Word Vibrations

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Word Vibrations

Post by jld » Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:27 am

It's odd how different words give off different vibrations and feelings associated with these words can be revelaed through numerology.


When you do the numerology on love, you find that the Expression number is a 9, suggesting the humanitarian and universal nature of love. It's generous, giving, self-sacrificing, and concerned for others. It is a stranger to prejudice. It's the great healer and teacher. It gives of itself unconditionally.
The Heart's Desire number of the word love is 11, which reveals its sensitivity, intuitive nature, need for harmony, and connection with the highest power. The 11 is called the Channel, or the Illuminator.
Love's 7 Personality number indicates the need for careful self-reflection and the implicit wisdom inherent in love.


Hate's Expression number is 16/7, a Karmic Debt number, indicating a self-destructive nature. (See Karmic Debt Numbers.)
The 16/7 reveals its isolation. The reason it is isolated is because it is cold, clinical, and self-contained. It is highly mental, and, as a result, it is often lacking in compassion for matters of the heart.
The 6 Heart's Desire in the word hate reveals its powerful emotional connection to the subject of its hatred. The dark side of the 6 is its need to control. It cannot let go. It smothers the object of its hatred with excessive attention.
Hate's Personality number is 1, suggesting the negative attributes of the 1: bullishness and insensitivity; and its inability to share itself with others, thus creating aloneness and loneliness. The stubborn side of the 1 prevents it from being receptive to the positive attributes of the hated person.

I thought it was interesting that the word PERFECT added to a 10...Like a perfect 10 lol

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Post by FireRose » Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:29 am

Hey that's fun! lol ... definitely interesting. How do you figure that out? I've heard of word vibrations but never learned how they're converted into numbers.... help?

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Post by jld » Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:56 am

I though it was fun too. Using the phythagorean system
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d  e f g h i
j k  l m n o p q r
s t  u v w x y z

using the example perfect 7+5+9+6+5+3+2=37=10
so the heart's desire is the sum of the vowels 5+5=10 hey that is really interesting lol The soul urge of perfect is to be number 1
personality, sum of consonents, would be 7+9+6+3+2=27=9

I got the idea from this site

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:23 am

its the same as what is done with names in a chart  your expression number, hearts desire, and personality .
heres some more from the same article as jld posted .

Now, compare the words light and dark and see how they reveal our association with each word, especially in their relationship to love and hate. The core numbers for the word light are very similar to those of love. Light has an 11 Expression number, a 9 Heart's Desire, and a 2 Personality. (As stated previously, love has an 11 Heart's Desire, a 9 Expression, and a 7 Personality.)
The 11 stands for illumination and insight. It exposes the true nature of whatever it touches. The 9 Heart's Desire obviously indicates its need to reach the farthest concerns. It is available to all; it is an indiscriminate gift to everyone and everything. The 2 Personality reveals its inherent gentleness.

The word dark has a 16/7 Expression, a 1 Heart's Desire, and a 6 Personality. It's only difference with the word hate is that the Heart's Desire and Personality numbers have switched places. (Note that although the words dark and hate have only one letter in common, they have the same core numbers.)
Again, the core numbers represent self-destruction, isolation, and loneliness. The 6 Personality number suggests the illusion of protection offered by darkness.

Let's look at the words for our animal friends, dog and cat, which, as we all know, have very different natures.
Dog has an 8 Expression, suggesting its innate power and ability to protect; a 6 Heart's Desire, revealing its desire for a domestic environment and for love and attention; and a Personality number of 11, showing its sensitivity and intuitiveness to the mood of the owner.

A cat, on the other hand, has a 6 Expression, revealing its domestic nature, but a 1 Heart's Desire, which shows its independence and often stubborn character. It has a 5 Personality, which reinforces the independence and the need for freedom. You cannot control a cat.

Interestingly, both the dog and the cat have 6s in their core numbers, but the dog has a 6 Heart's Desire - the desire for love, attention, and domestic harmony -- while a cat, with a 6 Expression, is perfectly suited of the domestic environment, but its 1 Heart's Desire gives it a need for independence. A cat, by nature, is not obedient; a dog is.

