What's your sex drive like (Mars) in the 12 Signs

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What's your sex drive like (Mars) in the 12 Signs

Post by astrologer50 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:27 pm

Mars in Aries
Energy levels; all high. Type of energy; primarily physical, raw and spontaneous. Energy often channelled into; leading, starting things, pioneering. Strengths; courageous, independent, enterprising. Lacks; Humility, patience, self-control.
This is the powerful Mars in that it provides a great deal of energy, but unfortunately there's often a lack of stick to it ness. You may be inclined to leap before you look syndrome, with the result that you often find you have got too many irons in the fire to successfully control. There is a hot temper on occasion here, although normally there is no tendency to violence. You have a healthy ego and a strong but rather hair-triggered sex drive. You are spontaneous and easily aroused as a rule.
Men with this placement are often incorrigible women-watchers regardless of their romantic status and their happiness (or lack of happiness) with same. They find the female body a turn-on. Also, they sometimes forget that love is not a ninety-yard dash, but remember a co-operative event, and there is generally no applause for coming in first! Women with this placement generally enjoy and are active participants in sex. They are also relatively creative sexually.

Your Love Life
You want to be the dominant partner in the relationship and you want enough challenge to keep the relationship interesting. You want a courageous but not too headstrong mate/lover. You are spontaneous in love, eager to be involved. If your love life is not satisfactory to you, if relationships start well only to fizzle shortly thereafter, it could be you are coming on a bit too strong. Some men and women will tend to be overwhelmed by your ardour or even suspicious of it; they may mistake it for plain old lust or even desperation. You had probably be happiest with a mate with Venus in a fire sign, Venus in the 1st house, or a venus/Mars conjunction. A mate whose Venus conjoins your Ascendant might also provide the kind of love you want.

Mars in Taurus
Energy levels; High to adequate practical and emotional energies. Low mental and physical energies. Type of energy; stable, controlled, persistent. Energy often channelled into; keeping things as they are, building of both literal and figurative types, accumulating things.Strengths; stability, craftsmanship, loyalty. Lacks; flexibility, inner drive, physical energy.
You are much slower to act and much more patient that someone with Mars in Aries. Anger can be a problem for you. You tend to hold it in for too long, so when you do blow up it is often over something trivial and your anger is totally out of proportion to the circumstances. You are quite conservative in your actions and ambitions otherwise. In the health area, there is some danger of throat problems, particularly if Mars is under stress or in the 6th house.
You have a powerful sex drive and can be quite sensuous and earthy. Men with this placement have a tendency to want their women to feel obligated to them; they therefore aim to please and also often aim to procreate. Women with this placement tend to deal easily with the requirements of marriage and family life, including sex. They do, however take a while to "warm up" and do not like to be rushed into love-making.

Your Love Life
You want money. You also want physical demonstrations of love, and possibly tangible tokens of affection. You exude a strong sexuality, but it is low-keyed rather than overwhelming. It tantalises at the background of your personality. Though your wants at first glance may seem unromantic, you are not asking for something you are not willing to give yourself. You may very well enjoy expressing your love by giving gifts, making things, or doing practical things for your loved ones. You are also probably physical in your romantic expression. You undoubtedly like to give .. and get.. hugs, kisses, and cuddles in addition to sex itself. You would be happiest with a mate who has Venus in an earth sign, Venus in the 2nd house, or Venus sextile your Mars.

