Numerology: The Downside of Being A Master Number

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Numerology: The Downside of Being A Master Number

Post by enumero123 » Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:09 pm

One of the biggest conceits in numerology is the subscription to
the idea that being a master number is somehow better or superior
than being any one of the other numbers. It is also a myth to think
that the Master Number is luckier, more powerful or has an easier
time of it than other numbers.

If anything the path of a master number is more karmic than others.
They often have to transcend more difficulties than other numbers
in order to excel in the first place.  As many of them are also
original thinkers they also end up working alone or find themselves
in a position to have to defend ideas against a hostile majority.
They deal with obstacles that would daunt the stoutest of hearts
including physical disabilities, mental afflictions and very mean

The more Master Numbers a person has in their name or birth date,
the more likely they are to be seen as outsiders, outcasts, and
even as completely crazy. They frequently isolate themselves from
ordinary society because they feel so misunderstood.  Often they
just can't lead a normal life and end up fighting against the tide
their entire lives simply because change is so painful. It can take
a long time for a master number to be accepted by other people so
many of them are also late bloomers.  Very few of them, especially
the elevens ever enjoy a great deal of financial success because
they are such pioneers. Very often others that succeed them in
developing their original concepts take credit for the work.

The two main master numbers are 11 and 22 which in addition also
add up to 2 and 4.  The single digit numbers symbolize the shadow
side of the number's personality.  This is sometimes why
numerologists refer to master numbers as "double trouble."  Not
only do they have to deal with the karmic reverberations of being
karmic ally blessed with the master numbers they also have to deal
with the specter of their lower selves.

Many people who are master numbers can't handle their fate and
retreat into the single digit behaviors that get them nowhere in
life.  For instance the higher vibration of the 11 is to guide and
heal other people and treat everyone as a soul mate that is worthy
of unconditional love. The lower vibration of the 2 is more about
focusing on someone else full time rather than just yourself.

Addiction, codependency and obsession are part of the Master 11's
shadow side.  Some 11s spend their entire lives mourning the past
or chasing an emotionally unavailable individual.  They entirely
squander the potential to make something better of their life.

Likewise the shadow side of the Master Number 22 is quite harsh.
The number 4 is symbolized by money and health challenges.  The 4
is the damned if you do and damned if you don't number.  The number
4 Life Path number often feels overwhelmed and sinks into despair
simply because they feel they will never be able to climb out of
their rut.  The amazing thing is that if the 4 manages to turn the
Titanic that is their life right side up they can become more
accomplished than many people who have had plenty of privileges in
life. The 4 is also sometimes incredibly respected by others simply
because they do achieve so much with so little effort.

Still despite their challenges it is the master number's duty to
somehow change the world for the better which is a reward in itself.

Famous master number 11's including Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Bob
Hope, Colin Powell, Jackie Kennedy, and Jennifer Aniston. Madonna.
Meg Ryan. Michael Jordan, Prince Charles. Richard Burton. Robert
Monroe, Ronald Reagan. Rose Kennedy, Rush Limbaugh, Sally Ride.
Terri Irwin,Tim McGraw and Tony Robbins

Famous master number 22s include Arnold Schwarzenegger. Bernie "BJ"
Dohrmann. Bill Gates. Billy Graham, Bono. Brad Pitt, Bryan Adams,
Caroline Myss, Dale Earnhardt,Dean Martin, Demi Moore. Elton John.
Frank Sinatra, Gary Craig , Jewel John Asmara, John Kerry, Marie
Curie. Montel Williams. Nicole Kidman, Oprah Winfrey, Sir Paul
McCartney, Sir Richard Branson and Val Kilmer.

As you can see from looking at these lists that many of these
celebrities have had great challenges that go along with their
fame.   For example, among the 11s -- Jackie Kennedy saw her
husband's head blown off right in front of her eyes.  Jennifer
Aniston lost her husband to one of the most famous actresses in the
world.  Richard Burton was plagued by alcoholism despite his great
thespian talent.  Same thing with Frank Sinatra.  Oprah Winfrey
went from being dirt poor and sexually abused to being one of the
most famous and rich women in the world!

Many of the above mentioned Master Number 22s also have challenges
that are well known to the public. Dean Martin was a comic genius
but also an alcoholic. Like Oprah Demi Moore was dirt poor and
abused as a child. Frank Sinatra was in bad relationship after bad
relationship and could not stop drinking. Sir Paul McCartney has
been at the center of many embarrassing controversies - including
his recent break up with amputee and model Heather Mills.

