matching number for compatibility

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matching number for compatibility

Post by satyamani » Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:48 am

Write your date of birth in full i.e. dd-mm-yyyy and than add them to make it into single digit.
This can be done for both of the partner.
Check the result from below readings:
ONE WITH ONE:  Good, have fertile imagination and fluent expression, will have original ideas, enjoy frequent changes and short journey, never be pessimistic. As age advances imagination and intuition will increase.
ONE WITH TWO: Good cheerful will get desirable results. Hate disputes and disharmony. Happy married life. Enjoy both social and financial success. Will have two attachments and partners in business.
ONE WITH THREE: Not able to enjoy much. Difference of opinions will prevail. They will become clever and cunning and misbehave and will become showy person, gambler or worst liar.
ONE WITH FOUR: Will be healthy, active and alert. Quick turnover of work, original ideas and using shortcut methods to complete jobs, skilful and practical and   business like
ONE WITH FIVE: Clear thinking, correct forethought and good judgment. They will posses a broad and philosophical mind. They will be honest, law abiding, religious         minded and liberal. Fond of making religious and professional trips. He may  become writer, cashier auditor or astrologer.
ONE WITH SIX: Good judgment, carefulness, practical and studious. Will take decision and pursue any subject till he attains competence and can do research.
ONE WITH SEVEN: Large number of acquaintances, friends and fond of frequent travel, will save much, will come in contact with strangers and enjoy happy life. Partnership not successful and enemies in business will arise.
ONE WITH EIGHT: End of troubles with relatives, favorable friends and no anxiety, gain of knowledge, long journey.
ONE WITH NINE: Live together even with differences of opinions. One side devotion and only Compromise.

TWO WITH ONE                   Good natured, pleasant and humorous. Good in arts and will not hesitate to stand   surety for anybody. If adverse, mental worry secret activities will be revealed.

TWO WITH TWO                  They will enjoy good relationship with one and all. They will get success in every enterprise with fresh opportunities for increase in income and improvement in status.

TWO WITH THREE                 They will be inclined to develop art and will appear beautiful by their neat dresses. They will be affectionate and attractive, gently and good sociable and sympathetic.

TWO WITH FOUR                    Both oppose each other. One will be bold and other will be cold.

TWO WITH FIVE                       They will enjoy strong benefits of nature and will be polite. They will be honest and faithful towards each other and God fearing. They will enjoy good health and smooth life for a long number of years. Lucky period may be between 26th Dec. to 10thJan and 7th Nov. to 17th Nov. every year

TWO WITH SIX                          One will consider deeply before launching an enterprise. Fertile imagination and farsightedness, honesty and sincerity will make one very good to plan and schemes. Legacy through marriage, gain through investment on lands, shares, leather, cotton etc. may be enjoyed. Marriage in proper age and mutual love between the couple is possible.

TWO WITH SEVEN                    There will be confusion in between the two and there will not be solid relation, they may vary their thought from time to time.

TWO WITH EIGHT                      They will have attractive personality and will attract a host of friends who are in power and will be helpful to them. In any competition, they will come out successful due to their magnetic and charming personality.

TWO WITH NINE                        They will be reliable and faithful to each other. They will be attached to each other due to kindness, sympathy and love. One may have interest in the mystical subjects or be a successful speculator.  
THREE WITH ONE They will have fertile imagination, deep feelings           emotions etc. They will be intelligent. If the situation becomes adverse there will be lack of mental balance and suffer from over anxiety.
THREE WITH TWO                    They will develop love for all pleasurable pursuit. They will develop good taste for music and imagination. They will have devotion towards God.
THREE WITH THREE                 They will be having good understanding. This is a very good combination. They will suffer from the same problems. They may enjoy touring.
THREE WITH FOUR                    They will develop and offer extreme liberty and frank nature. They will be bold and inclined to make frequent journeys that will prove to be profitable. If the situation gets reversed than they may develop strong attraction to the opposite sex and causing ill health and bringing ill reputation.
THREE WITH FIVE                       They will develop meaningful ideas, hopeful disposition and good imagination and optimism.
THREE WITH SIX                           They will be patient, persistent, steady, cautious and ever inclined to hoard money. They will be able to concentrate on their targets. If adverse period come than they may face lack of concentration and will fear complex.
THREE WITH SEVEN                     They will develop a taste for hypnotism, mesmerism, astrology etc. and make them independent.
THREE WITH EIGHT                      They will become proficient in fine arts, in music, in spiritualism etc. If time is adverse than it may threaten them with hysteria, insanity.
THREE WITH NINE                         They will develop communication gap even though they will be having good relation due to sympathy and will power.