Mars in Gemini
Energy levels; high mental energies. Adequate physical energies. Low practical energies. Emotional energies vary from high to low and generally erratic at best. Type of energy; variable, often fluctuating, sometimes nervous. Energy often channelled into; learning, talking, writing. Strengths; alertness, wit, spontaneity. Lacks; depth, follow-through on occasion and calm.
Your fondness for change may make you want to do a lot of travelling (most likely short distance journeys). Or maybe you will be the eternal student, constantly reading or taking courses. You are no doubt a clever person, with a vivid imagination and good manual dexterity. But you need a focal point in your life in order to channel your energies constructively rather than wasting them dabbling.
If this Mars is under heavy stress - in a Grand cross for example, you can be overly excitable. Sexually, you fluctuate; you can be very involved one minute, totally superficial the next. Men, when "in the mood," have all the necessary attributes to be accomplished and utterly devastating lovers when they take the initiative; however those old jokes about Gemini being prone to answer the phone in the middle of an encounter CAN have a grain of truth! These men can be easily distracted. Women with this placement tend to be turned on by intellect, sense of humour, and other more or less mental attributes. If these are lacking, neither phenomenal good looks nor an evening in the finest restaurant will kindle the fires. People with Mars in Gemini are not insensitive; they have a great desire to learn what pleases. Once they know what pleases they will generally adapt quickly to the preferred approach.

Your Love Life
You want conversation and you want your mate to be able to keep up with you mentally and physically. Though you often succeed at hiding it through witty statements or endless chatter about trivia, you are quite sensitive. For this reason, you sometimes sublimate your sexual energies into intellectual pursuits rather than running the risk of rejection on the romantic front. Contrary to popular belief, then you are not uninterested in commitment; you are possibly just afraid of being hurt. If there is good mental rapport between you and the object of your affections, if you understand one another's needs, all will be well. For best results, look for someone who has Venus in air sign, Venus in 3rd house, or a Mercury/Venus conjunction. It also helps to have your Mars sextile or trine the other person's Sun, Moon or Mercury.

Mars in Cancer
Energy levels; high emotional energies, adequate to low physical and practical energies. Low mental energies. Type of energy; predominantly emotional, sympathetic and subtle. Energy often channelled into; gaining security, patriotism, domestic activities. Strengths; ability to give TLC, instincts, feelings. Lacks; perspective, direction, and occasionally spontaneity.
The fighting side of Mars is subdued here. You fight openly only when forced to do so; you prefer to use guilt to keep things under control, or you will sidle into things on the defensive, wondering if you will be able to take the heat or be driven out of the kitchen by more assertive minds/bodies. I call this the mark of the worrywart, as your strong needs for security and nice things can put a lot of pressure on you to be "the best" in some way .... and of course perfection is hard to come by! Sometimes this position of Mars indicates difficulties in the involved house, because Mars here is its fall and therefore hard to channel constructively.
Other times, since Cancer is associated with home and family, it can attract a great deal of domestic discord. Your intuition is powerful; you should use it. But guard against negative psychism and round out your development by also taking courses in philosophy or theosophy, to aid your psychic development.
Mars in Cancer tends to have a somewhat uneven or erratic sexual quality. People with this placement can go for lengthy periods when they have little or no interest in sex. These periods are interspersed with other periods of extremely sensuous, amorous, and occasionally even promiscuous behaviour. Sometimes, there are bouts of impotence or other sexual problems. However, if you are sure your loved, you are liable to be both refined and faithful even if not always in the mood for sexual frolics.
Mars in Cancer men have many appealing qualities, not the least of which is the fact that they like women and are protective and solicitous of them. They make marvellous friends, and if you are willing to settle for cuddles, instead of fireworks when you are in their disinclined stage, they can be quite capable of meeting your needs. Mars in Cancer women often have some difficulty deciding whether they want to be Earth Mother or Lolita.... and sometimes take turns playing both roles.

Your Love Life
You want an emotional mate who likes to touch and be touched. Chances are good you also want a family. You can be a clinging vine and smother your lover if you are not careful. Your intentions are good... you want to protect, provide for, and take care of him/her so that his/her every need will be fulfilled. You therefore do best with a mate who's a wee bit dependent, someone who wants a strong person who can advise and help him/her when needed. In general, this rules out anyone whose overall chart shows a strong Aries (dependant this person would NOT be).