Keeping the domestic theme, let's look at two words that go directly to our basic needs: food and roof. Each word has three 6s! The 6 stands for all that is protective, comforting, mothering, domestic and nurturing. In addition, food has a 22 Expression, indicating its link to the very foundation of life: the transformation of matter to energy (metabolism), and its opposite, energy to matter (the growth of organisms). As you know, the number 22 is a called the Master Builder, and here it is demonstrated at its finest.
Roof has a 9 Expression coupled with a 6 Personality, revealing its clear purpose of protecting the domestic environment.

Let's look at the words river and tree. River has a Heart's Desire of 5, meaning movement, freedom, dynamism, and change. Its Personality number is 22, revealing that it is one of the most powerful forces in nature. It slices through obstacles. The 9 Expression means that it gives of itself for the well-being of all.
Tree provides a wonderful array of numbers, beginning with its 1 Heart's Desire, suggesting its independence and its strong will to survive. A tree's upright form itself suggests the 1. Its Personality number is 11, showing its spiritual nature: its reaching up toward heaven and its inspirational influence to all. Its 3 Expression symbolizes the ability to communicate both its spiritual power and beauty.

refer to decoz.com/Language_and_numerology.htm

the audio course and software found at this site is worth looking into .

i have the audio course on mp3 i listen to it every night as i lay in bed .and let it play as i sleep
dreams have been crazy
subconscious learning  

chart maker software layout is the best ive seen on the web.

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Post by FireRose » Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:20 am

Hey thanks for the info ... that's very cool :) I'm going to play with this for hours ... haha.

peace :)

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Post by jld » Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:35 pm

The word CHANGE
11 expression. 6 soul urge, 5 personality, 5 hidden passion

The Number of Light. It represents the hidden "Knower." Eleven stands for the self and the Christ-self, and the Higher Self as a polarity within as ONE through embodied in the flesh. Eleven is associated with wisdom, and is existence on the highest plane of intellect and spirituality. Eleven is altruism, community, inspirational, self-understanding, sensitivity, receptivity, artistic, inventive genius, androgynous in attitude, visionary, idealism. In standard Tarot it is Strength - Divine Strength

6 - SIX

Six is conscientious; it desires to bring harmony, truth, justice and a sense of balance into it's environment. Love and compassion are uppermost in its mind, and it can therefore be an effective teacher, counselor or healer. Others are drawn to it because of the understanding, which emanates from it. It is family and social responsibility, service, love, compassion, counseling, healing, and creativity. In standard Tarot it is The Lovers - Divine Path.

5 – FIVE

Five represents vital force. Five is freedom, change and adventure. Five attracts the opposite sex because of the irresistible magnetism, and this attraction set the stage for the domestic responsibilities. It is versatility, resourcefulness, adaptability, change, activity, travel, adventure, promotion, and speculation. In standard Tarot it is The Hierophant - Divine Voice.

maybe (versatile, adaptable) change desires to bring harmony, truth, justice and a sense of balance into it's environment for ultimate enlightenemt

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OMG People, what are you doing?

Post by 3leaf » Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:46 pm

You found 6 words from milions that exist and you try to find spiritual things in that??? If love works for you, what about different languages? If it would be in some language 7, doest it mean, that there is different love for that nation? ... Just think about it omg ...

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:10 pm

your missing the whole meaning  the above posting is to show how numbers work with spoken language  to express hidden, and deeper spiritual meaning  .it will work with any word and in any language  .numerology is a language a universal language .but it also shows that things dont happen by accident  it strengthens the believe is natural order over chaos . all things happen and are here for a reason .

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You are not convincing

Post by 3leaf » Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:32 am

I dont want to be rude, but what you sad says, that you dont thing about this theme much.

If we ask ourselfs, what is more importat, word or thing what it express?

If you have a trouble to find out answer, which should be easy in my opinion, ask yourself, what was first?

So if we know now importance of words and things that they represents, we can ask ourselfs, what spiritual value has love? It should be just one of course. Love is love, i can love person from each nation.

And about your posting about order and chaos. How can be you so sure, just answer me, if you believe in darvin theory? And by the way, if I would leave my life in absolut order, i know, that I would try suicide. I dont believe, that there is just order, order and chaos is there together.