FOUR WITH ONE                 They will show love towards work. They will speedily complete all the duties assigned to them. Promotions, prosperity, success in competition and disputes are stored. Bright outlook on life and adventurous spirit are indicated.

FOUR WITH TWO                The other will soften & tone down the fiery nature and will lead to a peaceful and harmonious life. Courage, confidence and capability to do business will help them to enjoy wealth. They will gain prosperity

FOUR WITH THREE              They will be generous, ambitious, bold and enthusiastic. Robust health, strong constitution and good appearance are in store. They may become rash & do impulsive action. They may be reckless and go to the extreme. Without considering the results. Accidents will be frequent.

FOUR WITH FOUR                They will rule over other. They will have strong determination, ambition t come out successful in material field in spite of any opposition and above all leadership in all pursuits.

FOUR WITH FIVE                   They will be determined, exercising free will with a go ahead spirit. They will be noble. They will succeed in competitive examination and gain financial success. Adversely they may have loss through litigation and through investments.

FOUR WITH SIX                      They will be old and courageous. They will enjoy good rise in life and occupy good posts. Even if they have to face difficulties due to other factors they will go through the ordeal successfully

FOUR WITH SEVEN                They will be resourceful, original and independent. They will have intuition & interest in hidden subjects. They may invent something. Their action will show the mind.

FOUR WITH EIGHT                 They may make long journeys. They will become religious. They may enjoy many profits in wholesale business and agency etc. Success to a satisfactory extent is assured.

FOUR WITH NINE                   They will enjoy smooth life. Major decisions will be delayed. Mind will become more creative. Somewhere, there will be differences in opinions. They will not enjoy good gatherings.

FIVE WITH ONE                       They may get promotions. They will become religious. Sudden gains are in store. They will develop good understanding and prove to be helping hands.

FIVE WITH TWO                        This combination promises grand success and good fortune. They will generate wealth & will enjoy all the good of life. They may be optimistic and large hearted. They will develop large number of friends. They will be loved, admired and respected by the public.
FIVE WITH THREE                    They will be popular, honest ad fair. As they grow their reasoning faculty also will improve. Their imaginations will e fertile and fruitful. There will be no trouble through litigation. They will not spend beyond their means and resources.

FIVE WITH FOUR                        They will become straightforward. They will be neither too lavish nor too conservative. They will be successful in business. Whichever job they undertake they do it whole-heartedly. They may prefer outdoor games. They may hold good position at their work place.

FIVE WITH FIVE                           They will have a broad outlook. Abundance, rapid recoveries from even severe diseases are offered. They will develop a large number of friends by kindness and sympathy. They will never betray anybody. They will think clearly, do work ably and will judge properly.

FIVE WITH SIX                              They may not have much attachment to their relatives and friends. They will have a strong sense of justice and fair play will earn the love of the young and the old. They will be esteemed high in society.

FIVE WITH SEVEN                        They become honest, trust worthy, sincere and liberal minded. They will gain through influential friends holding high positions. They will neither act on impulse nor loss by speculation or lawsuit.

FIVE WITH EIGHT                         They will get success. They may develop inspirational and mystical nature. They will never be rash. They will be able to control on emotions.

FIVE WITH NINE                            They will gain in business and in service also. They may become authoritative. They will be dominating.