Mars in Leo
Energy levels; high physical energies. Adequate practical and mental energies, adequate to low emotional energies. Type of energy; confident, exuberant, dramatic. Energy often channelled into; getting to do what you want, being in charge, entertaining. Strengths; generosity, leadership ability, enthusiasm. Lacks; ability to work without recognition, humility, ability to play second fiddle.
You are an inspirational person and probably have a considerable amount of self-confidence. Your willpower is also strong. You have a quick but easily appeased temper. Normally you do not hold grudges. Sometimes you can be a bit too pushing, though, and if Mars is under stress you must watch out for a tendency to be domineering.
You have a direct approach when it comes to sex and you want what you want when you want it. Men with Mars in Leo are normally optimistic about their chances of scoring and have tones of ideas for the creative pursuit of the opposite sex. Women with this placement can appear haughty. They are generally not looking for just any old passion; they want THE grand passion. Hence they dig their heels in and it takes some effort to sweep them off their feet. People with Mars in Leo generally have a tremendous amount of sex appeal even if not traditionally good-looking.

Your Love Life
You want - you demand - to be the centre of attention. You also want to achieve something in life and will not take kindly to having your goals interfered with. Your approach to sexuality is fairly direct. You do not necessarily come on strong, but you make your wants known and are not much on playing games. Probably you are faithful; certainly you expect fidelity from your mate or lover. For best results, choose someone who has Venus in a fire sign, Venus in the 5th house, or a Sun/Venus conjunction. Try to see that this Venus is not under stress from natal Uranus or from your own Uranus.

Mars in Virgo
Energy levels: high practical energies. Adequate to high mental energies. Adequate physical energies. Low emotional energies. Type of energy: service-oriented, disciplined, efficient. Energy often channelled into : reasoning, finding flaws, helping others. Strengths: self-discipline, technical aptitudes, unselfishness. Lacks: ability to see the forest for the tress, imagination, enthusiasm.
Mars in Virgo people generally tend to be very careful and discreet about sex. Occasionally they are "late bloomers" in this area. Various types of sexual hang-ups can manifest if Mars is under stress here; usually these have to do with rejecting people for rather petty reasons. ("But I couldn't possibly sleep with him; he will be bald by the time he's 30!"). Both sexes have to learn that good reasoning skills do not make for infallible judgment in the sexual arena. Men with this placement are often so busy repressing their emotions that they may not be very insightful about a woman's wants - or their own. Women with this placement set high standards for men.... sometimes unattainably so.
Both sexes can be incredibly dense when it comes to picking up on someone's romantic signals; paradoxically, they find very blatant overture offensive. Patience, as well as more than a modicum of refinement, will be necessary to break the ice.... which generally turns out not to be ice at all, but rather a protective coating of "intellectual polyurethane" designed to protect the emotions from getting scratched, scuffed or stained.

Your Love Life
You want a healthy mate/lover. While not cold, you probably do not want a terribly sexually demanding partner, as you tend to feel you have to have energy for other pursuits as well. You are very careful whom you get involved with. You are also careful where and how you get involved; you are nothing if not discreet! This does not necessarily mean you lack spontaneity; it does however, mean that you are not one to rush into things. Impulsiveness tends to leave you feeling guilty; lack of preparedness worries you. So when you become involved, you invariably know exactly what you are doing! While you may like variety, you do not like one-night stands.

Mars in Libra
Energy levels; high mental energies. Adequate to love physical energies. Low practical and emotional energies. Type of energy: pleasant, relaxed, social. Energy often channelled into: socialising, diplomacy, mediating. Strengths: fairness, ability to compromise, co-operativeness. Lacks: decisiveness, independence, loyalty.

