Jupiter in Virgo

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Jupiter in Virgo

Post by swetha » Fri May 20, 2005 8:30 am

When Jupiter is in Virgo people begin to put their acquired "philosophy of life" to work in earnest. With Jupiter in Virgo, they are interested in practical applications for their ideas. With Jupiter in Virgo, they look actively for ways to fit their religious and ethical beliefs into their daily lives. Jupiter in Virgo is where the rubber meets the road regarding the usefulness of all your carefully accumulated experience and education.

The interval of Jupiter in Virgo indicates expansion and more learning opportunities in a specific area of your life life -- defined by the house placements which contain Virgo in your Natal Chart. The transit of Jupiter in Virgo lasts about a year. Jupiter in Virgo represents an important segment of development in the overall creative process of life and is part of the larger Jupiter cycle of philosophical applications and educational development.

The information available on Jupiter in Virgo, including how this energy affects your astrology sign ... and your life -- as shown by your individual astrological Natal Chart ... describes the way you deal with your religious beliefs, your advanced education -- either through the practical experience of living or in academic studies, your assimilation of "foreign concepts" as you learn how other people and other cultures live, your involvement with social welfare issues, and the way you set an example for others to follow with your "philosophy of life."

The information available on Jupiter in Virgo also describes the way you work with your "rules for living" during the time this placement is in effect, and how choices you could make to be more compatible with the energy of Jupiter in Virgo can help you work with the flow of your life and not against it.

Jupiter in Virgo brings a wonderful boost of affection and alliance to some astrological signs ... and represents frustration and irritability for others.

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