It does however seem that the challenges faced by the 22s are not
as severe in some ways as those faced by the elevens who are
haunted more by internal psychological and emotional problems.  The
elevens are all

So you can see how wishing to be a master number might be a bit of
a case of "be careful what you wish for just might get it!"
Very few of us could handle or could want some of the challenges
that many of these celebrities have dealt with over the span of
their lifetime. The reason for their success is that they simply
have not given into the lower vibration of the single digit number
and instead gone for exploiting the potential of their highest

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Post by Autumn Rose » Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:53 am

So I am destined to keep on having bad things happen to me? Well I know I have everything I need inside of me to keep me going along. I got this!!

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Post by caithiggs » Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:29 pm

I recently made a friend who is a master number, and I never thought she might be one (since she just has the positive, not negative, traits of the single digit it adds up to), but as soon as I started learning about all the traumatic things she has gone through in her life I knew she had to be a master number. So I added it up, and voila. She is a 33, and I know not every book mentions it as a master number. It is interesting about the 11s, because I do know a couple 11 life paths, and I find that they deal with their problems differently. Again, they are just like anybody else is (master numbers aren't "special" per se). They do seem more internally haunted I suppose than other master numbers. My 33 friend, I would never ever know anything traumatic has ever happened to her, she just appears that even keeled. Obviously she still has to deal with it, but seems to have much more family and friend support--dealing with it on a much more public, shared level, whereas 11s tend to take it all on themselves independently and internally. I wonder if it is common for 33s to run into public embarrassments and blackmails more than other master numbers. I feel like that stuff would actually be more difficult to deal with if you were not a master number. But it seems like you have a higher potential to get into it in the first place as the master number. Still, I don't think being a master number means you are doomed to be messed up. You can be very level headed, in fact, perhaps even more understanding of what life has to throw at you (as long as you work at it).

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:10 pm

numerology is a way for us to understand  our  cosmic blue print     ,we all have ups and downs  on our journey ,  but  constance distress is failure to understand these vibrations   ,we must not only  learn our own  strengthens and weakness  but how they enter act with forces outside ourselves .numerology as with  any( spiritual reference)  is in place for us to use , the ideal is that we follow these instructions step by step  one day at a time , in hope that one day we can  move alone  our journey  without need to refer to the manual so to say  ..

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:23 pm

what better way to walk a simply and natural path  but to follow a system that adheres to the natural order of the cosmos    i quote  there is no randomness ,God  does not roll dice , man is the master of chaos , the cosmos  it is of perfect structure and order ..... cycles and patterns     the science of numbers and numerology can be a tool for obtaining this oneness with nature    we all come for the same one source energy,  distress can  be seen as being disconnected from this source ...

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:57 pm

@ autumn rose   just want to make a personal opinion  i see you as a 20/2 not a 11 but this is based on how i calculate the numbers  ,putting that a side let me direction my intension to the number  11/2  

11 revelation  

assertive -fanatical, cultic, overzealous   ,lacks practical realities. attacks dissimilar viewpoints, uses psychic or divine gift for self purpose
passive - fails to apply inspiration, over reacts to criticism ,apathetic, fears higher energies and gifts, sensitive   to public reaction
harmonious -gifted channel or clairvoyant, seeks to express higher consciousness unites spiritual truth to material plane ,inventive visionary leader

11s fly high in the clouds and must strive to plant their dreams on terra firma .to effectively convince others and stimulate change in the world 11s need to study and absorb the quality of the 22/4

2 cooperation peace  

assertive -meddling arbitrary careless strident tactless extremist dishonest overlooks detail creates divisiveness .

passive -vacillating sullen devious faultfinding too much attention to detail with delay in accomplishment;inability to take a stand

harmonious- diplomatic, adaptable ,able to fuse divergent opinions or groups ,rhythmic, gentle gathers information from both sides of a position before taking a stand

the 2 can get caught between other viewpoints and needs and therefore, to establish balance must learn to resonate with the number 3 , whose primary lesson is self expression ( creativity)

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Post by markie808 » Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:11 am

Truly there is a negative aspect to every number.  There is no number(s) which are more fortunate than another.  True some may be more fortunate in terms of material possessions than others, or more lucky in love, or more knowledgeable in spiritual matters.  However, in each number there is something to be learned.

Master Numbers may at times appear to have harder lives and more difficult circumstances.  But think about this, there is no greatness without struggle.  Most people who have gotten to where they are first endured struggle and pain.  All of this is part of growing into who we are meant to be.  Ultimately, it is our choice that determines how we will react and deal with our situations.  From those situations we learn and evolve and begin to see the greatness we are all capable of achieving.

Hope this helped!