You have a strong sense of fairness, but because you are not always as perceptive as you should be, you may often find yourself torn between two choices of action. Sometimes this Mars position signifies a great deal of inner conflict centring around opposing needs for independence and supportive people. In any case, much of your activity is channelled into partnerships of various types which may or may not be long-lasting. Your physical energy level tends to fluctuate, and a lot depends on the aspects you have to Mars. Aspects between Mars in this position and Moon, Venus, or Neptune can make you rather lazy, while aspects to the Sun, Jupiter, and Pluto tend to increase physical energy.
I have often suspected that a certain number of people with Mars in Libra prefer cocktail parties and pleasant social chit chat to sex. Sex, after all, is so doggoned messy! It can really play havoc with fancy hairdos, and afterwards there's inevitably all that dirty laundry. And for what? People with Mars in Libra have no qualms about initiating sexual encounters and no qualms about walking away from them when they cease to please. They do not, however, walk away until they have somewhere else to go as a rule. Men with this placement tend not to be sexually demanding: nor are they anti-sex. They can take it or leave it, depending on who's offering it. Women with this placement are most responsive... and most faithful.... to lovers who mirror their own personalities. It other words, they tend to be drawn to the concept of total union, and sex is only one small facet of this merging.

Your Love Life
You want companionship. You want to avoid loneliness and will pay just about any price (in terms of compromising or altering your needs) to do so. However, you are also apt to want a growth oriented relationship, so you are apt to be quick to instigate change if you feel things are getting too hum-drum. You do not mind taking the initiative to get a new relationship off the ground: you are a little less quick to initiate a break-up unless there is either someone else waiting in the wings or your lover has refused to budge and things just cannot be improved enough to restore harmony. You would do best with someone who has Venus in an air sign, in the 7th house, or trine your Mars.

Mars in Scorpio
Energy levels: high in all areas. Type of energy: gutsy, probing, non-stop. Energy often channelled into: understanding hidden things of both a literal and figurative nature. Strengths: purposeful, perceptive and dedicated. Lacks: forgiveness, openness, adaptability.
This Mars gives you tremendous potential to do good or harm, so strength of character is required if you want to channel your energy positively. You have such strong likes and dislikes that the maxim "thoughts are things," bears especially strong meaning.
Sex and Scorpio are well-nigh synonymous. However, that insatiably voracious sexual appetite is often only mask for what Mars in Scorpio rarely wants, which is understanding. For someone to take the time to get close enough to see.. and touch... the real person on all levels, and understand.. physically, mentally, and emotionally.. this, is the ultimate turn on for Mars in Scorpio. The males, given this kind of encouragement, will be totally faithful and value the woman who succeeds in this regard above all else. Women with this placement find intelligence a turn-on. They especially find the sort of intelligence known as "street smarts" a turn-on. But they, too are ultimately looking for understanding above all else.

Your Love Life
You want sex. You also want to be allowed to be a bit or more than a bit self-indulgent on occasion. But there's a paradox here. Even though you want sex, and actively seek it, because Scorpio is a passive sign, you are not entirely comfortable proclaiming your wants and pushing for them openly. In fact, you may try to deny them even to yourself.
Mars in Scorpio, particularly in women, is inclined to stifle or down play its sexual energies for lengthy periods. Sometimes this is due to an overly moralistic upbringing, sometimes because your sexual energies are sublimated into psychology or the occult, and sometimes merely because of a lack of suitable sexual partner. Anyway, because of this tendency, when your needs do make themselves felt, you may go through long periods when you are almost insatiable. You do best with someone who can adjust to both your "on" and "off" periods. Choose someone who has Venus in a water sign, in the 8th House, or conjunct Pluto for best results.

Mars in Sagittarius
Energy levels: physical energies high. Mental and emotional energies adequate. Practical energies low. Type of energy: freedom-seeking, erratic, speculative. Energy often channelled into: gambling of a literal or figurative nature, publishing, giving advice to others. Strengths: hope, optimism, enthusiasm. Lacks: discrimination, endurance, consistency.

You have a strong sense of justice and an inner strength based on a positive philosophy of life. You are also courageous and very good at debating, persuading, and popularising. Your spontaneity is a plus, although at times it can contribute to sloppiness or slapdash work. Should your Mars be under severe stress... in a Grand cross, for example... your tendency to act without thinking can get you into a fair amount of difficulty.