SIX WITH ONE                            They may be having conflicts among themselves. Health problems will remain. One will try to surrender but find difficult to live even the other is careful.

SIX WITH TWO                            They will be very good and favorable to each other. They may develop disease like leprosy, baldness, black patches etc.  The position will be like two sides of the coin i.e. one may be good and other may be bad.

SIX WITH THREE                         The confusion among each other will persist. Their ideas may differ. Complexity will prevail, although both may be talking to each other in worldly manner.

SIX WITH FOUR                            They will have inferiority complex and fear. They will get ideas from co-partner and will get rewards. They can do business for any items, which are produced and grow under ground.

SIX WITH FIVE                              They may face health problem like impotency, constipation. But otherwise both are generous and intelligent & supported by each other.
SIX WITH SIX                                 There seems to be differences both will be good and supportive to each other.

SIX WITH SEVEN                           They will have good conflicts but even though they live together. They may learn more and more about hidden sciences and gain knowledge towards the supreme power i.e. God. They can deal in telepathy and meditation.
SIX WITH EIGHT                            Tensions will prevail in the house. There will be good conflicts. Either or will always remain in power. They can deal in money and shares etc.
SIX WITH NINE                               The person will rule over other and act as per the own wishes.

SEVEN WITH ONE                                    They may start savings. They will enjoy happy life. Frequent traveling is stored. They should take precaution in business.

SEVEN WITH TWO                                    There will be confusion among themselves. They may not be able to maintain solid relation.

SEVEN WITH THREE                                They can develop knowledge about astrology etc. and may develop a habit to help others.

SEVEN WITH FOUR                                    They may become aggressive. They will develop the habits to show off. They will be far behind the truth.

SEVEN WITH FIVE                                       They will become broad-minded & will gain in status or position if in service. There will be financial and mental gain.

SEVEN WITH SIX                                          There will be strain in the relations. They will remain in pressure and can't live free life.

SEVEN WITH SEVEN                                    Although both will have same thinking, they may not live together because of their past karma.

SEVEN WITH EIGHT                                    They may have hot discussions on even small points. To remain happy either or has to surrender.

SEVEN WITH NINE                                       Basic thinking will be same but due to the interference of the third one they may face strain in relations.

EIGHT WITH ONE                             This is the favorable combination. They will get rid off previous status and will gain knowledge. Long Journeys are in store.

EIGHT WITH TWO                             They will enhance personality and will get success. They will prove to be helpful to each other.

EIGHT WITH THREE                          They may develop spirituality and may prove to be good saint.

EIGHT WITH FOUR                             They will get success in business and will start long journey.

EIGHT WITH FIVE                               They will start getting materialistic things and will become more practical.

EIGHT WITH SIX                                  They will face tensions in house and will be in search of peace.

EIGHT WITH SEVEN                           They will try to rule over other and will always feel strain and tension.

EIGHT WITH EIGHT                            They will believe on compromises and will live together with sympathy of either or.  

EIGHT WITH NINE                               They can really live life if they understand their individual's power. They can do much better.

NINE WITH ONE                                Although they will be living together but they will face different thinking.

NINE WITH TWO                                They can get success in speculation and will develop love and devotion     towards each other.

NINE WITH THREE                             They may enjoy long journey. Their career graph will keep on rising for ten to twelve years afterwards there will be stagnation or minor fall.

NINE WITH FOUR                                They will have different opinions but their life goes normal. Minor tensions will be there but they will remain for short period.
NINE WITH FIVE                                  They will enjoy materialistic world. They can enjoy their lives if they help others.

NINE WITH SIX                                     Other persons may influence them. They will get success by the powers of co-partner.

NINE WITH SEVEN                               There will be strain in the relations. They may face ups and downs of life frequently.

NINE WITH EIGHT                                They will develop the habit to show off their powers and belonging. They will be egoistic. They can enjoy if they deal in metal, electric items or transport.
NINE WITH NINE                                    There will be dispute due to parental property and ego. Court cases or litigation charges will be solved only with compromise

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