2012 5 universal year

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2012 5 universal year

Post by enumero123 » Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:41 pm

Calculating 2012 5/3 Vibration
I have found that every year is influenced by two main number vibrations, not just one. The main and most influential vibration will be the universal year number found by simply adding together all numbers in a particular year and reducing it to a single digit.

For example:


2 + 0 + 1 + 2 = 5

Breaks down simply to five, no compound numbers to deal with but typically in numerology more calculations are involved to break down answers that are  in compound number form. In most cases we break down the results until we reach a single number (master numbers are considered exceptions). 2012 just happened to break down really simply to the number five.

2012 equating to a number five means 2012 will be a five universal year in numerology. The universal year quite basically is the number vibration which will have influence on the world.  This includes influence not only on world events, but the world’s vibration will touch our personal lives on some level. When it comes to the universal world year most will stop at the calculation of the entire year as obviously the “name” of the year is 2012, but I like to take it a step further and calculate the “nickname” of the year.

The year will also be known as ’12 and this also causes influence. Very similar to individuals that go by shortened names or nicknames. Nicknames and shortened names carry influence and so does the “shortened” name every year goes by. When we calculate 1 + 2 the result is the number 3. Making the number three another influential vibration. You can consider the number three as a minor influence, but minor does not mean insignificant! It still carries a pretty strong punch, but I say minor as the number five universal year number will have the greatest and most major effect on events.

So for 2012, we have the major influence of the number five and this makes the year officially a five universal year, but we also have the influence of the number three.

By the time I am done writing this post it will become pretty lengthy so I will be breaking it up into different post, so be sure to continue reading the full prediction by clicking through the all the parts of this reading. There are six parts to this reading. This page you are reading is part 1. The remaining parts to this numerology prediction are linked at the end of this page.

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Understanding 2012 by Looking Back On Past 5 Universal Years
As mentioned above 2012 will be a five universal year with a minor three vibration. All my numerology predictions are based on my interpretations of numbers and observations of past patterns of events occurring in the same universal year vibration.  Everything presented here are my observations and by no means law, so take and leave from it what you will. As mentioned in my numerology prediction posted last year for 2011, should patterns and events “come true” I believe it is based on my belief that history truly does repeats itself, as in numerology we have cycles the run 1-9 and of course cycles repeat. As long as the world is still standing the cycle will never end as every year will be known by a set of four digits.

So with all the many thousands of years we go through in this world we only have nine types of years with nine main themes. It goes double for our personal lives. Even as old as one becomes you only truly live through nine types of years. For more information please feel free to obtain a reading from me and I will explain your present year cycle and theme.
My life right now, is not where I want it to be, but I still feel a deep down excitement in entering 2012. Again 2012, will be a five universal year with a three vibration. And the number five is a very hyper-exciting-surprising number indeed! After such an arduous, serious year as 2011 was for most of us. Now we should feel the energies beginning to relax a bit and lead us towards exciting uncharted territory. More than any year, I can feel the feeling of heading towards exciting, uncharted territory. Where even on a personal level it feels as if there are many exciting changes and surprises awaiting.  

I believe the vibration of 2012 is slowly creeping in beginning now as we are in November 2011. It is as if the old vibration of 2011 is wearing off as we head towards the ending of the year and the new years vibration is making its way in early. I am starting to notice this occurrence every year. Even on a personal level you may feel your personal year vibration wearing off way before the year ends.

2012 & The Number 5
When a five occurs it is usually shocking-all-of-a-sudden vibration as continuously and "all of a sudden" and sometimes completely out of nowhere something is taking place in a significant way. "Major change" is a phrase often well associated with the number five. I will give examples of what I mean by "major" later on and I hope you understand what I mean by the end of this numerology prediction.
I have found the number five vibration is usually majorly significant when it comes to the keywords listed below in a significant and often historic way in most cases. I know some themes overlap and relate to each other and I have a specific reason for stressing certain keywords. You must read through all parts of this numerology prediction for examples and explanations.

The Number Five Vibration
Record setting weather
Bizarre weather
Volcanic Activity
Fire Outbreaks
Natural Disasters
Issues related to Power(Fig.)
Issues related to Power (Lit.)

The Number Three Vibration
Passing of young legendary stars
Passing of legendary famous people
Major Sports News
Entertainment Field
Later in this prediction I will provide examples of these particular keywords as it has majorly affected past five universal year vibrations. These keywords are important to keep in mind as good majority, if not all of them, historically have played major, significant roles in past universal five years. We do not have to wait till 2012 to watch this vibration unfold in the news headlines. Again, I have found yearly vibrations whether personal or world related tend to slowly creep in early in November!

Start taking notice of events occurring in just this November to the end of December alone and keep in mind the keywords posted above as we go through 2012. I am not at all into watching news, I rarely do, but through the internet we cannot help but find headline news at every turn. So if you are not into watching your local news, do pay attention headline news. Some wait till the beginning of a new year for the new vibration, but again I cannot help notice yearly number vibrations creeping in beginning around every November-December. At the end of this prediction I will post a page listing updates on events as they occur beginning now.
From 1900-2012....
It is very interesting to note from the years 1900-2012. We only have two years which were five universal years with a three vibration. Those years are the year 2003 and next year 2012!