Sexually, you are expansive and undoubtedly not the sort to "save yourself for marriage." You tend to approach any kind of sexual encounter optimistically, and sometimes with not a heck of a lot of discrimination. If it's offered, after all, it must be a sign that somebody "up there" thinks you need it. If it's not offered, men with Mars in Sagittarius can be quite bold, blunt, and even crude about asking for it. They have few qualms about one-night or even one-hour stands. What they do have qualms about is committing and taking responsibility: they are not, be nature, boy scouts, and hence do not always come prepared. Women with this Mars placement tend not to be really good at "feminine wiles" and often wind up being the best friend rather than the lover. They do, however, enjoy sex.... although they sometimes, to their detriment, get it mixed up with love.

Your Love Life
It's hard to say what you want except that you want what you believe in. You will fight to get it, "It" might be foreign travel, higher education, specialised knowledge, or merely freedom to come and go as you please with no strings. You tend to approach virtually any involvement in a wide-open, anything goes fashion. For this reason, a lot depends on your philosophy of life. There can be beautifully spontaneous relationships that deepen without losing their zest as times goes on, or there can merely be a series of rather superficial relationships... fun while they last, but not lasting long. Your best chances of happiness would come from involvement with someone who has Venus in a fire sign, Venus in the 9th house, or a Venus/Jupiter conjunction. People with fire or air predominating in their charts will probably be more compatible with you than those who have earth or water predominating.

Mars in Capricorn
Energy levels: high practical energies. Adequate physical and mental energies. Adequate to low emotional energies. Type of energy: predominantly practical, attainment-oriented, sustained. Energy often channelled into: planning, overcoming feelings of being unloved, organising. Strengths: respectful, ambitious, responsible. Lacks; friendliness, sense of humour, humility.

You probably started planning your career while still in your teens... or even before... because you have a tremendous amount of ambition. You like to be in charge, too. Although you have quite a bit of magnetism, you are not a particularly warm person and can be quite aloof for a long time while you are seeing if others measure up to your standards. And when angry, your coldness is enough to freeze everything in your path. You are well co-ordinated as a rule, and not averse to physical activity and hard work.
You have a strong, but often well-hidden sex drive, and can be an excellent lover once you finally trust your partners... and yourself. You tend to have very specific sexual wants and sometimes are not terribly comfortable with these. You are also very demanding of yourself in terms of putting your partner's satisfaction before your own. One of the lessons Mars in Capricorn men seem to be forced to learn at their parents' knees is how to be a good sport or a good loser. Carried into the sexual arena, this means they will generally yield quite politely and agreeably to a woman's demands. However, if this does not give satisfaction for them, they may start to be resentful and, instead of speaking up (real men are ALWAYS satisfied if they satisfy the woman), they may start seeking out women they can use for sex and sex only. Which usually only serves to compound the problem by making them feel guilty... which makes them try even harder to please their significance other at the expense of their own needs.

Women with Mars in Capricorn tend to be logical about sex. They see it as a need that can be attained. They do not generally confuse sex with love, and they tend to be "good shoppers" who know their rights. All of which sounds terribly cold and unromantic. Unromantic, maybe, but these women once committed... tend to be both very warm and very wise.

Your Love Life
You want advancement and recognition. You are inclined to make quite specific demands on your mate or lover, these demands having to do with the sort of support you need to advance in life and gain the recognition you want. But you are not all take and no give.. you almost certainly demand a great deal of yourself when it comes to playing romantic roles. You tend to want the sort of love life described in novels, complete with the early phase of fireworks alternating with excruciating painful doubts, the eventual vows of eternal love, and a happy ever after ending. Buy this does not always happen, and even if it comes close, there will undoubtedly be some hum-drum or even turned-off periods. Expect these and do not take them too hard; they happen to everybody. You would do best with someone who has Venus in an earth sign, Venus in the 10th house, or a Venus/Saturn conjunction. (Note: contrary to popular belief, Venus conjunct Saturn does not automatically imply frigidity. In fact, I find it more often gives romantic intensity.

