What are the Modifiers?

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What are the Modifiers?

Post by jupiter » Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:24 pm


I'm not so new to numerology, but have lately encountered with the concept of "modifiers" in numerological chart. However, I'm still not clear on what exactly are these "modifiers"... which are added to the core numbers ?

Could someone provide some clarification? Thank you!

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Post by enumero123 » Sat Jun 26, 2010 7:13 pm

i have two references for you
first    http://www.numerologyreview.com/modifiers.html


Modifiers are numbers which are sometimes used to determine a person’s character and personality traits in place of the Core elements, these modifiers are so called because they tend to modify the Core numbers. The following modifiers are discussed below.

• Karmic Debts
• Intensity Points
• Karmic Lessons
• Challenge
• Maturity Number
• Progressed Age
• Life Path Period
• Pinnacle
• Personal year
Karmic Debts

During the course of a person’s life, he encounters many hurdles and obstacles, which are often necessary. These hurdles, where the individual has to use energies not associated with his nature and are difficult to apply, are described by the Karmic Debt. The Karmic debt does not occur in all the numerology reports but in most of them. The Karmic Debts are defined under four circumstances.

• When 19 is reduced to 1
• When 13 is reduced to form 4
• When 14 is reduced to form 5
• When 16 is reduced to form 7

These Karmic Debts are referred to as 19:1 (or 19/1), 13:4, 14:5 and 16:7.
Intensity Points

The strengths and weaknesses of a person are described by the Intensity Point. These, however, are not of as much significance as the Karmic Debts. The feelings inside a person which do not adhere to his personality are often described by the Intensity Point. It has already been discussed that the letters in a name add up to give a particular number. By counting the number of times a particular number is repeated in a name, we can calculate the average amount of a number. The Intensity Point occurs when a specific number appears either more times or fewer times than normal.
Karmic Lessons

The karmic Lessons, also called the Missing Numbers, represent the character weakness more strongly than the Intensity Point. When a specific number is not being represented in a particular name and no Core elements are associated with that number, then the Karmic Lessons come into play.

In the early years of one’s life, strong emphasis is given to the negative aspect of one’s potential due to which the individual has to face many hurdles during that period. Some of these individual battle these challenges in the later part of their lives as well. In order to calculate the Challenge, you should find out the difference between the date digit and the month digit, then find the difference between the year digit and the day digit, and then take the difference of the two numbers calculated.
Maturity Number

During the middle age of a person, when he is between the age of thirty five and fifty, he has to learn a few sub lessons. To understand the concept of maturity number, one can consider life to be a long drive where the Life Path is the highway. The Maturity Number represents the width of the highway. The more your maturity number, wider will be the highway and the ride will be simpler. The maturity Number can be calculated as the sum of the Expression and the Life Path.
Progressed Age

The numerical age of a person at the end of a particular year is also his Progressed Age. Sometimes the Progressed Age is the same as the age of the person and sometimes it is different by one year. In order to calculate the Life Path Period, Personal Year and Pinnacle, one should use the Progressed Age instead of the real age.
Life Path Period

There are three Life Path Periods that help in determining the long term effects in the person’s life. The Life Path Periods or Cycles can be considered as a lane on the highway on which a person is walking at a given time. This lane is representing the circumstances affecting the individual. The first Life Path Period can be defined as the difference of the month number from the date of birth. The second Life Path Period is the difference of the day number from the date of birth and the third Life Path Period is the difference between the year number and the date of birth.

The Pinnacles are used to describe the long term effects of life in general on the four phases of life which are called the four Pinnacles. These Pinnacles are very important in determining the tone of a person’s background. These four Pinnacles can be calculated as
1. Sum of day and month numbers
2. Sum of year and day numbers
3. Sum of first and second Pinnacles
4. Sum of year and month numbers
Personal Year

The Personal Year describes the energies which will be a part of a person’s character for that year. However, it does not predict anything that will happen to that person during the course of that year. Along with this, the Personal Year also describes the various opportunities that will be available to that person during the mentioned time period. The Personal year has a nine year cycle and its influence keeps on changing every year. However, the cycles are not consistent with the first year in the cycle being one year, the second year in the cycle being a period of two years and son on until the ninth year in the cycle consists of a period of nine years. At the completion of one whole cycle, another cycle begins in the same way.

To calculate the Personal Year, you have to add the day of birth and the month to the current year, which is further reduced to a single digit form or a master number form.

There are three main life cycles.
• First Life Cycle : The first Life Cycle starts from birth and continues till the age of 26. The number corresponding to it is 8. The vibration corresponding to 8 has a large amount of power. The person will be tested on mastering the materialistic aspects very early in life. The feeling of empathy is not yet developed which can allow the person to discard the feelings of other people. He or she will require help and guidance because of the lack in life experience. The Life Path number is of chief importance.
• Second Life Cycle : The second Life Cycle starts at the age of 26 and ends at the age of 53. The number corresponding to this cycle is 1 which represents healthy vibration for the middle cycle. It allows a person to become independent and work upon his self development. This period is also suitable for starting a new career or business. However, there can be possible strain on partnerships during this period.
• Third Life Cycle : The third Life Cycle begins at the age of 53 and ends at the death of the person. The number corresponding to this period is 2, which shows that the last cycle in the person’s life will be peaceful and the happiest ones as they include large amounts of social interactions. The person tends to become a collector during this period and starts collecting things and ideas. In this life cycle, relationships play a very important part and therefore more concentration should be given to inter personal relationships.