Amazing we have only experienced this type of vibration only once before and we are once again headed to this vibration for 2012.  All past five universal years, again from 1900-2011, with the exception of 2003, contained a four vibration instead of the three which simply added a politically charged tone to past five universal years. The same four politically charged vibration was brought on this year of 2011 which was the four universal year, making it again, even on a personal level some what of burdensome type of year.

If you want to know what I mean by a politically charged year, please feel free to view my 2011 numerology prediction by clicking here and take note of related events that have taken place. The four vibration is hard working burdensome type of year. Most of us may have felt this 2011 vibration, no matter what your personal year, and the five brings great hope of the "difficulties" of the four easing up and giving us a break! Once we hit the "new millennium" we truly ushered in a new age  like no other and with the introduction of the upcoming new year of 2012 we can almost feel this "new age" is still just beginning.

How many of us kind of have a longing for the way thing were back in the 19-- fill in the blanks. It is something about the "2" and "20" in vibration in the year that is obviously ushered in a very "different" spiritual age than we were use to and maybe I'll examine that more and write more about that at a later time. There are six parts to this reading; to fully read this numerology prediction for 2012 in its entirety you must read all pages! This is just one part of a 6 post prediction.
Now onto more descriptions and detailed examples of events to be expected from a five universal year such as 2012 will be......
www. numerologystar .com/2011/11/numerology-prediction-2012-universal-5_4347.html

yes no oracle

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Lynn Buess on 2012

Post by enumero123 » Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:52 pm


(The Numerology of 2012)

The number for the universal year 2012 is five (2+0+1+2=5). To best understand the meaning of 2012 it is important to go back into numerical history to the millennium of the 1’s; that is, 1000 to 1999. One is the number of ego, individuality, nationalism, and development of self consciousness. The theme for that past millennium is me, myself and I. For nations 1 is the number of self assertion, domination, isolation and becoming the biggest and best. If the global population remains toxic, dysfunctional and ego centered (ethno-centric), the outcome of the last millennium is conflict, war, wasted resources and national antagonism toward others.

If mankind is on its path of evolution and destiny the outcome is attainment of healthy self awareness and readiness to take the next step of the evolutionary journey into the 2000’s. There are many predictions of catastrophe, collapse and dire doomsday deciphers. Perhaps some may happen. There is no real indicator from the numbers of an end times, and probably the world will go on after 2012. It does appear, however, that the planetary pace of social, moral and spiritual evolution quickens as humanity strives to catch up with the sciences and technologies which have been unfolding at warp seed.

Two is the number of duality and reconciliation of duality, cooperation, harmony, integration and attunement to higher levels of consciousness. In terms of global consciousness the trend is toward working with each other for the betterment of the all rather than focusing upon superiority and self aggrandizement. Zero indicates taking consciousness to the next level or dimension. The two plus zero, zero, zero (2000) suggests the aspiration and potentiality of a large percentage of the human race to become attuned to higher levels of consciousness and realignment with our place in the galactic community by the end of this millennium. The year 2012 is a time that will give much definition as to how well humanity progresses toward that goal.

There is a slow awakening among mankind as to our true galactic heritage and extraterrestrial origins. There are the few emerging among the many who are starting to glimpse our greater spiritual and social potential to advance and evolve without the waste of war, toxic competition and egocentric accumulation of excess. There is a longing within all races of mankind to live in harmony and share the unique contribution that each race and creed has to offer to the whole.

Unfortunately, on the dark side there are those who carry over the ego dominated desires of the past and use manipulate the ideals and dreams of the masses with their self interest dysfunctional toxic hidden agendas. Since these moneyed and powerful pawns of the dark control most of the communications media, entertainment, banking, stock markets, governments, syndicates and bureaucracies it is easy for them to dupe and deceive the purposely dumbed down masses.

The year 2012 is a turning point in human consciousness for humanity to make a choice to become enlightened seekers or fall prey to those who seek to determine a dark destiny for the planet. The first 2 and 0 (zero) of the year suggests a paradigm shift in the perception of society and the role of the individual within the collective. Followed by the 1 and the 2, there is indication of a reassessment of the ego and emphasis upon moving from self centered to Higher Self (Divine) centered. There will be a growing appreciation of the individual effort which elevates the entire group consciousness rather than the excessive aggrandizement and worship of the single personality.

That is not to discount individual human achievement; rather there comes a social maturity of appreciation without exaggerated idolatry. The coming years will witness less emphasis upon how much one person or organization can acquire for one’s self. Rather, the time will come when recognition and honors will be given to those whose efforts improve and benefit the quality of life for all. With increased awareness comes less abuse and dysfunction, along with a greater realization of potential of humanity to evolve into a galactic class civilization. That would be a culture of more peaceful and prosperous accomplishments.