Mars in Aquarius
Energy levels: high mental energies. Adequate practical energies. adequate to low emotional energies, low physical energies.Type of energy: mentally-dynamic, truth-seeking, scientific. Energy often channelled into: avoiding restrictive relationships and possessive people, discovering truth, humanitarian causes. Strengths: friendliness, originality, independence. Lacks: conformity, empathy, respect for tradition.
Mars is at its best when it has a physical outlet. Aquarius is an intellectual sign and loathes to expend any more physical energy than it has to. Consequently, Mars tends to be uncomfortable in Aquarius and may not be as productive here as it is in some other placings. If you are convinced of the importance of a cause or course of action, there's no problem, as this gives you the motivation to take physical action. Otherwise, the energy of Mars can get bottled up inside where it creates inner conflicts and nervous tension. The source of conflict is very often a conflict between your need for friends and your need to be an individual in the truest sense. This latter need tends to make you scornful of things like tradition and conservatism, and hence makes some people a little wary of you, which of course, makes you uncomfortable and makes your inner conflict more pronounced. Often you can do well in areas like electronics, science and writing, where your originality will be appreciated rather than frowned on.
Sexually you are experimental and prefer to play the field for awhile before settling down. Men in particular find it easier to have women as friends than to have them as lovers... they do not always have an easy time keeping lovers happy.
Though kind, they tend to be brotherly rather than lover ly and can have a detached, almost clinical attitude toward sex that can earn them an undeserved reputation for cold-heartedness. These men may need to realise that while sex may well be just another normal bodily function, most women prefer it to have a little more mystique than, say flossing one's teeth or showering. Women with this placement tend to be turned on by intuition, truthfulness, and helpfulness. Mental orgasms are just as important... if not more so... to this woman as physical ones.

Your Love Life
You want friends and may be more comfortable with a platonic relationship than a passionate one. You want an interesting mate or lover and a relationship that evolves and renews itself continually. Being independent, you do not want a clinging vine or a terribly possessive partner. Your style of romantic/sexual expression is multifaceted, making it hard to generalise about you. Basically, you are idealistic; you may therefore do a lot of "market research" or keep your options open longer than some of your peers. You would do best with someone who has Venus in an air sign, Venus in the 11th house, or a Venus/Uranus conjunction or sextile.

Mars in Pisces
Energy levels: high but erratic emotional energies. Adequate mental energies. Adequate to low physical energies, low practical energies. Type of energy: unifying, erratic, intuitive. Energy often channelled into: serving others, unifying ideas or principles, looking for solutions to difficult problems. Strengths: charitable, receptive, imaginative. Lacks: consistency, drive, goals.
There are pluses to this Mars, but overall, it's a difficult placing. On a positive note, this position will help offset selfishness found elsewhere in the chart. It also makes you kind, forgiving, and a good listener. Usually it suggests shyness; people with this position are almost never aggressive and are frequently of the sort who apologise when someone else steps on their foot. But the potential problems are many. Sometimes there is a tendency to be too influenced by others. Other times there's a tendency to wander through life with no goals. In still other instances, there is a fear of the unknown in the material world that leads to involvement in religion or some form of psychic phenomena to the exclusion of all else. The emotions are almost always unpredictable, with ecstatic highs and a tendency to brood when depressed. This latter tendency need watching; if carried to extremes it can make you quite neurotic or even trigger a persecution complex.
Sexually? Well, Mars in Pisces can usually take sex or leave it alone. If it's a total union... spiritually, intellectually and emotionally... they will take it. If someone else needs it, they'll offer it.. particularly if the "needer" is a wounded bird, non-orgasmic, impotent, not awfully confident or his/her own sexuality, for example. Mostly though, Mars in Pisces is just as happy merely being held as he or she is being ravished. Mars in Pisces men are phenomenally patient: they therefore often attract women with various sorts of sexual hang-ups. Often they turn out to be just what the doctor ordered for these women.. though occasionally they will need a doctor for themselves by the time the affair's over!

Women with Mars in Pisces tend to be somewhat leery of closeness, as if they fear losing themselves and their own identities in the relationship. They often prefer friends to lovers for this reason, and invariably go through a phase of being terrified to discover that there are sexual feelings in the relationship. The terror is worse if she can trace these feelings within herself. However, once this phase is transcended (which it can be) this woman is loyal and loving, though she may always prefer the after-cuddles to the actual sex.