You said: Your missing the whole meaning  the above posting is to show how numbers work with spoken language  to express hidden, and deeper spiritual meaning  .it will work with any word and in any language

Yes, it will work with any language, but you seem not be interested in results... You just like counting and it no matters, what will come out, you will find many trues in that...

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:46 pm

order and chaos   i dont believe so . natural law  and the universe is beyond any doubt made up of precise order and  patterns  .chaos is the result of not knowing and understandings these patterns and the order that controls them  .

there are countless examples of this order /patterns  and many examples of how one would say that chaos is real  .but is it,  are like i stated is it our not knowing or understanding that is behind this  random /chaos attitude

if one can get insight into this field of energy that we call life  .it can be all that it was it made up to be.  beautiful peaceful joyful and full of love .numerology is one of many tools and systems that we can use to open us up to a new and wounderful world ,that connects each us to the one source  .in the beginning  (1) from there all things are possible.

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Re: OMG People, what are you doing?

Post by jld » Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:34 am

3leaf wrote:You found 6 words from milions that exist and you try to find spiritual things in that??? If love works for you, what about different languages? If it would be in some language 7, doest it mean, that there is different love for that nation? ... Just think about it omg ...
Those were just six words that I happened to do numerology on and found it interesting that their corresponding numbers' meanings fit very well with the meaning of the words....eerily well.  I'm sure there are many, many, many more in various languages that would also support this.  Doing this with words          
is fun, good practice for those interested in numerology, and a chance to use creative insight. So yes, part is creative and part is pretty straightforward. And word are just words, energy is universal.
Well said drrnwynbchnbrgr It's been my experience that all chaos in my life has happened for a reason.

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Post by joker » Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:17 pm

Edited by isakov123.
Last edited by joker on Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by 3leaf » Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:59 pm

natural law  and the universe is beyond any doubt made up of precise order and  patterns
I see, that you have clear answers to that things, that humankind struggle to find answers for. What is philosophy for now, when we have you.

if one can get insight into this field of energy that we call life  .it can be all that it was it made up to be.  beautiful peaceful joyful and full of love .numerology is one of many tools and systems that we can use to open us up to a new and wounderful world ,that connects each us to the one source  .in the beginning  (1) from there all things are possible.

This is veeery stupid thing. If you say, that more understanding would help you to leave more happier life, I dont agree. I ask myself, what would my life be like, if I would the most clever person on the world? With who I would like to talk than, if I would treat everybody like a monkey...
Was einstein more happier than me? Do I really want to be happy? But really? Dont say yes in a one second. Look deep inside you, very very very deep. Somebody needs a meditation for it to really see, what he is inside.

Our universe is very difficult to understand, I would not tell such things like you so fast.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:45 am

I have deleted one post from you 3 leaf, since it was more in a negative way.

I can understand that you don't believe in numerology, but you don't need to attack those people who do, because many times belief are the strongest force there is.

I shall not discuss if Numerology, Tarot, Psychic and so on are firm science, but they are all a tool to better some peoples misery, and if used right, they can even be a good tool in order to put up goals to work for.

It has no importance for you, if someone believe that the the number 7 mean Knowledge & wisdom, but for the one who believe in it, it might lead to higher study and to a carrot to investigate areas which he/she else would not have done.

What we might say, is that none of these tools can give you anything in itself, if you are passive and sit waiting for something to happen, then number 1 are equal to number 9 or all in between, Tarot has no meaning, neither Astrology, we are all equipped with a free will and that is the most important tool of them all, that is our trigger :)

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Post by 3leaf » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:19 am

I will try to be more politeness and turn down little bit of my passion. But I didnt find my email so rude, that they has to be deleted. I put there many nice thoughts, that can open more discussing.

I like numerology, but I think, that we should be more serious about it and do not fool newcomers. I tryes to find meaning of numbers, ask questions and I cant get back any answers.

I think, I represent at least interesting opinion, that people has to challenge and if numerology is really working, they will prove it.

I think, that many opinions put us back into middle age, where people tryed to buy elixir of life...

Motto: Believe, but keep thinking...

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