Five is the number of humanity and the human being. This is a turning point in time and evolution that determines if we are truly humans who are being, or just existing. The dysfunctional human struggles to get by with life. The healthy human lives fully each day and moment of life. Do we become the divine man or continue to be ego driven immature children of adversity. It is an important time to choose if we will live by universal laws of abundance, justice, respect and attunement to the harmonious rhythms of the cosmic dance.

Five is the number of man and human experience. This year sees the highlights and lowlights of extreme in human behavior on an individual and collective level. Excess, indulgence, morbid and repulsive behavior hits the air waves along with moments of the sublime, exalted and heroic. Amid the chaos, confusion and collective fear there will be an increasing number of souls experiencing direct mystical and spiritual realizations of universal truth. A kind of inspired Gnosticism (direct Knowing) emerges amid the populations of the world. Esoterically five is the number of Divine man. It is a time when humans remember and realign with the inner dance of the eternal atom of the Higher Self.

Five is the number of sex and sensuality and experiencing of the five senses. There is a sharp increase of consumption and production of wine, beer, spirits and drugs (both legal and illegal). Pharmaceutical companies are under severe legal and public assault from having misrepresented the potential benefits of drugs and withheld evidence of the severity of side effects and consequences of numerous profitable abusive substances. Natural medicines flourish despite the attempt of pharmaceutical companies to demonize the natural and maintain control of the market through proprietary synthetics. Matters of sexual abuse, exploitation and extreme indulgences are revealed on a nearly daily basis.  A blessed few are transformed and uplifted through purified mystical sexual rituals which elevate the consciousness in preparation for dimensional shift.

Mundane matters of the planet are busy and at times beyond bizarre. Old allegiances break down and new alliances come and go. Chinese assertiveness reaches a pitched fever. Its expansionism seems unstoppable. There is the likelihood of a major internal change of power. At the same time the threat of social and political implosion of the huge population looms large. A coup or possible assassination would not be surprising. Tension with Japan and Taiwan accelerate. Japan may also undergo drastic changes in government and policy.

Turkey remains a key player in the power and politics of the Middle East. Issues in India flair up and Pakistan’s instability make for troublesome times. Coupled with the Iranian uprising, the entire region will constantly capture news headlines and be of concern for the stability of the planet. In Europe Portugal seeks to restore some of the glamour and power of earlier centuries. Italy and Rome are the center of unrest and instability. Fire could engulf a major global city this year. Could Rome burn again? Paris and Moscow are possible candidates.  Old tensions flair up between Italy and the Balkans, France and Germany, along with Scotland, Ireland and England as well. The Scandinavian nations are very active in the political arena and may pull away entirely from the European Community in order to maintain their own identity.  The Community becomes strained to the limits and possibly doomed.

Religious tensions remain around the globe. Muslim-Christian differences are kindled into flames once more. The Roman Catholic Church and Vatican are the center of much controversy and change. The church issues proclamations with mixed messages. In its sternness lie some recollections of the Inquisitions. A curious leniency toward such issues as pedophilia and sexual abuse raises eyebrows. There is a strong likelihood of a new Pope. Assassination and untimely death could be mentioned.

Weather and natural disasters do not let up this year. Possible earthquake zones and Tsunami regions are the Mediterranean and the same Sendai area of Japan where earlier disaster has struck. Earthquakes strike often and in the most diverse of places. Substantial clues to our geological and meteorological future will come from Antarctica research and explorations. The threat of plague and epidemics runs high for the coming year.

In the United States the emphasis is upon health, responsibility, social programs, education and fiscal accountability. The great national paradox is how such a wealthy and theoretically educated people experience such poor health, obesity and litany of toxic syndromes. The government and social system are clearly increasingly dysfunctional and out of control. The lack of noble and inspired leadership is evident and the plethora of compromised and questionable candidates overwhelms. The current administration will be seen by its distracters as largely careless, clueless and classless. So many find it flawed and failed that a political pundit could be called to ask: if our incumbent runs, will the elections of 2012 bring us a toad or a Newt?

Amid American chaos comes a cadre of souls reaching toward a transpersonal and spiritual resurgence that encourages the implementation of simple universal principles of living that have been lost in our superficial and materialistic world. The curious 2011 denial by the administration of connection to other worlds and life forms may come back to bite the boss in the bottom as truth wins out over censorship and control.

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Post by zeldaevolution » Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:56 pm

I'll be waiting for the next posts.....
I'm still a kid when I reach my 40s, that's for sure.
I'm grown up when I'm 70, that's a bull's eye.
When I get to 120, it's probably that God will call me some time later... because he set up my bed for me ^__^

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Post by zeldaevolution » Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:15 am

i feel like i've lost things a many this year... also important ones..
i feel like this year's a time for a big change or something...
I'm still a kid when I reach my 40s, that's for sure.
I'm grown up when I'm 70, that's a bull's eye.
When I get to 120, it's probably that God will call me some time later... because he set up my bed for me ^__^

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Post by oriel » Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:57 pm

Honestly I feel like something big is about to happen and I dunno.. maybe it's more on the spiritual side.. :smt017

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