Your Love Life
You want time for contemplation. You do not want a terribly aggressive or sexually demanding mate or lover. Your sexuality and type of romantic self-expression is subtle.
You are not aggressive yourself and you do not like people who come on strong. Your overtures to possible romantic partners are sometimes so low-keyed that they get misinterpreted.... or even missed altogether. They may, in fact, be more instinctive than conscious much of the time, making it hard for you to figure out what's happening yourself. For this reason, you need a very perceptive and rather sensitive type of lover, someone who's willing to spend time and energy drawing you out of yourself. Someone with Venus in a water sing, Venus in the 12th house, or Venus conjunct Neptune would be ideal.
But if you have Mars in Pisces as well, you may be motivated strongly to repress this need. What if you have Venus in Taurus and Mars in Aquarius? Venus in Taurus NEEDS money and security.... but Mars n Aquarius wants to believe it can detach itself from materialism.

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Post by asro » Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:09 pm

Namsatey Astrologer50-ji

Sorry to address yous so. Thanks a lot for sharing this Mars info regarding its position in various signs. As you have mentioned  Mars relation with sex drive in the 12 signs , can we apply here Mangal dosha to the natural zodiac?
i mean mars placed in 1 (Aries) 4 (Cancer) 7 (Libra) 8 (Scorpio) 12 (Pices) ? please do share your thoughts


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Post by RoseRed » Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:28 pm

okay dokey  - well mars is placed in my chart in Leo 14.55. Which is also in my 10th House.

Mars in Leo
Energy levels; high physical energies. Adequate practical and mental energies, adequate to low emotional energies. Type of energy; confident, exuberant, dramatic. Energy often channelled into; getting to do what you want, being in charge, entertaining. Strengths; generosity, leadership ability, enthusiasm. Lacks; ability to work without recognition, humility, ability to play second fiddle.
You are an inspirational person and probably have a considerable amount of self-confidence. Your willpower is also strong. You have a quick but easily appeased temper. Normally you do not hold grudges. Sometimes you can be a bit too pushing, though, and if Mars is under stress you must watch out for a tendency to be domineering.
You have a direct approach when it comes to sex and you want what you want when you want it. Men with Mars in Leo are normally optimistic about their chances of scoring and have tones of ideas for the creative pursuit of the opposite sex.
Women with this placement can appear haughty. They are generally not looking for just any old passion; they want THE grand passion. Hence they dig their heels in and it takes some effort to sweep them off their feet. People with Mars in Leo generally have a tremendous amount of sex appeal even if not traditionally good-looking.

Your Love Life
You want - you demand - to be the centre of attention. You also want to achieve something in life and will not take kindly to having your goals interfered with. Your approach to sexuality is fairly direct. You do not necessarily come on strong, but you make your wants known and are not much on playing games. Probably you are faithful; certainly you expect fidelity from your mate or lover. For best results, choose someone who has Venus in a fire sign, Venus in the 5th house, or a Sun/Venus conjunction. Try to see that this Venus is not under stress from natal Uranus or from your own Uranus.


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Post by astrologer50 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:13 pm

is that a statement or questions? why don't you tell me how you think it works???? :smt004

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Post by ammo » Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:11 am

lol...I just checked my birth chart, mars in scorpio AND conjuct pluto.....no wonder I have problems lmao

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Post by astrologer50 » Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:28 pm

ammo wrote:lol...I just checked my birth chart, mars in scorpio AND conjuct pluto.....no wonder I have problems lmao
That aspect can inflate the ego lots. It can also give and attract physical violence..........so be careful. Great for the military or body guards  :smt003

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Post by ammo » Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:56 pm

Well, the ego part is right, when I get a complement I bat my eyelashes and run with it lol.

