Mercury in Retro

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Mercury in Retro

Post by littlemoon » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:06 pm

Anyone besides me feeling the affects of Mercury gone retrograde?

it kicks my butt every time... especially in July and August...

communication with my BF hits rock bottom... we are having the WORST time communicating this week... best I can tell Merc went retro on the 23rd...

is there a way to avoid at least some of the intensity of this? the last 2 years everytime Mercury hits retrograde in July and August my life just spins... seems like everything is SO difficult... true to form vacation and other travel plans fell apart the last 2 years... projects fail, communication sux... relationships seem difficult...

any information or suggestions for some relief would be MOST appreciated...

guess I'll run over to the forum and introduce myself...

glad I found this place... :)

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Post by mbs730 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:09 pm

Well lets see, just out of no where my printer broke, my car stalled out..... and I am not fighting with my husband but, my family.. I hate when Mercury goes into retro too! Its a good time to clear out your closets and write your thoughts down. Because this is a nasty time. Fortunately it doesn't go on for that long but.... its still too often for my liking.

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Post by littlemoon » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:28 pm


funny you mention cleaning out the closets and making lists... cuz those are the only 2 things I thought I could manage to do today...

home sick from work... and I thought... well short of the computer what can I accomplish today... and who hits the NAIL ON THE HEAD? but you my friend...

gotta love it... think i'll start on that list now...

things I need to do...

nice to meet you:)

BTW: have you ever found anything that helps reduce the impact of merc in retro?

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Post by michelle2123 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:17 pm

Well a horrible thing happend Tues night. My daughter was staying the night at her dad's house and his girlfriend and my daughter was watching tv he left for a little bit and 4 men broke into his house while my daughter was in the house and they robbed the house. My daughter (she's 7.5) she ran and hid under the bed and they assulted my ex's girlfriend and my daughter started screaming and that scared the robbers off.

WHen my daughters dad just walked in right after they left and he was able to catch one of them and he beat the crap out of one of them and he is still sitting in jail for it, and they are going to charge my daughters dad with aggravated assult, when he was the victim.

My daughter is ok she still a little shaken up but she will be fine. Her dad and his girlfriend are moving.

But for some strange reason this reto isn't affecting me at all. Is that normal? Do some people not get affected?

My friend said she sat outside the other night and she can feel so much tension in the air.

How long is this supposed to last?


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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:38 pm

Mercury in retro is always a terrible time! This year seems the worst! We can grin and bear it until Aug 12th I think. . . NO communications

I had telephone appts with my lawyer twice and he was busy and they fell through. So much for trying to get my Workers' Comp case moving anytime soon. . .

Received a certified letter from the Hosptial I work for that I owe them $222.40 for insurance coverage while out on leave of absence and it was paid from my vacation days. I can't get that straightened out. In the same letter, they want a letter from a Dr. other than my own to certify I still have a back injury or I am terminated. . . 'tis all right, I am retiring. :)

And a refund I thought I had been double billed from Walgreens and went to the bank, to recover funds after signing legal documents waiting a week, turns out to be a charge from 2 weeks ago they did not post that was double posted on the same day. . . no refund!

I think it is time for me to 'kick back' and relax & let the world do its thing and expect nothing in my life to move forward until Mercury moves out of retrograde. . . Aug 12th? *laughing* I have no clue how to lessen the affect of this transit!

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Post by littlemoon » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:46 pm

well maybe SUMBUDDY can shed some light on how to lessen the burden of mercury in RETRO... cuz it is wreaking HAVOC on me...

floridalightworker... I see that I am just north of you... by a few hours...and have recognized some other floridians on the board so far...

too cool.... perhaps a close physical proximity will provide some power....??????????

rubbing my hands for energy.... can we block this energy????

nice to run into you...

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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:23 pm


Pleased to meet another Floridian!

Just maybe. . . we Floridians can create enough 'healing energy' from the state of Florida to have Mother Nature by-pass us with any more hurricanes this year! It was 'cleansed' with 4 last year! *laughing* I lived in Punta Gorda, when 'Charley' came up 'the Peace River' with a Cat 4 and took my house. . . enough already!!! I rent a room, now.

Seriously though. . . we could work together as a team with the purpose to 'heal' and make beautiful things happen. Nice to meet you!

You mentioned in one of your posts about being Native American, I am part Cherokee from Georgia. Mothers mother a full blood. I believe that is where most of my abilities come from. It was definately genetic. My dad was very gifted also.

I am happy you joined our forum! :smt039

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Post by michelle2123 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:39 pm

My mom's dad is half cherokee. My grandpa's mom is full cherokee and his dad is full french. And my father is full hispanic. So I got the hispanic, french and cherokee.

I haven't really been feeling to much from the retro but I have been feeling very tired and just don't feel like being around anyone latley. COuld that be a part of it ?


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Post by littlemoon » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:53 pm

Mercury stays in retrograde until Aug 30...

