Rising Sign

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Rising Sign

Post by swetha » Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:40 pm

How much does a Rising Sign influence ur chart? what do astrologers generally consider? only the sun sign or sunsigh, moon and rising sign? and what if some characterisics are contradictory? how does one decide which is more stronger?

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Rising Signs

Post by prose » Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:30 am

Thanks for posting this topic, because it's an interesting one alright.   I look at the rising sign as the energy which a soul travels through when they come into the world, and so this energy is visible to others, moreso than the sun-sign, which is close and personal (and quite hidden I find), or even the moon sign, which is intensely personal, but can sometimes be shown through a person's behaviour.

When doing a chart for someone I really need to know a person's time-of-birth because I find that a person's rising sign gives so much information, particularly if you have a relationship with someone, as the rising sign automatically determines what sign rules the 7th house of relationships.  People tend to project their rising sign as a personality trait.
eg. I'm a Leo, but with Capricorn rising, I'm very cautious and responsible and sensible.
My sister-in-law has sun and moon in Taurus, but with a Gemini ascendant she has a sharp and quick mind, and can talk without seeming to draw breath!
One of my brothers has sun in Virpo and moon in Scorpio. but in his dealings with others he comes across as a mild-mannered, socially adept and charming Libran - his rising sign.

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Rising signs

Post by prose » Mon Sep 04, 2006 7:58 am

Sorry - I got carried away on that post, and ignored your questions, Swetha, about what if some signs are contradictory.
And to answer this, I'll use the example I gave in my last post of my brother who has sun in Virgo, moon in Scorpio, and Libra rising.  Professionally he's a Virgo (works in mathematics, specifically Statistics), socially and relationship-wise he's a Libran - very socially oriented, kind and gracious.  But as I see him he suppresses his Scorpio moon, which is a common expression of any planet in Scorpio in my experience.  I believe that he feels that his Scorpio characteristics so contradict what he is trying to project of himself that he behaves like he has no Scoprio at all in his chart.  He may express this sexually, but he's my brother, so I don't know about that.

It also depends on how interested and insightful people are about themselves, and what makes them tick.  Some people are satisfied with just knowing their sun signs and what that can mean, while others say things like: `But I'm not like a Cancerian at all!'  This would probably be because Cancerian sun signs hide their Cancerian selves behind their moon sign.  So, for instance, a Cancerian with Aries moon may express themselves dynamically and confidently, just like an Aries sun sign.

Some people are really hard to pick, because they project themselves so much as their rising sign, that their sun and moon take a back seat.

I also find that a person's Mars placement can be almost as obvious as is their rising sign.  For instance, I have a cousin who's an Aries, but she also has Mars in Scorpio.  She has Taurus rising, which softens (fortunately!!) all that Aries and Scorpio, but she projects into the world with a combination of Aries and Scorpio characteristics.

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rising sign

Post by dee » Sat Dec 16, 2006 3:37 pm

RISING SIGN known as the ascendant or lagna, the SUN SIGN, where you sun is (what the western approach uses to describe as your zodiac sign) and the MOON SIGN where your moon is (what the Indian approach uses to describe as your rashi) are all equally important! Each pertains to a different aspect of your persona- because every individual is made up of many parts! Very very simply put the rising sign shows what you are, the sun sign shows what you appear to the world, and the moon sign shows what you are emotionally! You will get a better grasp on understanding your self- call it your personality, or nature if you read all three signs – with their contradictions! We all have many contradictions in us and this is shown beautifully when you combine the three! Other planets also add to this! That’s why to truly know your self- you need to pursue all the planets! How you communicate and think wld be seen through mercury for example!
Love dee

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Re: Rising Sign

Post by business voodoo » Sun Dec 17, 2006 5:11 am

swetha wrote:How much does a Rising Sign influence ur chart? what do astrologers generally consider? only the sun sign or sunsigh, moon and rising sign? and what if some characterisics are contradictory? how does one decide which is more stronger?
that is an interesting question and the two posts above give the basics ...

this is what i do that sometimes help me clarify what could be a contradiction ... because say you have a virgo sun and a cancer ascendent ... but you are totally outgoing and gregarious, the life of the party.  that could be reflected if say your your moon was in leo or something like that ... but what if when you run your chart sidereally, your sun is still in virgo, but closer to the leo cusp and your ascendant was leo.  you moon was in cancer ... hmmmmmm

you would still have that 'family' thing because moon in cancer ... you would still be centered in virgo, but your personality would be leo.  the difference would be the 'routing' of your energy ...

if you were all outgoing and gregarious because of your moon energy or whether that was your projection of your personae out into the world ... its a bit of hair spliting, but in doing detailed identity work, it could prove to help understand what seems to be contradictions and show that they really weren't contradictory after all, they were just viewed and routed through a different source, and then they all made sense.

... if any of the above made any at all ... it sure seemed like i was talking in circles!

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Post by Blackruby » Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:23 pm

This is a really informative topic and it's made me feel better because often I feel really conflicted.