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Post by prashanth_ram2002 » Tue May 19, 2009 12:27 am

Is it applicable for Vedic Astrology or Western Astrology

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Post by RishiRahul » Wed May 20, 2009 7:29 am

Astrologer50 was talking according to Western Astrology,


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Post by 7thhousedweller » Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:08 pm

I have Mars in Gemini in the 5th house. It is very true about the need for an intellectual partner over everything else - I tend to fall for most of my college professors, especially the science professors because they are really into their field. I dated my last boyfriend way after the expiration date mainly because he was so very brainy, one of those technology/computer geeks who created his own video games. I actually really like artistic guys as well but I have yet to date someone who is an artist for a living. My thing is, as long as a guy is passionate about something and can talk about it a whole lot then I fall in love.

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Post by astrologer50 » Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:05 am

7thhousedweller wrote:I have Mars in Gemini in the 5th house. It is very true about the need for an intellectual partner over everything else - I tend to fall for most of my college professors, especially the science professors because they are really into their field. I dated my last boyfriend way after the expiration date mainly because he was so very brainy, one of those technology/computer geeks who created his own video games. I actually really like artistic guys as well but I have yet to date someone who is an artist for a living. My thing is, as long as a guy is passionate about something and can talk about it a whole lot then I fall in love.
I have mars in gemini in 5th too  :smt003. This is more likely to be something in your 7th house (marriage house, or one to one relationships) Do you have air sign ruling your 7th? or planets in 7th house?
Mars in Gemini describe what kind of energy is available or what you are using and house describes where you put that energy into practice, ie; children, romance, self employment, creative endeavours, holidays. Also suggests a quick time in labour if female (shelling peas)

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Post by QueenNephtis » Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:56 pm

Mars in aquarius... sigh I never know what I want in partner. I dont like too clingy, sometimes I love them sometimes I turn off... sigh

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Post by QueenNephtis » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:00 pm

ammo wrote:Well, the ego part is right, when I get a complement I bat my eyelashes and run with it lol.
I dated once one guy with this position! He scared me and attract me at the same time! I always thought he could do something aggressive even though he was sweet and I think he wouldnt in reality.

Is an sexual hidden dominating aura around. hahahahahah

I liked him, but I couldnt stand long... -.-  XD

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Post by k0nfident » Thu May 26, 2011 8:53 am

RoseRed wrote:okay dokey  - well mars is placed in my chart in Leo 14.55. Which is also in my 10th House.

Mars in Leo
Energy levels; high physical energies. Adequate practical and mental energies, adequate to low emotional energies. Type of energy; confident, exuberant, dramatic. Energy often channelled into; getting to do what you want, being in charge, entertaining. Strengths; generosity, leadership ability, enthusiasm. Lacks; ability to work without recognition, humility, ability to play second fiddle.
You are an inspirational person and probably have a considerable amount of self-confidence. Your willpower is also strong. You have a quick but easily appeased temper. Normally you do not hold grudges. Sometimes you can be a bit too pushing, though, and if Mars is under stress you must watch out for a tendency to be domineering.
You have a direct approach when it comes to sex and you want what you want when you want it. Men with Mars in Leo are normally optimistic about their chances of scoring and have tones of ideas for the creative pursuit of the opposite sex.
Women with this placement can appear haughty. They are generally not looking for just any old passion; they want THE grand passion. Hence they dig their heels in and it takes some effort to sweep them off their feet. People with Mars in Leo generally have a tremendous amount of sex appeal even if not traditionally good-looking.

Your Love Life
You want - you demand - to be the centre of attention. You also want to achieve something in life and will not take kindly to having your goals interfered with. Your approach to sexuality is fairly direct. You do not necessarily come on strong, but you make your wants known and are not much on playing games. Probably you are faithful; certainly you expect fidelity from your mate or lover. For best results, choose someone who has Venus in a fire sign, Venus in the 5th house, or a Sun/Venus conjunction. Try to see that this Venus is not under stress from natal Uranus or from your own Uranus.

We're two then. ;)

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Post by Lost_Hope » Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:40 am

Mars in Scorpio
Energy levels: high in all areas

so true, want sex but passive!

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