "1" vibration will bring in a winning energy.  Perhaps have a phone number or address that adds down to "1".  You could slightly change your name or create a nickname for yourself  that adds down to "1".  Here is the Chaldean letters key:    

                           A, I, J, Q, Y  =   1
                                  B, K, R  =  2
                              C, G, L, S  =  3
                                  D, M, T  =  4
                              E, H, N, X  =   5  
                                 U, V, W  =   6
                                      O, Z  =  7  
                                      F, P   =  8

As an example, just a change of one letter in the spelling of your first name would  create a "1" vibration name:  Cirstie = 19 (1+9=10=1).  Not a great example and you have to consider the last name as well , but you get the point.  The important thing is not to have a number that adds down to "4" or God forbid an "8".  

As you know there are other types ot numerology that you may want to explore as well.  I hope this will be of some help to you.

Last edited by starlife on Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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4 and 8

Post by moonlitestonight » Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:58 pm

Good info.  Thanks.  THe very good thing about 4 and 8 is that it gives focus and endings to things.  I was born a 30/3 and have a large number of 5's in my chart.  So I have always been hyper, active, etc. and it was hard for me to do or be with anyone that was "boring"..... or so I thought.  I have no 4's or 8's in my chart.  The 4 is my maturity number so helps me be more grounded, finish things, not be so hyper, go step by step.......and I only wish I had at least one 8 in my chart to give me some kind of money sense!!!  With all the 3's and 5 energy I have, money is here today and gone tomorrow and I don't worry about it too much!!!!  So there are advantages to all numbers.  As I mentioned on another post the 4 can be a negative thinking and speaking number "downer" so to speak.     MLT

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Post by jld » Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:33 pm

In Phythagorean system,
My daughter's full birth name adds to a 8.  she has a 1 soul urge and 7 personality number. . Do you think I should try to adjust it to a more favorable number since she is still young? Or would that make much of a difference anyway?
Using only first and last names, she'd have 10 or 1 name, 17/8 soul urge, and 11 personality. The 8 pops up using the common name as well.

In the Chaldean system using only first and last names, it comes to a 12 or 3.

Any input?

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:21 pm

in both cases the 1 and the 3 show creative energy and self expression also the three can be a little care free .you seem to be worried about the eight this energy can bring balance / order but is a very materialistic   but can also give structure and order to the creative  high energy 1 or 3 .bringing some grounding into the picture .

the eight  positive expression

knows choices
knows value
organizing people
decision making
executive ability
self confidence
handles finances
allocates resources wisely

negative expression abuse of power ,controlling, over ambitious,
callous disregard for other careless with money

denial expression
material unconcern
denies power
fears failure
poor judgment
no discrimination

With the seven and eleven  again you have some similar energy  seven can be withdrawn 11 can show nervous energy.
but both can be very spiritual .intuitive .
In my opinion a name change is not needed  and the eight can add some balance as i stated before ,but caution and nurture as with any combination of numbers  
is the key. knowing and understanding the energy that a number puts off will help in drawing the positive and hold the negative energy at bay

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Post by jld » Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:34 pm

Thanks, that was very helpful :)

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