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Post by Pescado » Sun May 29, 2011 11:26 pm

Interesting stuff! I am a Lifepath 11, and can attest that things were tough early on. I am now making my own destiny with the power of my mind and positive thinking.

My kids have multiple master numbers as well - particularly my son. He possesses Destiny 11, Soul Urge 22 - and his first three Pinnacles are 11, 11, 22 (fourth pinnacle is a 3)

My daughter possesses Birthday 22, Soul Urge 22, Maturity 11.

I am doing my best to provide a nurturing, loving environment for them. They are definitely sensitive in many ways... and extremely intelligent for their respective ages.

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Hello All .,. Master Number 33 here and here~

Post by Evard » Mon May 30, 2011 12:51 am

Hello . I am Evard .  I am "Master Number" 33 : Dragon Master Terrapin Station
self-appointed Druid Jesuit :@: Kingdom Promise : Henotheis Anachrosit .,. :-D !!

I am not egoist , though some numbers appear to not like Cancerian dominant . ,

I went quite "mad" earlier in my mid-20's and early 30's and "going by what I hear.d"
made me implacable to the setting "bad guys" wanted to see I was mad for the badly
attuned reason of free money , and I was known to be near dirty about a
setting my home life is free .,. and I'm not allotted waking peace as the problem with
waking disorder "lesser number" {being polite} wanted to "make tolerant disorder" ,.

I am the numerology Master Teacher .,. and I like Teacher Command and Internet .,.

Thanks if you understand I am[far]too dominant to be ego~ed {Cancerian} and uh we Cancerian are used to "making fun" ..
I am not one to berate others so some "bad men" tried to dominate my life and see if I could handle injure harrassment :-( #
my actual downside is : I stay home , am dirty , am quite eccentric , and given former "rap" sch~ez-o*phrenia .,. which uhm
I don't believe in .,. and I known I'm not some mutation of "so called maximum pay-out for schizophrenic disability money" !!
You don't have any reason to begin dominant "feeling sorry for me" as it doesn't help me nor others .,. and I'm non profit :-D

Thas the downside of being dominant enough to bother others with passive and always busy home life .

I thank you if you are amenable .,. and I cheer on Admin if he allows this , comment . Thanks and Amaste~ .  B Evard :-)

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note to enumero {[BlessedB]}

Post by Evard » Mon May 30, 2011 1:23 am

My "matha" will be finished in one year .,.
and my Super-chaos theory will be DONE:
in two years with one mention Australia :)

I enjoy Geomancy and Summoning Deit.yi
with proper accord future assess Geom.try
and Admin : rite on .  Thanks Advance.s.i^

[ not liked by uneven astrolom , Evard ] :-D

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Post by RishiRahul » Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:09 pm


I think enumero123 is the best numerologist available.

His thoughts are too deep!


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Post by Alovi » Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:49 am

Very few of them, especially
the elevens ever enjoy a great deal of financial success because
they are such pioneers. Very often others that succeed them in
developing their original concepts take credit for the work.

Like hell I'm letting that happen. I've always been very cautious even worried that this will happen one day.
I need the cash. I want financial freedom.

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Post by Luckymadon » Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:31 am

I can relate to everything Enumero123 said about the master number 11. I am an 11 in my birthdate, (29) as well as in my name, (47).

I knew it had to do with karma  :smt012

Now in my 47th year, I wouldn't trade any of my seemingly dreadful life experiences for anything. My eyes have been opened.  :smt007

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Post by Evard » Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:26 am

Hello .  I am Evard .

I offer again I am Master Number [2 the same , not #2 though my num~ber : 33]
and being 33 I am Master Teacher the way I see it .  My family maternal are very
insighted as Science Teachers .  I am wanting to be : Internet Teacher Command
and a site known as helping with homework "got my thoughts" as metaphysics :@
interested with ways teaching Marvel Science [comic book role play game ranks],
and the future of geophysics respecting planetary similarity about mass and then
surface weight of objects such as visiting human at other planetary bodies . . . . .

I like Marvel and my numerology will be spending much of my time to be learning
actually "slacking off" in terms of role playing games and I have talent at Science
so I will want to know the New Age future about Refurbishing Curriculum about :-D
the way to enjoy Math and Science in Newer Ways so students may enjoy it :) :)      I also admin a Junior Philosophy class

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so simply explained enumero123

Post by autumn56 » Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:05 pm

Thank you so much for such a great explaination.  I am an 11 and have been an outsider forever, and as much as I would like to have a companion believe now at 55 this will never happen.  I believe I have found the right forum.  Next week when I can get to a computer I will read intensively on your topics.  Thanks again,

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