Maturity Numbers

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Maturity Numbers

Post by swetha » Mon May 23, 2005 10:56 am


Add your Life Path number and your Expression number and reduce the total to a single digit, except in the case of a Master number, to find your Maturity number.


Your Maturity number indicates an underlying wish or desire that gradually surfaces around age thirty to thirty-five. This underlying goal begins to emerge as you gain a better understanding of yourself. With self-knowledge comes a greater awareness of who you are, what your true goals in life are, and what direction you want to set for your life. This, in a nutshell, is the gift of maturity: You no longer waste time and energy on things that are not within your own special identity.

No matter what your age is at present, your life is being channeled in a specific direction, toward a very specific goal. That goal can be seen as a reward or the fulfillment of a promise that is implicit in your current efforts, often without your knowing it consciously. While the characteristics of this number are usually visible during childhood, we tend to lose sight of these aspects until later in life. But our lives are always being affected by this influence, nonetheless.

Your Maturity number begins to have a more profound impact on your life after the age of 35. The influence of the number increases steadily as you grow older.

Maturity Number 1

With a 1 Maturity Number, you can expect to learn leadership early in life. Your best results will come from beginning new things, & your storn gopinions & ambition will lead you to positions of authority, although you should be careful to temper your tendency to be bossy & domineering. With your good memory & excellent power of concentration, you're a natural for taking over what neds to be done & doing it.

Your true self naturally attracts unusual people & expereicne that are different in some way. You have a broad vision & do things in a big way, & because you like to do what you're thinking, you're seldom without something to do.

The 1 maturity number can be set in his/her ways - & we mean that just as we wrote it. That's because the 1 Numbers are usually a stickler about one thing. Be it their taste in paintings or their approach to raising children, there's usually a good deal of discipline & order evident, because while the 1 Numbers are not necessarily conventional, they will think that their ways are the best ways - and will expect all others to follow suit.

Maturity Number 1s are not always as strong as they think when it comes to their health, but they do recover quickly, because being active is what they live for. Anywhere originality & dynamism are required are places you'll find 1 Maturity number people living up to their potential.

Your elder years will give you an opportunity to be truly independent & self-reliant.

Maturity Number 2

With a 2 maturity Number, you can expect to get others to help you, becuase you'll naturally attract those who will want to support you. You may have trouble with relationships early in life until you learn that helpfulness is the name of the game, both in giving & receiving.

Your true self is a peacemaker to the core, & you will do whatever is necessary to ensure harmony in both your surroundings & relationships, although you will fight for your peace if you're pushed too far. Naturally sensitive, you have inherent artistic ability, be it in music, painting, writing, or dance, which, if ignored may cuase you regret as you get older.

Maturity Number 2s find happiness through ensuring harmony all around them, which tehy accomplish by expressing teh beauty, tenderness, sincerity, & spirituality of their nature. Often psychic, always intuitive, maturity number 2s must guard against self-consciousness, which comes as a result of intuiting (sometimes incorrectly) the opinions of others. Cooperation is the byword of the 2 maturity numbers, & they long for the same sincerity & sympathy of others that they give to them.

Your elder years will find you in a relationship, not alone & very possibly living from a place of true inner peace.

Maturity Number 3

With a 3 Maturity Number, you can expect a vibrant imagination & a notable artistic talent to be yours, although this may be repressed early in your life. Because a 3 Maturity Number means your creativity comes naturally, the more you use it, the happier you'll be.

Your true self is both sensitive & expressive, & if either of these is not allowed to flourish, you can become depressed, touchy, or even childishly insolent. At the same time, you have a true gift for words (among your many other talents), you're fun & humorous, and you're a master of the quick retort. Most notable is your zest & enthusiasm for life.

THe Maturity Number 3 does best when allowed to create & accomplish great things. As Juno Jordan said, "It is the 3s who give color to life, who amuse, thrill & inspire." Friendships is of utmost importance, & the 3s ability to enjoy everything draws others to the. In fact, people with 3 numbers can do very well financially when they're working in harmony with their world.

Your elder years should be filled with the joy of friends & time for creative pursuits.

Maturity Number 4

With a 4 Maturity Number, you can expect the desire to make dreams practical, and in your younger years, you'll learn the vlaue of discipline & hard work. As you mature, you'll make sure to create opportunities for youself to contribute to something lasting. Your 4 number indicates that you're a natural organizer, able to build, plan & order things, & bring ideas into form - always with a backup plan, of course.

Your true self has a talent for organizing, & you're a steadfast, honorable, straight, & true (just like a boy scout!). Permanency is your byword, & you have both high standards & expectations, as well as teh responsibility & fortitude to see things through to their conclusion.

In addition, there can be a tendency toward self-righteousness, or worse, to not take responsibility for their mistakes; but if a 4 maturity number holds true to his or her strong principles, he/she is bound to succeed. Hard working, never idle, & never one to waste time or money, a 4 Maturity number person is reliable & down-to-earth.

