Seeing the same numbers everwhere

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Seeing the same numbers everwhere

Post by greenlake11 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:41 am

Hi - I'm new here.  I have a question that I have tried to answer on my own with no luck.  I am hoping someone here can help.

My oldest daughter has been seeing 2 sets of numbers everywhere for the past 2 or 3 months.  The numbers are 666 and 1217 (which is her younger sister's birthday).

She checks the time, rings up a sale at work, sees a sign somewhere - she even noticed the other day that the combinations are on her credit card!

This started shortly after she moved back home after ending a 5 year relationship. In the last week or two, the sightings have been getting more frequent.

For what it's worth, the relationship between the two girls is completely loving and friendly, and the break up is, too.  They still talk a great deal, and seem to be helping one another through it.  

I would so appreciate any insight you might have on this.  My daughter is starting to get a little freaked out, and I know very little about numerology, so I haven't been able to help.

Thank you.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:30 pm

666 = 18 = 9 (closure)

666 - Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between heaven and earth. Like the famous "Sermon on the Mount," the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.

666 - Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world or due to mental or emotional imbalance.  This sign indicates your thoughts are not clear and you should not continue with this train of thought.  Let it pass.

18    It is involved with business on an international scale, and it is a discordance between idealism and selfishness. There is a lack of conscious spiritual effort.

1217 =11 Highly intuitive, even psychic, this Master number is a channel between the sub-conscious and the conscious mind. Highly charged. Can be neurotic.

The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It represents illumination; a channel to the subconscious; insight without rational thought; and sensitivity, nervous energy, shyness, and impracticality. It is a dreamer. The 11 has all the aspects of the 2, enhanced and charged with charisma, leadership, and inspiration. It is a number with inborn duality, which creates dynamism, inner conflict, and other catalyses with its mere presence. It is a number that, when not focused on some goal beyond itself, can be turned inward to create fears and phobias. The 11 walks the edge between greatness and self-destruction. Its potential for growth, stability, and personal power lies in its acceptance of intuitive understanding, and of spiritual truths. For the 11, such peace is not found so much in logic, but in faith. It is the psychic's number.

theres alot of energy involving  love and family  ?

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Post by VDingler » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:34 am

I keep seeing 949 everywhere.  ANyone have an idea on what that means?

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Post by FireRose » Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:43 am

Sorry if this is a pointless reply but I wanted to say that that number ( 949 )struck me as "beautiful" ... can't think of a better word to describe it. It struck a happy part of my brain lol... Then, I reduced it to 22 which is a master number... maybe  look into the meaning of 22... and also I've heard there's something to the repetition or mirror image(reading same forward and back) of numbers.

Good luck and best wishes  


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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:51 am

not picking up on any thing  but did find some reference to 949 ?  

900 strife war feuds eruptions
 49 avarice cupidity

Ant. word 949, page 949, and Omega

Another antonym listed for word 2000 is word 949, "stable."

All the words on page 949 in Zodhiates' New Testament Lexicon tie into the idea of God.  The last word on the page is 3156, "gift of God."  "Gift" is the meaning of the very last word, or the omega word, in the Old Testament Lexicon.  Furthermore, "gift" certainly fits into the idea of the salvation given us of God.

The first four words (3152-3155) on page 949 mean "worthless" or "useless."  An antonym is word 5624 (listed for word 3152), "profitable," which happens to be the very last, or omega word in the New Testament lexicon.  A further irony here is that "useless" is also the definition of word 888, and 888 is the sum of the numeric values of the letters which spell Jesus in Greek.  Jesus was cast aside by his own as being "useless."  (See Jesus 888 = Christ 1480)

So page 1476 ties into alpha and page 929 ties into omega, which certainly points to Christ, who is alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the "sure" foundation.

The opposite is represented by the first word (3152) spilling onto page 949,

"Vain, empty, fruitless, aimless.  It is building houses on sand."

Ironically, one of the words use to describe the idea of "worthlessness" in word 3154 is "foolish."  The idea of "wise" versus "foolish" virgins comes to mind.  "Foolish" is the definition of word number 801.  The telephone area code for Wasatch Front Utah is 801, where many indications (including this one) suggest that the Lord's people there have largely become as salt that has lost its savor which is therefore good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under feet.  (See write-up on Mormons and 801.)

Word 949 (antonym of 2000) means,

"fixed, sure, certain; figuratively that upon which one may build, rely, or trust; that which does not fail or waver, immovable, and on which one may rely."  

In addition to thinking of the Lord as being the only one one which we may unalterably rely, a scripture comes to mind which admonishes the people who have been born of God to

". . . be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works, that Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, may seal you his, that you may be brought to heaven, that ye may have everlasting salvation and eternal life, through the wisdom, and power, and justice, and mercy of him who created all things, in heaven and in earth, who is God above all.  Amen."  (Mosiah 6:15.)

In opposite contrast, the two words prior to word 949 mean "Abomination, detestable" (947), and "To cause to be abhorred, to feel disgust, detest."  This brings to mind the idea of the great and abominable church. I find it personally interesting that the first antonym listed for this word is number 4834, "to sympathize," which happens to be one digit away from my fiancé's phone suffix (which word by that number has the same meaning as word 4834). The other antonym is 1670, "to attract."

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Post by jennli » Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:09 pm

Hi, I just joined this forum and I love it, there´s so much info here that it's difficult to know where to start!

Ok, here goes my question. I´ve been seeing the number 66 eveywhere since last year, what could it mean?


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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:23 pm

66    Generous to a fault, this number brings financial ups and downs. It is extremely loyal and loving. Often successful in spite of itself.

66 represents a higher octave of 33.

33 represents Christ Consciousness - universal nurturing, social consciousness raised to a world class, global responsibility, master teacher and healer. 33 is a higher octave of 6, the flower of life, Creation.

33    See "The Master Numbers." Its ultimate potential is in teaching. It is called the Christ number. It comforts others. It represents self-sacrifice and beliefs in Utopia. It is often co-dependent, and is sometimes a compulsive liar.

The 33 is the most influential of all numbers. It is the Master Teacher. The 33 combines the 11 and the 22 and brings their potential to another level. When expressed to the fullest, the 33 lacks all personal ambition, and instead focuses its considerable abilities toward the spiritual uplifting of mankind. What makes the 33 especially impressive, is the high level of sincere devotion. This is shown in its determination to seek understanding and wisdom before preaching to others. The 33 in full force is extremely rare.


12    It is highly creative, individualistic, and unconventional. It represents the interests of the self versus those of the group.

The 3 is the most playful of all numbers.  It is creative, inspirational, and motivating.  Self expression and communication are it's central qualities. It is a happy-go-lucky number; both optimistic and enthusiastic.

3: The number 3 is related to laughter, amusement,
pleasure, making new friends, self-improvement,
attracting love, sexual expression, artistic creativity,
writing, good times, quick recoveries, dramatic emotional
ups and downs, easy money and instability.
Balanced 3 energy: honest emotional expression,
optimistic, literary talent, vivacious, cultivated,
amusing, imaginative, well liked, magnetic.
Over-balanced 3 energy: lacks concentration,
scatters energy, overconfident, emotionally volatile,
irresponsible, gossipy, exaggerating, superficial.
Under-balanced 3 energy: insincere emotional
expression, temperamental, petty, depressed,
jealous, unsociable, self-doubting, bored, inarticulate,
unthinking, indecisive, unenthusiastic, apprehensive

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