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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:19 pm


Thanks littlemoon. . . :smt100

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Post by mbs730 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:13 pm

Heya littlemoon, nice to meet you too :) And to be honest right now I am lost! LOL, my printer is bust, didn't receive an important message and my radiator in my car had to be replaced, and here I am with over $300 less LOL, thanks to this mess! Mercury in retro doesn't only affect your way of thinking but also transportation. I don't have problems with my car during any other time! Michelle, love your heritage!! So cool, with me, just Baltic, I am of Estonian/Latvian/Lithuanian descent. And actually littlemoon, Mercury goes direct on the 16th, its Pluto that goes direct on the 30th... uggh, that one will be a doozy once it goes into direct... Mercury I welcome more than anything :)


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Post by Benevolentwizard » Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:28 am


I always get amused when I hear all the ills of life blamed on retrograde Mercury. This notion that retrograde Mercury is the harbenger of everything that goes wrong in the world is a relatively new interpretation having only become popular in the later half of the 20th century. The traditional interpretation of retrogrades was that they weakened the effects of Mercury since this is the period when Mercury passes behind the Sun. I simply can not count the number of times I have heard someone blame some misfortune in their lives on retrograde Mercury when it was, in fact, direct. Through the years I have found found hard transiting aspects of the Moon and Mars to be to more likely candidate for such misfortunes. I'm sure many will continue to take the easy route and blame Retrograde Mercury, but to me it is simply a cop-out


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Post by littlemoon » Fri Jul 29, 2005 12:50 pm

Well Ben:
am certainly glad you find this amusing... laughter is a good thing...

perhaps you have an explanation to offer about why things go wonky for me in July and August of each year other than Mercury being in retrograde... since it's such a cop out...:)

I didn't know anything about Mercury in retrograde until last August... but there I was experiencing everything that the Astrologists attribute to it... as it was being described to me by a friend... I was blown away... I had 4 trips planned... all of which were cancelled... the commuication between my boyfriend and I and my boss and I was so diminished and confusing that I almost lost my boyfirend and my job...

the year before that, everything that could go wrong did go wrong for me in July and August... the list is LONG... so I will spare you, but again... all things that are mentioned under Mercury in retrograde... at that point in my life I had no knowledge of Merc in retro... so it's not like I was leaning on an outside definition of the so called source of the problems... or blaming Mercury...

there is a pattern in this, it happens to me repeatedly and consistently and does match what astrologists describe... so I challenge you my friend to offer something other than sarcasm here... it's fine that you are amused... but to say that I am copping out is really rather rude... and not the least bit helpful...

BTW, i never blamed "everything that goes wrong in the world" or "all the ills of life" on this station... I only mentioned travel and communication...

perhaps you'd like to enlighten us on why astrologers consistently mention things going wonky, things like communication, transportation, travel, etc. and how they are wrong... for surely they must be, if pointing to Mercury in retrograde when these things happen, is a cop out...

I would also like know on what authority you make such a claim. What credentials do you have to back up your criticism?

I am guessing that this is purely a personal opinion... and find it interesting that you chose to be critical rather than helpful...

it's also interesting to me that you chose to insult people who are having difficulties... it sorta contradicts benevolence, don't ya think...

well... benevolentwizard... hope today is a better day for you and that you find it in your heart to lift someone up...

peace, littlemoon

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Post by Benevolentwizard » Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:08 pm

Greetings littlemoon:

Since you have made a serious of statements, let me see how many I can reply to. First, in a previous post you stated that the current retrograde Mercury would last until Aug. 30. Mercury will, in fact, go direct on Aug. 16. If you doubt this, check your Ephemeris.

If July and Aug seem to hold a pattern of misfortune for you then you should find another candidate that Retrograde Mercury. Mercury goes retrograde 2 or 3 times a year depending on how the cycle run. Last year Mercury didn't go retrograde until Aug 10th and the previous year Mercury didn't go retrograde until Aug. 28. It was not in retrograde during July. Thus you make my point of people blaming misfortune on retrograde Mercury when it is not retrograde.

As to my credentails, I have been a student of astrology for more that 30 years, I have draw tens of thousands of charts, done thousands of readings, been teaching astrology for more that 20 years, have a substantail astrological library, and am a member of Metropolition Atlanta Astrological Society.

When you have been around astrology as long as I have, you will learn that there are many schools of thought about the nature of various astrological influences. I am of that school that believes that the Retrograde of Mercury weakens it's influence. This was the common interpretation of Retrograde Mercury for more than 2 thousand years. This malevolent view of Retrograde Mercury has only taken hold since the later half of the 20th century. That I still follow this traditional view is not meant as any insult or attack. I simply find it amusing when people claim some ill effect of an event that, as often as not, is not even occuring.

If you will look elsewhere on this board you will find several threads I have begun in an effert to help people better understand astrology. I write these in an effort to help other expand their horizons of astrology. That you would choose to show outrage of someone that holds a different view that you does not negate my honest attempt to help others see differnt ways of looking at astrology.


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Post by littlemoon » Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:24 pm

oh let me bow to the very malevolent Benevolentwizard..

I have surely been put in my ignorant place...

thank you so much for your BENEVOLENT enlightenment...

it was MOST uplifting...

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