In your elder years you can expect to build something of last value. Your health will be of great interest, and you will find practical, economical ways to organize around your health needs.

Maturity Number 5

With a 5 maturity number, you can expect your life to be exciting & full of changes - because if it's not, you'll see to making a change. Interested in many things & curious about everything, you may have the tendency early in your life to be confused about what direction your life should take.

Your true self is resourceful, many talented & independent, & you may truly believe that "freedom" is what it's all about. People with a 5 Maturity number thrive on the new & consider life to be full of opportunities for stimulation & adventure. You are attractive to the opposite sex, a quick thnker, bold & probably unconventional.

Maturity Number 5s understand the value of change & new opportunities, but also have learned to get everything they can from each experience before moving on. People with 5s can be great leaders because they make working with them fun & exciting mainly because they want to try new, progressive ways, & are willing to take risks. Your biggest life-long struggle is to find stability, stick-with-it-ness & commitment.

As an elder, you can expect to travel the world over, meet people from a variety of cultures & backgrounds, & be on the go, taking risks & explorin gnew things. This is the number of someone who is said to be "forever young".

Maturity Number 6

With a 6 Maturity Number, you can expect the welfare of others - all others- to be of utmost importance. This is the number of the humanitarian & the giver, & with you strong principles about fairness, goodness & family values, you'll shine when you learn the balance between giving & receiving.

Your true self loves both thing sof beauty & the home, so your home is quite literally your haven, your nest. You're a nurterer & a giver, & your kitchen is often the center of activity, You need to beware of giving too much, as well of clinging to your ideals, especially when it comes to your idea of the perfect mate. Generous & helpful, though, you'll never stop giving no matter how many problems are put on your plate.

Maturity Number 6s are often wealthy through marriage or inerhitance & love to surround themselves with beautiful & comfortable things. Often devotees, they must take care to not become a zealot; but at the same time they are unhappy if they're not serving others. At their best, they'll share what they have with the world, because when they're helping humanity, they're truly happy. With a Maturity Number 6, you can expect to have a good earning capacity because you have a natural financial attraction.

In your elder years you will find yourself surrounded by your family, children, grandchildren & great grandchildre. Contentment & harmony should be yours all the days of your life.

Maturity Number 7

With a 7 Maturity Number, you can expect to live your life in your own unique way. Solitary & analystical, you truly do trravel to the beat of a different drummer & are at your best when left to your own devices.

Your true self values solitude & specialization, and if you're left to your own devices, you'll find an area in which you can shine. Getting to the truth of a matter is what excites you - although you won't seem excited to others. Wasting time is a waste of time to you, & you won't be caught doing anything frivolous or - God forbid- fun. Seeking the truth, be it spiritual, scientific, or philosophical, is what suits you best.

Maturity Number 7s are often solitary, and may seem aloof or reserved to others. Sometimes unmarried, because expressing love isn't what they're good at, people with 7 maturity number nonetheless demand & appreciate the best life has to offer. These people enjoy the finer things in life, often preferring antiques (things from the past) & quality, At the same time, when workign at their best, 7s may become well-known for thier discovery of something new, because following their hunches is what this number's all about.

In your elder years, you can expect to pursue spiritual & philosophical interests, moving farhter into the interior landscape of your own world. Long hours of contemplation, writing, & reading will be the normal lifestyle for this maturity number. Solitary, though not alone, 7 maturity numbers will find people seekign them out for their insightful wisdom.

Maturity Number 8

With an 8 Maturity number, you can expect reward through accomplushment, because as you reap, so you shall sow. Your 8 maturity number suggerst you have the potential for mastery, but you must learn to find a balance between the material & the spiritual to achieve it. Your ability to see the big picture means you have the ability to lead others, but you must always work toward a clear purpose to achieve success.
Your true part of self will have to work hard to achieve anything, but this is part of what makes you strong. Directing & organizing is what you do best, because you're efficient, organized, capable & most of all strong. You have to be strong to achieve balance between the two levels of life represented by the two loops of the 8 - the material world & the spiritual world. Your life will be marked by ups & downs as one or the other of these loops gains ascendeance; but striving for mental strength will help you achieve the inner power to see things universally & metaphysically.
Maturity number 8s wil work for the cause of humanity because they love the work, not for person gain or recognition. At their best, they'll make easy connections between facts & feelings, & will be able to use their abilities to see things clearly to help others see them, too. Because 8s are self-reliant - and often the people in charge - they aren't always the best companions. They can, however, become great leaders & teachers of others, even great masters or mystics who others seek out for their wisdom.