The Core elements and modifiers for a person do not vary for his entire life since his date of birth is fixed. However, the name of the person might get changed and in that case, the energies and personality characteristics related to that person get changed. When changing names, the Numerology report module should be consulted in order to check on the name that person is about to chose. You should compare different names in order to find out which one is best for you.

The numbers corresponding to the name of the person describe the following
• Inner Number – It represents the inner feelings and the heart’s most desperate desires
• Outer Number – It describes the outer personality and feelings
• Destiny Number – This number indicates the mission of life and the person’s key to success
• Transit Number – It represents the energy corresponding t the chosen year

Many people use names which are not the same as their name at birth. They tend to make changes like use nicknames or drop the middle names. The energies corresponding to a person’s personality and behavior are a characteristic of this birth name. When the birth name is changed, the character traits are a combination of the traits corresponding to the birth name and the different names that are now being used. It is possible that while comparing the reports corresponding to the birth name and the changed name, there are various differences. The birth date report might describe abilities that are not described by the other report. If the report corresponding to the current name describes a particular characteristic which is not described by the birth date report, then there are chances that you do not possess the capability which is described by the birth date report. It is possible that since you were not born with such ability, you will not be able to build it later on which is the reason why it is not present in the current name report. This sounds a little confusing but holds good for most cases.

In order to find a name that optimizes your potentials, you need to take care of a few things. You must choose a name that helps in balancing the energies described by the birth date report. You will also need to analyze the modifiers. The name which provides more balance will generally dominate so it is better to choose that name.

After marriage, many people tend to change their names. The name to be chosen should be selected very carefully because it will determine your personality traits for the rest of your life. In order to do so, prepare two reports, one using your current name, the other using your married name. Also compare these two reports to the one prepared using your birth name. This will help you to decide which name suits you the most. In case there is no clear name but a number of names, you can just select the one you are most comfortable with.

In new born children, the name should be selected by concerning the birth report based on the date of birth. The name chosen should not have any energy which can cause imbalance with the energies of the birth date report. In case you want more information regarding the best name, you can consult the birth report of the new born with the current name report, the first report using the expected name and the second one using the expected current name. The method of using numerology can also be applied to choosing suitable names for businesses. The names can be selected using Professional Numerologist and Personal Numerologist. You can also choose the date on which the business should start based upon similar methods. You can consult the numerology reports corresponding to different dates to begin the business. For example, by consulting different dates, if the number is either 1 or 8, then that date is suitable to start the business because these numbers have the potential for success in money matters. However, the success of any business does not entirely depend upon the name of the business and date of starting the business. It depends mainly on the people who are handling the business. Therefore, it is important to run the numerology reports on these people in order to get information about the success rate of the business.

However, whatever your numbers might be, whatever they might represent, they solely do not decide what happens to you in due course. By using numerology, you get a clearer picture of what your necessity is which allows you to be conscious about it for the rest of your lives.


then studying astrology we can include numerology to show days in which are so called lucky   birth day ect

Numerology shows us a particular behavior for our sun sign  based on your specific Date of Birth? We can find out this modifier by calculating your Birth Day number.

The Birth Day number values, and their affects on your sign sun  Horoscope are shown below.

Birth Day (1) - Serene

You are calm and serene with a good control of your fiery temper. But, when you do get angry woe betide the one who made you so.

Birth Day (2) - Cautious

You are cautious and careful in your daily life. You are as dependable as the earth you are grounded in. You never forget a promise or an obligation.

Birth Day (3) - Patience

You have the patience of a stone. An inner calm and peace radiate from you. You are willing to wait forever to get what you're waiting for.

Birth Day (4) - Resourceful

You are very resourceful when trouble strikes. You never become flustered when things go wrong. You have the presence of mind to act quickly and recover when the situation demands it.

Birth Day (5) - Placid

You are as placid as the quiet waters of a lagoon. You never worry about things you can't control.

Birth Day (6) - Insensitive

You tend to not be aware of the feelings of other people around you. Many will interpret this as being cold and callow on your part.

Birth Day (7) - Over Thinking

You usually over think your problems before you act. Don't wait so long to choose your course. Your first instinct is usually the right choice anyway.

Birth Day (8) - Stormy

When you do get angry, the storm of your actions tends to rain down on everyone around you. Don't be surprised when people distance themselves when your temper boils over; even if it's not aimed at them.

Birth Day (9) - Self Indulgent

You tend to have little control over your appetites and desires. Be careful, this will have bad affects on your self worth. Work at gaining some self control.

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Post by jupiter » Sun Jun 27, 2010 11:33 am

Thank you very much!

"• Karmic Debts
• Intensity Points
• Karmic Lessons
• Challenge
• Maturity Number
• Progressed Age
• Life Path Period
• Pinnacle
• Personal year"

I'm left with a question: are the intensity points (and perhaps the period, pinnacle and personal year) then the only positive or strengthening factors affecting the Core? While the Karmic lessons and Challenges etc. act more as hurdles and blocks on the way?

I know however that excess of certain number tend to make problems too...

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