All about people born on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th

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All about people born on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th

Post by izodiaque » Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:39 pm

Number 2 is for the planet Moon.

Moon was a male and was very handsome. Moon was always known for his flirtish tendencies and romantic nature. There are a lot of stories of Moon written in the astrology books. Few of them are:

1) He ran away with Jupiter’s wife and remained with her for more than a 1000 years. They gave birth to a boy who is now planet Mercury. This is the reason that in astrology Moon and Mercury are bitter enemies.

2) Moon started liking Rohini, daughter of a king. Moon wanted to marry Rohini but the king was aware of the flirtish tendencies of Moon, so put a condition that he had to marry all his 27 daughters if he wanted to marry Rohini. Moon agreed to that and later married all the 27 daughters of the king.

These stories just go on…

To start with lets talk about the basic characteristics of Number 2 (Moon)

1) Number 2 people have fluctuating nature. They are not able to stick to something for a long time.

2) They are highly creative and imaginative and make excellent actors, artists and entertainers. No wonder the Bollywood’s kings are number 2. SRK born on 2nd and Amitabh born on 11th.
3) Number 2 people are highly romantic and sensitive as well.
4) They are great lovers of arts and music.
5) They are gentle and peace loving. Mostly number 2′s like to remain quiet but they are always aware of everything going on around them. They are highly diplomatic
6) They are highly emotional. This more goes for people born on 2nd or 20th.

Lucky Days: Monday & Sunday
Lucky Colours: White, Light Green, Cream
Unlucky Colours: Black, Dark Blue, Red
Lucky Dates: 1, 2, 4 & 7 series
Rules over: Digestive System, Immunity and Heart

Professions Suited: Acting, Dancing, Sailor, Travellers, Nurses, Irrigation, Petrol, Dealers of any kind of liquids and pharmaceuticals

Number 2 Psychic (when positive – For people born on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th, please note that the effect increases if the month is February or November as they are also 2)

a) Highly intuitive: Number 2 people are seen to have excellent intuitive brains. They look quiet from outside but their brain is always working.
b) They are masters in the field of love and beauty.
c) They become brilliant speakers, but please note that they talk only when needed.
d) Artistic Inclination: Number 2 are strongly suggested to get into creative field as they outperform all the numbers in creativity.
e) Peace Loving: Moon is a cold planet and peace loving in nature. Number 2 people would always try to avoid fights.

Number 2 Psychic (when negative)

When negative, Number 2 people can be highly irritating. But this is mostly for those who are close to them. Number 2 people are to be handled with a lot of patience. Few characteristics are as follows:

a) Lack of self confidence and independence
b) Pessimistic / Depressive
c) Too sensitive at times
d) Their mood swings are adverse. I have a friend who feels she has everything in life at night and in the morning she feels she has nothing.
e) Very impatient
f) Lack of Determination
g) Very reserved at times

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Post by prasanna » Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:15 am

Quote= Number 2 Psychic (when positive – For people born on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th, please note that the effect increases if the month is February or November as they are also 2)

a) Highly intuitive: Number 2 people are seen to have excellent intuitive brains. They look quiet from outside but their brain is always working.
b) They are masters in the field of love and beauty.
c) They become brilliant speakers, but please note that they talk only when needed.
d) Artistic Inclination: Number 2 are strongly suggested to get into creative field as they outperform all the numbers in creativity.
e) Peace Loving: Moon is a cold planet and peace loving in nature. Number 2 people would always try to avoid fights.

        Your post is very interesting for me, as I am born on 11 th November. The above quote from your post is very apt to me and my character. A very good post. I really thanking u for this wonderful post dear friend.

Lots of love,

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Moon & Mercury's Enmity's Reason?

Post by chryseis » Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:53 pm

Why are the Moon and Mercury bitter enemies again?

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