Chaldean vs. Western Numerology

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Chaldean vs. Western Numerology

Post by starlife » Wed Sep 19, 2007 2:46 am

I am trying to learn numerology but I find it very confusing when there are different types that have different letter/number values and different interpretations for the numbers.   Can anyone who has had expeience with Chaldean, western, and Kabbalah tell me which one they believe is more accurate and why?  I would greatly shorten my learning curve if I knew where to begin.


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Post by pkj » Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:41 am

I think Chaldean numerology is more accurate as per the actual happening i am experiencing in life.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:39 am

learning them all would be wonderful .and that is what you want to work at doing ,as to where to begin i take it you live in the us ,western would be the place to start .being that you speak english and can memorize a-z 1-26 .the chalden and kabbalah will add a more spiritual touch to the craft .but as to which is more accurate that is open for discussion .you see numerology as with all forms of sight and vision and the tools which make it possible theres a element of vision creativity knowing that comes only from opening the door .

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Chaldean versus Western

Post by moonlitestonight » Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:11 pm

Starlife:  I use Western in all my reports.  I have checked out Chaldean when I was first starting my studies 7 years ago but chose Western/Pythagorean as I like ancient Greece!! and it is the more commonly used and known method.  But choose one and then stick to it.  Good luck.    MLT

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Post by starlife » Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:59 pm

Thank you for your responses.

Since I originally posted that message a few months ago, I have intensely explored both Western and Chaldean.  As I applied the Western method to myself, friends and family I found that it was about 50/50.  When I applied the Chaldean method, it was so accurate  I could FEEL its truth down to my very soul.  It resonated with me very strongly.  So now I am studying the Chaldean method.

I realize that others could have found the exact opposite.  I guess we have to follow the paths that are calling out to us.  

Kindest regards,

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Post by moonlitestonight » Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:10 pm

Exactly!   I chose Western but still use Chaldean sometimes.  Both have their merit and if Chaldean works for you, I am so glad.  Keep it up!!!     MLT

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:06 pm

My advise is to look at each system. pick one at random to start with and go from there, but to come out and say which is going to be the best is a empty question .for each has its power to revile many unknown answers .each directs us in a system of its own .
for example
western 1-9  a-z  1-26
chaldean 1-8 and nine is present in all numbers 4+9=13 1+3=4 the nine is absored by the four . so a letter is not asigned the ninth digit ,
then we have the numbering system of 22 as in the tarot .
10 number of perfection kabalah tree of life
12 in astrology and there are many others that we could use as examples.

So where does one start  ....thats a very good question .

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Post by Sorrow » Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:03 pm

The one that has master numbers is most accurate.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:44 am

the main difference in is the values given to the letters a-z

1 a j s
2 b k t
3 c l u
4 d m v
5 e n w
6 f o x
7 g h i
8 h q z
9 i r

in the chaldean method  there is no nine expression given to any lettter... but the nine still has a meaning if it shows up in the reading are core numbers  this is based on the belief that nine is a universal number we all share this energy .or rather we absorb it  

1  a i j q y
2 b C k r
3 c g l s
4 d m t
5 e h n
6 u v w x
7 o z
8 f  p

these two systems are somewhat different when it comes to the name and the expression that name can put off.

but in some magical way both systems will give accurate readings

there are other differences as well ,but even within the same system you will find differences  among certain  people in how they determine the  numbers in a chart  .it can be very confusing  . numerology is a language  
most only speak one  .but we are starting to see more and more people learning  and opening your minds  .a person can get by every well with only speaking one language   but knowing  more  than one... two are three can make thing a little more interesting .

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:47 am

sorry for the type error  in the above post   lol its been a long day

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Post by Rykhaard » Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:37 pm

starlife wrote: Since I originally posted that message a few months ago, I have intensely explored both Western and Chaldean.  As I applied the Western method to myself, friends and family I found that it was about 50/50.  When I applied the Chaldean method, it was so accurate  I could FEEL its truth down to my very soul.  It resonated with me very strongly.  So now I am studying the Chaldean method.

I realize that others could have found the exact opposite.  I guess we have to follow the paths that are calling out to us.  

Kindest regards,
I'm fairly much the same.  I picked up my 1st book on Numerology in 1982.  It were based on the Chaldean alphabet.  I found my beginning interpretations then, to be fairly accurate.  Later that year I'd lost the book, though I still had a copy of the alphabet / numbers relation.

Personally - until I finally found my 2nd Chaldean Numerology book by Leeya Brooke Thompson !NO LINKS! in 2001, I hadn't personally, been attracted to the Pythagoran alphabet.  Leeya's book (Chaldean Numerology) helped bring me back into things. :)

Finally - in 1999, I wrote my first Numerology calculator software, which I used to assist in building my current legal name.
In 2005, I started rewriting the software again, not too successfully, with the chosen programming package.
Finally - about 1 week ago, I chose a new language and have been happily writing a new Chaldean alphabet calculator, ever since. :D

The software is yet only days old, but so far functional.  Updates are continually being posted, free for everyone, at the bottom of my Numerology page. :)

As far as learning for interpretation goes though - I've years yet of learning to do.  :smt017  :smt003

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:14 pm

within the western world  the Pythagoran method is the most widely used  ,which seems to do the trick in most cases ,and fills the void .but just like any other system of thought, a little bit of this and alittle bit of that cant hurt matters none.and seems to be the case when looking at numerology it has evolved over time, the sages of old would have no clue as to our methods  both types would seem very strange to them . if one dont seems to work try another . Being flexible and able to adabt ,finding a common factor bringing  order to chaos .isnt that the goal .The universe is based on natural order and patterns,  ,if this wasnt true than numerology and other systems of the same thought would not work.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:39 pm

Within the two systems the date of birth is calculated the same .the 1-9 energy vibrations are still in place which happens to be the key numbers within a chart  ,and i  believe the meaning of the 9 energy vibrations are basically the same,  but beyond that it begins to differ .my biggest question is if we have 9 basic vibrations why isnt there a letter assigned to that vibration  if the same is based on patterns how can we follow it in one case and not another  ????????

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Post by dessa » Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:14 pm

It is always best to follow what path seems to resonant with you most.

While I find there is some value to the Pythigorian, or western method, I admit to still needing to learn a great deal.

I do not admitedly know a great deal about any method however back in the late 80's Linda Goodman came out with new book her Star Signs book and I found that using the numerology from this book which is Chaldean,

Often I find that this shows connections to people and events, using it both for birth, and name numbers, so I use this most often.

I have yet to come across a person it hasn't really matched with, and I find it matches well with home issues. Such as the number on a house, example someone was going to purchase a home, there are obstacles with the number 8 or challenges to over come.

When someone I knew was about to purchase a home, I said they would have a delay that they could get it but there would be some kind of problem and delay that would slow down the process for the purchase, which was true they had to wait a few extra months to make the purchase than originally planned.

I also feel that when people are aware of the influences and energies or vibrations of the number then they can use it to help, and avoid the pitfalls.

The Chaldean seems to work well, for current issues as well, as for the birth number, based on the date.


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THere's a new book on on Phonetic Chaldean Alpha. Numerology

Post by Rykhaard » Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:31 pm

Check into the Numerology link at Leeya's web page at:

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I've also linked her web site to my Numerology (under construction) site.  I purchased her book immediately upon finding out about it, a couple of weeks ago.  I've barely stepped into it's vast amount of information but already in an overall check of my birthname and date, it's accuracy has far outstepped the original Chaldean Alphabet that I'd been using on and off, since 1982.
I can't wait until I learn more of the new alphabet, to interpret further into my own life and then other friends of mine. :)

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