
Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Post by swetha » Thu May 19, 2005 5:23 am


Venus and Mars have just been lovers and are clearly in the domain of Venus. She is composed and in charge of the situation, while Mars is overtaken with sleep. The Goddess of Love has vanquished the God of War. The problem is, we need some of the assertive properties of Mars if we are to make our way in the world. A horoscope dominated by Venus can show someone with great skill in relationship, a love of harmony and beauty, and a gracious affectionate nature. But the same person may show great difficulty when it comes to developing a successful professional life.

Ares (Mars) was just one of the lovers Aphrodite (Venus) took after being forced to marry the lame craftsman Hephaistos (Vulcan). She is independent in that she gives herself, after seduction if necessary, to any whom she desires, not to any who wants or needs her. Venus represents that side of us that seeks relationship to provide a mirror in which to see a reflection of ourselves. We are missing something necessary, and we fall in love with someone who shows it to us simply by acting as a mirror. We then feel better about ourselves. For Venus, relationships are not ends in themselves, but paths to greater self-definition.

The other great relationship factor in the birth chart, the Moon, looks for something quite different. The Moon is more concerned with family values, maternal care and nourishment than self-definition and fulfilment. Where Venus and the Moon are in conflict in the chart, we may have the scenario where one lives with one's spouse and family (the Moon) while having a secret (or maybe not so secret) lover on the side (Venus). It feels like fulfilment is impossible without both, yet the situation may be accompanied by great anguish. Fortunately, the astrology may show a way of living a fulfilled life without putting at risk our cherished relationships.
Last edited by swetha on Sun May 29, 2005 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by swetha » Thu May 19, 2005 8:11 am

Rules -Taurus and Libra
Day - Friday
Colors - Turquoise, pink and Teal
Human Body - Venus rules the throat, kidneys, veins, ovaries and generative system, hair, thyroid gland, oesophagus, skin, social diseases, anorexia.
Venus can be seen in the sky in the mornings and evenings before and after Sun set. It's elongation is noted as 48 degrees. Venus is the brightest of all the planets. The diameter is nearly 7,580 miles and it is slightly smaller than the Earth in size. Venus has no oxygen and has a dense atmosphere which obscures its surface features. Venus is also called as the Earth's Twin Sister.
The cycle of Venus is also variable like Mercury, sometimes taking as long as five months to traverse one sign of the zodiac cycle. But the energy of Venus is more balanced than Mercury. It projects slow, lingering, harmonious waves and is generally considered to govern everything that we esteem in life such as beauty, love and peace as well as relating to material values and earthly possessions.
Venus rules your social attitudes and behavior, and your aesthetic tastes and inclinations. It denotes female relationships and social interactions at every level. Venus indicates your values. It describes romance, marriage and other partnerships, capacity for humor, and the pursuit of pleasure.
Venus is the planet of love and beauty signifies harmony, union, life partner, vehicle, ornaments, sex appeal, business, happiness and well-being. Also signifies beauty, modesty, virtue, sincerity, artistic disposition, and conjugal happiness, refined and polished nature. Relations with opposite sex, attraction, love, passions and generosity are also governed by Venus.

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