Maturity Number 9

With a 9 number, you can expect that life won't always be easy. That's because you're learning to give up the physical world for the spiritual one, and you'll have to learn to let go of loving people in order to love humanity. At the same time, things will come easily to you, so you may mistakenly believe your gifts are meant to be used to attain the easy life, when in reality, they're given so that you can master this plane & move on

Your true self is both compassionate & humanitarian, but for you to be at your best, you must practice these qualities on an impersonal level. Your love of humanity can be a light for the world, but there is the danger of using it for personal gain, which can truly bring destruction to your own life - and the lives of those around you. The other danger is to ignore your sense of service. Your greatest joy is found in true universal love, because with this number of reward, the greatest good will come from the greatest giving.

The Maturity Number 9 will learn to let go of self in order to serve others, as well as to let go of attachmetns to outcome. You will learn to live in the flow. Surrender & release are the operative words at this time of life. Kind & generous, you'll need to beware of taking on too much responsibility, or trying to be all things to all people. Through our disappointmens, you'll learn to helps others without losing yourself.

In your elder years, you can expect to be more involved in teh pursuit of the healing arts, metaphysics, the performing arts, writing, teaching, or philanthropic activities, if not in humanistic organization that benefit large numbers of people. You have a compassionate heart & are willing to give your love to the sensitive, healing foundations of humanity.

Maturity Number 11

At an early age, you'll have an unusual amount of self-understanding as well as teh ability to see through emotional experiences to the truth within. With your higher knowledge, you demonstrate a wisdom beyond your years.

You'll need a good diet & rest with this highly nervous, intense number, & nervous system health issues are possible. In addition, you'll need companionship with built-in independence, & you may attain fame or move into the spotlight somehow.

If you're female, chance are you're strikingly beautiful & feminine, while if you're male, you're likely charistmatic & refined, with exceptionally good manners. These are such extraordinary qualities in combination with a high level of intensity that it may be too intense for everyday life. In that case, you'll revert to the 2 & all that number entails.

In your elder years, you can expect to pursue spiritual interests (such as intuition development, clairvoyance, or a healing touch), & health & nutrition interests for purification. You'l have select relationships with those who share your psychic & intuitive wisdom, and you may find yourself in the role of mediator, arbitrator, or peacemaker. But more than that, you'll be called to inspire & uplift humanity, whether close to home or in the broad reaches of public service.

Maturity Number 22

With a 22 Maturity number, you can expect o make things happen. While you'll encounter more obstacles than most, your masterful competency will allow you to overcome any barriers you might encounter in life. You'll be very, very successful, because you're the master builder.

Your true self is both a manager & a leader. You have an inner stability & inner power that stem from a firm rooting in universal principles., spiritual truths, & management know-how, & this power is what you draw upon when you encounter challenges. You're not as high-strung as the master number 11, most likely because you're grounded in practicality, competence, & know-how (the energy of the 4). Nonetheless, like all master numbers, you're bound to feel you're being tested many times in this life.

You may have some physical defect or health challenge that only strengthens your belief in higher principles & self-discipline. In your midlife, you'll go through a reexamination process:

1. To determine if living with such high ideals is truly allowing you to attain your goals. You may choose to give up your pursuit of these loftly goals because of a seeming lack of satisfaction, or because the "test" seems too hard.

2. To learn new mastery combining spiritual beliefs with material goals.

3. To allow for a new awareness of your true potential as a 22, a spark that emerges as the result of feeling the urge to work for the benefit of mankind, or, at the personal level, the feeling that you've got what it takes to acheive more.

In your elder years you own't slow down much, & you'll always have a goal & a mission. you will require security, though, because the 4 aspect of this number says that stability & security are foremost priorities, You'll have to learn balance in all things - relationships, work, health & a happy heart

Maturity Number 33

This an extremely rare combination of an 11 & 22 life path or destiny.

This rare 33 Maturity Number can expect to benefit from long years of responsibility & service. Usually, the direction of a 33 in mid-life will move to one of affection, joy, love, & the careful nurturing of these three. You can expect ot serve mankind in some wya through your hgihgly developed skills of sympathetic understanding & problem solving.

Your true self lives from the heart & can know no limits when it comes to caring for others. your abundant creative energy, coupled with your heart-felt care & nurturing of all those around you, is an extraordinarily healing combination. like all of the master numbers, you'll face many tests & obstacles unique to the numbers 3 & 6, yet you'll meet the challenge again & again. Also like the other master numbers, you'll be naturally drawn to higher principles, universal consciousness, & spiritual understanding.

Your extreme emotionalism will cause you to find a way to live in balance. This is the number that wil struggle with reconciling what's right in your own heart with the needs of others. Codependence & failed marriage may be among your many tests.

In your mid-life years, you'll come to know love on a larger scale, where the strong emotional energy you feel so adamantly in your heart can be channeled into effective & appropriate outlets that benefit large numbers of people & heal mankind.

In your elder years, you can expect to be sought after for your friendship, your creative energy, your sympathetic manner, and the healing energy of your love. You will learn how to protect your energy & your heart.

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