I am a Taurus on the cusp of Aries with an Aquarius moon and a Sagittarius rising. I just had a quick look at generic profiles for the moon sign and rising sign and they are very true. I always wondered how I could be so outgoing when a Taurus is meant to be shy, or why my mood can swing so much and why I can be insecure if I was more Aries than Taurus.

Thanks for that.

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Your public face

Post by dlm61 » Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:00 am

I find that one's sun sign is their private face (or what is going on inside of them) and their rising sign tends to be their public face (how they project to the world).

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Post by tcbd913 » Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:42 am

so what does Virgo sun/Libra moon/ Libra rising mean?  I am very Virgo, however I also have a very solid Libran sense of justice.  Any thoughts?

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Post by daisyjac » Thu Jul 19, 2007 6:19 am

like blackruby, i tend to find that a person's rising sign is their public face or the mask they hide behind.  some people aren't even aware of their public face and the vibes that they give off. i also tend to find that the moon sign is better indicator of a person emotionally and of how they react emotionally.  so, maybe for you, tcbd913, that libran moon shows that 1) injustice is something provokes a reaction in you (where it may not in others) and 2) your Libran moon wants to do something about it. your virgo sun no doubt wants a practical solution ;)

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Post by asmita » Sat Aug 04, 2007 1:48 pm


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HI Swetha...

Post by Global_Breeze » Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:43 am

From what I've learned about rising sign in the chart is that it is the part of the personality that people see when you walk in the door.  It is the first impression sortofspeak.  It is what you project to the general public and not what your real personality might be. Also, I've learned that the two most important aspects of a person's chart is their sun sign and their moon sign in their chart. I was told that the sun sign is the positive aspect of the personality and that the moon placement in the chart is the negative aspect in the personality.  And that the moon placement is pretty close to how the person thinks and who they are most of the time.  I've also learned that the rising sign is "motivator" of the personality and that it gives the person added strength to do and be what is necessary to be successful.  One of my friends who does Divine Astrology believes that the rising sign is the "North Node" of the personality, which means the influences that govern the persons mental and intellectual abilities....I hope I've answered some of your questions...I'm not an expert, these are just my experiences with my chart and other charts I've done...I noticed a pattern of moon sign being very significant in a person's chart and whatever sign the moon was in at birth pretty much determines the negative side of the personality....just my experiences.....peace and light to you....keep searching and remember...........God's Got It!!!!

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Sun,moon & lagna

Post by ash1234 » Sat May 31, 2008 1:55 pm

I can only analyze myself.

Virgo sun,scorpio rising (Lagna) and Sagitarius moon.I find that as i get older my personalaity resembles a scorpios more and more.Im a very private person, intense etc etc.Sometimes i wish i had could eliminate some of my negative traits like being vindictive and wanting to inflict pain to people who have hurt me.Are the any mantras for this?I wish i was more like sagitarius, more social with a devil may care attitude.I have some Virgo traits ...but im very disorganized and shabby at times, so i dont know.Obviously it depends on the entire chart.

Another thing is the western rising sign and the vedic lagna are often different, im a bit confused.

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Post by tunaf15h » Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:04 pm

I agree with Global-breeze. it is what is seen on first impression.  my rising sign is Virgo but my sun sign in Leo.  i am also a cusp leo to virgo.  most people tend to see virgo at first until they get to know me then they see the leo side.

i have always dealt with Western. i am jsut starting to learn verdic. but they both show different charestics of each person.

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Ascendant conjunct Eros

Post by Aracco » Thu Jun 12, 2008 4:34 pm

Hello there.. Is there anyone here that knows anything about EROS conj ASC????? I have it in my chart and are so curious about what it means....... THANKS!

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Re: rising sign

Post by astrologer50 » Fri Dec 05, 2008 2:16 pm

dee wrote:RISING SIGN known as the ascendant or lagna, the SUN SIGN, where you sun is (what the western approach uses to describe as your zodiac sign) and the MOON SIGN where your moon is (what the Indian approach uses to describe as your rashi) are all equally important! Each pertains to a different aspect of your persona- because every individual is made up of many parts! Very very simply put the rising sign shows what you are, the sun sign shows what you appear to the world, and the moon sign shows what you are emotionally! You will get a better grasp on understanding your self- call it your personality, or nature if you read all three signs – with their contradictions! We all have many contradictions in us and this is shown beautifully when you combine the three! Other planets also add to this! That’s why to truly know your self- you need to pursue all the planets! How you communicate and think wld be seen through mercury for example!
Love dee
Simple but incorrect, your Ascendant sign is your physical body and mode of expression, the mask and persona that we all wear to protect ourselves, but definately not whats going on underneath, thats the Sun sign. The Asc sign is the chemistry, lust and attraction factor and the way your project yourself when you first meet new people.....

The Sun sign is your core beliefs, values and pride, and Ego by sign and house position.

The Moon sign is your intuitive, nurturing side of your, plus your view of your mother and how she nurtured you. Where you seek to be nurtured and where you give nurturance is the house position in a natal chart....

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